zy - : .. I 1 A. 31 V X' - JifS Z 1 1 1 t r -Y3 r. 7s - i 'V n Off NEB OE THE CUBS HE5RI W, MIDGE .1 (.-'-l HURTSBINGER -'. . - " .' INQUIRY INTO mil;,:::.; ,t ). V),...' . '(, :-fc (ttr unf if"? . ri!.i;.(tii if "; .- i V"i,.n ,,j!lSj . r.., BAKER . ' f, . - V. i ' " . .. is 'r. ' '- if . ' .ii J 1 '..i I " ' . -t :!''!; .'hm.i :t Llr- r. (in tu it? ,:'IU CLAyiS IXVESTIQATION.. !'. 1. LY COMMENCED BYJC0N6RES- L COMMITTEE '-TODAY in '.m ES CROWDED WITH " NXiOtSPECTd S Plnchot, Taft, BaJUngeiy got. mint et aU,fracas pat before the C(gresional committee for 'bear- Ink today Committee will gvto 'lrthHest In the coming summer to InlPKtIint ',. .i 1 'OJII'.''K H GAIIL W'lshlngton, Jan. 26. AeWal )robleral years, tv'w) lag i th4 tetnoaa BaHihgefPrnchrtt cont oversery began todaf. .whed''L: R. U avis, who was removed from the offlci of'-chlef of the field division of tl a land offl',byiPreldnt',Taft;i was alleo" before the joint committee of c ingress to begin his testimony. It l notxecWa'ithajt airily eyn!f denci wfllW olitalie4 tfcd Jl rf voi& f j Bubnlltted before next congress. The ' taking of evidence "will place on record the most minute details of the manner In which the disposal of public land: has been made uner the direction of Ball lnger, and every phase of .the famous . Cunningham Alaskan coal cases with a vast amount of derail regarding the other cases, closed,' proposed or . pending, In addition to tearing evidence here, Ah c6mnlttee4Willriaake f trip to the Northwest tnls summer and will 6 to Alaska Where they -will tJ ' TaeQ tV n lT-y! r,rcult go to Alaska, where thjy will afctf . f ep a laf , ; riL ually investigate at - flrfit hand' thet. i -.V v it. ' S v . .. .. . . In which both parties tried to be charges .that the government hasi . , . , . . ; . . , . , ! separated. Both filed a plea for dl- coal deposits. Great public interest is shown by the enormous crowd that throngs the committee room and all the.adjaclent halls, anxious to .hear a-word jof ' tlie testimony or see the leading ;jpartl-, clpants in the affair which, caused so much 'confusion1 In high places'.- ' It is believed the Investigation will proceed somewhat slowly at first as the committee evidently intends to go .into the matter systematically with the purpose of clearing up ev ery phase under discussion before fasslng on to the next feature. Attorney George Pepper, of Phil tatfelpala, appeared as I counsel for Gilford Plnchot The public expects that Plnchot will appear In person and gtv voice to his complaint against j;h.e interior department and the expression which led to his dis missal akd that of his subordinates. Glavls d attended by attorneys L. D. Brandelsl of Boston, and Joseph Col ton, of Blew York. LOCATED RELATIVES BODY OF, GRACE JOHN'SON WILL BB SHIPPED TONIGHT Inmate olf tenderloin dies suddenly of heart disease yesterday. The bdy of Grace Jqhnson, one of the ' Girls of the row," making her heat quarters with Mable Mon tague, wtio died suddenly yesterday of heart disease, will be shipped to Port Tomisend, Wash., tonight by Undertaksrs Henry & Can Word from relatives of that town was re ceived to da by wire by the under takers, and the remains will be ship ped tonight The three states to elect United States senators this year are Miss issippi, Maryland and Virginia. . , : ;. '.V v. J ' , I ' 1 ' , i i .... .i i il ; 1 Tl'hpieTerMlg baseball deals talked about the. name of Charles Wj Matphey,'wner bf the Chlcaao! Cabs Is sure to crop nu He Has .'UK. rlHH VAt'H Ar 0 ' i MAX AXD WIFE BOTH FAIL TO BE SEPARATED. n Both sought separation but were foiled by today's decree. .J-. IW- ! 3 Orangq Mcbmber aid adiej M- Omber bot 'bf.J'erry, must contlntte to Uve as i!n" aAA wlfe following a V a m 1 . a Tufv;n uu i.uio buuio any, several months ago, and recently, the gearing was heid. In refjififtg togram,.legal separation.