1 f mTliHroCBAMJE. OltEGOX. TUESDATt OCTOBER 19, 1909. i t ! ':t 7-9 II' :! if. J s. 3 1 it if,'.. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER PalllsLtd Daily Except Sunday. GEORGE H. CURREY. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. United Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Dally, single copy .. 5c .Daily, per month 65c Dally, six months In advance ...J3.60 Dally, one year in advance .....$6.50 Weekly, six months to advance . . 75c ' Weekly, one year In advance .... 11.00 , Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be re vised subject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ' Advertising Rates. Local reading notices 10c or Hue first Insertion; Be per line for each subdequent insertion. Resolution of condolence, 6c a line. ASOTHEJl BIG CONGRESS. The National Rivers and Harbors -rc, Lvn iiugiiuii is: "A pol icy; Not a Project" and whose work was brought so vividly to the attent ion of Congress and the shipping and recleving public the necessity for the adoption of a fixed policy of, water way improvement, will hold its Sixth Annual Convention at the New Wil lard, Washington, D. C. "i on Decem ber 8, 9 and 10 coincident with theas '' tumbling of the Sixty-First Congress and not one of the vast Interest of this Bection of the United States should be unrepresented. The ques tion involved is one of the first im portance; the delegates to the Con gress will be most thoroughly repres entative men and of its influence up ojn the Congress of the United States there can be no doubt and there should be pone. The railroads are of the opinion that of the closing of the Seattle fair will reduce the paBsenger traffic to this coast tut little. The people have got into tlie habit of coming west and special ratea and special attractions 'will make little difference. We are absorbing' thousands of people on the coast but the territory is so large that the Influx la scarcely noticeable In any one particular locality. . . , , Every parent should make a spec ial study of the county high school propoHitlon. This is especially true of the rural districts. They can send their children to some point in the valley much cheaper than they can send them abroad It simply meanB that a county high school would re sult in about double the number of children becoming educated that are now, This Is worth thinking about. Hallowe'en pranks are being great ly reduced in this city by the remov al of yard fences. Not bo many gates to tempt the bandits. . ''' ' 'iwtt j i ' ' . EQUALIZATION HOARD I SITED v BY ONLY A FEW. Jfatter sof Taxes Closely Watched bat LttUe Complaint The first two days session of the Board of Epuallzatlon have been very quiet A number of the taxpay era have called and looked over their assessments but no protest has been tiled Assessor Rlnehart Bays he Is anxious to have every taxpayer come and see how he is assessed. While the bills will not be footed up uutll after the time for heaving complaints and the work of the board ct equalization has been completed, ' Assessor Itiuehart aya ho it sure v t county wiil have a good roll tula jej r. Tb'. WV tuo board Is invlt Ini; Vvirtln&HoO. and Just coiuplftints Jv .work of - equalization ftwDtMl (tllES Hum TO I IE CASE BEIMG SET FOB HEARDiG TBIS AFTERNOOX. National Question retaining to Al leged Frauds to be Heard. Seattle, Oct 19. The date for the bearing of the Cuninngham Alaskan Coal Land cases has been made a National question by the recent Bal-Ilnger-Plnchot-Glavls episode, prob ably will be determined late this after noon. The government is ready. The defense has not made known any de sire in the matter. John P. Gray of Wallace, Idaho, who is Cunningham's attorney will be beard from today. The defendants may claim 30 days ex tension of time, but it is unlikely. The hearing will be before M. J. McGee, of Washington, D. C. COOK WILL CO UE-( LIMB MT. MC KIN LEY ASD GO BACK TO "ORTIILAXD." . Two Important Trips to be Taken by Cook Jiext Year. Cleveland, Oct. 19. In an interview today . with the United Press, Dr. Cook announced that he will again brave the hardships and death in lead lng another expedition to the summit of Mount McKlnley, for the purpose of recoverelng the records that he left there on hla former trip. Cook said thut it would take him two months to complete his arrangements for mak ing the trip and three months to reach Alaska. He says that he will probably start early in the spring. After this week he will cancel all of his lecture dates and commence to make preparations for his Journey, When he "was asked If he would stake the polar controversy on the