ITZKTTG OTHEBTEE, LA CBiTDE, OEIGOS. MOXDAT, SOYEMBES, 1, 1909. S Lines Quality That Stands for HATS The Star - No Bet1er Made The Berry SHOES Florshiem Meier CLOTHING Kuppenhiemcr Garments Bearing this brand has workmanship 0 quality 4 Ihe Shoe With a Wide Reputation WIDE TOE. ''Brotherly Love For Each Toe" Penpigton Co SOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office Pt La Grande, Oregon, October 11th, 1909. . . Notice U hereby given that Marian Patterson of Kamela, Oregon, who on enurkfy j, igo4 made Homestead en- ; establlahment try no. 13434 -.rsi C4056, tor the S, W 1-4,' of N W 1-4 of S W 1-4 and Lot 3, Section 34, Township 1, South iRange 35 East Willamette meridian has filed notice of Intention to make Call For Tour Work. On the first of the coming month I ii ust leave for Portland to have an operation performed. I wish those having work In my shop and cleaning them. I need themoney. During my absence I will Jiave a competent man in my shop aa the workman and all work left in his charge will be well caed for. Lots FOR SALE Good Building sites-level-good location. 1-4 blocks $525to$550. $20. cash per lot and $5 per month. VMDUYN - RERLTY CO. No. 220 Depot Street 5 ONYX 0 " HOSIERY COTTON WOOL SILK All Grades 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 ' 0- 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 00 000000000000ft 0 0 0000&0000& Everything in Footwear SMITH & GREEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0! 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 "SS23D53 Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F11ZQERALO. Proprietor' Complete Machine Shops And Foundry , LOO SE WHEEL ryri WRECKEE ( O.XSIDEBED SECL'SSA nr AT FIRST. Only Damage Was Delay to Overland Traffic for a Few Hours. For the first time in several weeks the wrecker was ordered out last night, but even then only to be Bent back to Its shed again without having accomplished anything. Affreight train at Hilgard got Into trouble over a loose wheel and stalled No. 8 for a considerable time. The train was run nlng on time when it got to the freight at Hilgard which was unable to either get out of the way or proceed. It was after 10 o'clock when the track was cleared. . At first It was considered necessary to call out the wrecker, but before it could get under way, the order was rescinded. ' MANY ENTERPRISE CONVERTS NEW fHt'BCH AND MAXT NEW ttEMBEKS THE STATUS. . Twenty-Five Come to Repentance Dnr , . Ing the Special Meeting. Twenty-five converts have been ad ded to the church membership of Enterprise as the result of the special meetings being conducted there the past ten days. Rev. W. H. Gibson of this city, who Is there, writes that a new church edifice is to follow the revival . which as seized Enterprise in Its grip. The meetings thus far have been far more successful than had been hoped for when the revivalist and h's helpers went In there. Wild iSull Gorrs HorMK During the Carev wild west xt ibi tlon at the t'nion ball park, Sunday atLernoon latf, t. vk-.uj llerefoid hnV weighing 2.'00 poi.ndi, heloiii-.-Ing to the Down estate, was tni-ns! t In from the i:ava couutiy, to c 1 id den by some of the but-karcus, and while the arrangements v.erd mder way the annimal gored a horse be longing to John McGrath and another belonging to Fred Spain both animals being hurt very badly. Having accom plished this, the animal charged such of the spectators as were not already over or upon the fence and made a general clean up of the place, the man who was riding the animal taking advantage of the opening and sliding off the bull's back made for the fence. It was a great day for the bull, and a bad one for the horses. Doth of the horses are reported to be getting along very well, and it la thought that they have a fairly good chance for recov ery. The bull was driven away Mon day morning and showed no signs of fight after he was one 3 out upon the highway. Union Republican. ELGIN, OKEGOX, Wfcere iocI buslusf men are co-operating and buying stump 4 lands prerarator" to setting 4 commercial orchards. or par- 4 4 tlcnlars regarding good orchard 4 land At very low prices call or write The 4 SLOUGH INVESTMENT CO. 4 4 Real Estate, Investment, Loan 4 4 and OoHecOona. ' Merchants! Save $W,000 In 