La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 19, 1909, Image 8

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    WES BAY, OCTOBER 13, K-fD.
Thursday, October 21, 1909
TEMf. ftTWrRTtTL T.A CfttMlF. OH (.
Young Men:
There's a Difference
between these Edsrheimer-Stein clothes that are made
especially for you and other kinds that are sometimes sold you.
Too bad you can't see these clothes alongside seme of the
makes you're shown when you go to buy a suit But we don't
have the ordinary kinds and you won't find garments of this
make anywhere else, '
Three and a quarter yards of cloth
is usually supposed to be enough for a
suit. Ederheimer, Stein & Co., put 334,
sometimes more, into theirs.
v It takes this; much to make a coat
roomy and full chested, to give it plenty
of length and bottom sweep, to get the
right hip effect to the trousers. .
' Not all clothes makers use enough
goods to make clothes stylish, f Eder
heimer, Stein & Co., make clothes right
and put in all the materia! that is needed.
And they're strictly ; Young
clothes. Made to keep you looking
"A 3 h -v.-
Local School Accepts Challenge From
.Idaho College.
.That the talk of friendly relations
with the College of Idaho growjog out
of the recent football game Is genuine
was demonstrated last evening when
a letter was received challenging the
local high school to a ' debate . with
that school. The tone of the letter
proves that La Grande is highly con
sidered by the people from the Gem
state, institution as ranking high in
the interschollBtlc circles of the two
states. ':: '. ' - .....
While extra debates will make hard
work, for the local speakers owing to
the heavy schedule In the state
., ... - ' .
provided the Idaho institution would
debate' here as requested In the letter
and also give them a return contest
in Idaho. . - f
broke an records for playing In Salt Lake City playing 19 per
V ' ' formanees in alL .
Greatest Scenic Production on the Road
With ALFRED SWENSON as "Corianton"
Prices: 50c, 75c. $1.00 and $1.50. Seats now on sale at Van Buren
the county fair show tables. .day's treatment means clean
A special program fit for the oc-i healthy kidneys, blatter and urlnr
casion is being prepared and will be organs and you feel fine, i
carried out in to tor ; I AccePt anly Pape's Diuretic ftfi
: cent treatment from any drug store'
Our Work
IT you have never tad H L. WINN
clean, press, dye or repair your
fothea, give him your-next order.
Ladies' Silk land Net
Vaists a Specially
Ptone, Blaoh fFl and Intf. Ul. In th
rear of C, C. Pennington's clothing
tore.' : ;. ,v
Baying Lawsuit.
Did' you know that placing your re
liance upon a warranty deed is simply
bidding for a lawsuit? ; ( , . ,
In California this fact is so well un
. aerstood that a warranty deed - la look
, d vpoa with suspicion.
It la for thia reason:
If the title la good it passes wlth'the
deed, and that la all there Is to it
no needof a warranty. If bad, the ad
ding of a warranty does not make It
good." '
. A warranty la only a sort of a bet
a wager that youwill have no trouble;
but It you do, and finally lose out, I'll
pay you your money back.
, A better plan la to require an ab
stract Don't go t olaw, consult J. R.
final Five Year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
bore Register and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office at La Grande, Oregon on the 7th
day of December 1909,
Claimant'names as witnesses: F, tl
Wright, R. R. Collins, L. E. Tipton and
D. A. Charlton all of Kamela, Oregon.
: ' .; i . ' Register.
AU11US OIi l'UBLltATI03i.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office Pt La Grande, Oregon, October
11th, 1909. .,
I Notice is hereby given that Marian
I Patterson of Kamela, Oregon, who-on
Feburary 3, 1904 made Homestead en
try No. 13434 serial No. 04096, for the
S W 1-4, of N W 1-4 of S W 1-4 and
Lot 3, Section 34, Township 1, South
Range 35 East Willamette meridian
has filed notice of Intention to make
Honston, Texas,' Oct 19. Some of
the fairest and brightest women of
Dixie, as true to the Stars and Stripes
as they are loyal to the memory of
the Stars and Bars, are in Houston
today to begin the sixteenth annual
reunion of the United Daughters of
the Confederacy. For five days the
visitors will be lavashly entertained
by the Houston and Galveston chap
ters, assisted by the commercial and
patriot! organizations of the two
cities. :.'. '
TCltES '- ; f . ... .