- to- the two, th court points oui..inaiuiey uvea xogetner after (the iim.a that alleged cruelties were practiced upon each other. Con flde'able family matter cropped out In the hearing. I ... I Ko Bank FaIlBre.8., There has not been a single fail ure of a national bank In Washington and Montana daring the past three years, according to 8. T. Wilson and T. H. Luce, government examiners who cover the two states. . - Holiday la Australia. Melbourne, Jan. 36. Australia's national holiday, the anniversary of the first white settlement, was cele brated today as a public holiday throughout the commonwealth. Bus iness was suspended and programs of uports. and festivals carried out in all the larger cities and towns. Sixteen Years In Prison ' Toronto, Jan. 26. Sixteen years In prison for pocket-picking, besides many short Jail sentences for minor offenses is the record of Jessie Thompson, perhaps the most cotoi Ions woman thief In the world. The woman : has Just been returned to Jail for three months, after convje tion of pocket picking. Youthful Sailors Missing. ' Everest, Wash., Jan. 26. Much anxiety Is felt here today for the safety of a party of five young peo ple of this city who set out to sail on a pleasure trip yesterday In a 16 foot sloop and have not been heard of since. A search Is being made to- 'day but no trace has been found, and as last night was very stormy It Is feared the sloop may have flounder ed. ' . Divorce Grn?;tM. Judge Knowles today granted a di vorce to James B. MtKennon from Mary E. McKennon, on grounds of desertion. I are a ffrr mr nrR irn -in; ; !UUl7 .ivVi.'iU : H"? ,i'i!.i;;(t ii if,"; Higli Watc ..' Pilovcs Suck ' Big fe'r' -Tliat Hi:' S1 0 iParl8, Jan.,i 26r-Tt dawn "today thousand of . ifieod' victims, many of , i . dlvs.i were---Btandinc lmr iboudi iftnt' breartlhea 'leading to -public kiN, . . -. . .. -. ' chens. established with rellfe funds to.: wmeh many wealthy it tTirlsana' are Us i? jjrhe city today is In I wretched state. . ;!;,v following the heavy rCll of isnow lMt night, warmer .wea itr prevails tcgay which is netting 1 1 j snow and swelling the floods that ujp sweeptag ddwn the. Seine. The F ika weather bilreau offers no immedls w relief. In dications pointed to mora . rain and show during the day. Two hundred thousand houses were rlq&dered un inhabitable in the Inundated districts. -Although the water jjstands five feet deep in the basement' of his res idence, Robert Bacon, tjnlted States Ambassador to France, j in sticking manfully to his post today. His house, which is in Avenue Gerber, is almost surrounded by. water from the river. Its heating and lighting facilities are put out of commission, and telephone connections are sev ered.' Y People, are preparing to flee and almost every citizen, with the val uables he cares most for,! is holding himself In readiness for any emer gency. A situation of such terror and anxiety has seldom been known, except in the city about to .be sacked by an oncoming army. The military today was compelled to , resort' to resort to actual cannoadlng . In their battle against the oncoming ' flood, UNION LEADS Leading every county In the state, including Multnomah, which for sev eral years hjis carried off that honor, County Cleijk; Ed Wright yesterday won for himself the distinction , of being the first clerk in the state to turn the tax collecting roll over to the collecting' department. The ev ent proceeded by three weeks the earliest tlmijl that the roll has gone to the sheriff In Union county In the memoryjof the present officials. As stated the turnover was previous to custom lb this county and also outdistanced all other counties In the state. County Clerk Wright and his corps of assistant are to be congratulated and complimented on the alacrity SEXflMEXT GROWS. ' f New state if Southern Oregon be. , coming uiopular In sections. Eureka, Cillf., Jan. 26. The move ment to mawa a new state to be cal led "Slsklyqu" out of 14 counties, half In Northern California and half In Oregon, Comprising the richest part of the pacific coast, is growing