EJEM5G CSIlifR,LA tiRAADE UCLU. SAllRDAY, NOTEMBEB 27, 809. 0 c 1 r. - ' a , o o o LOCAL ITEMS. O "O M. F. Moore of Baker City Is a busl ness visitor ia the city today. L. F. Massee express agent at Hood River,' Is here the guest of his rela tives. George Lameroux, American Light & Power Company agent at Hilgard, is here today on business. William B. Kiff of Long Creek in Umatilla county is in the city today transacting business at the land of fice. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Black of Baker City spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Newlin. L. Billings, the well known Imbler farmer, came In this afternoon on a business trip. . Mrs. O. C. Scheurer is visiting at the Hotel Foley with Mr. and Mrs. George E. Good. H. S. Massee is in Twin Falls on bus Iness matters expecting to return to morrow. W. J. Dishman of Wallowa came Jerry Proe yesterday forfeited $20 for fighting on Thanksgiving day. W. C. Combs left today lor Telocaset to look after timber interests. Editor Slblrd of the Union Repub lican Is among the business visitors in the city. , J. E. Stearns of Cove has been In this city on business and left this morning for Union. cattle taking them market to the Portland Win. Ballance, who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. J. H. Aiktne, has returned to his home in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A. M. Gaston' of Wallowa passed through La Grande today on his way to Southern California to spend the . winter. . Attorney W. L. Patterson of Baker City is In the city today transacting legal business. Mrs. H. S. Massee left last evening for Blanchardsvllle, Wis., where she will visit for a few weeks with her parents. John Couch has returned from Bohl, Idaho, where he has been for the past two years. He has sold out and will make this valley his home again. . There will be no church services at the Presbyterian church tomorrow, but Sunday school will meet as usual and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30. .'t' V i. Mrs. Laura Green Wills, of Lebanon Oregon will return to La Grande ear ly next week to visit for a few days with he parents and friends in this city. s. Ben W. Shores, a former La Grande resident, in a letter from Bethel, Kansas, renews his subscription ' to the Observer and says some of these days he will be west again. .Owing to the illness of Mrs. Mac Lennon the Presbyterian Aid Society will meet next Wednesday afternoon ; at the home of Mrs. Mac Call and each member Is earnestly requested to be present as this is the last meeting be fore the annual bazaar on December 8th. '..,7;': "-rUUT y - Herman Clark who is attending the ; Willamette University at Salem is home for a few days. He states that ' there are betwen 350 and 400 students attending the school, which is in a most prosperous , condition , under the ' direction of President Homan. Eaton Hall gave the school the addition of more room which was very badly : needed. More new students have enter ed this year than at any previous yar. Dr. W. D. McMillan fainiess Dentistry La Grande National Bank Bldg. BolhPhones G. D. Roe, representative of the Underwood Typewriter Company left for Union this morning. Misses Francis Heritage and Elma Thomas are over from Union to spend the day. Attorney Joe Baker returned today from a visit to some mines In the Eagle valley country. ' . ' ' Frank Osta, a Belgian working cm the pipe line, v. as fined yesterday evening for indulging too freely in beer. , He claimed that he aj uot drunk at all and that he had not had over twenty glasses. ' O. P. Pratt. C. W. Weatherston, George H. Home, Mrs. J. N. Holmes, J. W. Baxter, James Inglan, W. D. Hanks, H. J. Nellson, J. It Ellingforo. are over from Union this morning at tending the L. D. S, Conference. STANDING JOKE PREVAILS WITH UNIOX COUJiTY SCHOOLS. To send out bronze medals for sup eriority of exhibits In the educational display In the Oregon Building at the Seattle Fair last summer seems to be a Joke. Following on the reclept in I Elgin of the announcement that Elgin schools had been awarded a bronze Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Walker of El- medal for their display, comes one to gin left today for Milton where they ( Superintendent Stout of the local will visit friends and relatives. W. K. Davis of North Powder for merly In business in this lcty, came over today to attend the L. D. S., con ference. Father Simons of Joseph returned home this morning after a trip to Union. He was the guest of Father Aalden over night. ., ;, ', - . " Miss Moina Aikine has Just recover ed from a severe attack of quinsy and resumed her work for the La Grande Investment company. Mr. E. E. Krtley left for his home in Pendleton after spending Thanks giving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kirtley. Mrs. Klrtley