" - . , a a D a a Q Q C U a EZ c c D C c i.' i PS mm 'tt u u p p p p p p p Pa ITLMXti OllIiSKKYEK, LA fc-lUGfc. UUVjiwv THCKSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1909 P 1 I VLB limed ID) uocnnnncnonnnnnnnnnnDnnnnnnGncnnnannnnnnnnLjOGncnnccncnnnnnnnnannnnnnnGn TT' T7 T T7 " TT T7 T TT5 afltm ataa dp p n p'n nDnnnana'iaanaaaaQnaaaannDGEgnoaan n mLnnjijij n a g HAS JUST PURCHASED A BEAUTIFUL MASON AND HAMLIN FIAN6. TiiE BEST? AND MOST COSTLY PIANO IN THE MUSICAL WORLD. WE HAVE AISO SOID ON THIS SALE TWO KNABE PIANOS AND THE NAMES OP THE BUYERS WILL BE PUBLISHED; ONE FISHER AND ONE MILTON PIANO MR. LITTLE. THE MANAGER OF THE SALES DEPARTMENT, ADVISES YOU TO CALL EAftLY AND SELECT YOUR PIANO. THEY ARE SOLD ON THE EASIEST TERMS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER KNON IN LA GRANDE. SALES ROOMS ARE I IN THE THE SOMMER HOTEL BLOCK.' DONT MISS THIS CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME. DONT MISS HEARING THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK IN THE PLAYER PIANO. IT IS LIKE THE HUMAN TOUCH. .'' g:Ei t' ?. i 'i ; !! I -j ' '' ! ' ? H ti - .';..;:..., ' a a a n a n a u a DQananDanDDDanDaaapannanHHHHBnoBDnnoa Many NeW 15 P P 'everybody; should visit this, store; and look over the bargains in second ' hand and net7 goods. specials: TWO SOLID WALNUT MARBLE TOP BED ROOM SETS, $1.25 AND $35.00. SPECIALS., TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES. SPECIALS. SANITARY COUCHES $10.00. 0 SUWKM UasgQ ADAMS AVENUE, PHONE 1521 B9 a MM 22 H a p Q S s p 33 D P 3 a p p p a P P P P P P Ml ATTRACTION PLAY AT THE STEWARD TONIGHT OF HIGH STANDARD. Comes Keeemmended at a play f Ex. eepttonal Value. '' fall Special Election. Honolulu, Oct.. 21. A proclamation calling for a special session of the ter ritorial legislature by Governor Frear to consider the amendments to the organic acts of Hawaii, which are of the utmost importance to the islands, and also to enact additional land laws and other nmMtdmtntu inrJnriini v increase of the pay of the legislators. All salaries of the Federal officers of the territory have been raised recently. gannanGDaHnnnnnanannnnaanannjmanjinDnn ESS TMS STORE EOR STFEE 53 ,' .. A J. A. OLIVER. - Gasoline wcod saw. Phone orders to Black 1851. W are showing the. latest produc tions in we have the garments that will meet with your complete approval. The new fall suits and Overcoats fire here. ASH 3 BROTHERS THE HOUSE OH GOOD CLOTHfcS BC VQ SUCCESS has many obstructions, but none to desperate as poor healtn. Success today demands health, but Electric Bitters Is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kid neys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and Invigorates the whole system,, Vigorous, body and keen brain follow their use. Ton c&nt afford to. alight Klectrlo Bitters If weak, ran down or sickly. : Only 60c. Guaranteed by the Newlln Drug Co. Notice to Patrons. ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES for young men. We have never In our history been able to place before our customers so varied an assort ment of styles to meet all require ments. We know how thoroughly Ad ler's Collegian Clothes satisfy the wearer and because of this confidence which we have gained through actual experience in selling Adler garment to thousands of people do we continue tn sins: their praises. They are the best wearing and the most artistic clothes that America produces. Yon may be very critical as to style and I ill 34444, very exacting as to quality, but The greatest of all religious dramas the famous play "Corianton,", will be at the Steward Opera House tonight '.The mere announcement of this play should be sufficient to fill the theatre. When the play was first produced, seven years ago, press and public de ciarea mat it was one of the most magnificent production ever seen in their city. It was played east, and still later in the principal cities of the Pacific toast. In every case the verdict was the same. When it was decided to revive the play, those