- jttlce of Administrator's Sale. Notice Is hereby given to all whom ij'jjy concern that the undersigned strator de bonis non with, the q annexed of the estate of Frank jjna, deceased, under and by vircue ;ftli powers to him given In the ,iU of aI(1 deceased and by direction lrtoi and by permission of the coun r court of Unioa County, Oregon, glv- t; order made and entered In said 'gut oa t'je 11th day of October, A. 3 19G9, v-ill. from and afUir the 9th of November, A. P., 1CCD, proceed, j) jell at private sale for cash. If pre gred by the purchaser for the sum 4 Two Thousand Dollars cash and jji balance on one and two years jjk lth Interest at eight per cent ya annum, and secured by mortage Wifl premises, and sale to be sub jjMo a mortage now thereon for fpeen Hundred Dollars, hte follow ' lands of the said estate to-wit: Northwest-Quarter and West. Half of Is'ortheast Quarter and West Half of 'southeast Quarter and North Half oi jjoathwest quarter of Section Thirty hue, In Township One, North of Range jfOrtr, and Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thlrty- 31x to Township One, North of Range Thirty Nine, East of Willamette Me- . t n f It. K LLOYD, Admlnl-rr'or do bonis non will an nexed cf Prank Milne, deceased. ((O-10-11-18-25 N-l-8.) are funds on hand to nay all eonnfv warrants Issued prior to August . 1, 1308 and that Interest on same will cease after October 23, 190J. JOHN FRAWLEY, . County Treasurer. 10126 11-26. ' Sotlce For Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S Land OSce at La Grunde, Oregon, Oct 26, 1903. , ; Notice is hereby given that John A. i Graybeal of Kamela, Oregon, who, on June 26, 1904, made Homestead Appli cation No. 13672, Serial No. 04183. for E 1-2, NE 1-4, and E 1-2 SE 1-4 Section 31, Township 1 S Range 36, E. W M has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the lan dabove described, before Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, on the 16th day of December, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: H. K. Charlton, Kyle Charlton, Emmett Mc Coy and C. C. McFalls, all of Kamela, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, (10129-11-3) Register. The Best Plaster. CITY rtEXT ma IZLLGATIOX OF LA GRAJiDE V PEOPLE TO GO WITH TEAM. Gnariititeed Pnblie Land Scrip. The C. h. Ttowers Co., Miles City, Moot, agents for Northern Pacific lkJ Scrip, will select lor you any rfit, non-mineral, government liaf Write them for particulars. Treasurer's Notice. Notice Is Hereby given that there A piece of flannel dampened Ith Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts Is super!?? to any plaster. When troubled with a lame back or pains In thes side or chest, give It a trial and you are cert ain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Tuis liniment also relieves rhuemath pain and is certain to relieve anyone suf fering with that disease. Sold y all good dealers. Fans Will Insist on Out of Town Of ficials at Baker. With the scalp of the Pendltou Academy tea mwell tucked under thur belts, the La Grande team Is now out after Baker City and nest Saturday the greatest game of the year from a local standpoint, takes place at Baker City. La Grande will send a big dele gation along with the team to see th's contest. " ' Among the things that the La Grawle fans will insist on is that Baker C tyJ supply officials who hae no connec tion with either team or city, for that matter. La Grande is ready to' fight it out on the gridiron along permissa- Die lines bur will Insist on fair offc-lals. As for the team Itself, It is hard to prognosticate at this time in th-3 weisk as o what shape the players will ho In. WILLC0CK BROTHERS Quick Transfer Phones: Day. Red 7L Night. Black 1171. PASTIME THEATRE Tbos. Brace Manager. Fur Hats, Fur Caps, Eton Caps, Gloves Sweaters '".