. f ..... ...... .. - -- lfTtKLY OLvSIRTX!lJ CSlilU OElt-O SITIIIDIT. OTMBEIT 12. If 35. ruisjtULSs- ThUtU4 patfj Lxetft feaaaar. GEORGE H. CTRZET. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Tie book ax 4 IrrV rf Lq mtt-t wrtttca ly O. lle&rj. Ascerfea a mo dated ax I Graaae, Oregc. taua HELEN & BLOOM. Adjsuxistratrtx. tailed rmt Telegraph Service. S?.-ECRimCX RATES: I I ; fa&OBS Ejiz.e writer, and Pracklia ; P. Adaaj. tajTeraJ3y regarded as the i 'DAS briSJimt mt anil Jr.mflrSu ft J 'New Tork wiere I cccV.ts the AJ- n Beat Ftaster. A piec of CaaaeJ daspeaea jj Chamberlains liniment asd toiad ; oa to lie affected parts is rtjertjr lu DalJi -i copy 5 waya la Good Hvzar eoma of tiUM ,,fc r . , M OsUalhJ rhjdcia. J OSc Stmmer !d. t 0r "phone. Main C3; Reaidenc; feoM EUct KL Sacccaeoc to Dr. Moor. ! Dally, pr mosta Dai.' y, six rujetti la aJvaa: Dai'y, c-! yar ta advance Weekiy. si eo-aths la .Utitf t21 Kor aad il ei' ia to t cor tLaa Pkaed writ f Weefclr. ose jtir la a lt-ce tlX ) XXlttifi at i jK.'t at L Gratrfte the itUf!M a-a for ii fri to S Kiwari P. Tea;'. i cfyr:aiX-4 . , . , , ( iHa! aj'f-atrxrg ot-r a ikj d hn. f-itvl ankle U fc rU; '.- to iMrrtfrsa ct editor. i'tAj-e -;a yunr anie't i n !'. V-xtiKett. tLe lit Z.1 IraCl . Lota! f'I:.-? doik9 !' Sirt j.-b fcrel & tu kit in t'zi "Tlst. PI. B&i tie S Cfrt" ac4 hi r-'Ai la "Lo" is vtry sis-1 '' Ew-t.?-.r L'ryaA Aaae'.t fUnJ lliWili JJ.J.J aa-t siit-r .!tr$. The ai o:r.., is4ay j.t Vaa Ifareaa. i. IL HTEBAED, L D. Pbyalciaa ad Sttrgtco 02c fa New Baak BaHiits Booos O-ce, JiAJa 7. L-HL A. LTElcuiEXiSOX. F!vyv!cia3 aid Eirgeca. OSce oer HH" Drag Score. Residence M!a 55. s PiysteUa aid &srsi. I CoTOr Aizxs are satf HtpfA st. ' Ofjt Jlaia CS. Eesiicice ilaia i !U ! EAfMG t 1 i'lE! EXIM'TITE. ! T:Msrrt . " Vit&wt itosrbt Corersw B3r,s.'j1- Tie most tryiar V.'.r In the h'.--orr cf h'.s TKeK'.y-Orse ial 1'eatsre at tS !'ati-. to Cjviazat5'!s." will fce re a I5ay. "WJiea We is cse cf tbe Ligh erer ?a m La Jsr.tx-e Ursi-5 S-e:t ttwt :tr r fr.-s-ii c-s 1 ay aiJ. ivja-.y ( arrait tfaeri tifjr to Aigns 1 tl.. bscJ itat istees; wJ. j' tcter 2?, f . J-Ji'.:-: JKA'ATXT. . I Cofa37 Trea23'-r f EACO'I 1 1 ALL. - .'.. ia La Ga-iie Ka'iooal Bax.k ? RailiSiOK. 'Ptosse JIaia 19. T. r.wi a.. Rrs-'t-ic. ?'r.:a 1. "' jj M. K. HaiK feeswiace. Vara ?. ? 1 STOES r 5tlce f riaal Senkmeat Ear i Ac HEf Ja. It aa a farx'rt po-i-'a asa cee.n 10 say It Is w:i f:- -LieerMebc at tie trial sd fof-Mr- Koth asd -Mr. boreal Atby Io InMrsftiocs of ta rs-M-i,n rtac!tl rols are s!ct!y C. K. VITUX. f tL G. M. D. PtEi;iaa asi Sarge;a. ?;c aa-I 'Htroat Xotlce Is bertby girea tbat WJiUaja Be&talajr of t Ise esta.a of t pM- a?1 i-.; - r. - , Has rJtdS , VafB 12. I bin tiol wcxfmnt la aald estate 62 tbe jj j coutty court of tbe State of Ore?aa ! YETFEIX1ET jrRCE0S8. ! for Vcksti coasty uni Lbat the lion, jj J. .C. Henry, judge of aald coart, baa J i r - - - I have a nice line of coal and wood heaters at prices to suit all, also the celebrated MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE. For apple picking have picking baskets, step liters, box nails, box hat- etc F. T LILLY. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY DR. P. A. CILilLTO.. aprioasted Ttarsday, November 1S:X f oce at Ulli't Drag Store. La Cras ? ' at tie boar of 10 o'clock a. no.. . Residence phone P-ed IC'L at tie coart Louse ta la urauie, 1 0.ce Phcre Black U 1. -h vnnvfnr iv:af fv TPr.i'ri rf n5t-1 atiicg" a Pastiise . tairon tare fca-i plate for tjeariss . oljectloaa I WM. MC BSTH Eiecctor of aid estate. Eota those at rsw-'.dence. da.ta ixsnatly If carrf! -ae V'- w wi:a-s. , tomorrow aJgac 1 1 - ! t-avorr-w. a!r?ii the fa.i ty csar.t ottt. , Est when the nso'.fcer aniJ wife of a coodeiserd isaa esake a p!a -for t.