2YX5UQ 0B3SESTEB, LA GEAJTDE, OBEGOJT. TTESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1909. Oregon Galls Wore People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. LOW COLONIST RATES To Oregon will prevail from the East September 15 to October 15, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co and Southern Pacific (LINES IX OREGON) From Chicago .tsino From St. Louis (t.0 From Omaha S From St. Paul S& OO From Kansas City 25.00 Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. It. & N. or Agent and ticket will be delivered In the East without Extr cost Send us the name and address of any one interested In the State for Oregon literature. WM. McMTJERAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. ORE. Notice to Contractors. "CwCi ! uaieuy given mat bids will be received at the office of the city recorder for the construction of a five foot sidewalk on and along the North side of Lot 6, Block 110 in Q randy's addition to the City o fLa Grande, Ore gon, said walk to be conbtructel ac cording to the specifications on file at the recorder's office. All bids o be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid and to be in by 4 o'clock p. m. October the 20th, 1909. The council reserve3 the right to reject any and all bids. Common Council of the City of Ln Grande, Oregon. By D. E. COX, Recorder. October 11, 1909. 9t Xotlce of Administrator's Sale. Notice is nereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned administrator de bonis non -with the will annexed of the estate of Frank Milne, deceased, under and by viroje of the powers to him elven in th? will of said deceased and by direction thereof and by permission of the coun ty court of Union County, Oregon, giv en by order made and entered ln said cause on the 11th day of October, A. D. 1909, rill, from and after the 9th day of November. A. D., 1909. proceed to sell at private sale for cash, if pre ferred by the purchaser for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars cash and the balance on one and two years time with Interest at eight per cent per annum, and secured by mortage on the premises, and sale to be sub-' Ject to a mortage now thereon for Fifteen Hundred Dollars, hte follow ing lands of the said estate", to-wit: NorthweBt-Quarter and West Half of Northeast Quarter and West Half of Southeast Quarter and North Halt ot Southwest quarter of Section Thirty One, In Township One, North of Range Forty, and Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty Six In Township One, North of Range Thirty Nine, East of Willamette Me ridian in Union County, Oregon. R. II LLOYD. Administrator de bonis non will au nexed of Frank Milne, deceased. ((O-10-11-18-25 N-l-8.) It is not necessary to put with the Inconvenience of poor tight these days further more it Is foolish to neglect having your eyes properly attended to. It you suffer from headaches, ner vousness, you will find it will pay you to have your eyes examined, as In nine cases out of tea the trouble lies there. We can Rive you an expert exam ination ft you with thi) correct glasses If they sre necessary. J. H. PEARE Tiff WJuLJ i Merchants! Save $10,000 In 1907 the Merchants of Oregon saved ove $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 they wili save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies in the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES PROMPTSETTLEMENT OF LOSSES W. OLIVER, Agent m ii'i,v" ravii'iijnr.T,aiigffiCTw Cheaper Wells Owing to a large drop ln the cost of caBlng, much lower prices can be quoted than formerly prevailed. R. A. WEST, whe la equipped with np-to date machinery and years of experience. PHONE, BLACK .111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of S. M. Bloom, deceased, and that all claims against said estate muse be properly veri fied and filed with the undersigned at her home In Cove, Oregon, or with F. S. Ivanhoe, her attorney, at his office In La Grande, Oregon within six months from this date. Dated at La Grande. Oregon, this 22nd day of October, 1909. HELEN n. BIjOOM. Administratrix FOR RENT Nicely furnished motfe-n rooms In the Sinter building .TcftVrson and Fir. All modern w- ventnnces. Apply nt the B. F 1 j suit. In the Slater building. SUICIDE AI BAKER CITY Sunday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock Jack La Plant committed suicide by i taking carbolic acid in his room at the Klondyke Lodging House, sa's the Baker City Herald. He was about 35 years of age and has no lelittlves that are known. ' La Plant has been ln this vicinity for about five years working in