"rMi uUMDE. OBIXO.V TUESDAY,"., ti. - V - if, . .5. I i I I tliisivlW- 3Hcircs facS f dp every . - LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVFR Published Dailj Except Sunday. GEORGE II. CUREEV. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. united Fret Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Dally, single copy ............. gc Dally, per month ....... M-... 65o Dally, six months in advance ...$3.60 Daily, one year in advance $6.60 Weekly, aix months In advance . . 76c Weekly, one year in advance ....$1.00 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom da plume. Signed articles will be re vised subject to the discretion of the editor. Please Bigu your artlc'es and save disappointment Advertising Eates. Local reading notices 10c ur line nrst Insertion; 5c per line fo ach subsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence. 6! a Hue. Today, the dally edition of the Ob server enters upon its tenth year. What a history is contained within this period. Many Indeed are the pinna ant ineruorls a review of its flies dis closes; many Indeed are the events 'hronlilcd that have thrown the en tire country into sadness, as one ly one, the obituaries of the nobla men and women who helped to build this mighty empire, appear therein. As a whole, however, it is gratifying to note the general high moral plane that has prevaled throughout this county In the years past.. " High crimeB in the county have been few and far apart. No county in the North west contains a higher stadard of cli;enHhlp than Tnlon county. Teu years have made a great change in our couiemrclal life; We are doing everything on a much larger scale. Our Reneral prosperity Is reflected in every avenue of business. The Ob seiver has kept pace with the times. Hand composition has been replaced with the very latest Improved machin ery. The news service of today con tains the happenings of the day . of issue. We have got beyond clipping from other papers and raisins the dates, palming it off aa live telegraph news. There Is not a better equipped news paper office In Kastern Oregon than Ih tha Observer of today. This ha only been made possible by. the Hh eral pntrnaace eNhnuU'd during Its UHthl bUOJUHltk ft H II (..! I. ' many years of existence and the hope is entertained of being able to merit Its continuance. v . , Farmers of the state of Oregon are up in arms at the recent r ling made by the secretary of the navy, that in Zuluie aii foreign vessels engaged in bringing coal from the Atlantic coast to points ou the Pacific, should return to their original points or departure In ballast and will not be allowed to carry merchandise or wheat back. Farmers take the stand, and right fully, too, that this 1b a move made by the coast shippers to do away with competition in the vessel freight busi ness and to hold up rates, which will mean a corresponding loss to the farmer and the shipper. In order to consider this question a masa meeting has been called In Pen dleton for next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and all farmers and ship pers are asked to be present. Senator Chamberlain, Senator Bourne and Congressman Ellis have been asked to be present, and to address the meet Ing. and other speakers will also be prepared to show the people why they should enter formal protest against this action. LA GRiM m rob Ihl-er City, Oct. 20. V T. Vt l.l-li-rn mid George C. Moon, licso p Hi'.' robbed a man from La f.5iande n .his city Satm'ay night, w ; tu nrmieii today and the trUl Wi poat l i" rt until tomorrow morn'.'v Mi rcihorn and Moon fount iho li (iia'ide man nea. the depn; an.l eni'f tit l.mi into the street, a". I'P'i 1 to pi h a quarrel jut of hln. and then rclfd him of $5.50. At !wi this is toe current sto.y. In lesj than minuter Night Patrolman Hutv Hope nho I on ths depot beat, hal the tv.o men who committed the crlnu niider arrest and in Jail, i. e of the men has comoaaJd the fVtt.H" Spanish War Veterans. Pallas, Texas. Oct. 2G. A conslder- jable portion of the 5,000 Spanish War i veterans of Tenas took part In the observances arranged In- their honor 'at the S-'tate Fair today. 100 FULL SIZED COTTON BLANKETS $1.50 VALUE, WHILE THEY LAST - Greatest Bargain Store in The City V i 5 ' , 5 1 Davis After Cannon. Minneapolis, Oct 26. Congressman been considered feasible and an inves tigatlon has convinced u.", that the speaker of the houue can b.3 removed and we believe that we can do it" Co ii Br. 