ETEmil 0 nSEBTEB, LA GRAJCDK, CEICGS FRIDAY; ITZCZZZZZ V V2X The Elite Dying and Cleaning Works : j H. ByWACESEB,rojrfetiv Steam and French Dry Clean la ladies vik a pelalltr. Good' rahed for and deliver I. Phone Main 6, filahaHey Building Depoi Street High Grade Furniture THIRTY-FIVE EUGS .$35.00; $30.00: $$25.0 SPECIAL PEICE .. ..$25.00; $23.00; $20.00 5 TTH" ""TV 2T" W C 5,1 4iK3 J r-it 3 Carload of High Grade Furniture recieved on November 21, November 24 and December 2 $10,000.00 Worth muse be moved at once. Enormous reductions made on every article FOR CASH ONLY: 40 Styles of Rockers ........... . . $5.00 to $18.00 Vau ffliMrtt ... $4.2X to 112.40 $33.00 SoUd Brass Bed, Ncrsr.. .. .... .$2SL00.U: U 5uy your nance now for $5.00 and $10.00 off on each sale over. Buy a useful piece of furniture for the J PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ' ..... ' 4 . BACON ft HALL. ,r . Physicians and . Surgeons. OEca In La Grande NaUonal Bank Building. Thono Main 19. &. T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 52. C. 11. UPTON PH.. G. M. D. Physician and Surgocn. Special attention glvsn to Eye, ', Ear Nose and Throat , v Office In La Grande National Bank Building. . ' Thonesr Office, Main 2 ; ; Reeldenc Main 38. VEXEmViBI SUEGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office a: HlU'a Drug Store, La Grande. Residence Phone Red 701. Office Phone Black 13 1. ' : . inaepenaeni i-aono o. Botli phones at 'residence. DR. W. H. RILMT. . Oraaoate tnuo maw ttuverstl, Vaedaatioa. DeaUetry and Sargery 44 all kinOa. comaury eaus yrowpuy Uvwl.i4at lor aaaeJiTe ' JBPe ' .'- . . . . 14 1ML J. C FSIOt D. 2L D. Rosea M. Lb GraMs KaOeaal Bamk BaiMlag,'. Pfcaaa Slack JW1. TXACBSSS r KTJ8IG ' EBLA CAXLOCX. Teaeker ef Plane. Pupil of Pierre Doullet of the Saa Jose Conserratory. For children the Burrows course of Jnusle study and musical kindergar ten, studio in the Mahaffey Bldg. ARCHITECTS. ROBERT MILLER Architect. Office 1107 Adams avenue. Thonei Pacific, Main I. Home Independent . ATTORNEYS. C H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. v Fractlces In all the courts of the fttat and United Bute. Office la La Grande National Building. La Grande. Oregoa. Chas. M. Cochran Geo T. Cochras COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Attorneys. ; La Grande NaUoaal Bask Building La Grande . Orrjoa f Attorney and Counsellor si Law. . ' Rooms H and 1 Bomtner Block. . La Oraada, . Ontvxu Maisfeii LOST One sorrel Alley, 3 years old, branded P. B.; one black Alley 2 years old, branded P. B.j one yearling horse colt, sorrel, branded P. B. $20 reward for the return of same at my ranch, 4 Ladd Creek, or at Farmer's Peed Barn In La Grande. Liberal re ward for Information leading to their recovery. Fred Braden,, Ind. phone No. 14 G. , . 12-14-21. A Good Buy Eight Room Modern House V New-Close in J Partly Furnished I Price $4,000.00 : i Terms J . i . .. . LA C5AJTSX IWnZTKMMT Q9 4 J -V. P4lj B'Mk. ' J FEJIZ3I ' : Se3 Red (91. . e IiSn Ii Steekheliws. . Notice is hereby given fto the ateak holdese of the United Statee NaUoaal Bank of La Grande, that the annaal meeting cf the stockholders ef the said bank, will be held at their tank lng house in La Grande, Oregon,' on Tuesday," January 11, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 . m. for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the Insuing year, and trans acting any other business that may come before the meeting. T. J. SCROGGIN, v , Cashier. , . Netiee te CrediUis. , Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed, and has qualified as administratrix of the estate of Benjamin Brown, de ceased; and that all claims of every description against said estate must be presented to the undersigned at her home in Island City, . or to F. S. Ivanhoe, her attorney, at his office in La Grande, Oregon on or before six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Island City, Oregon, Nov. 29th, a. d. 1909. " ; FANNIE BROWN, ... Administratrix of the estate of Benjamin Brown, deceased. F. S. ITANHOE, Atty. for Estate. The hard Mallsable Steel ;rfr r.Mr..; . i rangOIt CASH ONLY-onw in and look this home and I will deliver it Christmas Eve. , . The Furniture Fir & Jefferson IMPORTANT FARMERS AD DIRECTORS WILL MEET TOMORROW AFTERN OON Decide on Wording of Contract for the Prospective Water Users. No ineetlne of recent months Is of more importance to the valley thun a committee meeting tomorrow at : .: clock between the Ave represent UveB from the prospective water users and the dlroctors of the Grande Rondo Irrigation Compauy, The men to repre sent the waterusers are Duncan Mc Donald, Sam Brooks, C. D. Huffmann, John McAllster and J. A. Thronson. These men will agree with the direct ors on what clauses and the wording of the clauses that are to constitute the contract to be signed for the wateruBers. In meetings past, It be came clear that there are no material differences In the demands of the wa terusers and the stipulaUoa of the contract already prepared. Things the farmers are demanding are included In the present contract, but the phrase ology is not to their liking. At to morrow's meeting the contract will be worded so as to embody the features now contained in it, but la different language. . . 