La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 28, 1910, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910.
p '
that La Grande
these 'gentlemen
Foley Hotel.
will hear more of
before they leave.
and thouh he will bd on the lookout
for a good homestead, will take up his
craft in this city. '
1 A w
Marguerite's Elrthday Pathe..
The Greater Love Edison -"Nv'ater
Llllies Vitagrapa. '
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See
play In lobby. :
Read In February Sunset Magazine,
San Diego the city of dreams come
true. Beautifully Illustrated in four
colors. Tetrazzlnl singing In the
streets of San Francisco Christmas
Eve, Now on sale. All News Stands. 15
. .'. 0
B. B. Nutter left for Portland last
night on business.
R. C. PasV l?ft this morning for a
few days visit In Elgin. ' : -
Haradon'e Tru-Fruit" Chacolates.
Made just right At all of the leading
confectioner!., j i
General Repairing at E.W. Lelghton's
Auto and Blcycla Oarage. I repair
everything. Umbiellas, phonographs,
and guns. Shears and knives sharp
ened, skates hollow ground, saws fil
ed and set and soldering of all kinds
done. I repair granite walr, make and
fit keys, repair locks I carry fall
line of flash lights and their sup
plied. Phone, Main 737. 309 Fir street.
Black Orphington cockrels for sale
also eggs in season. R. A. Master
son, 1705 North Spruce St
Tru-Fruit Chocolates, No imitation
Don't let your horses stop on th
Icy street. -Anti Slip shoeing. R, A.
Masterson. -"yrv? :
Messrs. R. E. Cleveland, C. C. Cate,
0. C. Graves and H. .E Chapman,
arrived thia morning" and are selling
the Swift Tacking Go's, addition to
. Kenton In the city limits ot Port-,
land, Ore. We venture to prophesy
.is full of stirring scenes
these days. Better keep
posted by reading some
of the magazines we car
ry. We have standing
orders for all the popu
lar periodicals, so that
you are sure to find here
just the kind of reading
matter you want. Have
also added a good stock
of popular fiction. Come
in and become acquaint
ed with this department.
Sure to find something
you want to read. .
YTe deliver
Both Phone3
; Miss Kate Schilling of this city, left
for a brief visit with friends in Imb
ler. ; ... "
Jim Paddock, who operates the large
nursery In Union, is In the city today
on business. v ;
Best McCarthy of the Baker Milling
company, Is in the city today tran
sactlng business. ;
R. H. JSmlth of the Grande Ronde
Meat company, left for Wallowa this
morulas: to bnv cattle, v.' :.vv,t-..-, ii
Bunch of Huskies From Hot Lake
, Come to La Grande Afoot
A party of Hot... Lake athletes
walked in to La Grands lost night.
took ' dinner and went, home on the
train, making the round trip in a few
hours. They enjoyed the e.xhlliratlng
pastime of bucking against the wind
coming In to La Grande. In the crowd
were F. W. McMahon, the head mas
sager at the bath houses, Sam Coon,
a clever boxer, and Carl Tweedy, a
nifty grappler. . '.-
ou'vuju y
01 2 LTD
Just a Few Days' Left to Take Advantage of that Great Saving on Seasonable
Merchandise During Our January Special Sale.
Per Cent to 50 Per Cent TO YOU.
It Means a Saving From 25
Elks' Hall Is Decorated In Unique
..Manner for Annual Event .
The Elk's auditorium and entrance
will be a place of unusual attractive
ness tonight when the lights are turn
ed on for the annual ball of the Broth
erhood of Trainmen. The attendance
promises to be large. Unusual pains
and skill Is shown In the manner of
decorations carried out and the novl
schemes which the trainmen can con
coct , are to be seen at every turn.
Laura Green Wills came over from
Hot Lake last evening to spend the
evening with her parents. ." ,
Mrs. J. A. Cherry of Pendleton is a
guest this week: with her friend. Mrs:
Angus Stewart, of this city.
R, O. Mays and Attorney L. Den
ham of Elglr, left for home this morn
ing after a day's visit In the city.
' V. E. Bean Is down from North
Powder this morning to attend the
stake meeting of the L. D. S. church.
Lee Mayfleld and' wife, left thiB
morning for; Pasco, to care for a
young lady, relative there who Is 111.
Bruce Dennis, editor of the Obser
ver and James Spencer ' Circulation
Manager, are spending the day at El
gin. . : '-''';! .'".'
Lou Rayburn returned this morn
ing from Portland and Saltern where
he has been looking after business
matters. -: " -'
S. L. Brooks, who has been visiting
with friends .in this city for the" past
few " days,, returned to his home in
Imbler this morning.
waiter pierce received a message
this morning calling him to Los Ange
les on Important business. Mr. Pierce
expects to leave tonight. - J
Mrs, H. H. Huron who has been vis
itlngi at the P. I Robinson, home for
the past few days, returned to her
home at Imbler this morning. '
Officers, of Entire Union Connty Stakf
. tt Ut .- v
An Important business meeting of
stake officers of the L. D. S. church, Is
being held this afternoon commencing
at 1 o'clock. The entire list of officers
for the Union County stake make their
reports today and the meeting, is of
much Importance to' the church. : :
Just a Few Prices to Keep in Mind:
- v DRY GOODS. x
. , ' Fined for Begging. w
John Hayes, at least that' Is. the
name he gives was fined $5.00 by
Judge Humphreys, this morning for
begging. He pleaded guilty to the
charge. John Kane waa taxed ?5 for
being drunk. .' 1 ' ,. ; , -
: Samuel Cochran left this 'morning
for. Salem and Corvaili?; . where he
will spend a few weeks visiting friends
and transacting business matters.
