La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 10, 1910, Image 4

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    - - -
,gLl!r : i W
Van Camps ' Concentrated
Prepared from the choicest auterlal aad la a cleanly luitr fcj aa expe rleaeed chef, Meek Tartle, Tomato, Bullion, Tegatable, Ox Tail and Chick-
Pablished Daily Except SaDday.
United Press Telegraph Service.
Oalli. lnelo copy 6c
ally, per month 63c
, tally, six months In advance ...$3.50
tally, one year in advance $6.50
Weekly, six months In advance . . 75c
Weekly, one year In advance ....$1.00
Entered at the poetofflce at La Grande
as second-class matter.
This paper, win not publish any
article appearing over a nom . de
ylome. Signed articles will be rt
eiaed subject to tUe alacretVoa at tka
editor. Please alga your articles atid
save disappointment
aeverusiag Kites.
Local reading notices 10c ger line
tfrst Insertion; per line foe each
vbseauent Insertion.
Resolution of condolence, (c a line.
--- yN n"' rtt-rrT'illl"l,"'- u r...?w. n srwmrr
11 li
People demand amusement .
, . Peoule Demand Amusement '
There is no no use trying to de
ny the fact that many people like
amusement rather than instruction,
and they prove the stateraemnt by
their actions, very sagely says the
Baker City Herald.
Last night one of the best shows
on the road held forth at the Baker
Theatre and the result was a crowd
ed house. But there was really no
. thing to the show but goqd, , clean
fun, and there was plenty of that.
A few nights ago Bishop Scaddlng,'
one of the truly great men of the
, West, delivered a lecture In Nevlus
! Hall on the "Life of Christ" and
he did not have more than two doz-
en people to hear him. His enter
f tainment was instructive, it was up
lifting and worthy of the support of
everyone. The show we speak of
was a production full of laughter,
foolishness and good nature. While
It received applause In quantity and
was the talk' of the town, Bishop
" Scaddings' lecturo was scarcely men
tioned next day following Its dell ?
alt i
15c Tomatoes - -15c
Carnation Cream
35c Vanilla Extract -25c
Vanilla Extract
25c Crescent Baking Powder
7 Bars Diamond C Soap -Q
Arm and Hammer Soda -15c
iowels - g-" V 1
Local View Postcards
Men & Ladies 50c & 65c Underwear
Gnat Bargains in Crock ry, Glassware, China &
i trdSSSSM
- lec
- 10c
- 21c
- 9c
Yet the biBhop had put more work
on his lecture, studied harder, con
sulted more authorities than most
of the Shakesperlan actors to Bay
nothing of the burlesque shows such
as the cue that 'delighted two-thirds
of Baker's population. i
The lesson drawn from this is ve
ry plain: People will be entertains 1
and amuBcd rather than listen at-
Jkentlvelly to a deep and' uearned
.talker .handle .a subject. There Is
no use to criticise or rail or rant
about this condition of affairs, it
exists and what are you going to
do abuot It?
: Pome ,newspK.r 'jtoJH'of Taftfs
visit to the coast and in mentioning
his appearance, his addresses and
the reception accorded hlni offered
the last trip of Roosevelt In' compar
ison, drawing the conclusion ,thut
Roosevelt was an entertainer whl'c
Taft was more of the nature of a
Jurist. And the conclusion drawn
, was that the people followed Roose
yelt and Warmed up to him because
be was an entertainer whije Taft's
reception was almost chilly.
This Is but another. Illustration of
the desire for entertainments. An
other example: The local minister
works hard on his sermons, reads
his bible to a studious manner. He
faces a mere handful of faithful
churchgoers on Sunday morning and
wonders why people do not attend
church. Then a slang dispensing
bishop happens In calling himself
an evangelist. He raves and roars
and swears; talks on dellcato sub
jects, and holds meetings for men
only and for women only. He may
cany a singer. What is the result?
People turn out by thousands; they
applaud him. dine rim and almor,t
fall at tls feet and worship him.
