ETENING 0 rSERk.K u unxXSLV UBLti'i TUESDAY. 50TE3EBEE 23. 1909. "V i 1 I J I' M , i 'feas3T iv yj s The healthful properties of Grapes are conveyed to food by Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Hence Finer, More Wholesome Food ELGIN, OllSTCJN, Where locl business nan are co-operating and buying stamp Undi preparatory to totting- commercial orchard. For par 4 UciUara regarding good orchard t land at very low prices call or writ The 6 LOUGH INVESTMENT CO. Kr. Eatat. InvffD u. Loans Mil CkiiiMciitta. 1A GRANDE EVENING OBSERVFR ''.Published Daily Except Sunday. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. United Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: L-aih ringle copy ...6c Daily, per month ..I.....' 6Ec Dally, tlx months la advance ...$3.60 Dally, one year. in advance ...$6.60 Weekly, six months la advance . . 76o Weekly, one year la advance . . . .11.00 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom do plume. Signed articles will be re vised subject to the discretion of the dltor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment Advertising Bates. Local reading notices 10c or line ! flrst Insertion: 6c per line tor each subsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence. 5c a line. T7e can be thankful this year for an improved water ByBtem and next ear tor better streets. Oh do not be come discouraged ; if you will consider that we have been wrestling with the water problem much longer than we have the streets. For many years we thought we had to have sloppy streets as a mater of fact. It has only been for about two years that we have been that we have actually been consider ing paving. It has only been about five years that we have commenced to have cement walks. It requires time to build new cities. We are doing quite well. La Grande Is no boomer in our quiet, steady, forward manner, ench year adds to our wealth and conven ience. Streets first und then will couio sewerage. If La Grande does nothing more 'lur lng 1910 thnn to secure a Chautauqua, It will have accomplished much. Such opportunities come only onoo. in a wnue. this I our opportunity if we will embrace it. President Tuft will always huve n wtrm spot in hi heart for Union conn t That box of Bno Banana apples Bent him from Spokane will no the work. The way to a man's hea;t Is aid to be through his stomach We hv those apples on exhibition both at B La Grande fair and at the Klg'a pple show. They are enough tor aty president and President Taft will fay bo whn he samples them Union expects to have her woolen mils runlnng by spring. This tnl'l which was in operation for several years enjoyed a national reputation for strictly high grade kothIr and it seems that the large payroll would Justify keeping it running, 'especially as It has always been considered a money maker. . A prominent business man suggest ed today that when we get the Beaver Creek water In the city which will de velops 300 horse power, which it has been estimated to produce, that It be developed and offer it at a low rate for manufacturing purposes. Here Is ah idea worthy of consideration. . IllWIIlft Remember the deleivery boy, these dark evenings. The way to do bo is to place your order early In the day. If you are cut of flour you certainly should know it before noon Just as well as at 4:30; when it Is dark. . The rain for the past few days has made the farmers happy. The ground was In the proper condition to abBorb it. Very little ran off. ; : , '. BETTER CLERK FACILITIES NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS "MADE IN COURT HOUSE. r ISJI lSSISSSiSBSiMisjsisaisHiis sjsjsjsj; trices f-d i Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses in! Kccommeadi Oamite? Cellc, Cholera aid Mar. racea Jtemecy. "I take pleasure In saying that 1 have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chole ra and Dlarrohea Remedy la my fam ily medicine chest for about fifteen years, and have always had satisfact ory results from Us use. Ihave ad ministered it to a great many travel ing men who were suffering from troubles for which it Is recommended, and have never failed to relieve them, says J. C. Jenkins, of GTasgow, Ky This remedy Is for sale by all good dealers. t a a a - t a ... We Want Your Wants IN Our Want Ad Column Yout v. ant is placed before a thousand or more want -seeker every day Can you afford to. spend one cent perlword of vour want aa where reiulte are the keynotes? ' MMtsssaeseeeoeeosoeeeeesTttssesseeseseseesesees County Clerk's Office Uiidegotug Some Changes and Repairs. The office of the county clerk is un dergoing some much ueeded repairs and changes. The changes embody the addition of one room increasing the size of the office about one third. The carpenters began the work yesterday. Abuot one half of the vacant apace on the east end of the court room U being partitioned off and will be con nected with the preseut main otlko by a door which Is to be cut out. 1 his will give the clerk a private room, one on each sldo of the public office. The rec ords will remain as at prawnt while the new room will serve as a private consultation roomi ' The reports of the National Hanks of the Northwest tell their atory of prosperity that has never been exceed ed in prior years. In addition to the marketing of our crops nnd products, we are attracting a great deal of new population which brings with It new capital. This factor will Increase each j 