1901 the Merchants of Oregon saved ove $10,000 by earring a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance, Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 they will save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchant mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES FROMPTSETTLEMENT OF LOSSES W. OLIVER, Agent; CdDMDig 0)M Seating , 1 ; WAIT FOR HIM. The expert eye specialist of Salt Lake will be In La Grande soon. The doctor is not a stranger as he has vis ited your city, for the past six years and can furnish you many references in La Grande. KirigsleyO Coqer jj Shoes Repaired :; ' k Two first class workmen - - iiiii I fill work turned out with t t dispatch and guaranteed. " ' ' $ J THE OLD PRESTON STAND. J i ' ' I 44 Tailoring Cleaning JAMES REID, The Chlcaga Tailor from this time on will be found at C. C. Pening ton's clothing store where he Is prepared to do anything In the line of tailoring, cleaning an.i pressing for both ladies and gen tlemen. If your clothes do not tit he can tlx them. , fhone Black SSL. .til HI I O 1 MM yDL( that we have a line of Hardware of quality, and at prices that should attract careful buyers. " ' Harness liiat will pay you to examine, and our usual complete stock of up-to-date FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC. O A RARE OPPORTUNITY CHEAPEST FUEL ON THE . MAEKET . A Carload of the best Chain Wood delivered at your homes for only $2.25 per cord, measured in the car.. Order NOW, while the roads are good and the prices low. V. R. BEAN PrlONE RED 1741 T I II 111 I 1 SOMEHOW GOOD" .. .. .. .... .. . "CALLIXG OP DA3T MATTHEWS ' .' " " " ' ii2 "COMRADES" .. .. .. W'l.'l'ihM "Somehow Good'Ma by William De Margin, who is hailed 'as the greatest English novelist since Dickens. "The Calling of Dan Matthews" is by Harold Bell Wright and la hla third great success. Somradea" is by Thomas Dixon, jr.. the author of "The One Woman -"The Leopard's Spots" etc. . . " iL?K" CBLISnED SEXT AJflWHERE ON THZ RECIEPT ?LTCE' "tt ORDERS WILL HATE OUE TEST BEST ATTEjTIOX. - 'Where Nothing is too Much i Trouble" 'S am mmmirt " TMr ERG USON Money Comes In Bnnelies. to A. A. Chrisholm nf "i IVRVll II. Y., now... Hla reason a veil worth reading: "For along tune 1 juffored from lndUtion.torpId ll7cr. lonatiput- lon nervousness and general debil ity," he writes. "I eo .jdn't aleen. had no appetite, nor amblfoii, . grev weaker every day in spite of aJ medi cal treatment Then use 1 t Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles roqfnm.i .11 my old time health and vigor. ow 1 can attend to business every diiy. It is a wonderful medicine., Infallible for Stomach, Liver, Kidney?, Slood and Nerves. 60c at the N'ewlJu Drug Company. ' Frightful Fate Atrrte.1 "I would have been a :rlpp'e foi life, from a terrible cut on my knee cap wrltea Frank DIaberry, KeillLor Minn., "without Bucklen's ArnXcn Sal ve, which soon cared me." Infallible for wounds, cuts and brulsea, It soon cures, burns, scalds, old lore?, ekb eruptions. World's best for Pile 50c at the NewMn Drug Compiny. MESSENGER SERTICE. v We deliver and pick up par- eels. Quick service; 'phone A Main 24. J HOME CUBE FOB ECZEMA. . Oil of Wlntergreen, ThjmoL Glcer- Ine, etc. Used at a. simple Wash. It really teems strange that ao many people suffer year la and ear out with eczema, when It Is now' -0 longer a secret that oU of - winter green mixed with thymol, glycerni wat w uouna to cure. Old, obstinate cases, it Is true -an-not be cured In a few days, bnt there is absoluteuy uo sufferer from ec ma whoever used thin simple wash and did not . find Immediately that wonderful soothing, calm, cool sensa tion that comes when the itch is ta ken away. InstanUy upen applying a few drops of the wash the reme 'y t kes affect, the itch la layed. The e ts need of experiment the patieit knows at once. Instead of trying to compound the cil of wlntergreen, thymol, glycerine, etc.,!n the right proportions ourselv es we are using a prescription which is universally round the most effect ive.1 It Is known as the D. D. n. nr. scriptlpn or OU ofWintergreen Com pound. It !q made by the D, D." D. Company of Chicago, and our long oyni icuto wnu mm rem ay nu giv en us great confidence In Its merit. Newlln Drug Compony. '..