fact as fo whether the records are found on Mount McKlnley, Cook said: "Couldn't do that. The polar records must stand for themselves." ' Two Trips Face Cook.' Cleveland. Oct. 19. In speaking of his proposed trip up .Mount McKlnley Cook said: "Regarding this expedition there is one of two things that I have got to do. The other Is to make a trip to Etah and recover my instruments." Line rp at Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Oct 9. Determined 0 -hold "first place in line for; entry of land In Benton county on Novem ber 4, three men with camp Btools ap peared before the door of the local land office this morning. The names of the three men are' Phil Bier; J. M. McCormlck, A. Nevlow. These three men are taking turns in holding down first place. This is the land recently restored to. entry by Balllnger. Owner Dies In Flames. Camden, Ark. Oct 19. Seven em ployes of the Griffin Lumber Yards were killed and three others badly In jured by the explosion of the boiler In the Baw mill, located ..near here. The force of the explosion shattered windows for a mile around. ? Referee' 8a!. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an , execution an: order or Bale Issued out and under seal of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Union county. In a ault wherein Edmond Daron is plaintiff and Mary R. naron. Herbert F. Daron and An drew J. Tucker are defendants to me Issued and directed commanding that sale be made of in hereinafter de- Hrribnd real estate for the purposes set forth In sakl order of pale; 1 NOW THEREFORE. -the un-ler- i s.:,e'l h th rrfreo .will on Pai- ; rH.v. tfct ljli day of .' September. I lVif'9. w oY5k p. m.nt W:? fnm dotu- u.u) Court houdc ia 'tha city n mm of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, ttn4 anil r.tfer rn, mrA mil tr. I the highest biducr at public auction for cash it. hand, ine following de scribed real estate, to it: north west quarter of section 24. - The south west luarter of th south east quarter of section 26. The north east quarter of the uorth east quarter of section 33. The north west quarter ot the nonb east quarter and the south east quar ter of the north east quarter of sec tion 35. " The south west quarter of the north west quarter and the north half ot the south west quarter of section 36, all ni township 2, north range 10 east of the Willamette Meridian, and In Union county, Oregon. . Dated at La Grande, la the county and state aforesaid, this the 18th day of August, A. D., 1909. . P. P. GUILDERS. (Augl8-25-2-9-16) Referee. FORR ENT Furnished front room. corner Second and Main. Inquire at the house. Three blocks from post office. ' Oct. 19-26. V1IO A The eye and nerve special- A 1st of Salt Lake City, will be In La Grande at the Sommer hotel on October 26th, for one week only. Hours 9 a. m. till 4 1:00 p. m. and 3:30 till 7 p. m. A A All examinations of the eye A A are free. '., A A A A Dr. Pons is bringing his en- A tire optical factory with, him this time. All the latest lnstru- ments and devices for the de- A velopment of weak and strain- Redeyes, . A A Dr. Pons makes every pair A A of glasses he fits himself, thus A Insuring better service than can be had by any other spec- ialist in the Northwest. A Thousands of people in La A A Grande . and the surrounding A towns wear his glasses. Con- suit the man free. A A STEADY DBAIX. t Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole Body Hake You 111, Languid And Depressed. . Sick kidneys weakea the body through the continual drainage of life giving albumen from the blood Into the urine, and the substitution of pois onous uric acid that goes broadcast through the system, sowing the seeds ot disease. Loss of albumen causes weakness, languor, depression. Uric poisoning causes rheumatic pain, ner vousness, nausea, cricks in the back, gravel and kidney Btones. The proper treatment la a kidney treatment, and the best remedy Is Doan'a Kidney Pills. Here is good proof in the fol lowing testimonial: James M. Johnson, Main st, Union, Ore., says: "I can heartily recom mend Doan'a Kidney Pills, as I knew they are a reliable remedy for kidney complaint Constant standing brought on my kidney trouble and I suffered Intensely. A customer first recommended Doan'a Kidney Pills to me, saying that they had been the means of saving his life. I was In duced to try them and In a short time, I was convinced that they lived up to representations. I have used Doan'a Kidney Pills on several occasions since then and hav always received prompt relief ' For aale by all dealer.; Price 60 cent. : Foater-Mllbura Co., Bunalo, New York, sole agents for the United State. Remember the Dame Doan'a and take no other. , What an Abstract Contains. A complete abstract of title to given tract ot land contain: A true plat of the land. A coinclse statement ot the transfers . ot the tract, In logical order, from the governmeit down. Special showing as to mortgag3s, taxes, liens, ctiargcs, or assessments ' whatever kind that affects the title. A certificate as to the ae li. " The -certificate -mail nea-v.Cnrh- In,?. The abstract is of no value unless it fp.n r-fl relied upon. If the abstract Is isued by a responsible coicpany It will pass wester anywhere. ', , "Our abstract.! stand-? th test." ( . 