4. . BIG GAME SURE. ' - Baker City Stars te Xtet The AlLitar Pendleton Aggregation Baker" City, Dec - 17. A football game, such as has never before been seen here will be played on New Tears day because two of the best teams that ever met In Eastern Oregon will en gage In a battle royal. Pendleton has organized, or will organize what they are proud to term an all star team and have sent challenges to many cities. Baker was among the many cities chal lenged and the boys here decided to line up the heavies and fastest team that ever played on the local gridiron. .. Among the players will be Menzle McKlm, for the past two years coach of the Baker High and acknowledged to be the fastest quarter ever turned out of a high bchcol, who will . play quarter for the locals. Henry McKln ney, whose reputation extends all over the northwest, will play fullback while Enberg of O. A. C, and Hollcy of Ore gon will play halves. Dodson of Ore gon will play right end and Borman of Baker left end. Jones of Baker High wll play right guard, and Fred War ner or Dr. Notz left guard. Hall of Ba ker has been chosen for left tackle. Flnley of Baker high will play center. ' Coach Nichols expects to begin put ting the players through their paces about Christmas and will give them a week of hard, trfttukag before the big MEETING Beds, $10.00 to , . .t4 of! Balft., Man Both Phones game. The visitors will have the same time for training and will have many college players of the northwest in their lineup. It will be the biggest game ever played here and undoubted ly a large crowd will witness the struggle. 4444A!iia(baaaAe WILLC0CK BROTHERS Quick Transfer , Da. Red 711 ttlfht. black tait. j .. J . .." - .. .. ', :.. 11 -.. il ,' I Itinqsley & Coqer Shoes . Repaired j I Two ' first class workmen, i All work turned out with 1 dispatch and. r guana, i THB OLD PRESTON IT AND. Ketlce f Steckholder'i MeeUsf. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of.the Stockholders of the Hot Lake Sanltcrium Company, a corporation organized and existing under the lavrs of the state of Oregon, will be held at Hot Lake, Oregon, on December 28, 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of offi cers and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before said meeting. Dated at Hot Lake, Oregon this 7th day of December, 1909. HOT LAKE SANITORIUM COMPANY By W. T. PHY. Sec. Treas. Christmas boxes for sale, Ferguson's. FOR RENT Furnlaled rooms, close in. Enquire at Ferguson's book store or 1808 Fourth street. Christmas boxes for sale, Ferguson's. Takes TJp .Taken three weeks as aa the Orange halL an old buckekia korse, branded oa right shoulder wltft a figure resembling "O". Owner she aid notify the sugar factory. II QEOaE; PALMER. Pres. F. J.' HOLMES, V ke-Pres. S F. L. MEYERS, Cashier.. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK : OF LA GRANDE, OREGON i Capital and Surplus $1 7Q 0?.G5 7 Deposits $1,000,000.00 ' : DIRECTORS ; George Palmer ; C. C. Peningtoni; F. J. Holmes G. L. Cleaver W. J.Church F. M ByrRit F. L. Meyers W. L. Brenholt Tht Largest and Best Banking Institution in Union County' Respectfully Solicits Your Business - ! PREVENT FROZEN PIPES I Our attention to your wat er pipes and Coils will save you time and 0 fn BAY & ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS. . 211 DEPOI STREET V!e Want Our Want tow want is placed before every day Caa you afford want ad where results are 'Vrr seeeeesesyeeMeaessssssMeMseeeeeeeiisestssji roh oiUj At a bargaia. two aouses n Pens, arena. Call oa Fred B. Carrey, at OammercSal Club roams, La Grande National Bank building. FOR BAUD Farm of 169 aeres near La Grande. Improved, . Phone to Back 111 or write to Post Office box 145, La Orande, Orego. ; , FOR SALE 265 cash register. toUl 'ng, nearly new, easy terms at F. .. "sten's store. .'. FOB REST. e rooms for light '"ck 822 or call at 1. FOB Ei tons at the west ena ot . tenus. lour acres may go wit this .-roperty. Enqulr C. L. England, 1519 Monroe, Ave. FOR RENT House and tarn with t acres of land. Apply to Chas. W. Ctora. FOR RENT Ho'ise of eight rooms on the corner of Orandy Avenue and First street Phone Black 1192. FOR BALE OR RENT Five room house two blocks north of the round house and one block from the Palmer mllL For particulars call at Observer odea. ' W. L. BRENHOLT, Asst. Cash, j ' SHERWOOD WILLIAMS,. 2nd Asst: Cash 3J money Your Wan is IN Ad Column a thousand or more want. seekers to spend one cent perord of your the keynotes? WaHTSUl WANTED Seme one to take charge of aevvexy and earcalatloii of one of the state's leading papers. A gees rroposttioa to the right party. Bee A. O. Smith, 1313 Muaroe St Cof Flr. LOST Child's black astalan fur on Saturday, Not. 2t. Finder pleasa leave at Henry ft Carr's furnltarw store." ..--.v WANTED Experience girl for gen eral house work. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Russell, 1882 Corner Main and Third streets. dft-18. WANTED-Lady to come to the houso and sew. Phone Reti 114L LOST AND rOUHD. LOST-Lundle ot Irnndry on Fourth. street In South La Orande. Finder leave at Newlln's drug store or Old Town Store. FOUND Suit cane, eontaaln; sample of soap. Owner can have same by notifying Herman Vehrs and tayiajr for this ejTerttseawat. WANTED Girl to help in dining rooia and kitc!i9n. Must have had some ex perience. Address John Anthony, Rowdowa, Oregon. ' mm e . f