Mrs. J. F, Foley and mother? Mrs!
J. Gangloff, left this morning on an ex
tended tour through Southern Cali
fornia. They expect to stop off at Port
land for several days. Mr. Foley will
Join them In Portland later.
1 Mrs. N. Molitor and mother, Mrs. J.
S Caviness,. left this morning for
Southern. California, where they ex
pect to spend the remaining months of
the winter They will be Joined by Dr.
Molitor about the first of March.
F..J. Hart, the contractor of Dodge
City, Kas., is now living in a cottage
at 201 Cedaf street Mr. Hart expects
to make this his permanent home,
For the Jfcxt Thirty Days You Can Boy Yonr Silverware, Cat Glass,
HandPalnted Chlua, Clocks M d Jewelry at Beduettoa of from 10
to 25 Per Cent off. AU reliable Quality and Follf Guaranteed:
. Opposite U. S. land Office on A dams ATennc, '
ft i 1 1 a i ii ii til 1 1 ti I f 1 1 f V" ' i'
Xembers of the House Ganged by Bun
- of S n in STaktng Syeeches,
Washington, . Jan. 26 (Special)
They have snuff boxes on th senate
side, they have quill pens and sand
for blotting in. the supreme court room
and now the house of represenitatlvras
haa fallen' back on the ancient sand
glass as a means for telling time.
The sand-glass Is not exclusively
used to tell time In the house; it Is
only utilized as an aid to the presid
ing officer in apportioning time for
speeches under the so-called "flve
mlnute" rule of be House. .
The glass was made to order by
specifications furnished by Asher C.
Hinds, whose real Job as parllamen-
itarlaa is -concealed nnder the title of
"clerk at the Speakers table." It
consists of two long glass tubes, near
ly a foot and a half in length, each
one of which Is a five-minute "glass
They are on opposite sides of a brass
standard, and may be reversed when
the sand has run Into one end by
turning a knob . la vthe, center. The
sand which runs from one end of the
tube to the other is. black. The back
ground for the tubes Is white enatnel,
bo that a congressman who has good
eyesight, may see Just how fast the
sand Is running out from any. place
on the floor within fifty feet of the
Speaker's rostrum. The presiding offi
cer looks at the tube which faces
him.?-: ;C:;v'-'iv ; rl:';::": '
. During the consideration of all ap
proprlatlon measures In "Committee
of the Whole House on the State of
the , Union", amendments are permit
ted under the five-minute rule that
is, each proponent of an amendment
is granted five minutes In which to
speak In favor of the proposed change.
Heretofore a special clock was used
by the presiding officer the "chairman
of the Committee of the Whole Houue.
as he is officially called to keep tab
on these five, minute sp?eches. But
there have always been complaints of
discrimination (by. the presldlnig offi
cer, and even the most.careful chair
man sometimes 'forgets to' note the
exact time at which a speaker begins
his talk under the five-minute rule,
and has to guess the dime.
Very few members can accurately
estimate five minutes, and when most
of them ft warmed up to their sub
ject very few can complete their ar
gument within the specified time. If
they had some means of ascertaining
how' fast their time wns being con
sumed they would probably be able
to .finish. No member can now com
All Ladies Furs and Fur Coats at a
Saving of One-Fourth to One-Third.
Ladies' Silk and Tailored Waists Dur
ing Our Special Sale at One-Fourth off.
One Lot of Ladies' Suits at A Saving
of One-Fourth.
All Ladies and Hisses Sweater Coats
During Our Special Sale at One
Fourth Off. V'
. . .
One Lot, Men's Suits, $10.00 to $12.50
. Values at Special Bale Price . ... .$7.43
All Men's and Boys Sweater Coats at
a Saving of One-Fourth.
One Lot of Boys' Overcoats, Sizes 9 to
15 Years, good value, at One-Half Price
gon City Make, at One-Fourth Off.
One Lot Ladies' Shoes, $3.00 to $3.50,
Your Choice at per pair. . '. . . i . .$1.00
These Shoes are $3.00 and $3.50 Values
Two Qts of Men's High Top Shoes,
$5.50 Values, Now at-:; : . ; . . :$3.75
$4.00 Values Now at $2.43
All Leggins at One-Fifth Off. ... ....
