La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 06, 1909, Image 5

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, Khua Jorrs of PJarey loft
morning ior a brlof business tr:;.
throush the valU-y. iu a few days Mr.
Joues v. ill fro to Iowa to visit bin
ents afur an absent of ?0 y-.wi
from his old home.
ll vr?
.3 - 'Wit'
...-....ill ui
And Coats
Mr. ami Mrs. Thunias .Morgan uf Ji,
ph returned home today after v.a
extensive visit in the east where th. t
visited New York City. PhiladoViu
and their old home In Illinois and Id
!ia;ii. ills Kuima Pkkler who reined
her position as teacher of the vciith
grade in this city will leavo. tonight
for Lewjston where she will .take up
her new position aa instructor .1 lr.
manual training in the Normal school,
her alma mater.
The regular meeting of the Blue
Mountain Club was held at the home
of Roy Currey last evening. After
a Bhort business session in which the
debate With the Presbyterian society
of young men was discussed and var
ious minor matters attended to, a to
tourss luncheon was served.
aome new Beauties
Come in and
See Them
ALSO, Just recieved sonv
fine Fur Sets and coats a
Most Reasonable prices
GREM. ;. ::v
1- : If?.
your' Home
i o o 0 o o
Opera House Block
La Grande, Oregon
A. A. Roberta haa returned from a
visit to Pendleton.
Mrs. T. N. Murphy has returned from
a visit to Portland.
Mrs. Murphy returned last night
from a visit in Portland.
H. W. Vincore of Perry made the Ob
server a pleasant call today.
Ei W. Alen of Kamela is a business
Judge Crawford left this morning
for North Powder on legal business.
W. W. Berry today left for Baker
City where he will take in the footba'l
J. J. Carr made a brief business trip
to Hot Laice yesterday returning last
Miss Mina Kelly of the local Akg
office force Is off duty today because
cf Illness.
Superintendent Bollans of th3 Ore
gon division of the O. R, & N., is in the
city today. .
Attorney Turner Oliver left this
ornlng for Enterprise where he will
attend court next week.
J. H. Chllds has returned from Los
tlne where he has been on business
for the past several days.
The Rev. Mr. Hyacinth of the Cath
olic church of Joseph left for home
today after visiting the city.
Three GreekB and a white man were
arrested for drunkeneas last night and
were fined today by Recorder Coxf.
Mr. and Mrs. Terpany of the local
Western Union telegraph office went to
Elgin today on a brief business trip.
Dr. IV. D. McMillan
Painless Dentistry
La Grande National Bank Bldg.
Both Phones
R. B. West left last night for Meach
am where he is engaged in the rail
road work for the Twohey brothers.
P. F. McCulley of Joseph returned
home this morning after an extended
visit in Portland and other coast
cities. -
Superintendent Bollons went out
with a wrecking crew to Huron this
forenoon where a freight car was
derailed. -.,'''
' . ' ,'
Mrs. Floyd Jones returned home to
Baker City today after visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter of
Tsland City.
Miss Etta Sams of Milton came down
from Elgin on her way home after vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hartley and
family of Elgin.
The Misses E. Francisc, Evangeline
and Nellie Hume were among the vis
itors to Baker City today to attend
the football game.
Mr. and Mrs .Ed.
among he enthusiastic
the gridiron who went
to see the game.
Reynolds are
followers of
to Baker City
W. J. Townley the well known srock
man of Union, left for Wallowa this
morning to look after his extensive
holdings of hay in the valley.
Ed. Myrslck, one of the most suc
cessful farmers of the Sandridge was
In the city this afternoon to attend
the meeting of the Union.
Mrs. Matlock has returned from
Pendleton. She was accompanied to
her home by her mother who will visit
in La Grande for some time.
t.eorge Coe, one of the promoters of
the new Umatilla county town of Ptan
P.Md, was In the city today transacting
bi.f-incf.8 at the loal land oflke
Three cars of range horses and two
cars of hogs came down from th
Wallowa . valley this afternoon on
their way out to the coast markets.
Prof. Grlswold who" recently ' re
signed his position in the commercial
department of the high school lc.'t
last night for his home in South Da
kota. : ., .,,
R. P. Brooks Is taking a lay-off
from his duties in the roundhouse and
is nursing a lame shoulder which he
received from the negro burglar In
his house Wednesday ifight.
