I 3 19111 r J I - I llll F I1V 11 1 LMl 11 I ' V" i I . I VOLUME IX uA GRANDJ3, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. : NOVELIBE R 18. 1SC9. NUMBER 22 BANKS SHOW FAST GROWTH TOTAL BANKING BUSINESS NOV 16 GREATER THAN EYER BEFORE KNOWN DEATH DCE TO ACCIDENT. Dclanj And Negro's Death were Both ; Unavoidable Jnry. 1ERICANS DEPOSITS OUTSTRIP THE MILLION MARK EASILY. Million Mark Not Only Passed but Far Outdistanced by Two Banks Of La Grande. Showing marvelous growth since the last call for. statments of the condi tions of National banks, the two bank ing Institutions of this city today pub lishes statements in response to a call Issued this morning. The statements break all records in banking history In Union County, for the total banking buslnes done In the city on the 16th of this month was 11,558,117.59, an in crease of over 1100,000 since the last statements. For the first time in Union county or the city of La Grande, two local banks show a deposit of f 1,141 338.37. This unusual reflection of circulat ing wealth is not the result of harvest ed crops alor.e for the many .hundreds of bushels of wheat in store houses and the unsold orchard crops are yet to fatten the banking business. When it is considered that one of the two Institutions has been In hnsinrss less than a year, the total is. receiv able. . - - After deliberating untill late in the evening over the two railroad acci dents or two aays ago, , last evening, the coroner's jury reached a verdict of accidental and unavlodable deaths in each instance. The negro was evi dently stealing a ride and fell under the car wheels, while Delany met his death from lack of caution. It was brought out that he was repeatedly warned of the danger but walked in frdnt of the car thinking it would be safe and that it would pass him. - CALL A HALT I, Af ARE EXECUTED TERROR REIGNS IN NICARAGUA AND MULTITUDES ARE FLEEING TO SAFETY FIYE HUNDRED LINED IT ; v AND SHOT WITHOUT TRIAL. TRENCH : PLAIN VIEW PIPE LINE DIGGERS CAMPED IN MILL CANYON TO COMPLETE WATER PIPE LINE McClure jucmoilal Dinner. Philadelphia, Nov. IS. Some of the i leading men of the nation will gather about the Clover Club's banquet board this evening to do honor to the mem oy of the late Col. Alexander K. Mc Clure who was for many years the president of the club and through whom the club gained for itself the title of being the richest and oldest club in America. This club is bo- ex clusive that It is almost impossible to become a membe and only the highest dignitaries in the service of the gov ernment, others of note are admitted. WILL REACH THE RESERTOIB IN A WEEK AT THE FARTHEST ON SIDEWALKS (OLD WEATHER AND SCARCITY OF CEMENT TO BLAME. Council Lenient With People Who are Obliged to Build Walks!. That the building of concrete si le walks will not be forced upon iroi erty owners in this city until spring, was the recommendation of Council man F. L. Myers last evening. Not only is cement exceedingly yc;,-e in the city, but the weather is s) uncer tain as to make it difficult to put in these walks. In a number of Instances wliera aids walks are needed It jv-.s brot out that the owners of the property con templating putting in the walks not spring. At the present time no'te ; can feel certain of getting a Job cum ipleted properly without having de I work caught in a freeze. . : ? Reports from Revolution Show Condi- J tlons are Terrible Women are Also Mistreated In Prison. JJew Orleans, Nov. 18. Terror is now reigning in Nicaragua, according to cablegrams received from Panama, where refugees are now arriving in multitudes. Hundreds are being put to death for having assisted Provisional President Estrada. It is claimed . that five hundred citterns were arrested lined up and shot like dogs, without any sort of a trial. Many were arrested including women, and subjected to the most brutal Indignities Imaginable. All houses are being searched and in many cases burned in an effort to put a stop to the religion against Zalaya Americans Killed. Washington, Nov. 18. Leonard Grace and Leroy Cannon, two Amer icans were executed today by. the or ders of Zelaya, according to advices to the state department. Following the re ceipt of this information the navy de partment ordered the cruisers Vlcks burg and DesMoines ; into Central American waters. The result of this execution will be that the attaches of the Nicaraguan legation here will not be received at the present time. esses: ml Grand Jhanksgiving OUR INTIRE STOCK OF TABLE AND FANCY LINENS AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES. AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY YOUR LINEN NEEDS AT A GREAT SAVING. A FEW OF THE EXTRA SPECIALS .. LOT 1-INCLUDES SEVERAL PRETTY PATTERNS IN TABLE LINENS THAT SELL REGULAR FOR $1.25 PER YARD ON SALE FOR 73 CENTS PER YARD " LOT 2-CONSISTS OF REGULAR $1.00 TABLE LINENS, A GOOD VARIE TY OF PATTERNS AND EXCELLENT VALUES AT THE REGULAR PRICE OF 1.00 ON SALE FOR V 78 CENTS PER YARD LOT 3 TABLE LINENS THAT SELL REGULAR FOR 75 CENTS PER YARD IN SEVERAL DAINTY, PRETTY PATTERNS. BUY ALL YOU WANT AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE OF 48 CENTS PER YARD WE HATE A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY LIVENS AT GREATLY REDUC ED PRICES. , ALL MILLINERY 25 TER CENT OFF. WE PLACE ON SALE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY OUR EN TIRE LINE OF STREET DRESS AND PATTERN HATS CONTAINING EVERY CONCIEVABLE STYLE THAT IS POPULAR THIS SEASON' AT THE BIG REDUCTION OF 25 PERCENT. Arrival (, Diggers In Lower Mill Can- yon Bring Cheer to Lovers of Port Water. , Loud Looming of dynamite charges last night heralded the approach ; of the pipe line ditch diggers, almost at the mouth of Mill Creek canyon, and within a week the ditch will be com pleted to the reservoir. Quiety . tho crew crept over the hill and down the canyon, and today the ditch is opened to the forks of the road in the" canyon where one branch leads off to the pole patch and the other proceeds up to Morgan Lake. . Camp Established. Yesterday a camp with 75 men was established In Mill . : canyon, within sight of the goal. Secluded as the work Is from now on ferocious storms will have little effect on the speedy comple tion of the ditch. ' i". Pipe Laying Harried. "" "December 15th will see water run ning Xruw Beaver Creek to the faucets in the homes of this city said Super Intendent Dutch, today. With winter threatening the workmen, this est! mate has been made with considerable allowance. 