Four-Buckle High Top Overshoes $2.50
One Lot of Boys' Shoes, 2y2 to 6
at ........$1.79
All "Woolen Blankets in all Colors, Ore- j
One Lot of Youth's Shoes, 12y2 to 2, J I
at .......... . ...... . . ........ . $1.03
..t-vl.-..-. J"
One Lot of Youth's Shoes, 8y2 to 12
at .......$1.23
These are Exceptional Values. Just
The Kind of Shoe3 for thi3 Scoccn of
the Year. ' ' y :
One Lot of Men's and Ladies' Clippers
in Odd Sizes and Styles, $1.50 to $2.50,
Values Now at per pair ... . .83c
.. h I nrti Wm )Jn n iu:
fit, which Includes a bottle ot Hyomel
and a hard rubber Inhaler and sim
ple Instruction for use costs $1.00.
Jan 16-27 Feb 6 -y:0- V -
New Buggy for Sale. .
1 A fine new $100 buggy,( ma lesi
than 50 miles Is for sale at reason
able figures. Inquire at Observer of !
K . ; j
FOR SALEr A nine room modern
house, cement basement, furnace, hard
wood floors, two fire places', lot 120
by 120, situated at corner Third and
"J" street near new high, school. Easy
and the thin, line of black sand Is a
mute warning that "tempus fuglt. ,
The glass was first tried out a few
days ago during consideration of the
Moon bill to revise, amend and codify
the law relating to the Judiciary.
Rep. Olmstead (Rep, Pa.) waB chair
man of the Committee o the Whole
and expressed satisfaction at the op
eration ot the new scheme. TO Rep.
Garrett (Dem. Tenn.) wnoee hj uuu- At noon SatUrday the O. A. R. and
uWs of time had expired, no oecmreu, j w R c hold m8taJlatlon ftt tte
The sands of time have run agalfistj j o. 0. P hall. Attention all mem
the genrtlemanyin lieu of the time , t,,-.. ;,;
honored formula, ," ine puuwmu
time -has explrd."
Rep. . Butler , (Rpn. ;. Pa.) ''.augigested
to Speaker Cannon that the device
could be improved on by the attach
tachment of a trigger which should
flra off a percussion cap at the ex
piration of five minutes and , thus
save the voice of the presiding offl
cer' ''.. .;V;v'
Steals Energy and Will Power From
, . Its Victims.
Catarrh robs its' victims of energy
some physicians say of will power.
That may be the reason why thous
ands of catarrh sufferers haven't am
bition enough to accept this fair and
'square offer of the Newlln Drug Co.,
by which they make without any
whys and wherefores or red tape, of
any kind. .. .' : - : - ' :
The Newlln Drug Co. says,-, we
guarantee Hyomel to cure catarrh
acute or chronic, or money back," and
that offer Is open to every reader of
the Observer.
Hyomel (pronounce It High-o-me)
is the purest Australian Eucalyptus
combined with Thymol . v and , other
germ killing antiseptics. ; '
Pour a few drops Into the small
vest pocket ' Hyomel Inhaler ; and
breathe it into the lungs over the in
flamed membrane Infested with ca
tarrh germs. ' . " "''
It Is pleasant to use It kills the
germs, soothes the sore membrane,
and cures catarrh; if it doesn't your
money back.
" A bottle" of Hyomel costs 50 cents
J at The Newlln Drug Co., . and drug'
bald barley hay, $16.00 delivered, for
Vacuum housecleanlng, upholster
lng and furniture repaired. X F. Bel
linger, Phone Red-662.
WANTED By a man and . wife
with references, two nicely furnished
rooms i a good part of the city. Wil
ling' to pay good price, permanently.
Call at Bilverthorn's drug store.
WANTED ChickenB, geese
ducks at the Foley hotel.
Lost 1 brown mule, weight about
1000 pounds, branded J. D. on the
left shoulder. Strayed from farm
near Cove. Finder please notify J. D.
" WANTED Woman to do washing
for family of two. Apply at King's
Cigar Factory.
WANTED A girl for genet &1 house
work. Phone Black 631.
terms. Address Mrs. E. W.
.908 Third street, 1328 Ind..
FOR SALE Five room house, can ' T
be made modern with small expense;
lot 60x110. Call Red-62 or address F.
P. Brooks. .'"' :' ::':;..-''' :
plain of being discriminated against, ; gists everywhere. A complete out-
. FOR RENT New and second hand
sewing machines, $1.50 per month.
Rent paid to apply on machine if pur
chased. Machine delivered and called
for. Singer-Whlbe or New Home.
Room 2 Foley Bldf. Telephones
Main 709 or Black 1291. ' "
". ' " " "" . 1
FOR RENT Thre fiirnlahfid romna
Inquire 1617 i
for light . housekeeping.
Fourth street or telephone Mrs.
Moore.'. ; " U
E. C.
: FOR RENT One modern room. In
quire at 1311 C avenue or phone Black
822. ; V ,
- WANTED Situation by man and
wife on ranch. Wages not consider
ed. F. O. Earhart, La Grande, Ore. .
FOR SALE Four dozen pure bred
R. I. Red pullets and hens, 1 cock
and 2 cockerels, $15.00 per ' dozen.
$3.00 each for males, also soms fine
Corn MeaM
Comes in white and
1 35c a . sack
t Pattison Bros. 1
Use either phone '.
MHM--!-M : Awt.H
tvt- i&y.