CURE THAT COUGH. WITH ;The old reliable Cure. Every Bottle Guaranteed ,.,.,, sagagaau. uu-uduim i . r,,, , . ; ,.;t.... , J LOCAL iTSMS. i P. E. Stlllwell wag a visitor in Pen dleton yesterday. ; Photographer Rltter arrived home today from a visit to Portland. W. R. Klvette left this morning for $ business trip of several days to Finis A. ' ' .' ' i A. G. Pullen with the Jacops-Steln Realty Company, Is the guest today Of his brother-in-law, V. R. Lelghton. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jay Van Buren, who have been attending the auto show In Portland, returned home last ev ening. : Chief of Police Rayburn is still un- hl in rarnime tit duties taint onn- i - - fined to his room with an attack of lllneBB. ) J. W. Quirk president of the Trans vaal Gold and Mine and Milling .Co. ' with mines near Joseph, is in the city transacting business matters. MIbb Wllma Rlnehart, a member of the Summerville girl's basketball team, returned home today after vis iting friends here. t La Grande Chapter Royal Arch Masons held a busy session last evening when four candidates,., were Initiated through two degrees each. . . .. .. i i ana two gpjuwmiuuB were icott. Whiston, Evangelist, Longman, - " Chorus leader and Mrs. Whistman, t pianisa and personal workers who are conducting the revivals at the Christian church. " Geroge Call is in about the same condition today, though there is no indication of a relapse. He is con . sldered on the safe side of the dan , ger line. The C's of the Methodist Church entertain all the lady members of the church and congregation at the knrvia Mrd Hun TT Purrov thin ftf- ternoon, the object being simply to get better acquainted. . ships will be decided here during the j next two days. Some of the best amateur skaters of the United States and Canada are here. Most of them will -go from here to Montreal to par ticipate in the" Canadian champion thips on Saturday. The events here are 220 yards, half miles, onemile, three mile, 220 yard hurdle skating backward 880 yards, half mile for boys under 14 years of age and. one it lie -for boys under 16 years. O SOCIETY A 4 ? e ? Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Nickeluon en tertained a few friends at a five course dinner at their home on 3d Street in 'honor of their son Geroge's first birthday anniversary. The home was appropriately decorated and a ve ry enjoyable event ensued. 1 of intention to make final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the lani above described, before the Register arid Receiver, United States Lano Office,; at La Grande, Oregon, on th 15th day of March, 1910. -. Claimant names as witnesses: John Shilling, Jr. Henry J., Rehen. Mt James Shilling.' ''.. " Fred Pohrman, all of La Grande. Oregon. P. C. BRAMWELL. r." '." ' Register V: Finding More Bodies. Primero, Colo. Feb: 2.-Fortyrnine bodies have been recovered from the wrecked mine of the Colorado' Fuel and Iron Co. Officials expect to ex plore the tunnel where it Is believed 27 more bodies lie. - State Mine In spector Jones and his . assistants are Merchants! Save i $10fi00' I n 1907 the Merchants b : Oregon saved ove $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance iff their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon, in 1908 they wiil save $15,000 During the same period their neighbors were hand- A mg over i,duu,puu in trying today to determine the cause U profits to OUtside Companies of the disaster. it 8 Epedlmlcs Breaking Outt. " Great Cue Contest Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 2. Interest is running high today in the Smoky City's first championship billiard match, which begins 1 tonight and will continue tomorrow and Friday nights, when Wilfle Hoppe and Ora Morningstar contest . al the Great Northern Hall for a purse of $1000 and the gate recipts. Both of them undefeated champions at the 18-2 balk-line game, speculation is rife as to which Is the better master of the ivories and the cue. Hopne's con tention that nothing short of 1500 ' billiards played in three consecutive Innings each was adequate to de termlne the championship will pre vail in this contest and therefore the winner of it may bev reasonably sure to meet Calvin Demarist, the young Chlcagoan, who won last year's tur- nament. Prison Lecture at Scenic Edward Holland, coming with a large number of lantern slides and an Interesting lecture will appear at the Scenic this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow afternoon and night, with the subject, "Behind Prison Bars at Sing jSlng." He shows Interesting features of the famous prison. A picture of Marjorle the prison horn baby, the electrocution of Carlyle Harris who murdered his girl sweet heart, and a picture of Albert Pat rick, the clever attorney held for life Imprisonment for murdering the mil lionaire Rice, are some of the fea tures. This lecture Is In addition to those regularly appearing at ' the Scenic this week. Paris, Feb. 1 Several cases of ty phoid fever were Reported to the of ficials today and an epidemic is fear ed among those who have used the city's usual water supply, This wa ter has been