7ear for many decades. It requires a vast amount of advertising in one way and another to get our eastern friends to realize that the went is the land of opportunity. . t The City of Union which a few months ago was worked up to a high State of internal strife have taken wiser council and lvive decided to Jcave the matter to the voters in their 1117 pnewon, rm . uiujonuea are ' nof always rlpM la difficult to force things ahead cf public sentiment Pub lic sentiment, however, is subject, to l I n I A tin fVAea t1 St .? MJ Ir rtArl'iit The Newest Woman's Club, New York, Nov. 23. A . woman's club, which is not a club but a "nat ional governing body," according Its founders, holds It first publ.c meet ing at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel here today. Some of the officers are: f'refi ident of the United States, Mrs. Pelle do Rivera; Secretary of War, Dr Ade laide Wallersteln; Secretary of ;tve. Mia. Harry Hastings; Secretary of the Treasury, Mrs. L. Ash well t SwreUtry o tbe Navy, Mrs. Helena S.-Tonjex; Seictary of the Army, Mrs. V. (I. Uenteiest; Attorney General, Mrs. Jen- fette Halrd;, Postmaster Geneivl, Mrr. Attaur S. "Wilson; Secietary of Arfcu'. tdi ei lr. Adelaide Grimshav. Tlf club p'. pones to condvt s mopilnps Just as great lawmakfrs nnn cublner members do. When It wl.ilies to cnn-ider 8t.mattcfs. the M wHi rn.jlro ttseif info a tnte leslptora. W'lu-n ,t deslios o d! n th.iiss, prnd injr before congress It will become the lui:ie of .firesenUO.v. or the son' DO 10U CATCH ONI ' If you do, come to us and get our prices, get our goods as welt, they are good goods. For woodworkers, tool handlers, we have the tools, you buy them, give them to your men Any body go on astrike with our tools? Bring them back. We will setle it even to the price. A LOTEB OF FINE CHINA. Will find our line of dinner and tea sets everything that good taste and re finement can demand. Artistically und exquisitely decorated, novel in shape and pattern, Ibese goods will bear the closest scrunity and comparison with any manufactured. F. L. LILLY. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY r Hienz Wince Meat Bulk Olives NewjWanofs, Almonds Raisins, Cuiianls Pop Corn Sweet Cider City Grocery and Bakery, E. POLACK, Prop Bell Phone, Main 75 lndependent241 r" ' " " Out Cream Wafers ARE ALWAYS FRESH E. D. SELDERS t E.BC8A-THE ONLY LA WFCX PHI CUBE. jBecauss it does not contain narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drugs. Because E-IC-SA eires 0e D. a WsuenwtoS. -mk.84 mr, insTMLBt of E.BF.SA. Drug Uw, msks -faltToT e-c ails MXjclaes la Ulegal because they effect the brain InYspmV) LST!fJ?,imtl0B cure Only drugglata e' ltTiaXMOlNN FiriLf DBCS qi. FOR SALE, FOR SALE Set of 11-inch cone for power belt, shaft 1 1-4 Inches with hangers. Brand new cost la 36; wfil be sold at a bargain. Apply it Observer office, (S-l-tf) ji aAxJi At a bargain, two bouses on Ponr.. avenue. Co"! cn Fr2d T2. wurrey, at Commercia f'tub rooms. La Grande Nations Lm building. LOST AND TOUND. LOST Sigh el ring, initials a l j Lost either near tabernacle or t high school buUding. Finder reti to Observer office. TOR 8 ALE Farm oi xvu aiies ' near La Grande. Imnrw, Phone to Back 181 or wnw tu -jit. Office box 546, La Grande, Ore?.- FOR SALE House of 8 rooms, two lots with several fruit trees nn corner of Grandy Avenue and First streets. Phone Black 1192. (025N25) FOUND In one of the stores oa7 ams avenue a gentleman's gold I net ring. Information may be obU!i by calling at th5 office. . FOB BENT. FOR RENT Two four room, modern cottages. Enquire of Mrs. S. C. Zuber. FOR 1 IT Six room house at the west end of main avenue. Four acres may go with this property. Enquire C. L. England, 1619 Monroe, Ave. HORSES FED Horses fed hay $4.00 per month. J. E. Reynolds & Son. Phone Farmers 64. (N15-27) TOR RENT Three rooms for light housekeeping. Phone black 822 or call at 1311 O Avenue. WANTED. BCSSETS HACK I.IW 7 Best service, Day w4 Night' Hack wurniBhec t funerals and private parties, Baggage transferred Pty tat Stand at Paul's rt o.- , Thone Red J41." Night Thcne Main 21. E. L. BUS8KT. WANTED Some one to take charge ot aeilvery and circulation of one of the state's leading papers. A good rroposltion to the right party. See A. O Smith. 1313 Mnnroe St. Cor Fir ',T14-tf. We have ready a notable ehor ot superb, dainty, Uttle noveltlei gold, silver, copper, nickel, and tl la pottery, things for the bric-t In- etc.. Just the things for a brlddj r I by the one who doesn't desire to ml I heavily yet give something of high. trlnslc value and that will ever U i J. H. PEARE ? Vacant Lois tORS4LE Good Building sites-level-good locaf'on. 1-4 blocks $525 to $550. $20. cash per lot and $5 per month. VANDUYN REALM CO. No. 220 Depot Street Burglary, theft and Larcenn Irisnranro i utll POUCX COYEBS Si tUJWl V f All oaselttM rds sad perseaal affects, belonging ot aay aernVr s1, tta tma? ar nft, against less by barglsry, Ucft er lareeay, ciacas W T strrants r etlier employees. rnvfva -n Tt mverty, plimblag und ether fixtures. AUows six sasaUn Te tj wttkeat aotJee. Ne ro-Insuraace. 5a tiTentory ef the anaertj BATES FOB A TEAB. Private Residences ant Apartment Besses. ' $1,000. $12.60; $2X00. $22.60; $3,000. $30.00; $4,000, $35X0; $5,000. ! . Each Additional $1,000 $5.M Stables. Each 11 nflfl ..' Tacaat booses (plnmblng fixtures ani jimM t. i...... i v1'00 ;io.(K.v L0GAN-?MRV0 "of tltae. . '-.. v;;--'mu- . nt