TH UTS TUT. r-rTf R II. 11. Firsiciaa knl Sarssca. Speciil aUentica gtrrt ta Eye, Mooa ai TiroaL Ear i J, i Oce la La Xiraads Katie sal Baak 0- c frsra Rcj-sl Grcpe Crcsa cl Tartar" HARD Insures tne most i f llaia S2. . j ,4 . , .... ... rr --r- - uv i ! 5 M ! f !! 4 '- ,T 1 . i I 1. T- . 1 ' 1 1 "is - f ft ; ' ' ,.hVV ' : i A0rDTELY PURE . : ... 1 " U GBAHDE EVEKIK& OBSERVEB " re esAr:jj tzt radJ tfc c fete' aai i fcl! ei2r ssecsLtik&u at this tim ooM b at tdrutap. It wouM ea at! tfe pJi! of tMs co try to set EDITOH AXDXFEIET02," Fira Ttlxrak ScrrSce. SUBSCEIPT1GN RATE3: four, sizi corr .............. tc DHl, ptr- tooetii C CaSr. iix'cto&UiJ ta dTUc ...f9 Vfreklr. co year fa advaae ....fLfiO Eatfirtd aX tie pcU.c at La Craa-i Til paper vCl net patiiih aay artiI apArtnf orrer a boo J !uaa. Sliced articka will be re xitjfct to tl dit rUoa of Ui d.'tor. Please ilea your article ami av disajipoiattceti! local sb-ilTixa of tb "istat. It i aot jfiranj tta!e-rood aatr far tbe states ia rtect toea Law I'-Jmum wafjwl oo ti taxatii-xj of wr ' j.r:Jo".wkka' are rrar oC tt -jiat, vlilcli poase&i VaIaaW prttt I esential to tli!r opratioa, coa- frrei ty tS stat and wtkh taffa nr alrectlT a ad Indirectly tt proe trify a4 tbas th taxpayisz capa ky Vf all tfc people Vr. Foc-te qacted t rtaa a report of tia rderat, btari of ( Corpora tioof a taleniat tbovisc tkat fa New England tb states iraw from the corporation from 27 per cent to H pr tent of all tifr rrreaaos, that Ohio draws 73 per cent from that soarc. aa3 that'eerr state la the ea tire Union is similarly situated to a greater or Is extent. . ; KtrL'las Hates. : Local readlcg notices 10c tnt icsertiog ; Ee per liae fw snbotsinC. irs art irin . .... , Resolstloa f coBloaea,y a Una. DR. P. A. niARI.TOr. : i 4VeriiauT Sarretsa. i 5 0"te at KUTs Drag Store, La Grange O-ce Ftote E-ack is 1. j Xcdpeaiieat Phooe i j ' ; ' ; Both ?icaes at restdeace. ' i ailaal fa wakb tikey caa reader Ja4g mnt on tl facta. Tftere are tm&dreds of nukaowa, aia den away investors who have dote great things and have brought to pas without making anry great snoral fas i about it. ereat reform. tna!e oeobie tJ,e bettw with a turning lathe almost, or Kith V ' " j a cog, or some happy little lever or soaithitg.. Ta' tnnaal report of the comtnisisoner fc? patents I i, inorA5s OF DOIMKH. 10 uiastraie usia receiMn Biatisinv The Otatjrver r?ently .tirt jr ,S3 (reat has erf ne iaio being ax the .r ei-3al relative to thv4rJ. r:a o!t if 5k olicy of reconstmrtioi f ? year has tei orsti. ;: -i ji ; and speclaLLzatioa that Is now goin tt ciiJaena of ia city ao-l . b o. a task tg by Secretary Roc traveling allege occnllsts who charge a the Investigation of the theoretic . . 0 rsorzssioiJLi. disictoet. o o : o D3. W. 1L EXLET. - Gradat Ohio Scata Ctrverrltj. Taccinatlca, DeEtiatry aal Surgery of aH kaav Country caila p.orcptly aaswered. Agents for Katlocal Lire stock I era ran ce Ai3ocUtlon. Portlaad Oregoa. " " - ' : ' " ; ' Pbcnea: PaclSc, Black 19L 1 ladepende&t. 3T2. - ' rr' V DEXT1STS. : - - j. c price, rx m. rx .;" .'" Dentist.': Vr; j Hooxa S3. La Grands National Baak , BalJding. Phone Black , , ! Teacher sf Plana. , j Papil of Pierre Doailet of the San I Jos Conservatory. . :.v . J For children the Barrows coarse of araslc study and mnalcal kindergar ten. Studio fa the Ua&aCey Bldg. f 5 STOVES AND RANGE ICitclien Utensils i , . Lanterns, Glassware,! ; : ; ; . Cfoclcery,Etct Sash Doors Shingles f r T T TT T V HARDWARE AND CROCICERY AKCHJTLCTS. " Lv . PICKLES. Clvli Mining, rrUatioa Englneertng aa 1 j trveytng. x Estimates, pian and specifications. J " OSce ta F "aeakamp Building." 