La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 14, 1910, Image 6

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?e Carry
Perfered Stock Tea
Shillings Best Tea
Liptons Celon
Whue"hbuse coffee
Wadhams and Co.
Magnolia Blend 25clfc.
Give us a Trial Order
Royal Grocery Bakery
hi -
IIV M in
Is attained by the man who select a place which la approTM vf bis
wife an adaptable for his entire family, to live amidst inch condi-t
tlons approximate! Cut the keen eat Joy Imaginable. "Where are
such condition to be found In the rapidly growing North weatt 1111
you. Go to C J. BLACK. Be haa ft Urge amount of property listed to
Properfcty, Grain Farms, Bay Farms. Timber Lands, with or with
out imnroTemamtai Prtees rtsfct Let m ak ri.
). BLACK, The fieal Estate Maa
tf f f Vf Vf W W W W -1 V
We Want Your Wants
Our Want
Your want is placed before a thousand or moca H want -seekers
every day Cae you afford to spend one cent per word of your
want ad where results are the keynotes?
DAB Dill' .'... '
FOR SALE. Five room house, loU
74 x 110, on Cedar St between Main
and Washington. A bargain If taken
at once. tR. W. Leighton. Phone Red
4361. 1-88-24.
FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred Short
horn bulls, two and three years
old. O. Q. Taal, La Grande, Ore.
' L V. . . ..... '
There are no better dross than ours
nor can more carolui aurvtce or
more reasonable prhes be had. New
lin Drug Co
k'Oii HOT.
. OR RENT Five room house ', on
Adams Avenue. Enquire of Harris
French. Fair Store. 2-10-17.
La Grande shoe cobbler takes sud
den departure, family suffers.
The family of Samuel Nelson, liv
ing In the Barteiness house on- Ad
ams Ave., is said to be in a destitute
condition' following the sudden dis
appearance of the huBband and fa
ther.'who Is a cobbler having work
ed In a local shoe store for some
time. He dropped out of town about
two weeks ago and the family has
beep left to shift for itself. -
Neighbors have discovered the con
ditions and have come id the rescue
with food. The lady Is In critical
sealth and unless the reports from
the home ot suffering are exagger
a Full Line
40 c ";
. I
Ad Column
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room
on Fourth street, close In. Inquire
at the Observer office.' k
WANTED To buy 10,000,000 feet of
lumber. Will take mill cut deliver
ed at La Crande or other .- Eastern
Oregon points. W. R. Klvette, Box 20..
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Good wages. Apply at 902
Penn., between 9 and 12 a. m.
WANTED Competent" woman i"d'j
... sires" position; nursing preferred.
Call up Obresver for particulars.
2-11-16. ' d
ated, the place needs .attention from
local benevolent . societies and or
ganizations. '
Revhals closo at Island City with
splendid results.
The revival meeting, closed at Is
land City last night The meetings
have been a Buccess from the very
first. The opening service was held
three weeks ago last Sunday with a
very small atendance but an Increas
lng Interest was manifested by the
constantly increasing' attendance tax
iug the church's capacity. Forty
five bowed nt the altar . professtng
conversion. Iast evening two ad-
ults besides several children went
A strong Epworth League was or
ganized with a membership of 21.
with Miss Minnie Holman president.
Evangelist Batchelder's subject last
evening waB "crises"!' ' Hla vivid
word painting ot the famous Bur
lington Mt. Pleasant baseball tie
game was listened to with breath
less " Interest, from which many a
pointed lesson was drawn. An of
fering of $50.29 was tendered Rev.
Batchelor. Considering ' : that .this
was a free will offering and that Is
land City Is not a large place, It
shows ' the generous spirit of that
community. ! . .