polluted by the breaking of mains, and trunk sewers under neath the streets. '; Health authori ties have Issued warnings aginst its use. The Department - of Health , is urging upon the inhabitants the ne cessity of boiling the water for use for domestic purposes. , The Seine is falling Vapidly today and Is now practically within Its own bounds. Authrltles have permitted the use of most bf the bridges that were deemed : unsafe and traffic Is fast resuming its normal conditions. In the VFiSOti Merchants I Mutual ydt ceti J., INSURAHCEATCOSV 1 A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL- I ; ims r ; nGMPTSETTLEMZHT OF t LOSSES I I I W.OUVER, Agent Po 1 V ' II. - - . - . . . v. .wMvasvoM o.i lane ivwt '. . ' : : giv wider field, clearer vision, greater comfort and Improved appearance Outdoor Skatlns; Saees. Baranae Lake, N. Feb. t. Inter natlooal outdoor skating champion- Dr.W. D. McMillan Painless Dentistry La Grande national Bank Bidg. BotfPhones NOTICE FOB PtJBLICATlOir Department f the Interior. V U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore gon, January 24th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Walter E. Pratt, whose postoffice address -Is Alicel, Oregon,, did on the 24th day of June, 1909, file In this office sworn Statement and Application, No. 06723, to purchase the S 1-2 NE 1-4, Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 40, East Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and ' acts amendatory, known as the "Timber arid Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised, $245.00, the timber estimated 205,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application jand sworn statement on the 21st day of April, 1910, before the Reg ister and Receiver, United States Land Office, at La Grande. Oregon, test this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest before patent Is sues, by . filing a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. T. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Kingsley & Cogei I I Shoes Repaired I Two Mrst tass workmen. Ail mk. turned, but with )atch and guaranteed. DR. M. P. ME"DELS011X TheStonjur Mrror Tells NO VISIBLE LINE THE OLD PRESTON ITAND. t Permanently Located U05 Mams aves Opposite the P. 0. Br. Mt-ttdelsohii has ,been lecated here seven month, aiicl during this peroid has collected nearly . . . t : -1500. patients, nearly 130 childrne. I can tmthfully . ' say that I have sueeeded in doing better work and ' .-..more wwk than any one man ever done in Union 1 , ' - .. - county. This proves that I have conducted in? pract r ' ' '." 'ice on a basis that appeals to' everyone, to . everyone V1 who want truth. My business s founded on a square ; -deal to everybody.. I rarely hear complants and am alwys ready and willing to coiTect any error that I 1 make. , ' '' ' '"!: ' lMy 29 years experience in the practee of optces is of itself , a great asset. . i if your eyes trouble you see me. I believe m ex tensive experience and'skill together with my hon- estv and sincerity of purpose, I can give you a guar antee of truthfulness and satisfaction. I refer you to f Vour neighbors, to your physicians, who have known rne for the past 16 years and I am endorsed by thp. iriost prominent ocultist of Portland, . , . NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office at La Oroide, Ore gon, Jaiiary 24th, 1910. Notice la hereby given that Adolph Lauer, of La Grande, Oregon, who, on January 3d, 1905, made Homestead Entry No. 14038, Serial No. 04328, for SB 1-4 NE 1-4, E 1-1 SE 1-4, Sec, 17, NE 1-4 NE 1-4. Section 20, Township 4 South, Range 38 East, Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice Candies of Quality Our roijTiIai 25c per pound Unrs our vKb make, absololrlj pore, we ta-m It and a visit to on manufacturing department will convince yon. Ol'B KCGGEfS are trea.nir, the flavors tre, Strawhsrrv, choeolat) and Va. JHa. Tafii In four flaiors. HEW WRIXILETrj ibli E. D. Selder u Grande Exclusive Can dy Manufacturer The entire problem lies in these three words: ''Rightly Fitted Lenses" Your Case Will not Puzzle boctor Mendelsohn i . . OFFICE HOURS-9 to 12-1 to 5. By fecial appointsments in the evenings.; TIIEEYE IMPORTANT The eyea la me of tne moat import ant and delicate nart e ftho aody. lght la Pricalaaa ". Glasses should not be won where no error of refrac tion exista. bnt where an error doe exist they abMld be pot on as boo J as poslbla and won constantly until the defect la enred. Wearing classset once does not signify that they will always be worn. .Too can at any time (befor the defect u cared) go back to the poorer vision It yea so dealrfc PI.. 4-lM. .Ill V uuuul V. k. waa before the glaasea were won. b I will be more notlcabl oa having been acutaoKd te better Ion. I bava wuU a aoyelal atady r the eyea and ban btaa Cflng glaaMr , for foarteen 7aara, Aft aayaaa ti: I have etc c t r Traaea ability, than gin ma trtj convinced. An work caanxiMaj . tLTT. ESwTST. tfatomatrial 41 Javalar. earance Sale . ? Come and compare our prices and . . the quality of our goods with others and satisfy yourself - - s Co Co Bmri C(T Suite f $5M40 $18,