and son Everett will remain over until Sunday. . Attorney C. H. Cochran left this morning for Union where the trial of L. D. Loudermllk on a trespass charge will be held before Justice of the Peace Maxwell. Bishop C. W. NIbley, custodian of Finances for the Mormon church is in the city attending the Union stake conference. He arrived this morning from Utah. Engineer Connor of the Sugar Com pany left today for Lewiston, Utah, where he will be engaged in the sugar factory for two months. Superintend ent Thomas of the local factory will leave for Utah, tonight schools of the exact duplicate nature. In the letter to Mr. Stouw Pres. Weh rung, of the Oregon Commission as serts that La Grande's exhibit was so worthy as to be awarded a bronze medal, the exact wording of the ack nowledgement to Elgin: Mr. Wehrung thanks the La Grande schools profus ely for the exhibits and the Interest shown. It is likely, that Island City., union and tlove will receive the Bame announcement in the near future. Just what the bronze medal is Indi cative of, seems to be unknown. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. . Department of the Iaterlor at La Grande, Oregon. - ';' November 11, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Wiillfjn M. Caldwell of Meacham, Oregon , who on August 1C. 1907. made Umatilla entry No. 928. serial No. 01588 for S 1-2 SW 1-4 Sec. 24. N 1-2 NW 1-4 Sec. 25 Township 1, 8 Range 34 E., Willamette meridian has filed notice of Intention to make final Umatilla Indian proof to estab lish claim to the land above described before Register and Receiver, United States Land Office at La Grande, Ore., on the 12th day of January 1910. Claimant names ss witnesses: Blft D. Smith of Pendleton, Ore. John J. Kimble of Pendleton, Ore. Samuel M Caldwell of Meacham, Oregon and James R. Shacklcy of Meacham, Ore ' ' I F. C Bramwell,:, y ; ' . .' ;v-' .'' ' Register. (ll-25-12-21 , ' ',:', " ' . i. '- The Most Popular Shoes In America A my mmz a hi m ' 1 i L aerkai Gemtleiiiae Slue Km Made by HAMILTON BROWN SHOE COMPANY THESE SHOES ABE NOTED FOB THEIB STYLE, FIT AN TfEAB, THE TEBT BEST STYLES FROM THE WORLD OF FASHION ABE TO BE FOUND IN THESE SHOES. THE REMARKABLE FITTING QUALITY ABE DUE TO LASTS THAT ABE BUILT TO FOLLOW THE NATUBALLY GRACEFUL LINE OF THE FOOT. THE tVEAEING QUALITY IS DUE TO THE USE OF THE BEST LEATHER AND WOBKMANSniP. ; ' : '.',' : '''.' " ' ' THE ENOBMOUS PUBCHASING FOWEB AND OPERATION (IJ ths tiPflsw ?i!t?.VZ;. AViVHta or SHOES IN THE WORLD HAKE IT POSSIBLE TO SELL SUCH SHOES AT POPULAB PBICES. : vTE CABBY A LARGE LINE OF AMERICAN LADY AND AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S SHOES IN MANX STYLES, SHAPES SIZES AND LEATHERS. COME IN AND LET US FIT TOU, AND I0U iULL LEARN WHAT HEAL SHOE SATISFACTION IS. Th3 PGpfe' s The Temple of Economy Opera House Block - - La Grande, Oregon if -oo-i flour and butter; makes the biscuit, cake and pastry more appetizing, nutritious ana whole- DR. : M. P, MENDELSOHfi'n IS PEMANENTLY LOCATED I ill szxymos yesr food against i '"') Vft m line VhMr :, HERE. ;; If y6u. have any trouhle w!t eyes or yenr glasses, If you suffejr r with headaches, ,d'r?i ness,; red eyelets or cross eyes, call and see him. , He cuarao- tees satisfaction and his char-, fy ges are reasonable. ' A Q You will alway? find Dr Mend elsohn In his office. v MAGIC CLEANERS FREE No matter whether you pur- chased glasses from me or not every one calling at my office will be presented with one A free, which will always keep A your glasses polirhed. ' A The doctor is indorsed by all O of the leading ocultists of Port- land and all of the physicians A of La Grande. 1105 ADAMS AVENUE Opposite the Post Office New Sunfar BE PATRIOTIC YTBO OBDEBISti tjUGAR AND INSIST UPON DATING home made. the ikw fbes3 is now in all the grocery ; stobes. . v.. . . . ill FOR SALE OR RENT Five r ruoui house two blocks north of the round house and one block from the Palmer mill. For particulars call at Observer office. ' A Splendid Overall for every uae. , Cut generous ly full Two hip pockets. Felled teams. Continuous fly. hUiNMn KM, Ml CO. Muntactuicn i i I ETC3 rid' 131 The demand for exquisite pertumes has developed in alt countries as there are c:rt3h ?ite ,v'n Hirs'arlah gsnlush this particular direction. France, England and America have peifumes whose productions have attained world-wide reputation Our stock of perfumes is made up of those better grades of goods, the kind of goods that are always cheaper because they are better, - IV t fnc the new est and most popular odors, as well as th standard specialities which are in favor every where. We think you will find it worth while to let us stixt you when ever anything tn this line is required. iJ5&12'tf ill ill Ls 5i 111 1 I i Ji 'JUT, 7 I