Walla Walla, Wash, Feb. 11. To
the editor of the Observer I will pen
you a few lines In regard to the
Western .Trl-state baseball 'league
which I-'am at present organlzlng
and which f can say for certain will
be organized Immediately under pro
tection of the National Association of
Processional Baseball, regardless of
Boise, Nampa, Baker City and of La
Grande: I have just J.1 applications
fcnd only six clubs will be : admitted,
to I can promise" you the league will
be organized and In Class C: 1
Now In regard to La Grande, I
was very glad to see La Grande a
member of said league, n merely 'be
cause I have deep' respect, for the
good.loyal fans of that city, .and un
der the present condition and In such
a league these same loyal fans and
the public would he assured good
baseball, which they are undoubted
entitled to. Now as I 'have a recent
article clipped ' from a La Grande
paper stating that Boise, Nampa, Ba
'ker City and La Grande did not ap
prove of the Jack O'Brien plan to
enter the Western Trl-state League.
Now allow me to truthfully Btate
that O'Brien himcelf would not be
feo foolish as to organize such- a
league to travel' from Walla Walla
to Boise and would never have be
lieved, isuch, ,slmply because my past
1? years experience has taught me
better, ; and' furthermore, I desire to
state to the public through your pa
per that I merely wanted La Grande
tr have a franchise in said league
In due respect' for the fans and the
public and not for the one endeavor
i;g to promote , such a club In your
city T, myself, had the personal in
Station to promote the La Grande
end of it from a baseball standpoint
and I dare say that I no not know
of two merchants or business men In
La Grande who would assist the one
now endeavoring to promote base
tt.ll In La Grande to the extent of
five cents financially. . Let the people
there stand for such talk and await
their time..
I am thankful to know I can truth
fully state that in regard to baBe
ball I did all I promised for La
Grande in every way and hope they
i re ; fortunate enough to see good
baseball this season. " '.
I will be back In La, Grande short
ly and will talk the mater over with
a few prominent business men in a
business way J and to show all how
positive I. am, of my new league. I
have 38 players to date and in event
La Grande does not be a member
of a league outside of amateur base
ball. I faithfully to trans
fer a couple of game sor a couple
of series to. La Grande even' if we
have to play on the open lots pro
viding we are refused the privileges
of the baseball park.
Now I am writing thig epistle for
publication and. trust '.you. will pub
lish the same for me In your val
uable paper,, j,,. "'
Yours Sincerely, ' '
; ( . Jack, d. cbrjen.
. A Story of Ancient Rome.
""The Christian "Martyrs" (Selig) A
stjongly dramatic picture dealing
with the events in Roman times,
when It was almost a death war
rant to be known as Christians. The
stoiy is based npon the love of a
noble Roman citizen, for a Christian
slave girl and the Jealousy of a Ro
nm woman, an empress, who haa
'.he girl given to the lions. The
repllstlc scenery In the arena, the 1
4.el'ty with which It has been car
ried out, and the indefinite some
tl,,t.f which cannot be described, but
un be felt, Is eufflclent to cause one
to itop and consider what it might
live meant to be a Christian in
U.ose days. There is always s m e
thitg new and Interesting at t.c
War. Change tomorrow. -
Tne charm of these garments lies not alone in their beauty of line and in their
originality of design. It lies, as well, in their exclusiveness a.nd in the quality of
material used .in their making. The extra value you get in Wooltax cost you no extra",
money. If you wear Wooitexyou can be sure of having the best that dress canjdevise.
:f $5p;0C0.00 a year for Style i i
Wooltex Manufacturers spend annually, this amount simply for style. $50,000.00
to add grace and charm to
Mir Mrjiit'.'
Wo have just received and are showing a complete line of New Spring Wooltex
suits The only way to get Wooltex is garments is to be prompt as Wooltex dealers '
are finding it almost Impossible to supply the Increasing demand fcr. Wooltex .
Unexcelled in equality,
Taffeta silks, Pongee and
At the Scenic
y Manager Gardlnier Is elated over
the fact that this week he presents
the Musical Wilson's, something en
tirely different. The Boise States
man says that' this act is the best
musical act ever presented in Boise
and their costumes are the richest
ever presented on the Scenic stage.
The Romig . Twins will also be here
this week and In all this is by far
the strongest program presented by
the Scenic in many weeks.
