La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 09, 1909, Image 2

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a good "Record
mm e eupie
Pass the word to your relative and friends to come now.
To Oregon frill prevail from the East September 15 to October 15,
via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co
and Southern Pacific
, From Chicago ........... 111.00
From L Loaia &M
From Omaha SS.S
From St Paul .
From Kansas City ............ 25.C "
Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. JL or
Agent and ticket will be delivered la the East without Exti
cost Send us the name and address of any one Interested in the
State for Oregon literature, WM. XeXTRBAT, General Passenger
OI'; silk
We have bought a1! the above
silk stock belonging to the Golden
Send year stall criers.
BAKER nil, 0REG05.
Indigestion, Gas Heartbim er Dys
pepsia 9 Fire Minutes Later.
Every year regularly more than a
million stomach sufferers In the Uni
ted States, England and Canada ?ak?
Pape'g Diapepsin and realize not only
Immediate but lasting relief.
This harmless preparation will dl
gest anything you eat and overcome a
sour, gassy or out-of-order, atonu-.h
Ave minutes afterward.
If your meals don't fit comfortably,
or what you eat lays like a lump of
lead In your stomach, or if yon have
heartburn, that is a sign of Indiges
tion. Get from your Pharmacist a SO-cent
-se of Fape'a Diapepsin and tat a
dose Just as soon as yon can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching
ot undigested food mixed with acid,
so stomach gas or heartburn, full
ness or heavy feeling In the stomach.
Nausea. Debilitating Headaches, Dizzi
ness or Intestinal griping. This will
all go, and besides, thi will be no
sour food left over in the stomal to
i clson your breath -J with nauseous
' ' odors. v
Pape's Diapepsin Is a certain cure
for out-of-order stomachs, because It
tikes held of your food and digests
u ;ut the same as If your stomach,
vasn'i there. v ' ,
Relief In five minutes from all stom
ach misery Is waiting for you at any
drug store.
These large CO-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to thoroughly
cure almost any case of Dyspepsia,
. Indigestion or any other stomach dls-
. order. .,
Papers Wanted. ,,'
The La Grande Evening Observer
of the dates of Sept K, 13th and 10th.
Those who may have them will con
fer a favor for which we are willing
to pay. by delivery of same to this
Sick Ji Miters Weaken the Whole Bodj
Male Ton III, Languid
And Depressed.
kk kidneys weaken the body
through the continual drainage of life-
giving albumen from the blood into
the urine, and the substitution of pois
onous uric acid that goes broadcast
through the system, sowing the seeds
of disease. Loss of albumen causes
weakness, languor, depression. Uric
poisoning causes rheumatic pain, ner
vousness, nausea, cricks in the back,
gravel and kidney stones. The proper
treatment Is a kidney treatment, and
the best remedy Is Doan'i Kidney
Pills. Here Is good proof in the fol
lowing testimonial:
James M. Johnson, Main st. Union,
Ore , says: "I can heartily recom
mend Doans Kidney Pills, as I knew
they are a reliable remedy for kidney
complaint Constant standing
Brought on my kidney trouble and I
suffered Intensely. A customer first
recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to
me, saying that they had been the
means of saving his life, I was In
duced to try them and In a abort time,
I was convinced that they lived up
Now that the day has arrived when
it can be said that the coming mid
night hour is to usher out the first
Union county exposition an exposi
tion which by the common verdict of
the visitors of more than state wide
experience in such affairs is one of
the best In every respect ever held in
Oregon a general birds-eye Tiew of
the superbly arranged buildings is in
order and Is hereby Bet forth to aid
the memory of those who have enjoy
ed the successful event and for the
I Information ot those who have not
been so fortunate as to have a part
'in it -
! A hooting, whirling merry-go-round
extended a noisy greeting to the great
( throngs of visitors as they approach
ed the pavilion by either the Fair or
fj; the Washington street routes. Those
J I who were able to pass this attraction
without taking a "twenty-five times
around the world" entered the front
door where a bewildering vision ot
gaily waiving banners and brightly
; decorated booths burst upon their
saxe. '
j The first booth to the right of the
door was that of the La Grande Mill
ing company with its long ricks of
flour and breakfast food sacks artis
tically decorated with loaves, dough
nuts, and other finished products of
the farms. Adjoining this booth were
! those ot the Imbler, Union, Elgin and
t Talflntt rffv milla r!th MtrraennnInv.
ly appropriate displays, each setting
forth its o wnbrand of flour which
are the best grades obtainable In
Eastern Oregon.
The artistic as impressive displays
of the Wadham & Kerr company of
Portland, came next and told of the
ability of that firm to furnish grocer
ies and fruits to all merchants who
might order. .
