ii J i I TTHT TTT TT TV uA GRANDE, u NION, ubu n x x ,).ttON. V SATURDAY, "FEBSUAB Y 5. 1910 TTT rT TT r-f is I'lll'f II ACID INTO THROAT SEATTLE HAS CRIME THAT IS A NEW VENTURE IN THE ANNALS OF SOUND CITY CRISES FORCES ACID DOWN UNCON- 8CI0US MAN'S TIIEOAT. An to Racing at New Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 5. Six races,' twenty-five miles, are to be decided In the Mardl Gras racing meeting here today. Motorist from all over the land are here, including Ralph de Palma, the famous track and road racing driver, who makes his first appearance In competition since one of his legs was broken in a track race at Danbury, Conn., last sum mer, . de palma Is still ''' hobbling around on a cane. "..'.' When unconscious robbers pour car bolic acid down his throat lias friends In St Paul but can't lo cate addresses Was of big phy slque and (ought to prevent death at hsnds of the two thugs. hlnd by two or more men and gar Toted and dragged Into an alleyway 'and then robbed and deliberately kill ed by having carbolic acid - poured down his throat as he lay . on the ground unconscious was the fate be falling Charles A. Gunstead. The dead body was found at two o'clock this morning on Post street, near Yessler Way, by a Greek named Martin Mevslck. and it now lies In the morgue awaiting advices from the man's relatives who live in St. Paul but whose addresses are un known. . The inquest will be held today or tomorrow. The murder of Gunstead Is one of the most unusual and fiend ish acts ever committed in Seattle. There is not a mark on the man's body save the acid burns around the mouth. The man Is of such' power ful build that It certain that he put up a 'uard" fight before being over powered. ... FUGITIVE SHOOTS SELF BARRICADED FROM POSSE SEVERAL DATS FOR Driven insane from loss of sleep, fu gitive commits suicide , CHIME ARTIST 1 EXPOSED SINCE ARREST OF WFJ. GOHL MATT TALK WHO DARED NOT WHILE BE WAS AT LIBERTY ABERDEEN EMBITTERED AT I WORK OF OUTLAW, GOHL. Many new murders and sets of-ar son discovered and laid at door of ' Imprisoned seaman Former friend cowed by threats, dares now to U1I of what Gohl has done in the . , ' ' way of murder and arson. :; Walker, Minn., Feb. 5. After being besieged In a fortified house for two and mortally wounded Howard Sex ton,, committed suicide today just ai the posse and deputy sheriffs wer preparing to storm hlB barricades The defense of McDonald was spec tacular. He was pursued by. dspu ties and police and fled to his home in which he took refuge. After bar Heading the windows and doors, hi stationed himself near one of the openings and kept the pursuers at bay. For 'more than 48 hours the desperate man fired at every head appearing within range of his gun. Finally, driven almost insane from loss of sleep he turned the weapon adopted a plan for storming the bar ricades, when they heard the shot and reconnoitered. They discovered the body of McDonald. McDonald is reported to have shot Serton for re fusing to buy htm a drink. ' DEFENSE HAS RESTED CASE 1 REBUTTAL EYIEENCE INTRODUCED MONDAY BY HENEV IS TEE PRESENT SCHEDULE OF CASE LAST GUN FIRED BY THE ' DEFENSE AT SOON TODAY. Court has adjqurned until Monday Jury will get the case some time In the middle of the week unless new matters crop out Last evi deuce introduced by Hermann not .. - '..' . of material weight. Big Athletes Compete. New York, Feb. 5. More than two hundred athletes are entered for the annual mid-wluter games of the Ir ish-American athletic club. Among the out of town champions who will compete are. James Rector, the country's greatest sprinter; and Bobby Kerr, . the fast Canadian sprinter. Also Wilton Paull, the great half mller of the University of Pennsylvania. A dozen other unl versltles, which Include Boston and Peensylvanla and Chicago have sent on full teams. T TWO DOZEN TAKE EXAMS LOCAL CIYIL SERVICE SECRETA RT SUPERINTENDS 0 HERDS GIVEN TESTS SAWYER AND GROUT HERDS ARE FOUND TO BE FREE CF THE DREADED CESEASE GOVERNMENT AGENT GIVES ATTENTION TO DAIRIES. Work of testing dairy herds in and about La Grande has commenced ,No trace of disease in those alrea dy tested Public has been anxious to see the tests applied in and about La Grande. TIE BILL IS RETURNED GRAND JURI IN SESSION BUT SHORT TIME TODAY. Holmes and West Indictment and old matters corrected up. ' After being in session a few hours today the special session of the grand Jury came to an end with the return of one true bill against the two boys, Holmes and West, held for burglary, not in a dwelling house. Aside from probing the box car case, the grand