Mrs. Tandccar
: Can be found at the Sommer House
Room 4, with a stock of hair goods,
Make up combings, tind buy them.
Dress and dye hair. Will grow hair
on bald heads. . Try one bottle of
the tonic. ' 2-14-20
Notice of Rates.
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell
round trip excursion tickets from
Portland. Oregon only, to Los Ange
les and return as follows;
f Date of Sale, March 19th. The go
ing limit will be six days with final
return limit of 90 days from the date
of sale. Stopovers will be permitted
ou going trip within the going limit
on the return trip, at any point en
route within the final Hmlf There
are two kinds of tickets to be sold.
One ticket is a straight fare ticket
the other is a ticket that include
transportation on the railroad, Pull
ma ssleeper, on going trip, meals In
dining car on the going trip, Hotel
acommodatlon, special drives, elec
tric car rides and other special fea
On the straight fare ticket the
fare will be $40.50. On the special
feature ..ticket the fare will be $80.40.
The tickets under the $40.50 rate
will have to be validated for return
passage at Los Angeles The other
tickets do not require validation.
Please understand that these tick
ets are sold from Portland only, and
passengers desiring to take thl3 trip
from this territory will be required
to furnish their tickets to Portland,
and return. ' "-
J l o
the garments you wear.
if Willi'" U.'iW tJofrija fU-.u .'v::
your Spring Suit
Lucille Dresses for Ladies
style and tailoring Were showing several nw desitns in
intending passengers can be secured
from this office upon application. .
- tt vmTMvvmw - a i ' 1
j. ti. itcruNui, Ageni.
Our prescription department has
the approval of your physician anJ
should be patronized whenever you
have prescriptions or recipes to be
compounded. Newlln Drug Co.
Notice to Creditors r
ceased. Notice Is hereby given that
the undersigned has been appointed
by the County Court of Union county,
Oregon, sitting in probate,' adminis
tratrix of the estate of Calvin R.
Thornton, deceased; and all persons
Estate of Calvin R. Thornton, De
having claims against the said estate
are hereby notified to present them,
duly certified, to the undersigned at
her residence In La Grande, Oregon,
or at the law office of Jno. S. Hod
gin, in said city, within six months
from the date of the flrht publication
of this notice. ' '
First Publication, January 25, 1910.
School District Bond Election Notice
Notice is i hereby Liven that at a
meeting of School District No. 1, of
Union Co nty. Oregon, to be held at
the high school building in said dis
trlct, on the 26th day of February,
A. D., H910, there will be submitted
to the legal voters of said district
the queRtlon of contracting a bonded
debt of Seventy-five Thousand Dol
lars for the purpose of building a
school building and for repair of
Bchool buildings and for the pnrshase
of land for school purposes, the vote
to be by ballot upon which shall be
the words "Bonds-Yes and the words
"Bonds-No.. , '
Polls to be open at 1 o'clock p. m.,
and remain open until .4 o'clock p
m: '
By order of the Board of Directors
of School District No. 1, of Union
County, Oregon.
Dated this 6th day of February A.
d., mo.
Chairman of the School District
Board of Schaal District No. 1.. of
Tnlon County, State of Oregon: .
ART. :i"i: C. WILLIAMa
Clerk of School District No. 1, of
Union County, State of Oregon.
- .
lt a man wishes to be treated with
courtesy he should shoWcourtesy to
, ' ,&
!-! h f.i ( :;s --i ; .. , ; A
' -A
3 cups Granulated sugar
J J cup water
J I cop of Corn Syrup J
Put in kettle and boil
until it threads then pour
J .1-2 into whites of 2 eggs
thai have been beaten stif,
Cook the other 1-2 until!
It hardens in water. Bnt
I together untHl it begins to
set then add I cup chopped
... . a
Walnut e
iiu yvui on OUT' e
tered platler until cool J
"9 ' ...... A
enougn to cm into blocks. I
We Haveit
Any further Information desired by
. ' '' u.? "... ...