&m ! rwsa "Ca,S5o. a n;a.a of rtwaz !Tb5 ' Js!3 ftf they lor, it remSr rasa, te srseeatedL u"u Attorney. food, titan cocie-Jy acJ 21-24--11-18. il U JcKt-tae style of a jlay tfeat Sns-jra (tacked fco-8 daring Uj ptrJoraatce. eonvMtona to d wfcat be axtua'ly luows f te LI di'y. Governor E.n an rsr?ut; rer:eeJ the circssn ttancea and lt tie lur tals l! nat ral triKTMs. Ihivnun 1:fe la Terr it ran In tfce t'n"et S-.M. Few cvintrSe ttere are In vfeirh a mar-r m'nitrt are asaaalty osr;!a!!fe4 a i.i o-ir cn '" and few Ifid- a con:jared with the 1 StM'ileton. Not. 13. To be certain noralrlfJea dres cap'tal ti5?5ftmeat fol- tbat the grave of HarrJjaaa is cot rig low. Oor rmir's are so ttn'cal tfeat lsd by fhca3. the wlf!ow ha pJaced too often c!t wl.i raonr or Info- fcJgbt wattLsiea at the crave, whk.h la ence go onccafjifced, tbat the fear of awttrely locked with the twat tiaje i kotict HAiir:i3ais-s body. jWatchnrn ami Tlree IM Ta Preteot DR. W. IL KrLilf. TacclEStioa, Dentistry aal Sarftr J of all kla ja. Cosiciry caps p.-omrt-T j asawered. Agr.ts for XaUctal Lire i ew waJata, atlk kessear. coif aioc laaaraace auocunon. Portlaa (ciirrcs, aia toTea, rata ce&is, eiegict 5 liae of Meikaa drawn work, conaiat- 14 Alaass ETeaufl. log of waist patteraa. hacdkftrchJeff, Phones: PaciSc. BUck 153. M!ys an J other farcy articles at ladepeadeot. 313. Van Duya Co. ; the gallowa ha 1wt it terror. ; . m - A I.ITE If ATHLETICS. S Iw ks tbat nsoney can Firchajfe, arid EaSHO record the visits of tbe watth- i - ijtaes at a certain time, t'2ce during jibe n.'gbL Tbe tody ia fac!o?.el wi'.h SsoI5d waJIa of graaite acd the openirtg A firmer in Jbe valley th5 we.- X be-1 ili fcerice'.Ica!:? aa!rd with a thlck- nes cf 1? !acbea of soliJ s'.cr.fe- It of 5,e caHy M athletic trails f cot' ' tbat-houl ,tIT ne trtwiy ut preparations nave fheen made to forsta'l acytbicg of this k'nd. ' Cbose ryina7 Tor n!s 'vi. ltj.H7 ne arracKei fci ' work to cfc-'.e to the cSfy oa Salnr'Jay , to do hi trad;nsr. but this wek he I in order th h? wn PASTIME THEATRE might have the opportunity of noin? SOOOvvOO all the athletic stnnta reiulred durlnc - V a day's work in heiplng him harvest a potato crop. The boy may never know bow much muscle he exercised acientlCcally and doubtleas was no more fatigued at be end of the day than many of his city friends who worked as many hocrs during the past week that they might enter tbe football contest today, and It is safe to say he took no chances in aialmlng himself for life and the results of his labor is reflected In the winters supply of po , tatoes and perhaps a sufficient -, cess to go qnite a ways In supplying the table with wholesome groceries . for several months. If Mr. Stoddard's construction of the law regarding the sale of worm eaten 1 fruit Is correct It will change the general conception as now Interpreted. It carried up the supreme court will place Its o.Ticlal stamp upon It. k-t th.u he as it may his citation as to bow trie law is being evadd would put the or dinary bootlegger to shame. . Vnlon county will he on tbe m:ip at the Spokane apple show this wmk Our big fine lucious apples will speak for themselves. ASTHMA REMEDY. Glvea pnnpt and positive relief In very case. Sold by druggists, price 11.