La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 31, 1909, Image 8

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Ia the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the county of Union.
tlla Moxley. Plaintiff,
Fred. I. Moxley, Defendant
To Fred I. Moxley, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon,
yon are hereby sumoned and directed
to appear and plead to the complaint
filed against you In the above entitl
ed suit and court, on or before the
2lBt day of January, A. D. 1910. the
tame being tbe last day of the publi
cation of this summons, the first day
of publication hereof being December
10, A. D. 1909. '
And If you fall or neglect to so
appear and plead herein, on or before
said date, then plaintiff will apply
thereafter to the above entitled cocrt
for default against you for such fail
ure and neglect, and demand the re
lief prayed for la her complaint filed
herein, to wit . For a decree forever
dissolving the marriage contract exist
lng between plaintiff and defendant
herein, by reason of defendant having
deserted and abandoned plaintiff, with
out Just cause or excuse, for more
than one year prior to the commence
ment of this suit; and for Judgment
for her costs and disbursements here
in, and for such otter and further re
lief, from time to time, as may be nec
esa&rv and nronr to tnfnw -
Cecree and judgmeut
This summon sia published by vir
tue of an order made and entered by
Hon. J, W, Knowles, judge of the
above entitled court, at chambers, In
IT r f M S iL - tm t m
m wrauuu, uregon, on u m oay oi
December, A. D. 1909. which order
directed the service of this sumons
upon you by publication for a period
of six consecutive weeks, and for sev
en publications thereof, In the La
Grande Weekly Observer, from and
after the date of the first publication
thereof, towlt, from and after Decem
ber 10th, A. D. 1909.
Atty. for Plaintiff.
(D. 10-17-24-3 M -7-14-21.)
after January first This fills a de
cided want in this section. 1
I Logs to Be Loaded.
( l . . a
contractors iing ana siauiej iur
the Palmer Lumber Company have
250,000 feet of logs on the side tracks
here for loading to be shipped to the
mill at La Grande
Tost Office Department Conies to the
Aid of Settlers In the Vicinity
Of Rondowa.
hondowa, Dec. 31. Special. One
foot of snow covers the portions of
Union and Wallowa counties border
ing on iRondowa. The weather condi
tion sare pleasant, however and hun
ters and loggers are in high glee over
the condition of the weather.
Money Order Permits Soon.
The postal department has ordered
the local post office under the regime
of John Anthony to sell money orders
SEW 3I0XE1".
(Continue' from vee 1-1
non-Phy-Itoberts, the La Grande la
vestment Company, Logan-Sherwood
Realty company, tbe Van Duyn re
alty company and others.
Aside from the deals consumated
through real estate firms, there has
been a number of private deals, some
of them calling for large amounta.
This total however, does not include
any deals outside of parties living in
La Grande, though the land sold is
often in outlying districts. Conse
quently, deals closed at Imbler, Union
Cove and other towns, are not includ
ed.' Much Outside Money.
Half of this sum at the lowest mar
gin, is money coming from points out
of the county to be Invested locally.
One firm which did considerable more
than 60,000 reports that all but 1,500
is outside money. Invested here. An
other firm doing 75,000 in business
divides Its business half and lu.lf. The
half representing home money is sub
divided into city and farm lands.
This . unusually ranid rttvitv In
real estate Is a reflection if the in
creased value due to promise of val
ley irrigation, coupled .wKh strenu
ous advertising along such lilies as
can be backed up by actua' demon
stration. . .
Thet the 401,000 represented by
boni fide agents is not the only items
Is evlncvd by the fact that fruit lands
Involving 453,000 by two local men, a
25,000 Item in the purchase of tbe
United States National and other
items such as the Methodist Chuch
site at 5,000, smaller fruit farms
ranging from 3,000 to 5.000.
Deals coming to the attention of
the Observer total 493,750 and the
balance Is easily made up in smaller
sales by private parties.
Department of ths Interior at La
Grande, uregoa.
November 11, 1909. Noiire Is hereby
given that Henry L. Courtney of La
rande, Oregon, who on July 28th, 1905
lade hcmeBtea dentry No. 14532, serial
I'a 04558 for W 1-2 SW 1-4 and W 1-2
NW 1-4 section 24, -Township 4 South
Hange 37 East Willamette meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to inak.3
final five year proof to establish claim
to said land . bove described, befor.?
the ltegister and Raxlver of the Unit
ed States Land Office at La Grange
regon, on the 11 th da; of January:
Claimant names as witnesses: G.
w o. a. Pior a. a. H. Per
ry man an J F. W. Kleese, all of u
Grande. Oregon.
V. C Bramwell.
Those fortunate ' enough to own
aulomobiles are enjoying seme brac
ing morning rides.
Jfext Friday Evening.
Next Friday eevning the Modern
Woodmen of America of Island City
will give a basket supper to be fol
lowed b ya grand ball. The public are
cordially Invited to enjoy the occasion.
JfoOce of Final Account
Notice is hereby rivn tw'ffc
derslgned, as executor under the last
will and.te8ti.ment of Minerva E. Neal
deceased, has filed his final account as
such executor and the Hon. J. C. Hen
ry, county Judge of Uuion county,
Oregon, has set Monday, the 17th day
of January, 1910 at 2 o'clock p. m. as
the day and uate, and the court house
as the place for the hearing of objec
tions, If an there be thereto.
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Decern
ber 16th, 1909. .