4. J. R OLIVEK. AAAAAAAAAAAA A O professional directory. aaaaaaaaaa electrical kxgoeers. L. A. PItKLER. Civil, Mining, irrigation Engineering vnc. Jirveylng. Estimates, plan and specifications. Office In 1' aeukamp Building. La Grande, Oregon. YIAYL MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1976. rHYSICIAKS. DR. G. W. ZUULEKXAJi. Osteopathic Physician. . Office Sommer Bldg. Office 'phone, Main 63; Residence phone Black 951. Successor to Dr. Moore. J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. . Physician and Surgeon. Office in New Bank Building Rooms 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 79. DR. A. I. RICHARDSON. .Physician and Surgeon. Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 65. N. MOLTTOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave and Depot at Office Main 68. ' Residence Main 69. BACON A HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. Office in La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. S. T. Bacon,' Residence, Main IS. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 62. CH. UPTON. PH. Q. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Office in La Grande National Bank ' Building. Phones: Office, Main 2; Residence, ' Main 32. YETF.ROARY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. ' Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande Residence Phone Red 701. , Office Phone Black 13 1. Independent Phono 63. Both phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery of all kinds. Country calls promptly answered. Agents for National Live stock Insurance Association. Portland Oregon. .' ' Office, 14 Adams avenue. Phones: Pacific, Black 1901. . - , Independent 373. DENTISTS. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23. La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 1991. TEACHERS OF MUSIC EBLA CABXOCK. Teacher of Piano. Pupil of Pierre Doullet of the San Jose Conservatory. For children the Burrow course ot music study and musical kindergar ten.: Studio In the Mahaffey Bldg. ARCHITECTS. C R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying. Civil and Structural En .. -. . glneerlng. , ' Twenty Years Experience. ROBERT MILLEB. Arcnltect. Offlo 1107 Adam avenue. Thoaei Pacific, Main L Home Independent : n i. ; ATT0S5XYS. C.E CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts of the Stat and UniUd State. Office tn La Grand National . Balldlng. La Grand. Orecoa. Chaa. &. Cochran Geo T. Cochras COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Attorney. La Grande National Bank Bunding. La Grande . Oregoa H. H. LIOYDT Attorney at Law. Practices in all the Courts of the Btt , fnd United States. V Elgin . Orego -.inLLl AM to. RAMSEY. Attorney and tWasellor at Law. f . . . t . . . . . r i . . . . La Grande. Ore'ra HARDWARE AND CROCKERY WAHCPiR&f The Idaho Irrigation Co. Ltd. OFFERS 20,000 ORES AT $35 PEE ACftE. AD- . JOINniO THE TWIN FALLS TEACT. EASIEST KIND OF TEEMS. LAND NOW OPEN FOR EN TRY. ' -v.-' :.'-:' L0GAN-SHERW00D REAUt CO. GEORGE PALMER, President a S. WILLIAMS, 2nd Asst Cashier, , F. J. HOLMES.'Vlce-Presldent W. H. BRENHOLTS, Asst Cashier - F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. - ' La Orande National Bank ' JOf La Grande Oregon" CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $170,000 UNITEDS;STATES DEPOSITORY DIRE . M. Beri, J. D 'Matheson C. C. Pennington F, L. W. I, Brenholta -T. :.: fa"-"". .i,t Our Cream ME ALWAYS FRESH j! in. BliMai4wiS I have a nice line ' of coal and wood theaters at prices to suit all, also the celebrated MAGNETOSTEEL RANGE. For apple picking I have picking baskets step ladders, box nails, box hat chets, etc. ACT LAND '-TORS v , F. J. Holmes F. M. Brykil Meyers Geo. L, Cleaver ' George Palmer 2,000 POUNDS CQAI for $a Weighed on City Scales.! - Rock Springs Lump or m..i j.i! 3 : . nui aeuverea io any, part of the ' city Gity scales ticket delivered with load. (?., FOVJLER 71 '- I E D. SELDERS ypei afeirs X. c .stjiwn? mum