OOP 1an C aos-Conceiifrafetf Prepared frem the choicest material and In a cleanly manner by an expe rleaeed caei, Meek Turtle, Tomato, Bullion, Yegatable, Ox Tall and Chiek-ea . f AT7S0N 6 dOS.GROCERIES Phone Black 81 ; . i r ; ( is OA I 5 v'f. LA GRAHQL EVENING OBSERVER Published Daily Except Sunday. .... GEOBtiK 1L CUBBET. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, Called Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Dailj, dngle copy .. . t (o ' ally, per month .. 6Cc ally, alx months In advance ...$3X0 ''Tally, one year in advance ,..,.$8.60 feekly, alx months in advance . . 76c Weekly, one year In advance ....$1.00 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande ' as seconcl-"cUs matter. clearance: sale: i Thia. paper wni not publish any . article appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be re vised subject to fVa iiacretSaa Of Do editor, Pleaee men your irtlcles uud save aisappointmejjf. Local' reading notices lOe oer line . rst Insertion; Be per line for each J subsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence. Se a line. Mayor Armbruster, of North Yaki ma, his chief of police and six coun cllmen are made defendants in two actions for damages brought as the result of posting lists of habitual jflrunkards in the saloons and for bidding saloon keepers to sell liquor . to men whose names appeared on these lists. The plaintiffs are W. R. Benham, butcher, and Frank- Hall, both asking $50,000. Counctlinen who are made defendants are Mull, Cul ver, Schorn, Pease, Wenner and Shaw The comulalnts say lists were posted without due authority and that said , lists led the public to believe that the plaintiffs were habitual drunk ards. These lists were first posted In the saloons on Feb. 1st, but were removed the same day on the advice of the city attorney. We Mu t Make Room for our Spring Goods avs Clearance Sal Begins at the e - 6niG -Theatre ' f -m"' 2jQ fl 0 n a OT ST 3 Monday, February 6th - Modern commercial activity Is em phasized by the ' progressive spirit Of the Medford commercial club. It has a membership at present of 562 and when one realizes that there is an initiation fee of $5 in addition to the monthly dues, one gets a better appreciation of the reason why, peo ple hear so frequently of the Rogue River city. The Commercial Club of Walla Walla Is determined that no one hall be missed by the census man when he comes to Walla Walla and have Issued warning to all the inhab itants to be In their houses when ' he comes. It this cannot be they are urged to send a complete expla nation to the club. 0 It la showing the proper respect now for a gentleman to take off bis tat to a load of hay and he should fall on his knees to a cord of wood, Jeffries says It will be a fight be tween the white race and the nigger. It might the the "yeller" against the -Mack. Make a good guess on the census Of the county and then you can say "I told you so." Croceries Tinware Crockery Glassware Graniteware hosiery Underwear Notions Keey yout eye on our new Window for Bargains show VJeek Beginning January 31 . Unequalled Vaudeville Al ways Something New The Old Time Favorites Here Once More Walters and Murray lnmJheir Comedy Sketch The Hired Hand ff e Suit Case Automobile Do not fail to see this as it is a novelty Something New Edlmlay " lie Ventriloquist with his life size Irish dummy Mike Pictures Change 3 times each Week ITe Always Have the Best otamwe Don't Show ... Two Showslevery evening. Doors open at 7:15 and 5:45 Admission 10c and 20c. Matinee Wednesday and Satur day,Admission 5c and 10c Don't Miss This Show 9 Mti Supply Intaise It Is thaw. a long winter that Ms no SNSOBS ARE PICKED JJJT OF THOSE WHO WILL H1YI BOADS TO C1UB FOE. fty eoart selects names for earn ceanty road district A complete list of the road super yisora for the coming year has been named by the county court The ' I list follows: DlBtrlct No. one. H. W. Gent. District No. two, W. M. Porter. District No. three Sam Thompson. District No. four, J. B. Breshears. District No. five, A. Wealty. District No. six, E. E. Jones. District No. seven, J. E. Saplngton. District No. eight, M. D. Sanderson. DlBtrlct No. nine, Jacob End. DlBtrlct No. 10. Not appointed. District No. 11 F. L. Brooks. District No. 12, George Ruckman. District No. 13, Garret Top. DlBtrlct No. 14, Ole Mateson. District No. 15, Nela Endrup. District No. 16, J. M. Jones. District No. 17, Not appointed. District No. 18, W. S. Montgomery District No. 18, W. O. Sherwood. District No. 20. F. H. Owsley. District No 21. C. E. Golden. DlBtrlct No. 22, Not appointed. District No 2S, Mr. Lovely. District No 24, George Chadwlck. District No. 25, Royal Jones. District No. 26, Frank Roff. District No 27. J. H. Rodman. District No. 28, Frank Hemps. District No. 29, Fred Nice. District No. SO. Jas. E. Gllklnson. District No, tl. Will Frailer. District No. 22, R. II. Duncan. District No. It. L. Drumsmith. District No. 14. Ed Shaw. District No. 15. 