La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 01, 1909, Image 4

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Fsbllshed Daily Except Sunday.
Called Press Telegraph Service.
DeiU. single copy 6c
Dally, pr month 65c
Dally, tlx months to advance ...$3.60
Dally, one year In advance ..... 6.50
Weekly, alx months in advance . . 76c
Weekly, one year in advance ....$1.00
Entered at the postofflce at La Orande
aa aecond-claas matter.
mn paper wm not pubusn any
article appearing over a nom do
plume. Signed articles will be re
vised subject to tbe discretion of the
editor. Please sign your articles and
save disappointment
Advertising Bates.
Local reading notices 10c imt line
rst insertion; 6c, per line tor each
subsequent insertion.
Resolution of condolence. 5c a line.
To the people who arose earlv y
ieraay morning, was given the prive
lege of witnessing one of the scenes
that Dame Nature sometimes, but not
ften, presents In the shape of a grand
stage setting or a beautiful painting.
As the sun rose in the east, the sky
' H the appearance of a grand
and glorious masterpiece, the like of
which no man could ever place on can
vass or scarcely imagine. The sky as
background, took on the opulescent
coloring of a deeply tinted mother of
pearl, while the few scattered cloud
lets were deep orange, pink and rad
iating in all tbe colors of the rainbow.
Off towards the mountains, which the
early morning mists almost coinpletly
hid from view, waves of light varying
In tints from sea green to a deep pur
ple stole In anld out, giving ihe hlili
the appearance of a beautifully rr.;s'
terlous land of dreams and one could
be found looking longingly for the
appearance of the fades at every fan
tastic change of their appearance. It
waa wierdly beautiful. So much so
that cold type cannot ex peas the lm
pession that the scene left on the be
holder. It was a veritable glory of
glories, enthroning the new born
jnon. As the sun rose higher the beau
"""tlful vista of ever changing colors be
gan to fade away silently and slowly,
until the king of day shone full on the
face of the mountains bringing out
every slight detail like gazing through
a strong field glass. Yes, nature gives
at times to the Grand Ronde those
beauties that are supposed to be found
only in the Italian skies or the mid
night sun of the northland.
. . i i
Waiter Furguson Is taking the
school census In this district. It Is
highly important that every child of
school age should be counted. Even
one that Is overlooked reduces the
school money, state and county, by
that much. It your home Is missing,
you should call up Mr. Ferguaou and
notify him of the fact and he -will have
the names enrolled. It Is further Im
portant that a complete count should
be made as It gives us a pretty fair
Index to the city's population at this
w. Senator Nelson V. Altlrich. In an ml
, dreBS before the Fkononilo Club of
New York, last night said that the pan
ic of 190T cost the United States moie
than $2,000,000,000. Senator Aldrjrh
"The disastrous refmlla of that crl
. sis can nevef be completely measured.
It's destructive Influences were f.-lt,
throughout the world and the I'nlted
.States escaped only by the narrowest
.margin a total collapse of all credit
And the wholesale destruction of all
The coyote hua a sweet tooth for
mutton and that fact gives tho West
ern ranchmen much trouble, this little
animal that barks only at a safe dist
ance when human beings are about,
will follow a shep tor miles, "amp on
its trail In fact for a whole winter, If
necessary, and then follow It fc.ut to
its sumer quarters In the hoims of at
Jast feasting on It. No worthlem cur
, was ever half so aslduous In ts atten
tions or bo cunlnng in its maneuvers.
The roads leading into the city
from the west and for a considerable
distance in the city should be fixed up
properly. The worst roads to be found
from the city to Starkey are within
the city limits and just outside. This
condition has prevaled for many years
and it is time these streets and roads
were put in shape. Let this be the
last year that this can be said of tbls
. - .
Judge Bennett of Portland is putting
in practice a theory that he has had
for some time and instead of fining
the usual Monday morning drunks $2
he has raised tbe fine to $10. Monday
morning of this week he only had
nine victims appearing before him as
against 25 the week previous. It will
son be in Portland so that none but
the rich can afford a Sunday drunk.
January 10th is 'the date fixed in
the federal courts for the bearing of
the land fraud cases, in which the in
dictments in most instances are about
five years old. It is the general im
pression that practically all of them
will be dismissed. Ex-Congressman
Hermann is to be tried and possibly
one or two others.
