TOTER. LA GRANDE, 0EEG05. SATURDAY. OCTOBEB tt, IMS. i i i I It o O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 l KLII'IDIHUL WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? ( I J ADTA5TAGZ0US CONNECTIONS WITH ED. T. PRICE A CO, OP CHI CAGO ENABLE rS TO OFFER ONLY STRICTLY BICH GRADE TAILOR ING IT A SATING OF 119 TO tt OS TEICES ORDINARILY CHARGED. YET WE Guarantee a Correct Fit I'EOPEE STYLES, II05EST WORK MANSHIP AND ABSOLUTE 8ATIS- FACT! 05. COME 15 AND SE ETHE FEICE WOOLENS FOB FALL AND WINTER SELECT TOUR FAVORITE PAT TEB5 A5T HAVE US TAKE TOCB MEASURE, TODAY. C. C. PENNINGTON & CO a lack of gastric juice; your focd Is only half digested and you become , affected vita a lost of appetite, pre-' care and fullness after ealing, vomit-) Lug. nausea, heartburn, gfipin ta IM ! bowels, tenderness la the pit of the stomach, bad taste ta the mouth, con- stlpation. pain In the limbs. ilep!l- aeaa. belching .of gas. bllUousness, : aick headache, nervousness, dixrlness or many other almllar simptoms. If your appetite la fickle and aota- ing tempt you. or yon belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, cr your food Ilea like a lump of leal on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there la bat one cause fermentation of undigested food. Prove' to yourself In five minutes that your stomach la aa good as any; that there la nothing really wronj. Stop thia fermentation and begin eat ing what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting (or you. It is merely a matter of bow soon you take a little Plapepsin. SEEMS lie TAX EOLL WILL SHOW ABOUT SIXTEE5 MUJLIONS. Matter f Bead Meiej O-i. ef Prea laeat QaetIoas Today. Vacant Lots FOR SALE Good Building sites-level-good location. 1-4 blocks $525 to $550. $20. cash per lot and $5 per month. VANDUYN REALTY No. 220 Depot Street CO. Since the county court has decided that it has no authority to ra'mbjrw the bondsmen, for lossea through the failure of the Farmers 6 Traders National bank, it ha been suggested and will, In all probability be peti tioned for and that is to submit tv. matter to the voters of the county at the next general election, by plac'ri; the question on the general ballot There are two ways of looking at this matter; one Is cold blooded, view lng it strictly on a business proposi tion that every bondsman knows lit., responsibilities but on the other hand, here is an extraordinary case The bank was considered safe by a rct tuUjjt.j tue jwine. ine ac counts of the officers bav'ng funds 'r. this bank were In perftKt condition t was no fault of their. Tnls is in re ality, what the bond3Uia considered when going on their bonds ta Guar antee the county against either 1' honest or Incapable acts of the offi cers. Th.s tax roll this y:ar will show , . . i over jis.uuu.ow). is ai reportm that ia the near future that dlvidenc1? of about 25 per cent wil be aid by the defunct bank. If th's is true tii? total cenclencies In the sheriff's anl treasurer's offices now amounting c $14,274.47 will be redacel about It-: thousand dollars .wbl-.hi wot Id only require about one-half i' one mlil to reimburse the bondsmen, and fjv there are who would vo'e p.gainst it. Th J bondsmen of the treasurer nr. paying in $1,000 per mo.vb. and '.b sheriff has directed that his warr.iM of $2S be divided so that 1 100 of to'. Is to he applied on his deficiency. He now owes the county 54Q.n2. It he pays in $100 per-month of his saUr rinrlner the next fourtel Months his cccupanry this amount will n; u to 12.050. lea via a baliaci due the county of $590.00. of nw r r aw mm m a m U H r A n V b I t K Y !3 0 0 1 0 :;.'., 0 U; 0 --XlX 0. ' '-itf 'J 0 Vv -jf 0 . f.'!i . x mi P m Q ; i 0 . f-i 0 hf: COTTON WOOL SILK All Grades Everything in Footwea SmWW b GREEAf 0 0 0( . : 0; 0i ''0' 0 0 -a1 0, 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 ; 0 ' 0 1 0 ; 0 ; 0! 0 0 0! 0 0 0 0 O000000O0000& 0 0 0000300000 Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor ' Complete Machine Shops and Foundry TWO-THIRDS ( OHMHED SO KID5ET DIS0BDEB. Out f Order Kidneys let Fine and Backache Ges After Taking . Seyeral Doses. er from kidney or bladder trouble who takes several doses of Pape's Diuret ic, Misery In the back, h'des or Joins sick headache, nervousness, rheu matism, herat palpitations, dizziness, sleeplInesB, inflamed or swoolen eye lids, lack of energy and all syaptoui3 of out-of-order-kidneys simply van ish. . Uncontrollable urination (special ly at night), smarting Affsiv5 and discolored water and otbey bla-lder misery ends. The moment that you suapeot kid ney or urinary diso'er. or feel any rheumatism, begin taklr.n this haici less medietas, with 'An knowledge that there Is no other remedy at ai.y price or mada anywh j else m the world, which will effect so thorovgh and prompt a cure :is v. fifty cent treatment of Pape's W uetlc, which i ny druggist canvsuop(. It is needless to frI miserable and worried, because th' unusual prepa ration 'goes at once to the oat-or- order kidneys and urinary system, distrib uting Its cleansing, bcal-.n and stren gthing influences at.