, s. It- I i !!,- V s S 1 1 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER Published Daily Except Sfcndaj. GEORGE H. CIRKEY. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. I ulti Pre Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, single copy &c Daily, per month 65c Dally, six months In advance ... 13.50 Dally, one year in advance $6.50 Weekly, six months in advance . . 75c Weekly, one year in advance ....$1.00 I Entered at the postoffice at La Grande as second-class matter. . -. - in. ........ . . This paper will not publish, any ariide appearing over a nora uj plume. Signed articles will be ' re vised subject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. Advertising Kates. Local reading notices 10c ur i:j.e first insertion; 6c per line fo.- each subsequent insertion. Resolution of condolence, 5r a line. MEETING OF tIiE PRESIDENTS. The Portland Telegram, in a recent Issue publishes the folowing editorial In regard to the meeting of President Taft and President Diaz at El Paso recently, under the caption of:"The Touch of Barbwrtn There was a meeting of the two Presidents. Two republican rulers met, clasped hands and exchanged tin compliments of the occasion. They did this not once, but twice. A neutral tone was duly and officially designated, at one border of which President Taft received President Diaz upon the first formal call; and at the other President Dias received President Taft when that formal call was as formally returned. There were accompanying escorts, back and -forth, of dlgnatarles, of troops of cav alry and af batteries of artillery. There was pomp and nageantry which maintained the spirit of bar baric display which, upon the meeting of Emperors in the middle ages, was considered assential to the dignity of J those who ruled, and as awe-lnsplrlng j to those who were ruled. It is not entirely unwarranted can tiou.sness to refer to this meeting In this strain, for the reasons that the governments represented by the prln clpuls in this august event are of the democratic form which assumes slm 'pliclty. The purpose of that meeting at Ei Paso, if it .had. any purpose worth the while, was an internatlon al exchange of felicitation and good matl8m, nervous headache, dizziness, wishes. That purpose would have 1 irritability, sleeplessness, Inflamed or been more sensibly consumnated, if, i swollen eyelids, wor n out sick feeling in the center of that nuetral zone, !and other slmPtoms of sluggishness, both Presidents would have met be- j or ,nact,ve kidneys disappear. ; , fore such n. mixed audience of Arner-1 Uncontrollable, smarting, frequent leans and Mexicans ns chose to gath- urInation (especially at night) and' er there, and with ns little ostentat-; u11 Madder misery ends, ion and formality as the circumstance j Tnl9 unu8Ual preparation goes at would permit. ,lf each President hud 01,68 t0 tbe 'ired kidneys, blad addressed the other one publicly to!der and nrlnary system and dlstrlb the mutual good feeling of all con-1 utes ,t9 healing, cleansing and vltallz cerned, there would have been an. ac- j,,,g ,uHuence directly upon the organs ual and sensible Interchange of ' and g,anda ffected. nd completes the courtesies of real International lm. ! cure before you realize it port. It would have been an act in The moment that you suspect any which there would have been popular 1 Sidney or urinary disorder or feel participation-something we might ! lhuuiat,8m pains, begin taking this reasonably expect, where one popul-i nar,ue,e8a me(llc,ne. with, the knowl r government said to the other. "I'm m,ge that tnere U no otner remedy at rlarf to R,nv. vn., hv ha h.wi n- ! Pce. made anywhere else In the me omer popular government re pllnd in kind. ' i ' What the Presidents said to each other, either on the first or the Bec- ond call, Is not known aud iu ill pro liabilities would not appeal to us it It r were known. Thejr.jn.lght have said: -."It is a fine day," or ''the pleasure is ail mine," or indulged in any one or any number of the common platitudes which the atmospheri off formal courtesy which prevailed suggested. But speculation as to what was said Js thrust into the background by the trimmings of the occasion, which were copied from barbarism. As the meeting was conducted, it suggests the pity that we have not advanced bo far In democracy as to dismiss this childish display, that we have not ev- ..luted to the worth and dignity of t'liiipumy. i It will require no seer to predict that in time Union county will be one cf the larReBt fruit producting sec - tlons in ths Northwest. Within a few years it Is interesting to note the development of tlm different sections of the country, Twenty five years iro the only spot in the valley whore fruit . was absolutely mire whh in Cove.. About fifteen years ay,. a few wiO'. trembling ain) four Hot out nmnU -t!i:t-i'm i:l orluii-iV In Fruit'lab" and Jvla? !'rK, tt'"Jntent to La Ornnde. '!TiM s'lrcess cf this enterprise is now ; reflected In the car loads of fruit ; chipped annually. The Sandridge was the next section of the valley that was held back for years because no one made the attempt. Now this section is recognized as a fruit belt that real estate men and growers will demon strate to their satisfaction, and their arguments will be quite convincing that the