ETEMXG OBSERVE BLA GRAJiDE, OREGON SATrBDAT, OTFSBEB 13, 1309. Your Choice of the Newest Shapes in Fall and Winter Pattern Hats for one Week at Mm ' I, .11 Wir I'm" t" ifti iVS KsLrist Am 'Th ti 1 g GAY RIBBONS FOR WINNERS Undaunted by the heavy weather a large number of the poultrynien came together this afternoon and are In ses sion in the Commercial Club. Secretary Stoddard has samples of the ribbons for the winners at the mid-winter show. There are to be four prize sweep stakes, first, second and third. The special committee appointed a week ago to plan for the poultry show reported today that they had fixed the date of the first annual show at the third week In January. The place here the' show Is to be held la In the Harris Hall, opposite Geddes grocery on Fir street. Frank W. Breed of Wal la Walla has accepted the inritation to be present to act as Judge' of the fowls. The committee was composed of J. W. Black, C. C. Collidge and O. W. Wagener. 50 MISERY IN STOMACH. Xo Indigestion, Heartburn, Gas or Headache Five Minutes Later. al to $17.00 ue s rap These unexcelled bargains in new millinery are on display in our win dows. Remembet this offer is for ail that is shown in our windows for one week. SSSSUE JN EL WEST THE QUALI TY STORE. - FINAL SCORE ALARGEONE DAKER CITY DEFEATED PENDLE TON 80 TO 9. Every family here ought to keep some Diapepsln in the house, as any one of you may have an attack of In digestion or stomach trouble at any time, day or night This harmless preparation will di gest anything you may eat and over come a distressed, out-of-order stom ach five minutes afterwards. If your meals dont tempt you, or what little you do eat.?!!s you, cr Itts like a lufnp o Head in your stomsili. or If you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmist for a CO cent case of Pape's Diapepsln and take a' little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acids, no stomach gasses or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stom ach, neausau, debilitating headaches, dizziness or Internal grlplngs. This will all go, and besides there will be no sour food left over In the etnmp.h to poison your breath with nacweous odors. Pape's Diapepsln is a certain cure rof out or order stomachs, because it prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests It Just tl9 same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all ftom ach misery Is at any drug store, wait ing for you. These large 50 cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure almost any chronic case of Dyspepsia, Indi gestion or any other stomach roubl. culal.CHLaarlofJel shrdelutaoinrdlu BBf'.t',' The 'Stay Satisfactory'ltatvge HOWARD HEATING STOVES m.u.jiwa i Howard wood uid coal grates will burn liki wood or coal burn either wood or coa' ' lgh grade goods at the pr that a high price guar mistake In buying a range, are priced high or even SOME SPECIAL 510 A ECU TERES FEA- Polished Top. Needs no stove blacking.' Duplex Droit. The only common-senBe ' sycteni In use. draft f oiuplcte Asbestos Lining ' A triple wall at every exposed to heat polu: Have wood and c.' v.n.ct No one expects to i -trM" of "cheap stuff," bu i Le i tees high quality. Doi iiM'. Many ranges of ordinal v ei.t'. r higher than the incomp , rAli WHEX XOli ' E Find out what It la made 6i uuilt! You have a right to know these things. Any tan selling ranges who says. "Our range Is a fuelsaver-ra perfect baker," and stops htere, casts a reflection on your Intelligence. If these things are true of any range, there Is a reason for It a reason you caa see and understand a reason you have a right to know be fore buying. : We can show In a Monarch range exactly why it does what we claim. Come and see how the Maleab.a Iron and steel plates are riveted solidly together, insuring a tight range for unlimited time. Let us explain how tight, permanent seams are possible only In ranges where Malleable iron Is used. We can show you how tight, solid construction is necessary to everything you want most in your new range prompt, sure sen See long life an t fuel economy. W. H. BOHNENKfiMP CO For a Few Minutes Pendleton is Able To Gain and then Breaks. If Pendletonhas never been decisive ly defeated before, it was yes.o?day when Baker City, the team which l.a Grande tied a week ago, romped up and down the field at Pendleton to tha tune of 30 to 9. The laughter was Jn the flr3t half, accori'-i.j tojncol I r-le who attended the jjauio. Peiulle ton was taking joy ride3 in an aero plune, fumbling repeatedly an-1 tel t'on making first down. B.e" Ci'v airched from one ;nd of :1 fide to ht other for a touchdova In six luiu i. en. At the opet ! of the s-'mmkI half, Pendletn revived Mid scored s M rhdown anl placi l.i;n U- .'