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Minerva E. Neal, deceased.
Park Association Agrees to Serve DIa
ner for Club Banquet
On January Fourth the Commercial
Club will give the banquet of the year
to which all the Commercial clubs in
the county have been Invited. The
preparations have reached the point
where the Commercial Club has
chosen the caterers and the place to
hold the banquet Tho Park Associa
tion has planned to serve a New Eng
land supper at fifty cents a plate. The
place selected for the banquet is the
Old Odd Fellows hall, which has late
ly been remodeled.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given to all whom
it may concern, that Hattle J. Rals
ton, administratrix of the estate of
Curtis Ralston, deceased, has filed in
the County Court of Union County,
Oregon, her final account as adminis
tratrix of said estate and said Court
has set Monday, the 3rd day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1910 at 2 o'clock P. M., at
the county court house In La Grande,
Oregon as tho time for hearing aucti
reports and al! objection thereto.
Dated at La Grande, Ore,-, ;- this
December 3rd, 190&.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon For Union County.
M. K. HALL. Plaintiff,
DANIEL KELLY, Defendant.
To Daniel Kelly, defendant above
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
action on or before the expiration of the
time prescribed In the order directing
the publication hereof. twlt: six
consecutive weeks from Jia date of theJ.
first publication of this amnions whic
is the 15th day of Ocuber, 1909. and
if you fail to appear, ftnswer or other
wise plead within tin said time, tbe
plaintiff will take a judgment against
you in the im of 76.20 t1u HUiTt
thereon from the lBt day of Vwury,
1905, at the rae of 6 per cant pir an
num until paid, together with jialn
tiffs cost and disbursements, and
plaintiff will also apply to the court
for an order directing the sale t the
property now attached In this ftotion,
towit: all the right title and interest
nf Daniel Kelly in and to the real
property of the estate of Thomas Kel
ly, deceased, consisting of Lot 1, 2 and
3 in block 154 Chaplin's addition to
the city of La Grande, Oregon, and
5 1-2 acres, described as follows: be
ginning at the section corner bet
ween; Sect'ons 28, 29,' 32 and 33 Jn
Township 2 South, range 38 East WI1
lamete Merldan, and running thence
north 8.70 chains, thence South 55 de
grees, West 15.45 chains, thence east
12.51 chains to place of beginning, sit
uated in the Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 29, Township 2 South, range 38
East Willamette Meridan, or bo much
of the said described premises as may
be necessary for the satisfaction of
the said Judgement
By virtue of an order of the Hon. J.
W. Knowles, Judge of the above entitl
ed court, made and entered on the 16th
day of October, 1909. This summons la
Observer, a weekly newspaper, printed
and published h Grnd&, Ufllofc
county. Oregon.
Try It-It's Good Stuff
For your HotsetXow, Pig5 or Chickens. The f II hUgh
when they see you coming at FEED TIME - -' .
Waters-Stanchf ield Produce Co
PHONES: Black 121
141o Adams Ave.
Independent 451
D. Fi I GERALD, Proprietor
Complete Machine Shops and Foundry "
In The county Court for the County of
Union, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the guardianship
of the person and estate of David
Troy, an Incompetent person.
To David Troy, Mary Knight, Delia
Beam, John Troy and Thomas Troy,
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State or Oregon, for Union county, at
the court room thereof, at La Grande
in the county of Union, on Monday,
the 31st day of January, 1910, at 1.50
o'clock In the afternoon of that day,
then and there to show cause, if any
you have, why the guardian of he
estate of the person and estate of the
above named David Troy, an incom
petent person, bhould not sell, in the
manner provided by law, the following
described real property, belonging to
said estate of the said David Troy, to
wlt: The NW 1-2 of Sec. 22 in Tp. 1, N. of
R35 E. W. M. in Union county Ore
gon, and the following described real
property, in the city of Elgin, said
county and state: Commencing at the
N. E. corner of the S. E. 1-4 of the
N. E. 1-4 of the 8. W. 1-4 of 3ec 15, Tp
1, N. of R, 39 E. W. M. and running
thence west 160 feet, thence south
272 feet, thence eastt 160 feet, thence
north 272 feet, to the place of begin
ning, conslslng of 1 acre, more or leas
In Union county, Oregon.
Witness the Hon J. C. Henry, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Union, with
the seal of said Court affixed this 22
nd day of December, 1909.
' Attest ED. WRIGHT.
New Turban Hair Pads
New Coronet
Braid Pins
3 L I r r c K b
In all kinds, shades and sizes, to suit the mnst
g particular. Comeearly while the lines and sizes are f
g complete.
special offer;
q Your slippers put in special Christmas boxes if
O so desired kithout extra charge. to
we nave some Pure White Anerora Gnat. RHna
that will make excellent presents that are just the S
if 5 vavj wMiiago xuuo vi a ueuroom rug.
irii.ii,ii v .rii"lnii,ir. r.i,T.wTmi TWWTXiy.T i ... 4, ., .j..,,,. ., . . .
lh ' '"i'- I a hT I v 5, -s&s. rjry (T fl
i'fw-' w w O Oft p
VMiXmZZ th0CarpeDterS r00ntowork' we haw t on a special sale every
China Closets, $30.00 Reduced to $2300
Iron Beds, $20.00 Reduced to .... " v "Iis'oq
Couches, $40.00, Reduced to .. ... " "Iso'on
11 L
li n