-' -flff." :-:WELLn7AJRf & CO. 44a44$4e43i We Want Your Wants IK 0 Our Want Ad Column Your ant is placed before a thousand or more want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want au where results are the keynotes? Maea4444444444444444444444'4444444 FOR SALE. FOR SALE House of 8 rooms, Cor., first and Grandy are. Phone Black U92 (025-N25.) FOB RENT. Jupa'ie Visit Washington. Washington, D. C. Nov. 1 The Jap anese commercial delegates who are touring tin Lnited States reached the national capital today. After visiting the White House and several of the department buildings they boarded tho United States yacht Sylph for a trip to Jiount Vernon. Secre tary of State Knox will entertain the visitors at luncheon tomorrow and In the afternoon they will be given a re ception it the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Wedne3iiay, the concluding day of their 8t.iy here, tha will partlci the Emporv it Japan. .'.' TONIGHT ' NATIONAL STOCK CO. O IN & 'THE JUDGE AND THE GIRL' & An unusually clever comedy In . Three Acts. , ; Special Scenery. - Q New Specialties. High class vaudeville special- A ties. All Seats 25c. A J. A. OLIVER. 4p Gasoline wcod saw. Phone orders to Black 1851. o 'FOR RENT Well built barn. Red 41. Phone fOR SALE OR v TRADE 16-h. p. Franklin auto for sale or will ex change for city property. A. V. Aa- TOR SALE House and lot on Adams avenue, extra well built, plastered house, good basement, and wood hed. Price right Call Black 1941 or see D. C. Stevens at Henry & Carr's store. fO-2-ttt ro Far ftalA. House and eight lots In souta La 3rande, city water and good well; f trge barn and plenty of fruit. Beat new of the valley. Thoa. S. Harris. 1302 B trtet f?0R SALE One second hand auto mobile, five passenger; price very reasonable; phone 27A Summervllle or 'nquire Whlteman Garage. Will trade for land or sell for cash. pOR SALE Set of 11-tach cones for power belt, shaft 1 1-4 Inches with hangers. Brand new cost Is $35; I11 be sold at a bargain. Apply at Observer office. (S-16-tf) I Ada SALE Six - room house on ms avenue, with both hot and cold water; good lawn. Price I $1750; size of two lots 60 z 114. Call at Bay and c - el. (S-28-tf) FOR RENT. Furnished room w1:n all modern improvements. 804 Main Avenue. FOR RENT Newly furnished front room, modern conveniences, 804 Main avenue. - FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms in the Slater building on Jefferson and . Fir. All modern con venlencea. Apply at the B. P .Wale suit. In the Slater building. BARN FOR RENT Well built barn, close in. Apply at the Furguson Book store. (028-6) FOR RENT The , J. W. Snodgrosi home, 804, Fourth street Enquire i.t premises. 10-15-18. FOR SALE Three lots, one In Kara ; merer addition and two lnPredmure. Cheap. Call for particulars at Bay & Zweifel's shop. (Nl-12.) LOST AND TOUND. For Sal 12 h-ad regl ' jfor sale . ; Grande cltv ; Phone B' cattle for La Reynolds. LOST A $2.50 gold piece on my way home from Dr. Hubbard's office. Th3 coin was on breastpin and had the letter . "N" engraved upon it. Return to' this 'office and owrieV will jay face value in money for the coin. LOST Black leather walot contain ing contracts and waranty deeds. Walot has S. A. Bredenburg, Everett, Washington, printed on flap. Finder please return to this office. (O 28-28) ive rooms, bath, ;t r r - .ments, close to mill Phone Black (025-26) T I At n hnrtratn tn linimpa on pnr.ii. avenue. Call on Fred B.' i'Brni at Commercial Club rooms, 9 GYAnde National Bank bulldlne. . LOST Brass gas generator tip to I automobile will hold about two 'quarts of water between E. W. .011 iver's farm and La Grande. Return to L. C. Smith's Garage. (11-1-) 0. R. N. Schedule , West Bound. ' No. 7 ar 9:25 a. m. No Mail or Exp. No. 9 ar 8:05 p. m. mall, exp. local pas. No. 5 ar 9:45 p. in. no piall or exp, No. 11 ar 10:50 p. m. only mall. . East Bouna. No. 6 ar 5:35 a. m. mail, pass & Exp. No. 10 ar 7:45 a. m. local mall & pas. No 1st 8 8:30 p. m. fast mall loc. pas. No. 2nd 8 thru, train. Joseph Line. No. 32 leaves 9:45. No. 31 