Tollshed Top. '
Needs no stove blacking.
Duplex Draft -
The only common-sense draft
system in use. .
Complete Asbestos Lining.
A triple wall at .every point
. exposed to beat . . , ,v.
Howard wood and coal grates will burn
either wood or coal -
Have wood and coal grates and burn either wood or coal.
No one. expects to buy strictly high grade goods at the price
of "cheap stuff," but some think that a high price guaran
tees high quality. Don't make thia mistake in buying a range.
Many ranges of ordinary construction are priced high or even
higher than the incomparable Monarch.
i Find out what It is made of and how butlt! t You have a right
; to know these things. Any man Belling ranges who says,
, "Our range Is a fuel saver a perfect ; baker," and stops htere,
. casts a reflection on your Intelligence! If these things are
true of any range, there la a reason for It a reason you can "
see and understand reason you have a right to know be
fore buying. ' . ' ; ' '. ; .
-We can show, in a Monarch range exact? f. why it does what
we claim.' Come and see how the Male'b.e iron and steel
k plates are. riveted solidly together, Insuring a tight range for
' unlimited time.' Let us explain how tight permanent seams
are possible only In ranges where Malleable iron is used. We
. can show yon how tight eolld construction is necessary to
everything you want most In your new range prompt, sure
service long life and fuel economy.
Fracas Saturday Sight Results In
Gloomy Outlook for Fireman.
Kansas .City, Oct. '; 19. To reclaim
the "mysterious stranger" from the
ranks of the Grand Old Party Is the
hope and aim of a Democratic con
ference In this city today. Nearly all
of the party leaders of the Btate are
here, with the Important exception of
Senator W. J. Stone, who is In Europe
anywhere in the world.
The grand Jury made its first re
port just before noon today when two
indictments ', were returned ' against
Millard Nelson, a fireman on the O.
It. & N., charging him with attempt
ing to commit burglary from a dwel
ling in the day time, and to commit
murder and rape, and also for Indec
ent exposure. -
The facts in the case seems to be
that Nelson imbided too freely of the
liquor that takes away the senses
and In an intoxicated condition
went to the Zuber brick lodging
house where a largo number of peop
le were dwelling and stripping off his
clothes ran up and down the hall and
attempted to force his way Into sev
eral of the rooms. The reported
facts in the case make the offens an
exceedingly aggrivated one and on
which may go hard with the man, : -It
is understood that his comrades
wanted to pay a fine for, him or as
sist him in paying a fine but the af
fair could not be settled so ' easily.
Aside from this case it' was not
known whether the grand Jury has
other cases under Investigation or
not No subphoenaes had been is
sued from the room at noon.
. Later Nelson plead gnBtj at a
late hoar this afternoon and was fin
ed $100.
The circuit court !was occupied to
day In the hearing of the ejectment
suit brought by George A. Lee of
North Powder against J. E. Carroll of
North Powder. The suit involves the
ownership of some lots In North Pow
der which were purchased at a tax
sale In 1897.
The case was tried at the last ses
sion of court but a new trial, was
granted, the attorneys fr Lee feeling
that they had establishe da claim
title to the land and that an error had
been made when the case was decided
in favor of Corroll. The case will go
to the Jury this afternoon.
Ellgn," Oct 19. (Special.) Fruit and
vegetables are piling into Elgin today
In great quantities, bo much so that
the overseers may have their shelves
in the Halgarth ' building groaning
with displays even before the Elgin
Fruit snow opens next Friday, : to
remain under Inspection for two days.
