0 T ume vin ; UNION COUNTY, ORE. THURSDAY, OCT. 21. 1903 NUMBER 312 t" 0 0 IKEIEW 1.121 KEMIES OF FATHER REEK HORRIBLE VEXGEA3TCE OX LAD BO (EARS y Seized Lad of Twelve Years and pour ins? Oil on Ills nohting Ignites It '- and Flee Boy Dytoff from Injuries Suffering Horribly When Fonnd vi u up iu Arms and j SiauoAiHj Dealing with Miscreants Aneta, Oct." 21. Made Into a living torch of fire by the enemiea of his father, Kenneth McKenzie aged 12 years and a eon of Simon McKenzie a local butcher, ia dying in the hospital iiere today. ," : ' Simon McKenzie the boy s father is said to have Incurred the wrath of the "bootleggers' whom he has been trying to suppress, and this was their revenge. .'" . Kenneth started out last night to deliver meat, to his father's customers as usual, taking with him a lighted lantern. While making his rounds he was accosted by two men, and when he stopped they seized him, one of the men holding the lad while the other poured oil on his clothing and then deliberately set fire to it and ran. ' The boy' screamed and rolled upon tha grass but was unable to extinguish. : the flames. His screams and the fire Qflanally atracted the neighbors who -ran to the spot and succeeded in ex tinguishing the flames, but not until the boy had been hoplessly burned. The assailants are unknown but the town is highly excited and if the per petrators are. found will be lynched without trial. $1.00 SZ. Comforters - $1.4-9 A special offering of Interest to all economical buyers. A fine line of heavy' weight comforters that sell re's - ularly for $2.00. On sale for .. . $1.46 75c Gingham - lie V A choice collection of patterns in fancy dress ginghams.. Come in chocks stripes and dots. The very best grade obtainable and actual 15c values, on sale - for; yd. lie cffiie ffiiir -EsJLOVEnEClSE BE TIRED MAJOR GENERAL IS DEAD. Was a Famous Indian Fighter and ThllUplne Warrior. Rochester, N. Y.,' Oct 21. Malnr General Elwell S. Otis. (Retired) died early today at his home at Gates, near here.-' ' .- - ' - The General was born at Frederick, Maryland, March 25, 1838 and was widely known as an Indian fighter especially throughout the west His record during the Philllplne was Is exceptionally fine. He died of heart trouble. - TRAFALGAR DAY. Celebrating the Event In Which Kel. son Lost his Life'. London, Oct. 2i Trafalgar Day the aulversary of the famous naval bat tle Jn which Nelson lost his life. ftr defeating a larger French and Span ish fleet, was observed today with more than the usual Enthusiasm. Al though more than a century has pas sed since the historic engagement every recurring anniversary of , that Immortal October 21. ISDS fresh interest ii the great conflict it commemorate, ' i ; i Comedy at Pastime. What is said to b the funniest play ever produced will giverito the pat rons of the Pastime tonight with a bunch of brand new specialties. "Married Life" is the tlt'.e cf the piece and it is a laugh from start to finish. One big show. 1 1 SI. and $1.50 Petticoats - 89c A sample line of Black Satteen Pet . tlcoats, well made and trimmed with tucks and ' accordl&n plaited rufflesi All a"re good Bervicable matrlals and good values at the regular price " of and $1.25. On sale for 89c Our ' $I.Z3 Kimonos 85c An opportunity to supply your ter needs at a big saving.' Ladies short flannelette' kimonos.,.' Made of good, ' , heavy: flannelette and' a large variety of patterns to select ;ttor&. All . Regular $1.00 and J 1? 5 values sale Friday and Saturday for ... 3"he fair S STErs I.MO HARRIMAVS SHOES AT ELECTION TODAY. All Other Officers Re-elected Though Krntschnltt and Rockefeller are Elected to the Directorate LoVett Also Elected President of the Short Line Indications that the Harrl Man Ides are to Be Carried Out by the Xew Officials. ' ..' New York, Oct 21. Judge Robert 8. Lovett, today was elected president or the Lnlcn Pacific railroad. ThU" s cancy was caused by" the death of Harrlman. All the other officers were re-elected. Lovett was also elected president of the Oregon Short Line. There were three new vce presidents added to illo Lnion Pacific staff: J. C. Stubbs; Julius Kruttschnitt; Wm. Mahl. ' ; Kruttschnitt has been director of maintenance of way in the operation cf the Union Pacific and the Souther.. Pacific roads and connections. ' Tho election of Rockefeller, Kruttschnitt and Jacob Schnlff to the directorate goes to Indicate that the ''Harrlman idea," will continue to dominate tho policies of the'roaxL'-y o Since Harrlman 's death Lovett h.it. been at the head of the executive coit- mlttee of the Union Pacific. He Ma been the general counsel of the Hr- riman lines and In fact has for yeir been Harriman's right hand man. Or the last three years he has been th Vice president and general manairv,. the Harrlman roads. Just Recieved A fine line of Spatt'a fleece lined TO HEAD ROAD teggins and the Ponta Legginette. Something new In the line of protec- tloiji from the cold. Would be pleased to have you calf and examine them prices are fight V win sizes. on .85c 0 'he fair ER1ES STILL Hi E HEAYY LOSS SUSTAINED IV. tBEKHARD RESIDENCE Robbers Wh Have Been Infesting the City of Late Continue their Depre dations A iraln Lost MarhtSrh.il... llome -Vlnited hnt h r. .... . ,. - 'Away Police Working Day and , Sight to Apprehend the Robbers Strangers Seen u the Alley b Unflinching In the face of public tf lort of prevention and extraordina.