behind the movement; re Bolved that the production must be equal to the original. This was not an easy matter, as the play -'calls for a long list of capable actors and actresses, as well as four acts of magnificent scenery. Believ ing that the ends would Justify the meaus, tha promoters of the plan to revive the play set to work with a re sult that it is believed that the reviv al of the play in every way equals if not outclasses the original. The part of Corianton is one calling for an actor with ability of the high est order. Alfred G. Swenson, leading man with "The. Wolf company, was secured by special arrangement with the management of that ' company. Mr. Swenson was a member of the original company and an understudy to Joseph Howarth, who created the title role. Luke Cosgrove, well known throughout the west, who was a mem ber of the original production, "has been secured to play the part which he created. The other characters, are In the, hands of experienced actors and actresses. , Mlxglonary Movement Cleveland, Oct 21 A decides Im petus will give to the work of the Laymen Missionary Movement, tt la expected at the great convention to be held here during the next three or four days. v Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl arrhoea Bemedy Never Known To FalL "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since It was first introduced to the pubMo In 1872 and have never found one in stance where a cure was not speedily effected Ir its use. I have been a com mercial traveler for eighteen : yars, and never start but on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. , S. Nichols of Oakland, lnd., Tor. For sale by all good dealers. ALL BACKACHE ENDED. Just a Few Doses Regulates Out-of-Ordcr Kidneys Haling Bladder' Misery Vanish . bladder trouble. ' ' " If you will take several doses - of. Pape's Diuretic all misery from a lame back, rheumatism, .painful -stitch,' Inflamed or swollen eyelids. nervous headaches. Irritability, neiw vousness and other symptoms of over worked or deranged kidneys will van- Uncontrollable, smarting, frepuent urlntlon (especially at night) and . all bladder miseries end. ' This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys, blad der and urinary system, an distrib utes its healing, cleansing and vitalis ing -influence directly upon the or gans and glands affected, and com letes the cure before you realise It. ' The moment you suspect any kid ney or urinary bisorder, or fell rhne-. matism coming, : begin taking this harmless medicine, with the knowled- -ge that there is no other remedy, at any price made ankwhere la the world, which will affect bo thorougb an prompt a cure a a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, whicn any druggist can supply. Your physician, prarmaclst, banker or any mercantile agency will toll you that Pape, Thompson A Pape, ot Cincinnati is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence, r Only curative : results can come from taking Pape' Diuretic and a few day's treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys,' blatter and urinary organsand you feel fine. Accept anly Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store anywhere in the world. f Hundreds of folks here are need lessly miserable end worried because of out-or-order kidneys, backache or APPLE PICKERS WANTED At onca apply to I.' Bonsel. Frultdale. Phone Farmers 93. Subscribers not receiving their pa pers regularly or If It la not delivered as it should be, will confer a great fa Tor by notifying the office. Unless you do so we have no-knowledge but what the delivery service Is satisfactory. The time of the year is now here when proper delivery la essential. No sub scriber wants to dry out their paper, neither 4q we want them to. If. the paper Is delivered. properly It, Is not necessary. . IMPORTANT REALTY DEAL. Weaver Ranch ofg 1360 Acres Sold to Outside Parties. I The Little Shop Main St. Stamping of all kinds, includ ln shirt waists & Center pieces, done, embroidery lessons