.( i ly ..i i the 13 score made oy Lane.. Fcndleton wen, up tt i anJ r-.iiivl io roe dfwn and v n- tlv inrii (. V blew the sio. was :u to 9 i.n r.. Vc'u favor. you would enter during banklu btu maxe out a deposit, sup and hand it with the money through the cashier'! window, and reeclva a prcper cred't in your pass book. So, in paying out good money for real estate, the same business wisdom dictates that you require the simple formality of an abstract of title, u , tin only cafe way. Don't poke your money in a rathoh but 6ecure an abstract from J. r Oliver. 4t Scenic Theatre S. A. GARDINItiR, Prop. & Mgr. tun Alius isiutJi i-UJirAST Four Nights Commencing On November 11th. 1 LATEST UOTIXa PICTURES A Illustrat- Jongs. "Take Me Out to The End of The Pier," Sung by Bruce Ken t In a neat Farce Entitled "HAPPY UOOLIGAJf." Polite Vaudeville. MISS GRACE BURG0YXE Commedlne. CROrKFTT HET, Versatile Entertilners. Depositing Honey in the Bank. Would you take five twenty dollar bills fro myour trunk, roll it in a wad and drop it through a keyhole in tho bank. Would that be the way to deposit $100.00? ' No; as a sensible business man ONE SHOW 05LY. Performance starts at 8 p. m. Matinee Wed and Sat 2:30 p. m. Usual Prices. ST3 Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS : D. F.lTGErJALD, Propretor O mpl2tc Macbiiw Shops and Foundry OSIERS!? 3T1 4 1-2 1NSCKES SNOW FALLS STKAXGE FIIEAK OF XATUEE COV EHS CITY TIIQUOIGIILY. Dnriugr the jmst Twenty-four Honrs unnsnally Heavy Snowfall. According to the reading of the of ficial weather observer W. A. Wor stell at noon 4 1-2 inches of snow had fallen. The official reading are taken en every twenty-four hours at Six o'clock. It is probable by that time the instruments will show over 5 in ches of snowfall. Among the chief ocupations of the residents of the city this morning was throwing sticks and snowballs at the snow-laden lights and 'phone wires to rid them of their heavy burdens. A few wires were grounded by the heavy 'weight of .the snow. On account of me muddy conditions of the streets no sleighing may be looked for this time. 1 Wdters-StanchfieW Produce Co. Timothy Alfalfa Wild Wheat Oats Wxfd Q Oats Rolled Barley Wheat Bran Shorts Flour, Poultry Supplies and VJood I GIVE US fl TRIRL 1 I PHONES: Black i2it Independent Shir 11.3 Illl Ii..,.I..1....I11JIII U, I. Mil I. ft 7 ... . SMS I Mil MM I MM rfH-- J' -r-rv -,- Tr-I".r -"!yrr-y r WW Card of Thanks. J Sincerely appreciating the very great kindness of neighbors and friends during our recent sad bereave ment In the death of wife and mother, we take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks. I I. E. CHEN'AULT & SON'S. Burglary, Theft and Larceny Insurance tf. - ? ' OCR POLICY COVEBS All onschold goods and personal affects, belonging ct any memVr of the family or guest, agalnit loss by burglary, theft or larceny, 1 eluding thefts by servant ir other employees. ALSO COTEES DASlt'E To property, plumbing and other fixtures. Allows six months vacan ey without notice, co-insurance. No Inventory of the property it necessary. BATES FOB A IEAB. Private Residences and Apartment nouses. $1,000, $12.50; $2,000, $22.60; $3,000, $30.00; $4,000. $35.00; $5,000, $40. Each Additional $1,000-45.00 , Stables. - Each $1,000 .. .. .. ........ ..$1500 Vacant houses (plumbing fixtures and damage to house each $1.000.. .. .. $10.00 L0GAN-SHERWG0D REALTY CO IS THEfONLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY RECIEVING A TELEGRAPHIC NEWS SERVICE c,5 cenU per month BSSBSWBBsiSi