still more today. Yreka, the! county seat of Siskiyou county. Ut f.tvored for the capital of the proposed commonwealth. Great Interest Is being manifested here. Another Xatl In Cook's Coffin. Chicago, Jan. 26. Another nail will be driven In the coffin of Ex Dariit 'Vi.Ji'T ..., . . ;-. .. Parisians Flee To save the little town of Lux from 'immediate i destryctlon the dyke was bombarded and great holes torn In ' . Its 'BtrurtnreH'lth cannon ""balls " to Permit the river and swollen waters to spread ever tRTsurroundlng low- an unexpected quarter when enroaoh tIng water made, Its -way toward a great gas plant In V'e8t, Paris' Near ly rte entire city"- uses , gas and the supply la furnished .by this'' plant for lighting and cooking. , V ; , .An ; enormous trunk sewer broke at Cllchy . today, setting. loose'.' a Vast flood of sewage which turned the national road Into a filthy canal. The entire city . trunk sewer is in grave danger of collapse. Basements In the city contain eight feet of wa ter. ': . ;'-. . : ' . ';'; Fear Coming KIght The Paills Chamber - of Deputies this afternoon went into a special "Calamity" session, following reports that the city Is face to face with a terrible calamity which Is feared will result daring the night from the rls ing watQVs.j.The towns ' of Nugent and ' Saint Maur are completely in undated. ,,- . The cabinet this evening estimates the loss throughout France to be $100,000,000, with strong probability that It will reach $250,000,000. The Seine Is roaring In its fury and in creasing hourly by a great weight of water coming down on It from above Paris. - Tonight It threatens to tear out all barriers and send its -flood sweeping through the great city.' ALL COUNITESD EXTENDING TAX ROLL and speed with which the compllc tde extensions were made this win ter. It was the strenuous attention to copying the roll on the part of Mrs. Bull and Miss Anna Alexander, the clerical force, and the rapid but correct computation of the many special levies and regular levies on the part" of Clerk Wright and his deputy, Forest Ivanhoe that permit ted' the prompt completion of the work. ' Preparation and extension of the tax roll Is a far more voluminous and tedious task than many give It credit for, necessitating computa tions untold, and copying and read ing that Is often discouraging. plorer Cook's reputation tonight when the Geographic Society of Chicago holds Its annual banquet. Explorer Peary will be the guest of honor and will be formally presented with the Helen Culver gold medal which has been Inscribed as follows: "Awarded Jan. 26. 1910 to Lieut Commander Robert E. Peary, United States Navy, for distinguished ser vice In exploration and the first achievement of the North Pole, Ap ril 6, 1909," , Prominent members of the socie ty declare that the Windy City sav ants were suspicious of Cook's claim from the first, and that the Chicago geographers are the original Peary men. Henry Mudge Is. the elected president' of the 'Chicago, Rock, Island & Taciflc rallrad, succedlug B. L. WlnchelU Jof, Mudgc was formerly second v'ce president of the road. He RUN LABORER DOWN ASD TRY TO KILL HIM. Run auto back and forth over his back te get results. Tacoma, Jan. 26. Despite syste matic search by the polite they have not secured a chn to the Identity of the" drunken "Joy Riders" who early yesterday tried to murder John Menar, a laborer. ,' After they had ac cldently knocked him down Lemar declares the driver then deliberately forced the wheels of the big auto back and forth over his prostrate body twice despite his pleadings for ntercy. -Then, believing him dead sped-away leaving him lying In the muddy street . ' DELEGATES The La Grande Commercial Club has been asked to appoint delegates to the "Commonwealth Conference" at Eugene on February V and 12. The matter9' will come at a subsequent meeting. Ttfe program to be carried out there by prominent speakers. Is: ECONOMIC A Forestry policy for the State of Oregon. . Procedure to secure , the earliest and largest uti lization of Oregon's water resources. Program for bringing the Willamette Valley under Irrigation. ' ' ' SOCIAL AND GOVERNMENTAL--Improvement of the conditions of the country life In Oregon. Organization and agencies for publicity In the public affairs of Oregon. EDUCATIONAL. Invlgoratlon of moral education In the publls schools of Oregon. FIGHTER COMING TOMORROW. Many Ln Grande fans will get an op. portunity to see him first time. : Tomorrow morning on No.