--' ,
When congress meets in D5-:ember
one of the questions to be threshed!
out will undoubtedly be the revision I
of lu iure lood laws to met t e de
mands of the general body ot consum
ers for still further Improvements in
the method in vogue in many ot our
food factories.
The recent rains have resulted in
considerable damage in certain sec
tions of the Northwest. Orande Ronde
is fortunate again as usual. Our rains
have been of immense benefit to the
ground as it Is now thoroughly soak
ed both in the valleys and in the
mountains, which will insure both a
bountiful crop of grains and grasses.
Juwt Few Doent Regulate Out ui 0.
der Kidneys Ending Bladder
Old, obstinate cases, It is true 'Bo
nd be cured la a few days, but there
Is absoluteuy o sufferer from eczj
ma whoever used thlr simple wash
and 'did not find immediately that
wonderful Boothiug. calm, cool sensa
tlou that comes when the Itch Is to
ken away. Instantly upen applying
a few drops of the wash the reme ly
t kes affect, the itch id layed. Tbe
is n seed of experiment the patleit
knows at once.
Instead of trying to compound the
ell of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine,
etc.ln the right proportions ourselv
es we are using a prescription which
1 universally found the most effect
ive. It la nown as ;h' p. D. D. pre
scription, or Oil ofWin'ergreen Com
pound. It la mad by ths D. D. D.
Company of Chicago,1 and onr long
experience with this remedy has giv
en us great confidence In us merit.
Newlln Drug Com pony.
A Few Doses Makes Your Out of Order
, Kidneys Work Fine.
No man or woman here whose kid
neys are but of order or who suffers
from backache or bladder misery, can
afford to leave Pape's Diuretic un
After taking several doBes all pains
In, the back, sides or loins, rheumatic
twinges, backache, headache, sleepll
ness, Inflamed or swollen eyelids, dlz
zlnes, tired or worn out feeling and
other symptoms ot clogged sluggish
kidneys, simply vamsh.
Uncontrollable urination (especial
ly at night) smarting, discolored wa
ter, and all bladder misery ends.
The moment you suspect the slight
est bladder or kidney disorder or
feel rheumatic pains don't continue
to be miserable or worried, but get a
fifty cent cent treatment of Pape's
Diuretic from your druggist and start
taking as directed, with the knowledge
that there is no other medicine, at
any price, made anywhere else in the
world, which is so harmless or will
effect so thorough or prompt a cure.
This usual preparation goes direct
to the cause of trouble distributing its
cleaning, healing and vitalizing in
fluence directly upon the organs and
glands affected and completes the
cure before you realize it.
A few day's treatment ot Pape's ;
Diuretic means clean, healthy, active j
kidneys, bladder and urinary organs
and you feel fine.
Your physician, pharmlst, banker
or any mercantile nsrency will tell you
If the 1'nlted States noes to Nlcara- j that Pape, Thompson Pape, ot Cln
rarua for the purpose of straightening .vlnnntl. is a large and responsible
matters out there, thltiRs will be put
straight a! lright. The KllllnKof Aruer
lean cittens--j.HghV' Niml
medicine concern, thoroughly worthy
of your confidence. ,
Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty
vent treatment from any drus: store
Under the auspices of the
La G
150 views and 2,00 feet of motiion picture film showing the secenic
wonders of the Columbia and Sacramento river; an dthe wonder
spots a".ong the coast from Los. Angeles to Astoria. The Yosemlte Val
ley and the Big Trees are fully .Illustrated. Motion pictures tell tbe
story of the reconstruction of San Francisco.
Remember the date
Dec.' 2nd, at 8:30 o'clock
In the Scenic Theatre
Depot Street
dlese areikZSi jacts
V jr.
If you do, come to us and get our
prices, get our goods as well, they are
good goods. For woodworkers, tool
handlers, we have the tools, you buy
them, give them to your men Any
body go on astrike with our tools?
Bring them back. We will tetle U
even to the price.
will find our line of dinner and ti
seta everything that good taste am) re
finement can demand. Artistically imd
exquisitely decorated, novel In shu;i3
and pattern, these goods will bear the
closest scrunity and comparison with
any manufactured.