3. M. Crogan. District No. 16. Not appointed. District No 17. John 8peckbart District No. 18, Not appointed. District No. M. Willis Wright District No. 4$. S. B. Hamilton, v ' . We have a fine new line of Hot Water Bottles. They are the reli able kind, are guaranteed for more than a year and coBt you no more than the doubtful sort Newlln Drug Company. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of W. E. Anderson and A. Anderson, as partners, under the firm name of Grande Ronde Hard ware Company and the Imbler Hard ware Company, and individually, Bankrupts: To the creditors of W. E. Ander- Bon and A. Anderson, of Imbler, in the County of Union and District aforesaid, a bankrupt Notice is hereby given that on the 2d day of February, 1910, the said W. E. Anderson and A. Anderson were duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of their cred itors will be held in the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy in La Grande, Oregon, on the 16th day of February, 1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claim, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupts, and transact such other business as may properly eome be fore said meeting. ' JNO. 8. HODGIN. , Referee hi Bankruptcy. February Bth, 1910. M-T. The Oregon Co to the Oregon Roeming and Boarding House For Newly Furnished Rooms - Dining Room in Conhection Rates Reasonable MRS. G. E. MOORE, Prop. Fer Sale Fire and burglar proof safe, nearly new, at a bargain at UcKennon, Fhy ft Roberts. Bargains In Real Estate. NO. 1. 157 acres Sanarldee land. near Imbler; a good five room house, barns and other out build lags. 10 acres good orchard of which 8 is ia good bearing; 80 acres in fall wheat 10 acres in hay, balance all good grain or potato land, all under good fence, one mile from the town of Imbler, 1-2 mile from school. About $1000.00 worth fit nearly new household goods and farm Implements goes with the place, at the price et $16,956, Easy terma. No. 2. 80 acres, 7 miles from La Grande, all under cultivation, good 6-room house, good barn aad all . kinds of utbaildlngs. About two acre family orchard, 60 acres in alfalfa and timothy hay, good wa ter right R. F. D. by the door. 1-8 of a mile from school. About $400 worth of personal property goes with the place at the price of te.400,09. No. 8. 20 acres adjoining the above tract; splendid land well adapted to fruit growing or anything else. A. small house and aaler fence. Price $130.M. No. 4. CO acres, 7 miles from. La Grande. Good new 5-room house, good bars aad other oatbnfldlaga. Two good Irving' springs, aad a stream at water tor Irrigation ; all uader good cultivation. It F. D. by the doer. Telephone line. Price $l,00l.t0. Ne, IV 111 1-2 acres near the Osa . rely war heusea, all ia fall wheat and alfalfa hay; goed iaprave aseata. If sold at oace caa he pur chased fer tH.6ee.t0, S?LAJbMER' P-- W. L. BRENH0LTS,:As8t.Cash. FTJHOLmes, Vlce-Pres.V SHERWOOD WILLIAMS, 2nd jAsst: Cash F. L.JM EYERS,'Cashier . LA GRANDE NATIONALBANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 (DIRECTORS GeorgelPalmer C. C. Penington F. J. Holmes G. L. Cleaver W. J. Church F. M. Byrkit F. L. Meyers W. L. Brenholts W. M Pierce With our ample resources and facilities we can ren der you effidsnt service and handle your business to your entire satisfaction No. I. A modem B-room house and lot 60x120, In a good location aad oa cash terms for $2260.00. No. 7. Two lota oa Fourth street, 4 roont house, snail bara, city water aai good welL Caa be sold aa tte installement plan for $7M.OO. No. 8. For 177f .lt. one of tha best houses ta Old Tewa; 7-room house, stone foundation. Twe lota, a snap it taSasa at oace. No. t. Three room house aad one lot oa Jeffersea at Baaaa furnished, good well; wood shed oa tha alley. all for the very low price af $5M. No. M.-A five room brick modem house, bam. wood shed, two lots, 124x124. small orchard, shade trees, an fenced for $2000.. -o. 11,-A fear room cottage on fT t, elosa tm, two lota, city watsn, ' anl wood shed. Oa easy terau at tha remarkably low price of $1400. I wfll bo pleased to show yon any of tha above bargains at aay tone. whether yon buy or not. Toara retpectfatty. C J. BLACK, the Keal Estate llaa, 4 I