jury took up the mat ter.of correcting clerical errors in some old Indictments, and this done, the jurors adjourned sine die. LATER Harry West and Harry Holmes this afternoon pleaded guilty and waiving time, sentence was pas sed by Judge Knowles, West receiv ing a sentence of two years and Holmes three years In the penlten tlaryM. The reason Holmes received a greater sentence 'was due. to the fact that his previous record showed be had served time from this county a few years ago., ..... Fair Officers. The agrlclutural officers met. with the board of directors of the Union County Exposition Co., and elected from that company Fred Currey to act as secretary for the Agrlcultu ral Society for the ensuing year. Prpsldent J. D. McKennon, La Grande. Commissioners C. D. Huffman, of La Grande; F. E. Smith. Elgin; S. F. Pace, of Enterprise; and C. T. Mc Danlel, of Wallowa. ELE TI N IS FIXED HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION UP FOR VOTE ON FEB. 27 School board Issues notice of special - school meeting here February 27th Is the date of the school election to accept or reject the Issue of $75,0000 bonds for repair of the grade schools and the building of a new high school. The school board met last night and acted on the petition already filed with , them with signature from sufficient of the large taxpayers. The date of the election was set for Feb. 27th. There was little else of importance trans acted besides this. is throbbing with great Interest oever the' most sensational murder , case It has ever had and citizens who have kept silent as long as William Gohl was a free man through fear of per sonal harm from him are now telling tales -which cast sombre hues over the past of his life and connect him with crimes ranging from arson to murder. ' : Former Friend talks Charles Jacobson, formerly, the warmest friend of the accused man but now embltered against the prison er for alleged "Double Crosses," told the police today that Gohl started a big fire here about eighteen months ago by setting off an Infernal mach ine in the Alaska saloon. - Jacobson said that he did this in the spirit of revenge against, the saloon propriet or and others in the block. i . Several Muredrg are CharpedV Jacob Miller, Formerly a deputy riherlff, and wife, who left here some time ago to live In one of Gohl.s cabin in the mountains, have not been heard of since and it is thought that this Is another matter that will be In vestigated' and probably layed at his door. ' ' J , ' Charles Hattberg met death when his back was turned to the murder. This fact was established ly auto psy. The work of the surgeons show that the bullets which caused the death of the murdered man entered the brain at the back of the head, travelling upward.. Hattberg was dead, according to the physicians, when the anchor was tied about his neck and the bady thrown In a river. .uiuiuiu. t'w, kah, worming ton closed the defense in the Dinger Hermann trial at 11:15 this morn ing and a few minutes later court adjourned until Monday when !Heney will begin, putting In rebuttal testi mony, V which will take until Mon day noon. It will probably be the latter part of . next . week before the jury will find a verdict ' As the last gun in the defense at tacks the testimony of Henry Mel drum during the session this morn ing. W. W. Cathcart, a former em ployee in Meldrum's office was put on the stand and told of the time when Hermann visited "the office and said Hermann and Meldrum wer In the room alone. He knew Mays, he said, but Mays was not in the office at the time Hermann was there and he fixed the date as some tlme in the fall of 1902., Cathcarfs testimony was weaked by the fact that Her mann's visit was in 1901 and not In 1902. ' Prepare qnestons to. give to appll . cants for enumerator Jobs Two dozen people, - ' Including a sprinkling of women, this afternoon took the examination given by the civil service commission to select enumerators for the coming census Fred N. Newell of Pendleton, with taking in .this county. The papers, I the United States Bureau of Animal coming from the government, were j Industry, has completed ' two tests sent to Don Scott, secretary of the ( here which include the herds of the Two La Grande milk sources have been tested for tuberculosis, and In these two instances, the herds are free of the dreaded disease. Dk MONEY IN nOGS. FARMERS I FOR ELECTION TR0I1TDALE GIRL KILLED T. T. Glenn sells 16 head for $379.20 Nearly $30 each T. T. Glenn broughtl n 16 hea,d of hogs from Summerville which he dis posed of for $379.00, lacking 80 cents of averaging $30 per head.. .The price was eight cents per pound, live weight. Mr. Glenn stated that really be did not have the heart to take the money, and would never have thought of asking such a price, but as the offer came to him he did not have the heart to refuse. When hogs bring as much or more . than beef cattle, there must be money in raising hogs at the present time. commission in this county, and Mr, Scott superintended the examination. No information as to the several local districts, or anything of that sort, is obtainable, as none of the census ov erseers are here: The people who took the exam, today have previous ly applied for blanks and. instruc tions. 