-y tactics v the" police, the gang of house robbers which has infested the city the two nights, continued un abated last night Entrance Through Window. U. S. Land Ofilce Receiver Colon R. Eberhard received a visit, from the burglars', and his guest, Ben Knapper of Joseiih..waa robbed of $30. In keep ing with the usual line of La Grande citizens during the robber scare, Mr. Eberhard had locked the house on N. avenue before retiring, neglecting. however to fasten a small window high up on the wall of the bath room. He had no suspicion that entrance could be gained there, but neverthe less at some hour of the night,, entr ance had "been Rtted through the small window near an occupied bed. The robbers found their . Way to a sleeping room occupied by Mr, Knap per and daringly enough seised a pair of trousers which Mr. Knkpper had worn during the evening. The Contents eveidently were not removed at that time, for this morning when Mr Knapper went to dress, he was amazed to find a goodly portion of his wearing apparel missing. A search re veaiea tne trousers . banging on a clothes line In a neighboring yard i nirty aoiiars in cash bad been re moved with a purse, but a knife and a bunch of keys had been unmolested. Otherwise nothing had been ' taken from the house. ... Lights Scare Them Away. Continuing their trail of candle drio pings the robbers found their way to the Fred G. Schllke residence where away by the electric lights switched feet an entrance, but ' were '' scared on by Mrs. Schllke at the opportune moment ' Shortly after midnight Mrs. Sch'ilke was awakened by a noise at the din ing room window, and waiting' for de velopments vkept her peace. Shortly the men had made their way to the rear porch, an incloeure of canvass. which leads directly to a rear hall. Knowing that her home was well lock ed, she allowed the .men' to" work" at the door for a time, and then from within, switched on the porch lights. This action was the signal for a speedy ' getaway,', and this morning. following, up her. search for" clues, Mrs.; Schllke. found the proverbial red candle drippings and burned matches at the rear. door , where the robbers had ; tried , in vain to effect' an en trance. .Mr. Schllke was not ai home and' Mrs. 8chiike and her daughter naturally felt considerable alarm. ' granger AHcmitU .Wtch. Sal.'. , Doring the morning a straui.er. - oft fct-eign appearance attempted' to eell a watch ' to the Suydam pawn, s-iop, but arter Mr. Suydam had atfceruilu-Jlj the - number of .the .watch) reftiwi to purchase it., The facts were turnul cvet o the police but aside f rom gait., ; Ing a few minor clues, nothing ha resulted from it. Chief of Police Ray- burn and Night Officers VaM-i and McLaughlin spent all of l-ct nijcht in the search and though street after street was traversed, no suspicious looking characters were found. Of ficers McLaughlin ' and , Rayburn had beaten the streets In the Ent ni where the robberies centered Jairti night, but a short time befor the nooo HERE TAFT STUDIES MNGH LIVING ! WATCHES STEAM PLOWS AXD THE BIG HARROWS. Executive Is Enjoying His Rest -.'' South tTery Hour. la Gregory, Texas, Ont 21. President Taft learned more abffat ranching to day than h v Vv 4 ..... ... fore. He has spent the time seemingly almost Infaturated at the sight of the monster steam ploys and harrows that are working in the fields that stretch as far as a man could ride In a day on horseback. He seems to almost In tegrated with the sight and follows the steam plows on horseback for miles at a time. This morning soon after breakfast the president played his. usual game of golf and this afternoon he la taking an automobile rode with his brother to some of the big surrounding ranches. .'',..''