-! upon the organs and glands affacte.l. and com pletes the cure heforo you can realise iL Yt'ur pnyslclan, phipoiac'"', banker '.r cny mercantile ageicv will tell you tl at Pape, Thompson f. Pape of C'iu c'Miatl, is a large ma respoiisiMe nodical concern, thoKftl worthy of vour confidence. Only curative results can oae Irom Ucing Pape's Dlurot'c a;l n few days treatment will make uny one fell flue. Accept only Pape Diuretic fifty oid treatment any druJf tore any 'here In the world. New Stock ew Goods N Heating Stoves, Stove Pipe, Dampers, Stove Fixtures, Etc CARRIAGE and BUGGY HEATERS Coal for Carriage Heaters A Lot of Winter and Cold Weather Goods All of which are Worth Looking at ISLAND CITY Wl o & M o 58C. A RARE OPPORTUNITY i CHEAPEST FUEL ON THE HAEKET ' A Carload of the best Chain Wood delivered at your homes for only $2.25 per cord, measured in the car.. Order NOW, -while the roads are good and the prices low. V. R. BEAN PrtONE RED 1741 - - - ' o BEET ITLLING ASD IIAKVKST IS SEAR EXU. Better Quality and r filler Awage Yield than Eter Bfjn. Beet pulling and haUn:f Is about two-thirds finished, ici.-ordinfc to Field Manager F. S. Brainwtdl. The speed with which the work Is belus finlBhed Is due of course to tho excel lent climatic conditions, and ! thi perfect system adopted ly ths mim agement for handling the oeets. The yield per acre anl iho q'uilliy of the bpets Is far suiwlnr to aa' thlng yet produced In th'4 valley. Chicago AWAY GOES DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Heartburn, Gas and all Stomach Misery Vanishes. Take your sour, out of order stom-t cah or mabe you call It Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastritltis or Catarrh of the stomach; it doesn't matter tatto your stomach trouble right with vou to your pharmacist and ask him to open a 50 cent case of Pape's Diapp sln and let yuo eat one 22-graln rtl angule and see if within five minutes If there Is left any trace of your for mer misery. The correct name for your trout'e food fermentation food souring; ih digestive organs become wak. there fa & Return $72.50 OR & N Tickets on Sale Oct 4 GOING LIMIT TEX DAYS. J RETURN LIMIT 3S0V. SOtb. CHOICE OF ROUTES. . THROUGH LIMITED TRAINS BLOCK SIGNAL PROTECTION MODERN PASSENGER EQUIP MENT. SUPERB DINING-CAR SER VICE. WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pas. Agent Portland. Ore. J. H. Keener. Agent. La Grande "The Calling of Dan Matthews" Harold Bell Wright's third great success HAVE YOU READ IT? For Sale at the Place 'Where Nothing is too Much Trouble" AT FERGUSON'S Money Comes In Bunche. to A. A. ChrlBholm of TreaJwoll N. now... His reason is vall worth reading: "For along time 1 jnffcred from lndistlon.torpld ll7cr." constipat ion nervousness and geuerul debil ity," he writes. "I co.itfu't sleep, had no appetite, nor amblt'on, gieT weaker every day In spite of all medi cal treatment Then usel Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles restored all my old time health and Ugor. Xow 1 can attend to business every day. It la a wonderful medicine.. Infallible for Stomach, Liver, Kidney?, Blood and Nerves. 50c at the XawlJu Dm Company. 'Frightful Fate Airtt.. "I would have been a crlpp'e foi life, from a terrible cut on my knee capr writes Frank Dlsberry, KelllLer Minn., "without Bucklen's A rafea Sl ve, which soon cured me." Infallible for wounds, cuts and bruise?, It soon cures, burns, scalds, old lores, eklu eruptions. World's best for Pile. 50c at the Newlin Drug Compiny. 0 MESSENGER SERVICE. A We deliver and pick up par- eels. Quick service; "phone 4 Main 24. HOME CURE FOB ECZEMA. Oil of YTIntergTeen, Thymol, Glycer- Ine, etc. Used as simple lYasa. It really seems strange that m many people suffer year In and year out with eczema, when it la now -o longer a secret that oil of winter green mLred with thymol, glycerni. etc., makes a wash that Is bound to cure. - Old, obstinate cases, it Is trie 'an no be cured In a few days, but Ufa Is'absoluteuy no sufferer from '&)-. ma whoever, used this simple wash and did not find . Immediately that wonderful soothing, calm, cool sensa tiou that comes when the itch la ta ken away. Instantly upon applying a few drop3 of the wash the remedy t kes affect, the Itch Is allayed. The -a Is nj need of experiment the patieit knows at once. Instead of trying to compound the oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine, etc.,In the right proportions ourselv es we are using a prescription which Is universally found the most effect ive. It is known as the D. D. D. pre scription, or Oil ofWlntergreen Com pound. It Is made by the D. D. D. Company of Chicago, and our f experience with this remedy haa giv en ua great confidence In Its merit Newlin Drug Com pony I. ... ...