It I ' T T i T ,
Oui Cream Wafers
We Want Your Wants
Our Want Ad Column
Yout want is placed before a thousand or more want-ssekart
every day Can you afford to spend one cent perword of your
want aa wheio rasults are the keynote?
TOR SALE Set of 11-incb cones for
power belt, abaft 1 1-4 Inches with
bangers. Brand new coat la $35;
will be sold at a bargain. Apply
4t Observer office. (S-lG-tf)
j-.'jp ki u f a bwrflfn. two bonnes
i;n i'"-1,; nve;mn. J.V) On FrDd 1.
Currey, i ;a! o rooms.
La Orande National HtrV building.
lost ajtd roum
LOST Signet ring, initials H. E. 8.
Lost either near tabernacle or the
high school building. Finder return
to Observer office.
FOUND In one of the stores on Ad
ams avenue a gentleman's gold sig
net ring. Information mar be obtained
I by calling at this office.
FOR 8 ALE Farm of 1C0 acres ' near
La Orande. ii-.i-.uu Phone to
Back 181 or write to Pont Office box
S45. La Grande, Orexov.
tm SALE House of 8 rooms, two
lots with several fruit trees on the
corner ot Orandy Avenue and First
streets. Phone Black 1192. (025N25)
LOST Bundle of laundry on Fourth
Btreet In South La Grande. Finder
leave at Newlln's drug store or Old
Town Store.
FOR RENT Two four room modern
cottages. Enquire of lira. 8. C.
FOB KENT Ox twos boom at the
wet ana ot mam avenue. Your acres
may go with this property. Enquire C.
L. England. 1519 Monroe, Ave.
HORSES FED Horses fed hay 4.00
per month. J. E. Reynolds ft Son.
Phone Farmers 64. (N15-27)
TOR RENT Three rooms for light
housekeeping. Phone black 822 or call
at 1311 O Avenue.
WANTED Some one to take charge
of delivery and circulation of one of
tbe state's leading papers. A good
rroposition to the right party. See A.
Smith, 1313 Munroe St Cor Fir.
buss Errs hack use.
Beat f eervlce. Day nd
Night Backs k.urnishft tor
funerals and private parties.
Baggage transferred Day and
Stand at Paul's Cigar Store.
'Phone Red 1 41.
- Night Phene Mala SI.
el l. Bussmr.
eney Comes la Banc sea.
to A. A. Chrlsholm ot Tread well. N.
Y now.. .His reason ts well worth
reading: Tor along tune 1 enffortd
from lndistlon.torpld liTcr, constipat
ion nervousness and general debil
ity," he writes. "I coidn't sleep,
had no appetite, nor amblt'on, grew
weaker every day In sptte of all medi
cal treatment Then used Electric
Bitters. Twelve bottles restored all
i my old time health and vigor. Now 1
can attend to business every day. It
Is a wonderful medicine Infallible
for Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Blood
and Nerves. 60c at the Xewllu Drug
I FOU SALE A good corner lot In a
I desirable location. For particulars
inquire at this office.
And What do You Think
of That
A good big lot on Fourth street, close in for
$500.00 with terns that will not exceed your ci
gar money.
Here is Another
1-2 acre near the big pay-rolls, has small
house, chicken house and, yards, a family or
chard, (20 trees) and irrigated. This also is
$500.00 on easy terms. This is a chance to get
free rent this winter for you can get more than
that next Spring if you wanted to sell it.
No. 220 Depot Street
Burglary, Theft and Larceny
AU oiseheM feeds aad personal Affects, belonging t any aiesiW ef
the faadEr fMt, against loss by burglary, theft er larceny, In
elaucg tkefts by serrasU r other employees.
Ta proparty, rhnVh an ether flxtares. Allows six months vaeaa
ey wXieat notice. Ho co-Insarsaee. Ha inventory ef the property Is
Private Besldeaces and Apartment Henses.
$1,000. $12X0; $2,000, $22.60; $3,000, $30.00; $4,000, $31.00; $5,000, $40."
Each Additional $1.000 $6.00
Each $1,000 ........ ..$16.00
Yaeant keases (plamblng flxtares and damage ta koases each
$1.000.. j10.oo
those bar
accord h" '
.. i ,
V any.wheri In the world.
W ... i