'Keating wait for mar. The expert eye specialist of Salt Lake will be in La Grande soon. The doctor Is not a stranger as he has vis ited your city for the past six years and can furnish you many references In La Grande. PROFESSION AL DIRECTORY. ; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L PICKLER. Civil, Mining, "rimatlon Engineering an, . irveylng. Estimates, piano and specifications. Office in 1 aeakamp Building. La Grande, Oregon. YIATL MRS. GRACE McALISTER-; Teacher and Manager. ' Telephone Farmers 1976. PHYSICIANS. DR. G. W. ZIMMERMAN. Osteopathic Physlblan. j Office Sommer Bldg. , Otllce "phone. Main 63; Residence i phone Black 051. 1 Successor to Dr. Moore. jMLuUtftaL&jBfaM lnfff inli iTMii nn li - W.H. p. p f . f. 3 J. IL HUEBARD. M. D. ! Physician aui Surgeon. Offlce In New Hank Building Roonis j 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Mam ! E9; Office, Main 7. i . DR. A. L. RICHARDSON, t Phytlclan and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 65. i NVMOUTORTMrD7 i Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams are and Depot st Office Main 68. Residence Main 69. BACON 4 HALL. . Physicians and Surgeons. Office in La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. S. T. Baccn, Residence, Main 18. - M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 62. C. II. UPTCN. ya. O. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention givn to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Office in La Grande National Bank Building. Phones: Office, Main 2; Residence, Main 32. TETFRISAEY SURGEON'S. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande Residence Phone Red 701. Offir Pir HiziZ 12 I. Independent Phono 63, Both phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY. ' Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery of aU kinds. Country calls promptly answered. Agents tor. National Live stock Insurance Association. Portland Oregon. Office, 14 Adams avenue. - Phones: Pacific, Black 1901. Independent 373. DENTISTS. J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 1991. TEACHERS OF MTJSIC. EBLA CAELOCK. Teacher of Piano. Pupil of Pierre Douilet of the San Jose Conservatory. For children the Burrows course of music study and musical kindergar ten. Studio In the Mahaffey Bldg. ARCHITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer, Surveying, Civil and Structural En gineering. Twenty Years Experience. ROBERT MILLER. Architect Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phonei Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. I. -" t . . '. . - '. . .' ATTORNEYS. C. IL CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the 8Ut and United States. Office In La Grande National Ban!) Building, La Grande, Oregon. Chas. l. Cochran Geo T. Cochrat COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande Oregon H. H. LIOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the Courts of the Stat and United States. Elgin Orego WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms 15 and 16 Sommer Block. La Grande. Orejctm. - m - riir - i .hot .bvo ju..nuw. mvw,. A t b -.- ' I'; . " EATMG i JlJ. ii . I'STOVES F. L. LILLY. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY GEORGE PALMER, President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2nd Aast Cashier. F. J. HOLMES, Vice-President W. H. BRENHOLTS. Aist Cashier .F. L. MKTER8. Cashier. La Grande National Bank Of La 3rande Oregon' CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $170,000 UNtl EDSI tTZC DEPOSITORY DIRE . M. Beti, J. D. Mpthescr. C. C. Pennicgtcr: F. L. ' W. i- Brerholts m$UmM f&7fff;f.rrj Our Cream Wafers ARE ALWAYS FRESH .iim tiiiviv IP f 'f' I have a nice line of coal and wood heaters at prices to suit all, also 'the celebrated MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE. For apple picking I have picking baskets; step ladders, box nails, box hat chets, etc'. -TCKS F. J. Folrre F. M. Ery kit Meyers Cer. I . Cleaver Ceorge Palrnr 2,000 POUNDS OF . COAI for $8 Weighed on City Scales. Rock Springs Lump or f the city ; Gity scales t eket de vererl w t.h InaH. ticket delivered with load. G. E, FOWLER . D. SELDERS V. . V