the various mines, having been last em ployed in the Indiana mine. He came to Baker City about two weesa ago and began tanking up as usual. He had been on a spree since arriving in town but none of his friends noticed tmy signs of despondency. Cries were hard issuing from his room ln the afternoon and people rushed in to find him In terrible agony and. detect ed the odor of carbolic acid. A phy s.cian was Immediately summoned but the man was dead before he arrived. Dr. Ison was notified and a jur;' was empaneled. A verdict of suicide was CALL IS SET 1'On.AR LODGE EVENT HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED. . . . Affair Commenced Last Yea rWIII e f'urrlo.l Out I:i -DpriM " " &i 'i s . The scond annual roll call of the O. O. F. in this city has been set for December 4. Last year this was the most Important event In the Odd Fellow circles, and the plans this year are even more extenlsve. Letters are being sent out to all members to be present by letter or by person. Though the date is far hence, the lodge offi cers are hurrying the letters lor the lodge has members all over the Unit ed States, ast and west, and from Alaska to Panama, north and south. Dr. C. D. Pons THE EYE AND SERVE SPECIAL IST. , 6 Of Salt Lake City is now at the Soni iner Hotel, all this week Only; Hours 9 A. M. to 1 P. V. and S P. M. to 7 1. M. EXAMINATION FREE Dr. Pon'a methods are all original. His lenses are all especially ground nerve crystals, made by himself. Dr. Pons has brought his entire op tical factory wlh him ttls time, with several new Instuments for develop ing weak eyes, one Instament in par I tlcular ot the doctor's own invention. Cross eyes straightened sometimes In twenty minutes. Consult this east ern specialist. Here this week only, Chamberlain's r"e, Cholera and Dl arraoea Remedy Nier Known ToFatL "l have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ttemedy since It was first introduced to the pub"c la 1872 and hae never found one tn- stoe where a cure was not speedily fi -i ' 'd b'- Its hps. T hnvn boon a co'ti- rveii'Rl traveler for eighteen y ars, :rt 1 over start out on trip without V ; my f:lthful fiiml," ears IT. f!. N - ls of OnVland, Ir(... Ter. For f:!' tj i 1 good dealers. - ., . The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and brand on to the affected parts is superior tu any plaster. When troubled with a lame back or pains in thes side or chest, give it a trial and you are cert ain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Tula liniment also relieves rhuemati 3 pain and is certain to relieve anyone suf fering with that disease. Sold V all good deal era AWAY COES BACKACHE. A Few Doses Regulates OQt-of-Order Kidneys Haling Bladder Mis ery Vanish, If you take several doses of Pape's Diuretic, all backache and distress from out of order kidneys or bladder trouble wll lvanlsh, and you will feel fine. Lame back,- painful stitches, rheu matism, nervous headache, dizziness. irritability, sleeplessness, inflamed or swollen eyellds.wor n out sick feeling and other slmptoms of sluggishness. or inactive kidneys disappear. Uncontrollable, smarting, frequent urination (especially at night) and all bladder misery ends. This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys, blad der and urinary system and distrib utes llo uediiug, cleansing and vitaliz ing Influence directly upon the organs and glands affected, and completes the cure before yon realize it, The moment that you suspect any kidney or urinary disorder or feel rheumatism pains, begin taking this harmeless medicine, with the knowl edge that there is no other remedy at any price, made anywhere else in the world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, pharmist, banker or any mercantileagency will tell you Ltaht Pape, Thomson & Co., of Cincin nati is a large and responsible med ical concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Only curative results can come from aklng Pape's Diuretic, and a few day's treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and no backache. