IX dl23 QHZZZTZZ. LA C2A -ta."OSESCTt r.1 1 ' ..'.:.' lOCll.TIMS. A o o A $ , I. Stephens of Joseph was a land office visitor today. , ' . - W . R. Kivette left this morning for points in Wallowa county.. Vr Miss Bertha Berger left thiB morn ing for Hot Lake to be absent sev eral days. 's -" ; i J. P. Graham, of Portland, master mechanic of the O. R. N., arrived this morning on official business. John Woods of Walla Walla came In this morning enroute to Wallowa county for a few days. , Alex Llndsey of R. F. D. No. 2 has received ' a" new. cream ' separator to day from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Press Lewis, and daughter' 'Maxlne are home from a trip to. Portland, and while en-route 1 they visited friends at The Dalles, '- : A portion of the machinery for the La Grande Manufacturing Co., for the manufacture 'of" the' automatic thresher is In the depot . k Mr.' and Mrs. Mllllgan, who have been visiting their daughter Mrs. C. N. Lewis of Hilgard, came home to- .flay. . 1 ' . ; ' Mrs. J. L. Ireland left yesterday for Walla Walla where she will visit her parents and other, lfclatives for eovarbl WOolra Machinist Suttbn and family ar rived last evening from Portland and from this time on Mr. Sutton, will be connected with , the O. R. & N. In Mr. and Mrs F. F. 'Spaulding, for mer residents of this4 city but for ; several years living at The Dalles, where Mr. Spaulding has been train dispatcher, have moved to Portland Henry Calvin Holt, of Pine, Ore- "gon; I. T. Welch, of Baker City, Ore 7" gon; Joseph A. Welch, of Baker City; Oregon; William S. Welch, of Baker City, Oregon and Ross Leedy, Hold man, Oregon, made timber and stone - proofs today. Councilman J. T. Williamson, the chairman of the water committee of the council," goes to Pendleton to night to Interview the officials there accordance with the plan of the com mittee to readjust the rates for lo cal water. , , , This ia. a great country. In one portion of the city a poultry show Is in progress.,, with as fine a lot of birds on exhibit as any one would want to view. , In another portion of the city may, be found a crew of men handling a car load or eggs shipped in from the east , . J. A. Thronson of Imbler ' came' up today attending the poultry show. Mr. Thronson is arranging to go into the poultry business along with his fruit orchards and is looking o(ver the. breeds , exhibited with a view of making a selection. . Mike Castecas has opened "Shine Parlors", in1 the room, next to the Eastern Oregon Light . and Power Company's office, and win ne open ior business at once. Mr. Castecas will cater especially to ladies trade and his place of business will remain op en, every evening until 11 o'clock His ad. appears elsewhere In the pa per. , v.J A. Brauer, grand secretary of the Foresters of America, with headquar ters in the Oregonlan Building, Port land, is in the city today and to ; night will address an Important meet ing of the local court of Foresters. Initiations and speeches of the warm up kind are slated for this evening, and all Foresters are urged to te present : , , X fOOETT. $ Y . AAAA A A A Society centers this week In the In tre Nob dancing party to be given to night at the Elk's hall. Music w';l be furnished by either a bIx or a seven-piece orchestra and all that can be done to make the event a . pleasurable one, will be looked after. If coffe doe3 you ham there h a causes ground properly. We pride ourselves in ; . This will be the third party given by the young men who constitute the Club. ; '' . - .'' ' " ' Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Logan last ev ening entertained the decam Club. Five Hundred was the game for the evening and Mrs. E. E. Bragg "cap tured the prize. A 'delicloua lunch eon was served. Besides the club members, Mr. and Mrs. John Thelson and Mrs. L. W, Damon, of Portland, were in attendance, , Uglj I ' The ladies of the 600 Club will be " entertained .tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mra. Chester. Newlln on Main Arenni v.; ' SiU$2$hi The Afternoon Klaffee Klatch V" meet at the home of lira. 7. 