arrives 2:15. t We have ready a notable showing of superb, dainty, little novelties In gold, silver, copper, nickel, and also In pottery, things for the bric-a-brac, etc., Just the things for a brlday gift, by the one who doesn't desire to spend heavily yet give something of high, In trinsic value and that will ever be re- J. if. PEARE FOR SALE Some fine thoroughbred Rhode Island pullets. Inauirs of E. Jones. Phone Farmers 64. (O-16-30.) WANTED. WANTED Position as Cook by a responsible and experienced Japa nese. Phone Observer Office. (028-N1) WANTED Experienced telephone op erators or girls to learn. Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph Company. APPLE PICKERS WANTED At once apply to I. Bonsel. Frultdale, Phone Fanners 93. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o Xthe Interlc-. U. S. Laud Office at La Grande, Or., , August 16, 1909. r Notice Is hereby giveu that JAMES L. WALKER, of Kamela, Oregon, who on February 9, 1909, made homestead entry No. 13376 serial, No. 04074, for SSW section 28 & NNW, section 33, township 1 S, range 36 E. W., Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to estab lish claim to the land above decrlb ed, before Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon, on the 29th day of Septem ber, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Kyle Charlton. Oswald Hunt . Harry E. Swager. John Smith, all of Kamela, Oregon. . F. C BRAMWELL, Register. UNION NURSERY J. B WEAVER, Prop. J Fruit, shade and or , namental trees. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vine 8 and other small fruit SEND FOR PRICE 1 1ST UNION, ORt QUALITY DETER MINES SUCCESS. Quality Indicates the man; Quality makes the merchant; Quality you will remember long after the price has been forgotten. The this store will tell you whether or not this Is the right place to gey the right quality at the right prices. Yes, it would be easy to go anead and enumerate all kinds of drugs, medicines, stationery, toilet goods, book, combs, brushes, etc. BBut Lr i ; uoci ii inn t just tmngs you re after. Yon want quality, articles of merit, and things that are puts and wholesome. This Is not a little, dingy place. It's a urug store vlth lots of good goods for good people. It's a drug store o f Quality, and the bast In he beginning is the cheapest In the end. Business principles that are broad, honorable and fair to all, form the keystone tor a unite d friendship. HILL5 DRUQ JTORE LA QRANDEv4-:- :'vV-OREQON'- I DO YOU KNOW j FOR CERTAIN? ! that your title is good? I An abstract will . tell you I all about it and it may be I tc your advantage to have I one made. .You cannot afford: to take chances. I New Sugar BE PATRIOTIC WREN ORDERING SUGAR AND INSIST UPON RAYING HOSE MADE. THE AY FRESH IS NOW IN ALL THE GROCERY STORES. s,,",".'.'!1,'.',,;:! .!' , . .. !ii.'.'..f i!'ir'i i,""",r! ;r ,i THE GEORGE PALMER RETAIL DEPARTMENTHQl We Solicit Your Orders for SHINGLES 4 RUBBEROID ROOFING DEADENiNG FELT BUILDING PAPER r We are prepared to furnlsriand deliver material promptly. Phone Main 8. A STOMA REMEDY. Gives prmpt and positive relief In every case. Sold by druggists, price $1.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents William's Mfg. Co. Prop. .Cleveland. Ohio. A. .T. Hill, Druggist J. R. 0 LIVER: la Grande National Bank I Building ? . BCBSEY'S UACK LINK 9 Beit of service, Day and Night Hacks furnished for - 4 tunerala and private parties. 4 4 Baggage transferred Day and 4 . (Stand at Paul's Cigar Store, 4 4 'Phone Red S41. 4 4 Night 'Phone Mam II. 4 4 VlU BC8SET. 4 - .ale and' - uugh Remedy" parts of the UnlU4 !: many foreign conntriesL W- because it has proved esped" ally valuable for coughs and oolaa. For sale by all good dealers. 4 . ED 8TRINOHAU. 4 4 AUCTIONEER- 4 ale cried on short aotie. 4 4 Satisfaction guaraaUftd. 4K 4 No extra charge for distance. 4 LA GRANDE - - - OrjBQON 4 4 Ho .t No. t Thnne No, lllxl 4 444 4 44 4 v 4 4 m