Passing on a step the crowds come
in front of F. L. Lilly's cozy little
kitchen showing the merits of the
Majeciic range. In the room also
were completely set tea tables and
other kitchen and dining room equip
ments. ". . ; .
Everything from a tiny baby shoe
up was next shown in the display of
Smith & Green in their hosiery and
footwear booth. L. C. Smith in the
adjoining ndok had a fine Ford motor
car which told the story of the ad
vance of that luxurious conveyance.
Then seated in a warm little room
with a cheerful fire blazing all the
time the man advertising the Arnold
Economy damper sat in comfort
"We make clothes for men" was in
the next booth shown both In word
and example by Andrews & Berry. On
the front of the booth in confetti
letters were the words and on the
dummies In the booth were the ele
gant examples.
With a room full of pianos, grapha-
phones and musicians to make them
go, the Newlin Book , & . Stationary
Latest la Sheet Haste.
Call at Wiley B. Allen's Piano store
for late popular music, cut to 8 cents, to representations. I have used Doan's
your chance tor supply of music, Ma- y
haffey building. (0--2t)
Setlee f Flaal SeUlemeit
tfotlc Is hereby given to all con
cerned that Uary O. Hulee, execu
trix of the last will of Marquis I
finis, deceased, has filed In the Coun
ty Court of Union County, Orcssa,
Iter final account In the administra
tion of said estate and said court baa
set Monday the 4th day ot , October,
A. 10, at 3 o'clock p. m., as the
time for bearing said account and any
objections thereto. .. ' .
-i H .w-K-'iy)'. Executrix.
Kidney Pills on several occasions
since then and have always received
prompt relief
For sale by' all dealer. Price 60
cents.' Foster-Milbura Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
i made in the park booth by the Pen- j
dleton Woolen mills and were nn-l
doubtedly tempted to purchase ai
chance at the blanket presented to
the park by the mills.
The Golden Rule department store
occupied the next space with a fine
display of their wide line of goods
carried. Henry & Carr with an ele
gant display of furniture was next
In order and did their business cred
it by their excellent booth.
Bay tc Zweifel's plumljn shop
booth in the next space made the
visitors self conscious on account of
its neat and clean appearance. The
Oregon Educational exhibit next door
was suggestive of the theme It rep-!
t- M4MM UIUI, Mitt f
crowds were greeted with a hearty
"Hello Bill, come In" from the front
of the Elks booth. . The Sugar com
pany came next with Illustrations of
every process of Buga'r making from
the green beet to -the finished pro
duct Frank Harris with hla art store,
came next with a beautiful combina
tion of works of art The city schools
with banners and full Illustrations of
the work done by pupils and students
of the high school occupied the next
A second booth of the M. ft M. com
pany In which a gasoline engine and
a stationary pump were Installed and
at work was the next attraction. The
booth of E. C7 Davis illustrating his
marble works ended the long row and
left the wandering crowds' at the
door ready to turn again to view the
fruit, art, historic and general ex
hibit in the pivllion.
Upon entering the door ot the gen
eral display pavilion the first booth
rras , the hospitable grange corner
where pioneers were cordially Invited
to stop and rest and where all were
asked to register. Here, mid scenes
of farm, orchard and gardsn wealth,
comfort was found by all.
May Park, with the attractive name
In the richest of colors of real ripe
corn was next In line with its live
fruit trees, growing corn and blos
soming flowers. Closa by this dis
play was the pioneer relics which
brought forth hundreds of rich tales
of historic lore from the old settlers
who chanced to linger for awhile.
The Moorehouse display of Indian
curios covered the entire end of the
rink and was a source of never end
ing wonder. The display of grains
and grasses and illustrations of the
methods of scientific study of the pos
sibilities of the soil of the valley, was
made by the Eastern Oregon Exper
imental station located at Union,
j A corner was beautifully decorated
twith the pen and Ink sketches made
by E. Frances and Evangeline HumeC
In the central part of the room near
the front door, Elgin had her superb
We have conducted a laundry business in
Lsl Grande'J or many years. There must
a reason. A trial order will explain
the mystery.
A. B. C. Laundry
The Sum Total of Human
Is attained by the man who selects a place which la approved by Ms
wift anl adaptable for his entire t sjnllj. -so live amidst such condl
tfors approximates about the keenest Joy imaginable. "Where are
uth conditions to be found la th rapidly growlns Northwest? IH
yon. Go to C. J. BLACK! He has Urge smonnt of property Listed to
chose fromi Frnlt Farms, Stock Fa nns. Sugar Beet Farms! City
Properfty, Grain Farms. Hay Farms, Timber Lands Wlta or With
out Improvements. Prices right Let m shov you.