7. CwT on Fourth Street, Friday afternoon. '."fi. ii-'W' ' ' mmmm The Baracea Class of - the ; Presby terian Sunday School will entertain the ' Philathlan ' Class , and other friends at the Manse this evening. ' FOR1VARD rBOSECCTOR FOR UX ION AJfD WALLOWA COUNTIES Dies of heart failure at Maker ut), ! lVell-known nolltlrtnn. The Baker City Herald says: "At 7:30 last evening Judge II. E. Court ney passed peacefully away at his home, conrer of' Fourth and Auburn. He has been ailing for many months' past with heart trouble and had been unable, to be. about much, since last June. During the last three weeks he was confined to his bed and death was expected at any time. His end was peaceful and he was cheered by the v presence of his wife and son, Henry Courtney. He is aslo surviv ed by a brother, Dr. H.' A. Courtney, who resides in Portland. Judge Courtney was one of the. old est and one of the .most highly re cpected members of the Baker county bar. lie was a Jurist of ability, . a deep thinker, logical ,ieasoner, and possessed of impartial Judgment. For 20 years he has practiced his profes sion in Baker City v and during that time had made many warm personal friends." . ' C . ! H. E. Oourtney was a native of Ireland. He came to Baker City something over 20 years ago, and was for many years ' prominent In the local ; bar, . During the days of the democratic-populist fusion he was elected district attorney for. Baker, Union and Wallowa counties and was successful as a prosecutor. 'arte, i La Grande, Oregon, January 13, 1910. Inasmuch as r at ' the present time the cost of living la much greater in proportion than the prevailing prices of labor, we, the undersigned ; carpenters hereby resolve and agree that after the 1st day ef April A. D. 1910 the uniform wage for carpenters shall be 4.00 per day of nine hours instead of $3.50 as it Is at present; and We hereby further agree that we will not do any work at less wages than the above rate. ' Signed J. N. Kohl, W. A. Ludlker, Joseph Horatman, M. M. MarqnU, Thos. H. Moore, F. B. Houstan. T. S. Spiker, C. L. Splker, J. Sslker, C D. Goodnough, D. E. Cook, J. J. Clan ey, C. O. Green, F. W. "Pattlson, G. O. Chapman, J. L. Slater. W. P. Noble, L D. Sheets, W. C. Kelly, Heisner Robinson, E. W. Kammerer, J. F. Steinbeck, Louis Wright FOR SALS Eight and a fraetlon lots southeast of the Court House. Very cheap If taken Immediately. In quire ot Janitor at L. D. S. church. PASSESAVMY - find out what it is may be that it is not the right kind of coffee to start rith, cud ngzte. myfce that it T73 ztl : having the best coffee in town and when ground with our electric mill makes a fine cup of coffee.. ONT TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT TEST IT FOR YOURSELF. ; f W iEdlson, Victor and Columbia Pt'.onT graphs and Records at Ncwllxr Book and, Stationary Company. . ,r SB. K. Pi XEXDELLSOIOr DOCTOB OF CPTIC3 . .PEBSLiXESTLl LOCATED AT 1106 ADAMS AVitlTCE, OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. ' ' --, :.y BE. MENDELSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST EESULTS, i wrTurarr' HEP' unes'P ill UU. The "only near-and-fa glasaea that can be universally worn without diecomfort, and without that suggeatively "old" appear ance. Bifocala that look and wear like plain glasses, but give you perfect double service. : 1 Dr Mendelsohn's deep curve lenses gives wider field, e'earer vision, greater comfort, improved . appear ance.v ( j , '. ' ONE CHARGE COYERS ENTIRE COST OF EXAMINATION, ,V- GLASSES, THAMES The doctor is endorsed by . all of the leading oculist of Portland and all of" the physicians in' La Grande " The entire problem lies in these three words Rightly fitted ' lenses. TOUR CASE WILL NOT PUZZLES DR. MENDELSOHN and he guarantees satlfactlon In ever; . - , , respect . Office hours from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5. By special appointments in the evening. Dr. IV. 0. McMillan Painless Oentislry la Grande National Bank Bldg. Both Phones HAVE SOUND KIDNEYS. A Few Doses Make Ont of Order Kid neys Act FIw. Out of order kidneys act fine xml Lackake or bladder misery Is relieved after a few doses of Papes Dlureth. Pains In the back, sides or lom i, rheumatic twinges, debilitating head ache, nervousness, diiilnesS, sleepll neaa, Inflamed or swollen eyelids, worn out feeling and many other symptoms of clogged, inactive kidneys simply vanish. ' Frequent, painful and uncontroll able urination due to a weak or Irri tated bladder Is promptly overcome. The moment yon suspect any kid ney, Madder or