1 La Grande, si -.' -, t Oregon. ; C B. THOHNTOX. 1 ArcBltect and Eagiieer. Sarreying, Civil and Stroctaral ''.".?: gJaeria ' Twenty Years Experience. Ea- TIATT. OSca BOBEET MILLER. j. ' ArcGitaet. 1107 AAania areana. "Phoaev MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1975. a;: :- PHTSiniXS. Padflc. Mala L Bom Iadepasdeat ' - So. S. ' v ,.v v.... ATT0E5ETS. DR. L W. .rX2ESSA5. Osteopathic Fa yslciaa. ' Office Sominer Bldg. Office "phone. Main 63; Residence ! Chaa. phone Black 951. . Successor to Dr. Moore. CH. CRAWFORD. - . Attorney at Law. : Practices ta all the coorta of taa 8tat j ' end United State fOSlca ta La Grande National Baas Esildinc La Grande, Oracoa. : ecortBOTja price, for Inferior ability and cbap glarie .SSac the pnbli- :4 sirfs and fa now being carried wit t SwrfNtanr Knoi. llweafter crar diolc-1 cation of that article It has been ita- mat and consuls will be kept Info pressed npoa oor raimis the tnagnitade d of each other's Ujing and polici of fajjs graft more than ever from the . by aa InformatioR bureau of which Jonrnalist is. to be the head. Not bin j like team work. ', ' .. . TW".'twd':aTCtte;'eipIorr.:' Stow. fact that so ttany who have been casght by theae smooth talkers have mentioned it and coc:tISmented a for of oar- ariFCT4CTRagrTi?-Ay;"R ; larltaagftarto-rctlre. to the yriaeyrof t'"Jliis ti!'.'?"i.!f " I5g""gtii'ff" finTffng if.'gf"!uwin' vnitt seb"imgp aa ty field for -&JgL'$pfc 'broaU IVVT tFeiritatemeal f?ly prepared and it Is htd.TS'MilijfiM.a fmwh. Ta'ior jwaJ'uution to at:ie:4i&c authority few yiar saro r-d a law i and to pcbMc opinion. That ia a pood aia betqually coronlend- stat a few year sago ead a lawfandto pob? makir'S It nJarr ff '' nvr. fin i uxitl It wtroi ecn?t atWit.lltctl'ot l)ot'a i alienor ta? pibUca permit them to fw,st "If ta peopleill do ibeirf mloV taetj lcllitloo- A little hi- V,' w 1 ri .nss; b.?44;o oae spectaeff vaidwr oaw ? Ufa war&' ao thaUtb r.fe-iclty ;!Ltf J. H. HUBBABD. M. Bv Physlclaa and Surgeon. O.Ece la New Bank Building Booms 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main . 8;' OiSce, Mala' Jf-' . " 'wlX11cSardn- Phyilciaa and Surgeon. Office over Kill a Drog Siore. OiUce Phone 1JI62.. Residence Main 55. n. molitor, m. rx Physician and Surgeon. , Corner Adams are and Depot at. OSce Main 6S. Eealdeace Main 63 JS. Cochran Geo T. Coc&xas COCHRAN aV OOCHRAM. , ' : ''. ; Attorneys -. . .. La Grande National Baak Baliding. La Graada '.-': .'"-.' .' Oregoa - j- -jjtoTD. Attorney at Law: ''" Practices tn all the Courts of ta Stt . - ad ratted SUlea-i'-;-- Eigta ; : " ow r'iTjAldSl. RAMSET. -Attorney and Coansellop at Law. . Rooms V ana H Sommwr iilock. La Grand. ' . Oregon. IDAHO CAREY Ml LAUD USE 0 iJ 7 Co. lifd. OITEES 20,000' CEEis AT $35 PEE ACftE, AD JOINING THE IWIN FALLS TBACT. EASIEST ET OFTEimalNTlfOW OPEN FOR EN- try. .r -T.