Hon. Walter M. Pierce, came in this
afternoon from his farm and will leave
tonight for Portland, and to attend
a meeting of the board of regents of
the Oregon Agricultural CoIleg3.-
, Ed. Wolf, who for ttpe past sovea
vvceks has been in the Grande Poude
hobItal with typhoid fever, returned
to his home today, Mr. Wulf is the
foreman of the N. K. West farm
Frank Spaglo and Joe Basset of
Whitman college came IhrougU tb's
morning on their way to Baker Ci(y
where they will act as oiliclalb In the
La Grande-Baker foothali game. '
- Little Miss Edna Barnett who stays
with Mrs. Anthony while attending
school in this city left last night for
her borne at Hot Lake to spend Satur
day and Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. Edna Breckenbldge of this city
left today for Spokane where she has
accepted a position In the deaconess's
home. She will do Institution work
Superintendent Campbell left " for
Booth Laue this morning with Atkin
son, Donaldson and Nelson, who will
be put to work to get their hands
toughened up for next week.
Mrs. Win. Ash served a three course
luncheon yesterday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. Sommers of Elgin who camo
up for a short visit. A small number
of guests thoroughly enjoy c 4 the
delightfully Informal affair.
Ono of the most pleasant met;L-r.c;H
of the evening Kaffee Klatsch hth!
for some time took place last evening
at the home of Mrs. A. L. Richardson,
the hostess being Mrs, Richardson
and Mrs. Bragg. The lady's prize was
won by Mrs. Franz Wilhelm, and the
gentleman's prize by Mr, A. Nawlin
In the game of five hundred that form
od the evening's entvu-talniuent. Very
choke refreshments were served at
the, t lose of the games. The iuvlted
guests were Mr., and Mrs. Walter
Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Stout and
Mr.', Wall.
At the Brenholts residence Monday
afternoon at 2:80 the Current Topic
CJlub will meet. The subject for discus
sion vVitl be' Egypt This meeting of
the club was' to have taken place last
Friday, but was postponed.
FOR SALE Piano. Inquire Mrs. Wade
Slater building or phone Red 402. ....
A Rock Springs CoaL
In transit. Order now and get sum
mer prices
crAxrm rON'DH CASH CO.
Phone Main 6. Either phone. N 6-10
Al. PuckeU, a prominent farmer of
the vicinity of Ancient Mbley, was in
the city this afternon nnd reported
that the ground had been soaked to a
dephth of four inches by the
$ You are a patient? Your child
is in school a certain number
of hours eac h day,, using the
eyes constantly. Each year 4
the lessons become harder,
books are taken home the stud-
0 les are continued in the even-
ing, the eyes are being over-
taxed, the delicate muscles are
strained yet perhaps no thought
is given to helping the eyes.
1 know that Injury results from A
& this neglect. We must realize
it, if there Is a cause for the
? eye strain, there must be a
remedy, the remedy most nat-
urally would be rest for the
eyes; this rest can be obtained
A by wearing resting glasses.
My advice to you Is, come and
get my advice, let me explain
to you scientifically why rest-
ing glasses should be worn.
I believe that parents use
very poor Judgement In not
caring for their childrens
eyes, when the remedy Is so
simple and the cost in so slight
OB..' M.-' P,
Is permanently located here.
4 It you have any trouble with
eyes or ycur glasses, if you &
reccntj suffer with headaches, dUzi k
A iiess, red eyelets or cross eyes, A
W. A. Hammer of Dayton; Washing-1 Cal1 aad Bee h,m" IIe aran-
ton, left for home after looking over IT ' " s w on cnar-,
. . . A t
- ; mmtr evenings win seem
shorter and be much pleas- . ,
anicr if you have a , talking
: machine to entertain you and
'. your friends.
yiirsoasfty- the world's
great artists, comic songs
and monologues by the lead
ing vaudevilh performers,
quartettes and concert pieces
by celebrated singerg, and
the world's finest music
rendered by the famaus or
chestras and bands.
We are now exclusive agents for The Edison, Columbia, and Victor
Phonographs, and we carry com plete lines of each kind of records.
Come in and let us play you some of your, favorites. You can buy a
phonograph on very easy terms here.
Gomplete equipment for
rubber buggy tires.
resetting and repairing
, ; : D. FilZGERALD, Proprietor ;' , .
OinipJ2re Machine Shops and Foundry
'iiim. mosi jjmi' jj iu ''cra3starsTSTBZ
tee? Fatlvfaction and
ges are reasonable.
opening up of a moving picture house. I ? UAM8 VMU
He wilt nrohahiv turn in o f,. a ,v V upposne me t'ost office
to establish the business.
the situation here with a view to the T
Good Building sites-level
good locaf'on.
1-4 blocks $525 to $550.
$20. cash per lot and $5
per month.
No. 220 Depot Street