1 The goal which the pipe diggers are striving for Is the old reserrolr in South La Grande, not far from the mouth of Mill Creek canyon. ; ; v Kobbo-HolIIs Wedding. New York, Nov. 18. Miss Virginia Kobbe, daughter of Gu stave Kobbe. was married today to Gerald Vander- bllt Hollis at Christ Church. Babylon. L. I., In tha presence of many of the leaders of New York society, i . Boxing Championships. San Francisco, Nov. ,18. Boxing championships of the Pacific Athletic Association will be held at the Dream land Rink this evening and tomorrow when some of the best amature ath letic talent on the earth will be seen in action. The great merit of men is not un derstood by those who are formed to be such themselves Genius speaks only to genius. Stanislaus. Launch New Movement Bloomington, Ills. Nov. 18. A con vention different in many ways from any ever held was opened here today by the Illinnu '?cr .Ipii". Association. The organization resulted from a call Issued by President James of the University of Illinois. Its field is all of outdoors and Its object Is the improvement of the highways in the state and the forming of a state reser vation, the beautifying of city streets and parks, establishment of play grounds for children, tree planting and prcr jrvatlon and the extension of landscape gardening. Two state problems of great Inter est are to be taken up for discussion. The first Is the proposed plan of mak-, lng a state reservation,, taking In Starv ed Rock and its picturesque surround Infra In the Ottawa Valley and the sec- pnd is "The Need of Landscape Gar dening Along, the. proposed Lakes to the Gulf Water Way." ? AVAItDS HARD TO DECIDE OPI MICROSCOPLUSED TO DETECT THE SPECKS ON MANY CF THE EXHIBITS AT SFGKANEJ GROWERS SUBSTITUTE SfW STEMS FOR OLD ONES Jitffcs Proceeding Yery .Slowly as It is Hard to Reach Equiable De-' ' cislon Among Exhibits. . .' Birth Record.' V- "v';-' Near Alicel, Thursday November 18, 909, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Evr.r et Walsmger. .. --r-7t-"' '" '. s Spokane, Nov. 18. Trouble contin ues among the National apple show judges In making the awards. , They found 23 plates on Variety, so near Identical that each is worthy of a first prize and this Is even counting in mi croscopic specs to decide the winner. In a single box the display judges found that the owner bad broken off the stems and then sharpened others (and stuck them in the apples. All ap ples must have their stems at these ex jhlbits. Because of the difficulty in de termining the winners In the small exhibits, the Judges will pot. be ible to'3is"b the large "exhibits until the show Is almost over. BUILDING FIRST PART OF FIR STREET STRUCTURE Foundation for what is to be in time one of the largest buildings on Eati Adams avenue, is now In the course of construction at Fir and Adams. S. JT. Dalton. owner of the corner property new his material on the ground ,for the first 'portion of the building to be erected in the rear of the wooden 3trn! ture and later In the winter he will build the front section of the two story building. This gives display windows on two streets. In the end the struc ture will be, added to so as to occupy the entire property. ANOTHER DIVIDEND ISSUE TO DEPOSITORS IS NEAR REMEMBER EVERY LADIES HAT IN THE HOUSE REDUCED 4fr $ FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TWIN FALLS IN DRY JIUIN KOOTENAI COUNTY ALSO IN THE DRY LIST. Substantial Majorities Existing in Each of the Dry Counties. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 18. Twin Falls Lincoln and Kootenai counties were voted dry yesterday by substantial ma Joritles. The dry victory in Kootenai tcsHh In the closing of a new brewery, n ett ed only a few months ago at a cost of over 1230,000. The saloons in the four counties are compelled to close In three months. Thousands of dollars will have to be refunded from the funds of the city and schools for un expired licenses. If the Ontario property now In the bands Of the receiver of the Farmers ft Traders National bank can be sold Immediately or three or four thousand can be realized from some other source the receivership will be In position to Issue a ten per cent dividend at once. Enough funds, less the amount men tioned are now on band to warrant a speedy Issue of dividends to depositors. While the needed sum la not now avail 1 able, it may be soon, and when It Is, the depositors will get checks. Re ceiver Nledner hopes to make a"' "Christmas present" of this issue to the depositors. v . VDSS3SS3SS -iYour Favorite Drug Store- Ten years in this location and the largest store, too. In that time hundreds of people have learned to depend on our reliable, safe and careful druggists because they know them. Our cusomcrs rely on us and we appreciate it by striving for improve mnts, and by giving them the very best goods we can buy. ; ' , We are now ready to cater to your Fall ' and Winter business with many new goods on display. This week we want to call your attention to our ele gant line of mirror displayed in the windows. All kinds, shapes and sizes and most reasonable in price. Lf you are in need of a mirror we know that we can please you. Come in and let us show them to you. ' HILL'5 D Ry Q JTQRE LA GRANDE, - - - OREGON