-f LOGAN-SHERWOOiiLTY CO. t.Ow atpre,) chackjfull of fall, and ; - r, . ,BACQX A HALL, . , . winter go&da. , Ladle .tailored MltA. I J.piyalclans?aadSorKona. " Ladies. Misses and cliildren's coats 03ce la La Grande National Bant and sweaters. Elegant line of net and Building Phone Main 1. ;afik walsts.: Viall ont txk! M U S. T. Bacon. Realdeaca. Mala 18. t!e to show oar goods.--- u.moMaUMini-y van tjctn oat v In? ordinance ft .tvert'reer f(ifir3 ' mnnlty wi'fj L (saved srnjf i- tlo-J' anda , jpf, .dollars... annnailj. There, la DO eee - waatever-Tor Uku . aay chase with these' smootl talking strangers. We have opticians fa La Grande who have every appliances for the proper fitting of . the err. -They are permanently located-here,, and-if- a charge you ffl tFtl aadjpsar; additional eTtpnseV.- They ddlaot . clafge'tlV'jaiV: odl$ for' glasses' only' la estreme case. Many , eyes are1 fitted for I4.50. seldom over 'JSJZktXntk the, graftex .everx ? fa a : special problem and retH,irefrt.,-J Justtng and wttbJa a few mlriate you are made to feel that the Itinerant; with a f 13 case of cheap glasses is a phlian izopist and you wonder kow he ran farnlah you glasses for $18 that our lo cal optician s would naver think of charging yoo, over tT.50. . .Barnum. 4 be show man. once i said (that the American people delighted, ;. la being biimubgged. bat it most be the work of an artist There are; plenty of spec tacle, axtat abroad In lan. f I VT Till. ST lTt' HAVE IT. " ' . Tn .te..4hlrdjn'tfsrtt!tloiai. confer- ! H ',V .fK t,n,!i!(?.V iocai.,maoi. 1 .'tr:4ixr.M'''- ;'"F''?''J-s;'V ijr .-v-' f ..'J aa S.iiaty t tb fff tVt "(ir-l n. ;t?- ?f- .tr'"";t!' ,,fI- l. . . -i i i i r an t ai- .aw - A a . . ft aaaai -Bf aat Tl TUI sr 5 t-aou m ' vZii't.::.-, O . ,' mm wm ." . AMMi3Hv.lki ' vr llffA Jtt iMflMMl-VV dLiaKOCUiVC MBIUjVIMaMkaMM-H-w-aMa----MK-w- to"Saiiny.'i0ii4p.: i f wrr i -a i. it v-: ft- v- , V , f ," . ": -. ,- , : ' ' . ' i 1 V- - fA :"'. .-T'i . j -.-if,, ', H 'ii- C.HW.., n ' . I .'. It S I ' ' - . r, -."-' I r i , -','"'i' , ' ', . 1. w ' V 3; , -"r.itA"' ,. .a --f -.- t . Wl WllVL PlaACE ON SALE 400 WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES IN SOLID GOLD GOLD ITLLED. SllaVEE AND ; m CASES. eveey; yeab we have been in busi- NESS;WE HAVE GIVEN OUR ANITLTAL SALE , 01. WATCHES 4A1ID HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THEM, SO, IF YOU NEED A WATCH IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND HAVE A TALK WITH US. 1 1 ' WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. ' : GEORGE PALMER, President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2nd Asst Cashier. ' F, J. HOLMES, Vice-President W. H. ERENHOLTS, A ist. Cashier -: :.-. s . . -j-1 raTEBa, Caaalar. ,i La Orande National-Banitir ;Qf. tA-PraBde Oregon'.:. t CAPITAU fllip: SURPLUS $170,000 tr.t .'.i-tii'- united: u .V til 1 . , STATES DEPOSITORY " , n re:: M. Ber,. C C. PtnniBgtoo V , PIRE tTCRS ? JL.rx;Mathesora V AV JL .F.L. Meyers Geo. L. Cleaver :Wi UBrenaoIts j ; pejfalnw f;n r.:t f ::. ' : .-. (?. :..-.-. j jt V ''""r -- I . II "' ' 'l 2,000 ROUNDS OF -. COAjforJS Weighed on City Scales. Rock Springs Lump or iNut delivered!, to ary part Cf th city City "scales ticket delivered with load, G. E, FOVJLER v'rTVatch ewr'Vinaaw for nhe VafarLiFl5y..v. ' J'V ' ;' -r 1-. I-' ...-.' , -0 '''l';,ja AAw"r v.. ?i.-f . ,., Goo fr "w-w -w Our Cream ARE ALWAYS FRESH : " & Dl SiLDERS 6 c xM. J jm W at -t