-7, If the ' train Is nearly on time, James Jeffries and his ' following of ath letlc stars will appear In La Grande and many fond admirers of the big fellow will get their first glimpse of him., If the train Is late he will come from Baker City by special train. It Is thought the big show EUGENE SEEKS will start about 2 o'clock, and not later than 2:30. ( ':-'' Aopsj 'ant;:: YET INTRODUCED IN THE TRIAL -.A UU 'VI i QUOTES CONVERSATION WITH " ' J.l? ii .1 ' '.Til"- .fVMfli'f " HERMANN ABOtT LAiD MATTER., v: u ; ' '' T '. 'n. i -'..s.!!"; ;'I ,'ii:i:;:':t-5 Herninun quoted as saying Wnat b the dirTeretice, ' Callahan' Baker - , City attorney comes aearest tlelng Urrnianu to frauds than any etl -deuce- yet produced by1 the 'govern meut attorucj. vd. v. n rv. ..i.'Ki . ! i . .--ii m t ' ''i yi" tr(" " Hi .' lJl Pqr,Uand,i,iran,u6.T Blngeri j.i Her- ui mapnnwas"'oBected ' directly -with- " the tT(owlic.!g tj.dt! Mays: and 'Jones' !litl activities I tu school lands Iff the'Blue'"'- MouItit';l885rve1Ifo'i,thf flrBt' Urns' a today by,the -te8(lmdiiy''of Emmett1 Callahan, a'iBakef City attorney.'''' - -1 "Cailalian, '-whyi bothe vaboutfr'it."1 w . Hermann is. quoted' as 'having ' said I:u' during vthe conference 'ht'' Washing-' 1 ton iconcerhlng ' the ' Blue Mountain ' '' reserve;" --i-::--)' , -v -..: "It-Is only a ma'ttef bf Bome 200,- ' 000 acres.: The' state will benefit by l" 1 the transaction ' as 1 well as a few ! men and these men are out friends r and are . Oregonians," This In sub' " ' 1 -stance,' was a conversation of Her- ' ' mann with CallahaK;as told by Cal lahaa at today's trial. ' He contin ued "by saying that - Hermann had mentioned. JIays and O'Delb as being two Oregon;, men who 'would benefit by the creation of the reserve. I, TWO GAMES NEXT FRIDAY ivir8'-.:!(Cir:f. LOCAL i GIRLS' FITE WILL MSSf V PENDLETON ACADEMY. 1 " " t" t. .-1 '! 'li-t,i j High school beys will meet the 1. X. " . A. aggregatleu eae smek A double header basket 'ball' "game; will be played at the rink next Frl-. . , . day night when the high school girl'i ' team will play, the Pendleton Acade my girls,' and, the boys from, the high. school play the B. M. A., aggrega tion. tFast and snappy games will no dqubt result. rj; The local glrh have put pnaajr additional ausJI-, ties since the last game and should ' be able to- be "wlnhersr -' " - " r f '- ' ' 1 i J V o Lnnd Congress In Missouri Sprl.pgad,-,., Jin. SeAreat exposition ie'slgned Mo -"show"' the world.the"possibilitles of the undo- veloped portions of the "show me" state, was opened ln rSDrlnttflelii to- ' day by the Mlltburl Yanof nd la- ' dustrial Congress. The exhlbitln and the program df adlre'sse, have been divided 'into sections' devoted to mlalng, agriculture, waterways, live stocky airylpg 'Vore.p.v-yirand conservat'idtf,' poultry and fruits and good foads and railroads. Gov. Had ley and dozens , of r other prominent men or the state will address the con- ' gress, which will continue through three .days. . . . . .. ,r;. ., AlthpugjJi Mlssourijhaathe Iblirth v largest city in the' Union, andTlsoni of the few states having thr cities of more than 10u,00J;;' population, large portions of the state are pra tlcally tradeveloped.': ' Springneld Is va the commercial center, of thjs great virgin territory of ' Southern Missou ri, and for this reason was jhosett,r as the place for holding the big congress. . '4,, ' ' ,'.'. t i 7...'V ii. '. ' , i : " 1 :i i -1 L i.