C L BLACK, The Real b state Man
company set forth Its wares. The display of "Without Irrigation" fruits
wide scope covered by the M & M. and vegetables.. , Farther toward the
company was next heralded by a lib- rear came similar displays made iy
eral space filled with every equip- Irnbler. Island City, Medical Springs
ment for an up-to-date farm. Ajand a number of enterprising lndlv
unique chain of briddle bits crossed lduals. ' " .
the front of the booth. I As could be heard expresed by hun-
. Pendleton academy, grateful to the dreds . of visitors t the exposition,
local firms for the use of tables and ' the arrangements of the separate
A A A M. a a A A A AAAAAAAAA . . . . . . - . - .
wwwwwvww vffftttf ff ff f ff f f f 44f
is an expreon that to always beard at sight of a
weil deve" woman. If you are Rat-chested,
vith Bt undeveloped, a srawny eck, thin, lead
arm' remark will never be applied to you.
SIP . vrafem will make you beautiful. Jviwnch
Inh. They DEVELOP THE BUST In a week from
to f Inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous
bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make the
irmt hsnJiome and will modeled and the neck
and shoulders ahaprly and of perfect contour.
ur iwiut iouj mua you ii Do p'eaaea and grateful.
REN" wafers are absolutely haimless, pleasaiit to take, and convenient
to carry around. They are sold under guarantee do all we claim
Price $1.00 per botUe. Inquire at good drug stores onsen DI
mrE. During the next SO days only w will tend you a Mtm
pie bctUe of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of
rncKins and postage if you mention that yon saw the advertisement in
this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient If 'he defects are
trifling."', .:: -i:
cabinets, showed forth the beauties
of a home regulated by wifes trained
under an Instructor in domestic sci
ence. In another section of the booth
parts of the building, was perfect, in
that it separated the various attrac
tions, preventing the ever restless
portions of the crowd who did not
Guarantee Fsblle last Scrip.
: The C. 7L Ttowers Co., Miles City,
Mont., agents for . Northern Pacific
4nd Scrip, will select lor you any
vacant, non-mineral, government
land. Write tfcera for pa-ticulars. .
1 Spratnei Aakle.
As usually treated a sprained ankle
will disable th Injured person for a
month or more, but by applying- Cham
berlain's Liniment and observing the
directions with each bottle faithfully,
a cur may. In most cases, be effected
In less than one week's time. This
liniment Is a most remarkable prep
aration; try It for t sprain or a bruise,
or when laid up with chronic or mus
cular rehumatlsm, and yon are cer
tain to be delighted with the prompt
relief which It affords. For sale by
all good dealers.
rellca of the new junior college were j care for the Intellectual features of
displayed. The , Blue Mountain the program. .
Creamery with its tempting heaps of j The speakers and musicians .had a
yellow butter and Its other displays separate tent, where quiet reigned at
was next along the line. : all times. Here the most Instructive
The Fair store's booth was fair in i conferences and the most Inspiring
every respect The models showing
the latest fashions' and also the keep
ers of the booth were fair and many
a lady said "I'm going there some
time." The next and last -booth was!
that of W. H. Bohnenkamp' demon- j the dancing platform where the dis
stratlng that perfect order and finejclplea ot Terplscore tripped "the
furnishings may be had by every light fantastic toe." Along the
addresses and music were enjoyed byJ
thousands. ' . ' " .:
On the opposite side of the skating
rink which was used as a pavil
ion for fruits arts and curios, was
For $3.50 We Can "Wash Your j
Back" for Ever with one of our :
The latest thing out in the hrmh f
liiib. We are sole
territory. Call and let us5 show you- :
plumbebs AinymnncEs.
211 DEP0) STREE1 '
VIVVItVi9ftasMiAAiAiA aaaaaaaaa e
housekeeper .
In swinging around the circle and
starting from the entrance of the
pavilion back toward the front door
the first booth was that of the Stan
dard Bird company of Seattle. The
artistic exhibit ot the Kewlln Drug
company was next In order.
When the crowds passed on one
station they were Impressed with th
i excellent display of woolen blankets
fantastic toe. Along the ex
tended alley east ot the booths the
live stock exhibits were housed. The
crowds walking down the alley, saw
first the horses, then they came to the
poultry, and last ot all, after tnrntrg
the corner of Greenwood street were
led by the stalls t the cattle , an
hogs.. For adding spice to the live
stock show a number of special dis
plays were made, such as the band
of Shetland ponies by Levy of Cnlm
Splendid Fall ISh
ii mm