.';'.' ' , ;.. , Tomorrow he will resume his Jour ney an will discuss "Waterways" at Corpus Christ!. , , " thefts are supposed to have taken place. ', ,'' ' c... Conductor Hancock was awakenel at a late hour of the night by the ringing of the door bell but answer to tho cnll failed to reveal any visitors. The lights had been kept burning nil night. But little significance Is attach ed to the Incident Srangors. have been seen prowling about East La Grande allies during the daylight hours. ALMOST l'REHISTORIC IMPIE. E5TS FOUND YESTERDAY. M Three Pieces of Indian Tools of Ex- cellent Workmanship. Fonnd. Three perfectly polished stone mal lets were found yesterday In a sec'ud- ed nook In the Jutting strata of rock on the Crabill HUI overlooking the road which leads down to the Proeb- stel bridge by the men who are engag ed In Quarrying out rock for the conn ty-rock crusher. The sheltered as well as the strategic location of tha littli cavern; where the relics were found, indicates that they were left there many years ago when some Indian had his rendzevoua there and his squaw used them in grinding out the flour for his family. Itls also surmis ed that they may be of more ancient origin and were t he tools of ; -Jiff dwellers who frequented the sight.; nook overlooking the great lake tnat once covered the Grande Ronde val ley.' ... ... -V. . ."' .'. The Btonea nre about sixteen lnco in length, and from four Inches , in dlamater at the large end to .no Inches at the smaller , end. They a smoothl" polished as the fars of r. hammer. Two are broken, but one remains in Its perfect form, The fact that the stone from which they , are made , is of a composition foreign (o the basalt rock in the cliffs In whim they v. in '( Mini adds to the intetest in tht'ir history. They are made from a finer grained rock. V These rare relics were found In a small cavern near the rim of the cllir. almost entirely encircled by high rocks, before these were blasted away by hte rock workers. The place Is In the most commanding position on tho entire locality as a good view can be bad all over the valley. Efforts are to be made to dig down srd search for the tools with which the were mad Ill RELfLS ARE UNCOVERED HAS EABiilET ACCEPTS RESIGXATIO.V OF" EVERT MEMBER OF CABINET King "of Spain Meets Crisis for If He'' Appoints Conservative rremlcr and a Conservative Cabinet AntI Cler.- ' Hrat ana ABtt-Martlal Demon sjratlonf Will Continue Asked His Cabinet to Resign King in Dire Trouble. London, Oct 21. Dispatches that have been received today in England by Exchange telegraph from Madrid, states that, the Spanish cabinet has reaigued and that King Alphonso has accepted their resignations It is stated that the-cablnet resig nation has come at the personal re quest of the King. who is now confer iug with hia advisors as to the fof natlon of a new cabinet, j Upon the choice of the King now depends the future of the Spanisi throne. The appolutment of a Conser vative cabinet means the continuaace of the nntl-clerlcal riots and antl mllltary demonstrations. The king does not want to appoint a liberal to the premiership but may be forced to do so in order to save his throne. Thh phase of the situation has placed the kiug in dire trouble. How ever, the appointment will likely be madeTit tSnce, and the populace which' is and has been on the verge of u bloody revolution, , will art on the slightest pretense. . ' England awaits with much anxiety the steps to be taken by the forsaken king.: ... V- and basins la which the grain was ground. - ' Hogs rud Cnttle'siiliiid. i" Flve hundred head of bogs an 1 fire cars of cattle came out from Ha' -jTlse this t fternoon .The hogi were purchased r-y HotchkUs & CoK and are bound for the Union Stock Yard sat Pi. Hand and the cattii aro bought hy C. F. Walker and are belT. shipped to Seattle. .i . Birth Record. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Kid dle of Island City, October 21, 1909, a daughter. SECURE MORE HONOR. Youngest Delegate ever sent Convention to Wed. to a Dover, Del.. Oct. 21 John Pretty-. man Holland, of Mlllford, Delaware. :' Kill be married this afternoon to Miss Agnes Downer at Whltneyvllle, Conn. Holland is distinguished both as a Democ-rat and a Methodist He was a delegate to the Democratic conven tion that nominated Bryan for the . second time and attained wide notor iety as the y.oungest delegate ever sent to a national convention, having at the time barely attained his major ity. V . H. Hobo Drive Started. A hobo, drive is being agitate t 1 In this city today by the ifctlms of thev i committed and those ho exp-v: a j call from the! bolrt intruders at any 1 jtlme; It Is said that a h timber ot mis- 1 pldons characters hav been locate V j haglng 'around certain' places ' and j these will 'probahly be informed to hit the' hike if public sentiraj v ' Is 'worked ud a little strotuer. ; ' ,;' ' ' . , 1 ' '. j One Robber Killed. ; . Reno, Oct. 21. One it the hKhwav - men who robber the Vluton hotel was i found dead In a barn rnr tho ncone ; of the robbery today. The fibber's fkull was fractured br tha b'itt of a J revolver yielded by on of the tbu'gs j companions. The oth rohbert with the money are being sough b ihi police and a posse. I"' i1