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty ent treatment any drug store any where ln the world. . ENDS KIDNEY MISERY. Out of Order Kidneys Acts Fine and Backache or Kidney Trouble to cure backache and regulate out of order kidneys or end bladder trouble is to keep several dopes of Pape'3 Dieuretlc. You will distinctly feel that your kidneys and urinary organs are beipg cleaned, healed and vitalized, and all the miserable symptoms, such as backache, headache, nervousness, rheumatism and darting pains, In flamed and swollen eyelids, irratlbll ity. Bleeplesnesa, or suppressed, pain ful or frequent urination (especially it night) and other distresses, leav ing after taking the first few doses. The moment that you suspect any kidney or urinary disorder, or rheu matism, begin taking this harmless preparation as directed, with the knowledge that there is no other t edlclne, at any price, made any where else " In the world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a nrty cent treatment or Pape's iiuretlc, which any druggist can sup ply. Your physician, pharclat, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson ft Pape ot Cin cinnati is a large :ad responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy ot your confidence. Don't be miserable or worried an other moment with a lame back or clogged, inactive kidneys or bladder misery. Al lthls goes after' yen start taking Pape's Diuretic, aid In a few days you feel aid know that your kidneys, liver 'and urinary system are healthy, clean and - normal, aad ai: danger passed.' " . Accept only Pape's Dinette fifty cent treatment from any drug store anywhere in the world. The Road to Success has many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success today demands health, but Electric Bitters Is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kid neys. bowels. purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates th 1 whole system. Vigorous body and j keen bruin follow their use. You jci.n't afford in slight Electric Bitters ,if weak, run down or stokly. Only 50c. Guaranteed by the Newlln Drn?r Co. A GOOD RcGGRD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. C. Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 The Sum Total of Human Happiness 1s attained by the man who selects lf? an! adaptable for hit entire f tlons approximates about the keen such conditions to be found in the you. Go to C. J. BLACK. He has a chose from. Fruit Farms, Stock Fa Properfty, Grain Farms, Hay Far out improvements. Prices right C 1. BLACK, The Observer Want Ads Pay fxfiWV ' SUE'S A QTJEENI SIDE S A 6IHKN1 t in an ezpreson that Is always heard at sight of a f weil deve ,d woman. J jtu are flat-chestel. i "lth ill" undeveloped, a srawny :eck, thin, lead arm remark-will never be applied to you. '3IT' . ' wafers will make you beautiful, bwttch tnv . ' Hiey DEVELOP THE BUST ln a week,,from I to Inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out t!-.e hollow places, make t!v arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be p1 ease a and grateful. '"JI REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONEY BACK. . - . frlcw (1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores on send DI RECT TO US. ' FItEE. During the next 30 days only we will send you a wam pie bottle of these beiutlfylng wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement ln this paper. Trie sample alone may be sufficient If "be defects ar trifling. DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., SI W. W5th BTn NEW YORK. Waters-Stanchfield Produce Co. Timhthy Alfalfa Wild Wheat Oats Mixed Flour, Poultry Supplies and Wood GIVE US A TRIAL PHONES: Black 121! 5 rv. TheLatjle Shop! rviaui ot Stamping of all kinds, tnclud lng shirt waists ft Center pieces, J done, embroidery lessons given. Orders taken and lessons given In sttnclllng. Full line of em broidery materials. WANTED Experienced telephone op erators or girls to learn. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. a place which is approved fey his amll. to live amwst such condl est Joy Imaginable. "Where are rapidly growing'' Northwest fJft-; large amount of property listed to rms, Sugar Beet Farms, City ms, Timber Lands. With or With-. Let me show yon. Real tsiate Van Oats, Rolled Barley Wheat Bran Shorts Independent 541 ADVERTISEMENT &F0B BIDS. Grande, Rondo. Reserypir Company, La Grande, Oregon. Oct 13, 1M9. Seal ed prdposals will be received at the office of the Grande Jtonde Reservplr Company, La Grande, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m.; October 16, 1909, for the construction ot the South canal, lo cated about one mile east of La Grande, Oregon, Grande Rondo pro ject, Oregon. This work consists of the construction of about four ' and one quarter miles of main canal en volvlng the excavation and embank ment of about 30,460 cubic yars of material, mainly earth. For particulars address the Grand? Ronde Reservoir Company, La Grande Oregon, J. E. Reynold's, secretary. FORR EXT Furnished front room, corner Second and Main. Inquire at the house. Three blocks from post office. ... Oct. 19-26.