This (s another form of entertain
ment rather than genuine thought.
The past month ' had witnessed a
very active condition of the real es
tate market and quite a numberof
Important transfers of property have
been made, notably the recent pur
chase of 520 acres by P. C. Lavey of
Portland at a cost of $65,000, says a
Newberg, Ore., dispatch. This body
of land is three miles from the city
In the Chehalem Valley district and
Joins another recently platted tract
of C00 acres. Mr. Lavey has his en
gineer on the ground making surveys
for laying out all this area Into or
chard lots for apples and other fruit.
Intending to plant It this spring
with fruit trees and English walnuts.
Planning to increase the fallliifi
lobster supply, the United States
Fisheries Department will trans
plant n carload In the waters r
Yaqulna Cay. Whether the loV
slers will thrive there Is not known
but it is though conditions are right
for them. Lobsters 'demand a rocky
bottom, without silt deposited by ttie
nearby rivers, which is the case at
Yaqulna. This is tho reason assi
gned for the failures of experiments
made heretofore In trying to grow
logsters in Pacific waters. Senator
Bourne has been agitating the mat
ter and has secured the promise of
Fish Commissioner Bowers to make
the experiment at Yaqulna.
Our anti-meat strike Is not with
out precedent. In Germany several
years ago a similar movement was
successful In bringing about a re
duction of prices. It Is a new thing
lu this country, hovever. Just what
result the prevailing high prices or
necessities will have on future leg
islation Is a problem that Is being
given careful consideration not only
by politicians but financiers. So
cialism has been dormant in this
country for the past three years but
It might take advanced strides by
trust prices oa everythtefc.
cent, states an Exchange.
As an Index to the unusual growth
of business In and around Vale dur
ing the past year, these figures from
the books of the Oregon Short Line
railroad branch office here are sig
nificant. During January, 1909, the
gross receipts at the office here for
freight were $3600; the gross re
ceipts for January. 1910 were $24,938
an Inoease of more than 1000 per
An event that is of wide interest
is a complimentary banquet to be
given Judge George H. Williams,
Oregon's grand old man on his 87th
birthday, March 27 at Portland. As
Attorney General in Grant's cabinet
and prominent in the nation's his
tory throughout his life, Judge Wij-:
Hams commands the respect and af
fection of all Oregonlans and the
most prominent people of the city
are proud to show him honor.
4 A
With feeding grounds covered with
snow for the longest period in 20
years, bobcats, coyotes and lynx have
been numerous In the country con
tlglous to Bristol, Wash., this win
ter. Sunday three coyotes blocked
the Johnson Board, one mile north
of Bristol, only moving to the sides
of the road wheu a horseman passed
and when shot at merely keeping
it of gunshot range.
It has become such a safe prece
dent that whenever the foreman of
a printing offlce calls for a few lines
to fill a certain space In the closing
of the forms for the news editors to
simply say that Dr. Cook has been
seen in a certain European city, Id
entlfled by an American tourist.
There is little danger of being caught
is Dr. Cook is keeping migh'.y quiet
.liese days. ' '
A new Grand Army post will be
j mustered In at Montavilla next
I Thursday. The new post will be
known as McKinley post No. 45, and
will be mustered in by Commander
J. It. Shaw, Department of Oregon
G. A. R., assisted by members of his
olTlclal staff. O. II. Prink is commander-elect
of the new post which
starts off with 20 charter members.
The city council of Bozeman, Mon
tana, makes an annual appropria
tion for the purchase of flowers
w.d their distributing through the
trains that pass through the city.
Every passenger gets a flower at
Boitman, and the city pays for It
They have their parka and their
flower houses. They make It a p-.dnt
to raise flowers enough to keep ap
the supply all the year, and the rail
way company co-operates to the ex
tent of making the distributions.
Wert Bo j td.
No. Mail, ar. 10:60 p. m.