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents William's Mfg. Co. Prop. Cleveland. Ohio. A. T. Hill. Druggist. Taos. Brace Manager. TOMGUT XATI03AL STOCK CO. IX Well fcaona Hotel Keeper Uses aad Receaiiseudj la Calk, C&tlrra ard lUr ia3 fcemtey. DENTISTS. J. a PRICE. D. 3L D. Dentist. I-iocta 23, La Grande National Bank BalMirg Phon Black tflL GTOPjDE PALi!i3 PreMeat a S. WILLIAMS. 2nd Ast CashUj TV I. HCUIES, VlcePreaidfit W. IL BREXIIOLTS, a eat Caaila, r t. VFTCH3. Caaaiir. La Orande rvationai Bank jCf La Jrance Cregcr CAPITALAD SURPLUS SI70.GU0 JMIEDISI ITES DEPOSITORY "I tale pleasure la saying that I have kept Chax&berlaia's Coilc, Chole ra aad Diarrohea Kemedy la my fam- fly taeliclae cheat for about fifteen years, and have always bad satisfact ory resalta from its use. I have ad ministered It to a creat many travel ing men who were suffering froai troubles for which it Is reccmmerided. and have cever failed to relieve thesi. says J. C Jcnkias, cf Glasgow, Ky This remedy Is for &le tr all gxA dealer. TEACHERS OF MCSIC. EEL A CARLO CIL Teacher ef Piano. Pupil of Pierre Douilet of the Saa Jose Conservatory. For children the Burrow course of ; """"" ncsic study aad musical kindergar- rpjP3aai M. Eer., J. D. Matresc F. J. Ho!ire F. M. Erjb?l C C. Fer.r;rtcr. F. L. fe)trs Gee. L. Cleaver W. I. PtehctU Georje Pa rrer I. tea. Studio ia the Mahaffey Bidg. ARCHITECTS. ROBERT MILLEP. ArebJtect. Office 1107 Adama aveaua. Thonei Pacific, Main L Home Independent N. a. PROFESSIOXAL DIKECTOBT. A ELECTBIC1L ESGI5EERS. 6 6 9 P 0 Drama la Four Acts. especial Scenery. Saturday Matinee ;My Jim" and Dr. Cook's Return to Civ. lUxation." la motion pictures. Sew Specialties. . High claaa vaudeville special- A e ties. All Seat 2c A I A PICKLER. Civil. Mining. Tiation Engine ring an ' Jirviylng. Estimates, ptan and SfeciQcatiaik Office In I' jeuka.-n.i Bill ling. La Grande, . Orvgoo. ( . C. H. CRAWFORD. j attorney as uaw. Practice ta all the couna of the Stat aad United State. Office la La Grande National Saal EsUdlng, La Grande, Oregon. t- OuiCream Wafers ARE ALWAYS FRESH . D. SEIDERS Tiin. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Fanaera 1976. Chaa. &. Cochran Geo T. Cochras COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. ; Attorneys. -La Grand National Bank Balidlas. La Grande Ore go WILLIAM at. RAMSET. Attorney and Counsellor at Lav. Rooms 15 aad 16 Sommer Block. La Grand. Oregon. MESSESGER SFRT1CE. ' We deliver aad ?lck np par- 4 eels. Quick service: pnon e 4 Uata U. f ? a4 Beck "prtaga CaaL 'Bed and Died fa transit Order now and get sum- J at her home la Cov. Oregon, or mer price '.'," ""v';8. Ivanho. her attorney, at GRANDE BOy. 5?n fo 4 la la Grande. Oregon THoet Main . E!t' ' " months from this flat. J. A. OLITER. V Gasoline wcod saw. A Phone orders to Black 1351. XOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the oa derslgned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of 8. M. Bloom. itafMeA Anif .V.. tl AitM. . . - 1 . uuii 4iiu, .fjuurt U mmtm imm m. aNitMlr rt- tfled nth ae amaerslfnwf WE HAVE SECURED SHERMAN CLAY'S full line of PIANOS and ORGANS The musical insirument that sells strictly for one price to everyone Scott Music Co, - . E SWEET CIDER City Grocery and Bakery, L P0LACK, Prop Bell Phone, Main 75 Independent 241 Mas Z-RU-SA THE 01XT LAWFTJL FILR mm. Becana it doe not contain narcotic, mercury, cocaine, lead or any f Bolaonona drnga. Becauae E-RC-8A eirea De. u. 8. Dtapenaatory . w Ha wvarv tnaredlant of E-RU-8A. Drms law make "al6 or as Illegal bcna they affect the brain sad spinal ttnntloai and never car. Oalr druxteta aU an adorM aVKU-ti. XLTMSIMOU P AM1LI DBCC M SX