Sandridge la "It." Later, the cuu ui me county went Into the wiy. fruit business and the hundreds who j Your physician, pharclst. banket visited the Elgin apple show last week ; or any mercantile agircy will tell you notwithstanding they were from j that Pape, Thompson ,& Pape of Cin "Missouri" were shown, alrieht. . cinnati is a laree ;A ronnnndt.ia While we have commercial orch ards in pears and cherries there is little question but ' what the winter apple will be king In Union county. We grow this to perfection and our apples being exceptional keepers, growers and dealers have from four to five months in which to market them. We think we are engaged" quite ex tensively In the fruit business today, but twenty years hence we will look back upon this period as our exper- ! imental stage. Union county will le sending fruits to the eastern markets land across the Pacific in train. load j lots in a few years. " -1 ' There was a disappointed crowd of High school football folks as a re sult of the football game Saturday. But they must remember that it is as much the part of a complete education to be a good looser as It is a wlnf una this accident happens under: al most every condition of life. It was simply an accident that La Grande lost the game Saturday, but it cannot be helped. There are other victories to win. i- ,f The Best Piaster. ' A piece of flannel dampened Tilth Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a lame back or pains In thes side ' or chest, give It a trial and you are cert ain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Tula liniment also relieves rbuemuHi pain and Is certain to relieve anyjne tuf fering with that disease. Sold V all good dealers. AWAY GOES BACKACHE. A Few Doses Regulates Out-of-Order Kidneys Vaking Bladder Mis ery Vanish. I u you take several doses of Pape's i Diuretic, all backache and distress ! from out of order kidneys or bladder ! trouble wll lvanlsh, and you will feel fine. i, j Lame back, painful stltchesrheu- world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. , Your physician, pharmlst, banker or any mercantileagency will tell"' you taht Pape, Thomson ft Co., of Cincin nati Is a large and responsible med ical concern, thoroughly worthy ; of I your confidence. ' Only curative results can come from aklng Pape's Diuretic, and a few day's treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and no backache. Accept only Pape's Diuretic- fifty tent treatment any drug store any where iu the world. KinWVY MISERY. , Qut f 0r4ef K,dMJg Aet8 ae m4 Backache or Kidney Trouble ! to cure backache and regulate out of j order kidneys or end bladder trouble ' Is to keep several dopes of Pape's ! Dleuretlc. j You will distinctly feel that your kidneys and urinary organs are being cleaned, healed and vitalized, and nil the miserable symptoms, such as backache.- headache, uervonsncss rheumatism nnd darting pains. In- .lamed ,nnd swollen eye' Ida, Irratlbil Ity. sleep!een'S3. or suppressed, pain ful or frequent urination (espedaVy nlpht) nd other distresses, leav !r.a nKer taking the first few doses. smsat, oeecos. Monday, October a The moment that you suspect any ldney or urinary disorder, or rheu matism, begin taking this harmless preparation as directed, with the Knowledge that there Is do other t edlclne, at any price, mada any where else In the world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cur dt a fifty cent treatment of Pane's ' (iuretic. which any druggist can sup- medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your' confidence. Don't be miserable or worried an other moment with a lame back or clogged, inactive kidneys or bladder misery. Al lthls goes after you start taking Pape's Diuretic, aad iu a few days you feel and know that you. kldnys, liver aed urinary system are healthy, clean and normal, and ail danger passed. Accept only Pape's Dlruetic fifty ;cnt treatment from any drug stort anywnere in the world. ALL BACKACHE ENDED. Just a Few Doses Regulates Out-of. Order Kidneys Making Bladder Ulsery Vanish . Hundreds of folks here are need leHslv mtril;!; til v.iiieu because of out-or-order kidneys, backache or bladder trouble. If you will take several doses of Pape's Diuretic all misery from a lame back, rheumatism, painful stitch, Inflamed or swollen eyelids, nervous headaches, Irritability, ner vousness and other symptoms of over worked or deranged kidneys will van ish. , Uncontrollable, smarting, frepuent urlntlon (especially at night) and ail bladder miseries end. This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys, blad der and urinary system, an distrib utes its healing, cleansing. and vitaliz ing influence directly upon the or gans and glands affected, and com- letes the cure before you realize it. The moment you suspect any kid ney or urinary blsorder, or fell rhue matlsm coming, begin taking this harmless medicine, with the knowled ge that there is no other remedy, at any , price made ankwhere in the world, which will affect so thorough- an prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, prarrtacist, banker or; any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cincinnati is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Only curative results can come from taking Pape' Diuretic and a few day's treatment means clean,, active, healthy