1 ' ,. : ' v.; The examination wai conducted in the Commercial Club. CHALMERS- DETRIOT POPULAR Local agents get word Jf itetaal vote count In Portland contest G. M. Rlchey and J. C Henry, lo cal agents for the Chalmers-Detroit car have been informed of the exact vote that resulted from the vote at the Portland Auto Show and have been given the figures of the result The Chalmes Detrtot proved the popular car with a vote of 242,220; the White got 14,290; the Wlntori 11,- 690 and the Cadllac 3,860. The rest were scattering. Sawyer and Grout dairies. Mr. Elwell Is an expert In his line and comes to La Grande for the pur pose of testing all the herds. He has already completed ' two dairy tests, and it is hoped that ho will fall to find any trace of tuberculo sis In any. , During the campaign for clean dai ries that has spread - over the stats, milk consumers here have been anx ious to have their sources tested, and the government Inspection is In ac cordance with the public wish. The work will be-completed as soon at possible. . Fine lot of Steers. Walter Pierce dispoBel of two car loads of alfalfa fed beet cattle to the Grande Ronde' Meat Co, which av eraged 1200 pounds to the animal. A Few. stacks of alfalfa hay and "a bunch of cattle are a combination that means a bank account in this country, and Union county farmera have many such combinations. ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF COUNTY UNION. Proposition of buying sacks also up r for consideration today. . Annual election of officers for the county union of the Farmers Co operative Union took place late this afternoon. Prominent members of the union from, North Powder to El gin, are here to participate. The pro position of buying sacks for the com ing summer was also discussed, al though it is doubtful of an order will be placed this afternoon. BODY HURLED SIXTF FEET BY O. "V R. & N. EXPRESS ' Eye witness sees little girl run Into by the fast train. Troutdale, Ore., Feb. 5. Sadie Ut tlng, aged 12 years, was run down and Instantly killed at 10 o'clock this morning by an express of the O. R. & N. Co. railroad. Eye witnesses say the little glrls's body was hurled 60 feet when strack by the train, which was traveling at the rate of 60 miles an hour. - Beeches life Sentence t Stockton, Calif, Feb. 8. Mrs. Em ma Ledoux, who pleaded guilty to the murder of A. N. Mc Vicar took a life sentence rather than attempt to stand the ordeal - of a second trial with the poslblllty of a second death Sentenced for Embesdlement - Mason City, Mich., Feb. 5. For the embezzlement of nearly $700,000 state funds, . former State Treasurer Frank Glazier was sentenced today to serve an Indeterminate sentence of from Ive to 10 years in the penin tentlary. ' . . Javelin to Replace Hammer. Portland, Ore., Feb. B. That the "big six" colleges In the Northwest athletic conference will abolish the hammer throw, substituting in its stead the javelin throw In . future field meets, and that the two-mile run will be added to the list of track events Is probable, according to del egates In attendance at today's meet ing of the athletic representatives of the six schools. Danger to spectators whenever the 16-pound missis Is thrown through inability of the athlete to control the direction of his throw, Is assi gned as cause for the desire to abll Ish the event . ' TT(Q) Yon will need suggestions and practical help Tthile get ting famiUar with photography You wUl also need fresh re liable supplies. ' In both we can provide Just what is necessary. Our store Is the headquart ers for amatuers photograp hers. ' Join the fraternity. Adolph Wealthy a prominent ranch er of the Elgin section, was in the sentence. She was taken to prison city this morning transacting bust- thls morning. : ness matters. ' r Commencing Friday, the 4th we will develop kodac films every Friday free of charge Remember every Friday, Bring in your films NmlinDtu- Co. K ;