urinary disorder or feel rheumatism coming, begin tak ing this harmless remedy, with the knowledge that there Is no other med icine at any price, made - anywhere else, in the world, which will effect so .'thoroughly and. prompt a cure as a fifty cent treatment'of Pape's Diuretic which any druggist can supply. This unusual preparation goes di rect to the out-of-order kidneys, blad ! der and urinary system, cleaning, heal lng and strengthening these organs and glands, and completes the cure before you realize It few days treatment with Pape's Diuretic means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary system, cleaning, healing and strengthening these organs and glands, - and com-' pletes the cure before you realize it Accept only Pane's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store, anywhere in the world. . ' Tfastel. Position by experienced book keeper good references. Address Box Ml, La Grande, Oregon, or telephone Red 171 MISS CECIL SMITH. K V BL " f o O o o o o PEOFESSIOSAL DntECTOBT. : BACON IIALL, w -PhyslcUna and. 8urgeons. , Oflce ta La Grande National Bank Bull ding. 'Phne Main 19. fc. T. Eaoxm. Residence. Ualn 18. , ILK. H&n, Residence, Main 52 a a UPTON, PH. G. M. D. Phyatcfan and Surgeon. Special attention glva to Eye, Ear . Noee and Throat )fflce la La Grande National Bank Building. . , . "hoaea: OSce. Mala ,-, Resident, Main 31 J. B. HUBBARD, liD. '". .'. , Physioiaa and Surgeon ' Office ta New Bank Building Rooms 2-31. 'Phenes: Residence, Mala W; Office 79. i . N. MOUTOR, M. D. Physician and Sargeon. ' i corner Aaams ae. ana uepot st. Offiee Main 68. Residence Main C9 DR. L. H. UNDERWOOD, : At present located In Dr. Richardson's Ofilces over Hill's Drug Store. Special attention te dig cases, and surgery of the eye. Phone Black-1362 Ind 353. ' GEO W. ZIMMERMAN, OSTEOPATH PHYSICIAN. Sommer Building Rooir s 7-8-9-10, Phones, Home, 1322, Pacific Main 6I Residence Phono, Plack 951, Successor to Dr. F. E. Moors DENTISTS. J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 1991. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence Phone Red 70L Office Phone Btyck 13 1. Independent Phono 63, Both phones at residence. ' DR. W. H. RILEY. ; Graduate onm Sr iuSverstt,., f Vaccination, Dentistry und Suirery ot all kinus. Country calls promptly, answered. Agents for National Live stock Insurance Association. Portland Oregon. ' . ,v ! ' Office, 14 Adams avenue. ; -Phones: Pacific, Black 1901. f . Independent 373. r- Cleairaince Syits OLTmpio flour 18 maae rrom carefully selected Northwestern wheat, thoroly cleaned by the most modern methods known.' All the nutritious qualities of ths wheat are retained and it reaches yon clean and pure and wholesome. If your dealer can't supply you, write us tell you who can but don't Olympic insist there Isn't any Just sub good." AT YOUR ATTORNEYS. C H. CRAWFORD. :.. Attorney at Law. v ,. .. i Practices in all the courts of the &ti and Uulted States. r Office in La .Grande National Ban Building, La Grande, Oregon. Chas. 2. Cochran Geo T. Cochrai COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Vj: . Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande -Vt Oregr tTIULlAM M. iUUUSKl' Attorney and Counsello 0 ,, . ; v It Law. Rooma 15 and 16 So er Block. La Grand, , y Oreroa TEAOHEIW OP MUSIC. -I'RLA CARLOCK. Teacher of Piano. ' PMU ot Pierre Douilet of the San J Otaierratary. r children the Burrows course of music study and musical kindergat ten. Studio In the Mabaffey Bldg. Frlghtfal Fate Aiert. "I would have teen a ?rtppie fo ome a?.d compare our prices and the quality of our goods with others and satisfy yourself - . . i uXTv ho tin or alwavs successful V I always use . " . . and scoured ' . Am ,t A " V and weTl take any upon i GIlO,CEIl9S life, from a terrible cut on my kaee cap." writes Fran Dlsberrr. KelULe Miua., "wuniiui tiiicalttna arnica fe. wtilcli aouu curuii CD-" I for woucids, cut ua brut' cures, burns, scalds, o t, It mxm sores. - ssis ravons. World's est tor FUa 50c at the New ji Drur Company. : Wcsi Boa id. No. 9-Mall. r. 10:50 p. m. No. 6 It. ras..ar 10:05 p m O No. 7- nh. B)i. ar. 9:25 a m V st Bound No. 10-Ma:i, ar. 6:30 a. m. No. 6, local pas ar 9:2f5 a m No. 8, ChL spl. ar8:30 p. m. ! X ? Z ft'?. o i. A. OUTER. Gasoline wood saw. Phone orders to MiArV.mri a a a - a a a &1 o