No. 6 1. vws. ar 10:05 p m
No, 7- Chi tpi ar. 9:25 a m
at Boaid
No. 10-Mall, ar. 5:30 . m.
No. C, lCsA pa-; ar 9:25 a. at
No. 8. CM. tsL ar W w
HJ $ O
Pihesaive CTS lIIE roctnci
Car bonzedtsS
There are no b.tter drugs than ours
nor canmore careful service or
more reasonable prices be had. New
lin Drug Co
POR RENT Five room house on
Adams Avenue. Enquire of Harris
French, Fair Store. 2-10-17.
Bargnins in Ileal Estate.
NO'. I. 157 acres Sanctridge land,
near lmbler; a good five, room
house, barnj and other out build
ings. 10 acres,, good orchard of
which 8 is la good bearing; 80
acres in fall wheat, 10 acres In hay,
balance all good grain or potato
land, all under good fence, one mile
from the town of lmbler, 1-2 mlfe
from school. About $1000.00 worth
,of nearly new household goods and
farm Implements goes with the
place at the price of $16 956, Easy
No. 2. 80 acres, 7 miles from La
Grande, all under cultivation, good
S-room house, good barn and all
kinds of outbuildings. About two
acres family orchard. 60 acres In
alfalfa and timothy hay, good wa
ter right R, F. D. by the door.
1-2 of a mile from school. About
$400 worth of personal property
goes with the place at the price of
No. 3. 20 acrea adjoining the above
tract; splendid land well adapted
to fruit growing or anything else.
4 small house and under fence.
Price $1300.00.
No. 4. 60 acrea, 7 miles from La
Grande. Good aew 5-room house,
good bare and other oatbuOdlngv
Two good living springs, aad a
tream of water for Irrigation; all
under good cultivation. R. p. d.
by the door. Telephone line. Price
No. B 152 1-2 acrea near the Con
rely ware aousea, all to fall wheat
and alfalfa hay; good Improve
ments, if told at once can he pur
chased for
mntG Theatre
Week Beginning Febuary 7
Unequalled Vaudeville- Al
ways Something New
J. T. Carrier-
America's premier foot'inggler.r Died from the Orpheum
Fleming & Love,
- comedy musical act
Doian Liiiy
in illistratedjongs
Pictures Change times each Week
O We Always Have1he Best 01 weDon't Show .
t : ' "
- ; I -
Two Shows eiefyeyerfio.- Doors open at 7:15 snd 84
Admission 10c and 20c Matiruelkedntsday end Safi7
day,lAdmission5c and 10c -
Don't MissiThisf Show
f 0 10 the Pnson Rotming land iBoarding
lXi5eor Nwly Fmished Rooms
niiy, noora in connection
I RatesReasonabltf$l$$ '
utUKUt; PALMER, Pres.i w L. RRENHfti Tq .
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus $180,009.00
George Palmer C r p, .
F.J.Holmes Q e"ln8S
W.J. Church FM
F. L. Meyers W L R,1 lr
W. M Pierce L Brenh0"S
With our ample resources and facilities we can ren-x
der you effidtnt service and handle your harness
w your entire satisfaction
No. . A modern 5-room house and
lot 60x120, In a good location and
oa eash terms for $2200.00.
No. 7. Two lota oa Fourth atreet, 4
roora house, small barn, city water
and good welL Can be aold on the
lnstallement plan for $700.00.
No, S. For 1775.00, one of the best
houses tn Old Town; 7-room house,
stone foundation. Two lota, a anap
if takes at once.
No. 8. Three mon house aad one lot
Oa JefferSOB at. Hobs fnrntaiA
H for the very low nn...
No. is a fWW
No. 10.-A Ave room brick modern
aa fenced for $2000.00.
;V m cottaga oa -0-close
la. two lota, dtr
w barnto" t amy tlm
whether you hay or aot
Toara respectfully. ' -!
C. J. BLACK, the Real Estate If aa.
good wen; wood ahed oa the alley.