kidneys, blatter and urinary organs and you feel fine. Accept anly Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any irvtg store anywhere In the world. WANTED Girl for housew.ork. : A housekeeper preferred. Call at this office. Dr. CD Rons The eye and nerve special- 1st of Salt Lake City, will be In La Grande at the Sommer hotel on Monday, Oct.. 25, Jar 1 week only. Hours ft., m. till 1:0Q p. m. and 3:30 till p. m. All examinations of the eye .'sM2 . Dr. Pons 1b bringing his en- A tire optical factbry with him this time. All the latest instru- ments and devices, for the de- velopment of weak and strain- ed eyes. Dr. Pons makes every pair of glasses he fits himself, thus insuring better Bervlce than can be had by any other spec- inllst In the Northwest. , 4 . . Thousands of people in I.n Ornmie and the surrounding towns wear his glasses. Con- suit tlirt man free. are free. . I.T .. , 4 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PR KLJErT Civil, Mining, 'rrtsation Engineering an Jirveying. Estimates, plan and specifications. Office in 1' aeakamp Building. La Grande. Oregon. YIAYI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER, ' Teacher and Manager.' Telephone Farmers 1976. PHYS1CIAM8. DK. U. W, ZIMMLUJIAS. Osteopathic Physician. Office Sommer Bldg. Office 'phone. Main 63;" ; Residence phone Black 951. Successor to Dr. Moore. J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office in New Bank Building Rooms 20-21. 'Phones:. Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 79. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 65. N. MOLTTOP, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. . Corner Adams ave and Depot st Office Main 68. Residence Main 69. BACON ft HALT., Physicians, and Surgeons. Office In La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. S. T. Bacon. Residence. Main 18. . H. K. Hall, Residence. Main 52. C H. UPTON. PH. Q. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. ' Special attention gtvsn to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande National Bank Building. Phones: Office, Main 2; Resident?. Main 32. YETFRINARY SURGE03S. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande Residence Phone Red 701. Office Phone Black 13 1. Independent Phono 53 Both phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery of all kinds. Country calls p.omptly answered. Agents for National Live stock Insurance Association. Portland Oregon. Office, 14 Adams avenue. Phones: Pacific, Black 1901. Independent. 373. DEMISTS. J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist. ' Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 1991. TEACHERS OF MUSIC. EBXA CAB10CK. Teacher ef Piano. Pupil of Pierre Douilet of the San Jose Conservatory. For children the Burrows course of music study and musical kindergar ten. Studio in the Mahaffey Bldg. ARCHITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural En ' ' gtneerlng. . Twenty Years Experience. ROBERT MILLER. Architect Office 1107 Adams aveane. 'Phoaet Pacific, Mala 1. Home Independent Nvt. ATTORNEYS. C. H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Lav. Practice la all the courts of the Stats and United States. Office In La Grande National Baal ' Building. La Grande, Oregoa. Chas. . Cochran Geo T. Cochras COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande - Oregoa H. H." UOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the Courts of the Ststt rnd United States. Elgin Oregos WILLIAM il. RAMSEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms IB and 16 Sommer Block. La Grande. Orepon, ' t " - " - - i . , HEMMG STOVES F. L. LILLY. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY Burglary, Theliiandi Larceny Insurance t-MI&WTf OUB POLICY AU onsehold goods and persoual affects, belonging ot any member of the family or gnest, against loss by burglary, theft or larceny, In eluding thefts by servants or other employees. ALSO COYEBS DAMAGE To property, plumbing and other fixtures. Allows olz months vacan cy without notice. No co-iusuranee. No Inventory of the property is necessary. BATES FOR A YEAR. Private Residences ana Apnrtment Houses. $1,000, $12.50; $2,000, $22.50; $3,000. $30.00; $4,000, $35.00; $5,000, $40. Each Additional $1,000 $5.00 Stables. Each $1,000 .. , ..$15.00 Vacant bouses (plumbing fixture s and damage to booses each $1.000 ; it).oo LOGAN-SHERWOOD REALTY CO aC . GECKCiE I;ALMER, President C. S. WILLIAMS, 2nd Asst Cashier. F. J. HOLMES, Vice-President W. H. BRENHOLTS. Asst. Cashier F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. La Orande National Bank Of La 3rande Oregon" CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $170,000 UNIT EDCS1 ITES DEPOSITORY ' DIRE -TORS . ' . M. Bt,j J. D. Mathescn F. J. Holmes F. M. Brykit C.C.Pennington F, L Meyers Gee. L. Cleaver. ' W. I, Brenholts George Palmer n Our Cream Wafers ARE ALWAYS FRESH E. D. SELDERS i I have a nice line of coal and wood heaters at prices to suit all, also .f the celebrated MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE. For apple picking I have picking baskets, step ladders, box nails, box hat chets, etc. C0YEU& 2,000 POUNDS OF COM for $8 Weighed on Gitv Scales. Rock Springs Lump or nui aenverea to any part of the city Gity scales ticket delivered with load. G.E, FOWLER