This annual show is working up
more and more interest yearly, but
never has there been such a keen in
T. . 1 .
lrcmj uas neen juangerous In Is'
. Grande.
' Do the right thing at the right
Act quickly In times of danger.
Backache Is Kidney danger.
Doans Kidney Pills act quickly. V
Cures all- distressing, dangtro-i
Kidney ills.
, Plenty of evidence to prove
Mrs. S. 3. Atchison, 213 S. Bairer
Baker City', Ore., says: "I have too
tne value or Doan's Kidney PIUs fo
years and they have long been a stin
dard reniedy In our household. 1
ed them for a weak and painful b&
accompanied by a bearing
pain In the hips. My kidneys wer
much : disordered and annoyed n
both day and night At tlmeB my he
ached so severly that It really felt r
If It would split and 1 was often s
dizzy that I had. to take to my bo
until the attack passed away. I
suffered from rhuenatism and
ankles became badly swollen.
last Doans Kidney Pills were broul
to my attention and I procured a mil
ply, They helped me from tlir
and by the time that I had taken t
contents of three boxes, I was fra
from kidney trouble. There has b
no sympton of a return and I cons
quently praise Doan's Kidney Pilta
every opportunity
For sale by all dealers. Price 5f
FoBter-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N!
York, atfle agents , for the Unit
States. ' ' .
Remember the name Dean's-
take no other.
Just Few Doses Regulates Ont-of-
Order Kidneys Making Bladder
Misery Yanish .
Hundreds of folka here are need
lessly miserable and worried because
of out-or-order kidneys, backache or
bladder trouble.
If you will take several doses of
Pape's' Diuretic all misery from a
lame back, . rheumatism, painful
stitch, Inflamed or swollen eyelids,
nervous headaches, Irritability, ner
vousness and other symptoms of over
worked or deranged kidneys will van
Uncontrollable, ...smarting, frepuent
urlntlon (especially at night) and
all bladder miseries end. v
Tnis unusual preparation goes at
uo your eyes trouble you ws
reading or studying 9fter. nlghtt j
you have headaches or dizzyness.
Irritated smarting or watering
or granulated Udst Do you get i
riding T All of these ailments
caused . by the eyes, being out
shape, too long or short (near on
once to the disordered kidneys, bladr Bignt) uneTenhess of the froB
dcr and urinary system, an distrlb-!
utes Its healing, cleansing and vitallz-
cornea, (Ostigmatlsm of the eyes
terest In the success of the show as
j there is now. The d'splay vies wlthfrom taking Pape DiureUc and a few
SO bv the effects rt oc 'vhirvfi
ing influence irectly upon the' or- j0ur near of vjsjoa tQ fa J: ana gianas aiieciea, ana com
letes the cure before you realize It
The moment you suspect any kid
ney or urinary blsorder, or fell rhue
matlsm coming, " begin taking this
harmless medicine, with the knowled
ge that there is no other remedy, at
any price made ankwhere in the
world, which will affect bo thorough
an prompt a cure as a fifty-cent
treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which
any druggist can supply.
Your physician, prarmaclst, banker
or any mercantile agency will tell
you that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of
Cincinnati Is a large and responsible
medicine concern, thoroughly worthy
of your confidence.
uniy curative results can come
farther away each , year, after
years of age till finally we ha
put on glasses to bring It back I
convenient distance. ' j
,lf you have any of these trotf
call on me, I will furnish glass!
most up-to-date styles and best (
daily ground lenses at a price
less than Ihe traveling optt
charge, and I give your eyes a
test by different methods with t
ent instruments, one test pro ;
other.. ::' .' " .;. ;: I
. I guarantee all my work. I E
po charge for ', testing where t-'
are not required or when I fit tfr
- Give me a trial and be convince
,' H. W. HEWITT, Q
; Optometrist & Jewelers
1212 1-2 Adams ave La Grande,