given. Orders taVau and lessons given tu tv ceiling. Full l!oe of am broidery material. "Another Important realestate deal was brought to an end this week when J. R. Weaver's ranch, consisting of 1360 acres and located on the south end of the Flat, was sold to J. L. Ray of Pendleton and R. B. Thorp, of Caldwell, Idaho, recent arrivals in Elgin, The Elgin Recorded will say to morrow: "The price paid for the ranch was f 13.600. This ranch consists ot 150 acres of cultivated land and the balance is pasture and logged off land much of which, however, Is suscep tible of cultivation. The place Is con sidered by all to be the best stock j ranch in Union county, being well 1 watered and situated close to outside jranf?e. Messrs Thorp and Ray will ? soon take possession of the purchase 'ancl wlll enpraye' In the btinlnegs of 'rnlsfnE borges. They will carry a llni ' of Moodifl Block and will be a valu "1 able ocaulsIMon to Elgin's Block In 4 tro't3 Tioth men are of otj erlenre In f strvk rnMws-'nnd f-xpet-.f to; convert fifi rnnf! Into one .of tli bf?t stock farms li Kapt?-m Owpon." . . ' J DIRECTORY or the FRATERNAL ORDERS LA QRANDE, ORE:' . "uj" ""''mill. IIIIMIIII. . HI II HI I ln Iin-im HJ IIJM.J.J,..IIII...I.III II. '.';, iil ).' M, W. A. i . L 0. 0. Fr Subordinate. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in 1st & 3rd Monday each month at 1. O. their hall every Saturday night Ylat- O. F. lalL All visiting neighbors are ting brothers cordially invited to at- cordlally Invited to attend. - ' tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at ::.'.. M. McMURRAY, C. the Model restaurant CAL JORDAN Clerk., . ; , GEORGE GROUT, N. CL F, 0. E. I. R. SNOOK, Rec. Secy, La GrandVAerle Na 259 O. E., JL meeta every Friday night ln Elk'a hall . ? Foresters oFImerlca. at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren Invited Court , Maid Marlon No. 22 meet to attend. eacn Wednesday night in K. of P. . 1 , a E. HACKMAN, W. P. nal, Brothers are Invited to attend. GEO. ABEGG, W. 8. , ; BEN HAISTEN, C. R. LEO HERRING, C. 8. ... v 0,E8, ' C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. S. " f Rope Chapter. No. 13, O. E. 8, hold -V1 "aVf'A AVk. ' stated communications the second and La Orando Lodge No. 41, A. F. A fourta , Wednesdaya of each month. 4. m,, holds rogular meetings first and rialtlm members cordially Invited. ' tWri gaturdaya at 7:20 p. m. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, W. M. n. L. LINCOLN, W. 1C '-T-.y.v???: A. C, WILLIAMS, Secretary. - L 0. 0. F Eaeampnent u ,. . 'h,jjjr,-pyywi- - - BUr Encampment Na 31, I. O. O. Red Cross Lodge No. 17. meets or F meet every second and fourth ery Monday evening In Castle hall, Wednesday In the month ln Odd Fel- (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome Iowa hall. Visiting patriarchs always to all visiting knights, welcome. J. F. BAKER. C. C. ; H. B. COOLIDGB. C. P. ' R. L. UNCOLN. K. of R. ft S. W. A. WOR3TELL, Scribe. .. - M. D. 'of A. B.P. O. E. ' '. . , " La Grande Lodge No. 433, meets) Meets every Thursday evening at w . , . , . , , v ... v . eacl Thursday evening at 8 o'clock la t. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members al- mVm . . 4 . . , Elk's club, corner Depot street and stray AlOOIllO iMmiom.n n u 1 Washington avenue. Visiting brother ANGUS STEWART, Pres dent . .. .. . , . v.tit Jt . are cordially invited to attend. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. - tri, . , . - , . H. E. COOLIDOE, Exalted Rnler. Woodmen of The World. . , , ci La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O.- ' " " : ' '""' RERK K A'l VP " W., mrets every second and fourth Crystal litdf?e No. f0 meets every Tuesday eveninR in K. r-f P. hall In Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall, lit Corps building. All vlHltlng mem- All visiting members tire lnTl.?d to tiers welcome. , nttend. j S'nui AOKLEP. Consul Commander. V MRS'. T.TLI.fR COX. N. C. J- H. KEEKEY, Clerk; I MISS i frKA M.XASDIZK, flVCT. ' . ; ' - V;?;-.'. '