if) X.'i VOLUME VIII. LA GRANDE, U1JION COUNTY, ORE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1909. NUIIBER C02. 'in T ?1 iii: i 1 r y TAFT WILL VISIT ISLAND DECIDES TO JOURISKV' TO 1HE PHILIPPINE IX 1911. TIGERS TRIf.1 EOUEST 1 HE urn FM1S11 Farmers Already Discussing Policies For fcxt Year's ExposWon CO-OPERATlOn MID WORK THE CRUSE With a whirl of glory and :hie ct Buccess in the ears of the pro jtarlprs, Vnion County's 1909 faV v'll pass into history tonight at mid right when the fair, which has lie-m unanimously declared to have bean a stupendous, success will be over. L'ven today tte keynote of dlvua sicn' among the farmers, hundrelJ oil whom are present, is, what will be done next year. The public will de mand and support a repetition of this venture In some shape or other, tad idans are now being laid for the cn ' suing year. - ' . . ' The fair, with all of Us buccal f; the fruit of honest, hard work on the pnrt of hundreds but more esyefla'ly so on the part of the directors . of the Eastern Oregon Agricultural ps sociation and the Executive Commit. ee from the Commercial club ot this 2ity, which Btood sponsor for thd fair. The attendance today was not Quito ; up othe receips of yesterday and the 'day previous," jartly -.-due to the. fact hat the local people who have at tended day and night since the fa's flpened, have not turned out in so great numbers teday. Among the , guests being present those from Elgin predominates. Pret ty girls and boys with heaps of mon ey to spend have "taken in" the last day of the fair. ; Tonight the funpath and the am i ;e She Fair She fair (Jreat Sample eCne of Now open for your selection In aUthe select styleshaving purchased our we are able to give you values. . Scarfs Jur Coats All styles and beaver, coney, etc . We are especially strong in We want to do It Boys fjuits B ly, we want to see you In our etyllsh 'and durable clothing. . Juvenile sulU. . , ,$15 to $5X9 Boys suiU $2i0 U $&0 Youth's sulU....fL0O te $15.00 (A) ment "places will be conducted on a larger scale than ever. Free enter tainment is the order of the evening. riay For Biff Prize. LONDON, Oct 9. Captain Cod v. the aeroplanist, has made his final preparations for his flight from Lon don to Manchester, a distance of ct-e hundred and ninety miles, for a pri.c or fifty thousand dollars which has been offered him by . the Daily Mall. Ths Captain will start today If tin weather will permit He says that he is going to adopt new tactics in aero planing and will' travel at a great height in order to avoid the earch air currents, ' ; BIG SUM FOR RUJiJiERS . San Francisco Promoters Milling to Fay Bi? Sam for' Marathon SEATTLE, Oct, 9.- Tim McGrath, the promoter of the $10,000 marathon fWJohylll be ..run; here on,,. Oct, 17th, received the following rroro Jack Gleason the San ; Francisco sporting man: "Will give you $15,000 if you bring StYves, Longboat, Hayei Marsh, Swanberg, Wada, and McLean to San Francisco." After the receipt of this message McGrath conferred with the local race supporters. They agreed to let the men go south after the marathon had ben run here. - shapes, mink, : fox, squirrell, ' 1 Soys and tfouthf's Clothing this line of our apparel! department. Boy's Overcoats ' Just what you have been wanting, the Military coats In the new clothes, prices ..... . $100 to $12.50 Ages 12 to 18 years. Come before the selection Is broken. -. . ; V'onld Result In Br'-tcii? The Isf lands and Home Country Closer. (By Hazard, special foire.ipoudeat for the United Press.) GLACIER POINT, Oct 9. Pres ident Taft has decided to take a trip to the . Philippines in . the summer of 1911,' unless' some unforseeh " situa tion arises which will prevent him from so doing. He also announced he would make a personal visit to both Alaska and Hawaii next summer and take .particular note of the condition of those countries, for himself. His visit to the . Philippines, how ever will be of far greater magnitude than has ever been attempted by any" former American president Taft ex plains that he would go on a fa3t cruiser and arrange beforehand ; to meet a representative party of con gressmen in the Orient and would then proceed to the Inlands. He be lieves that this trip would be of great benefit to both of the countries by bringing them closer together and by causing them to arriTe at a bettor understanding. CHICAGO, Oct 9.A. J. Kearns, a F.urllngton engineer : was Instantly killed; Kirk Eastman, Miss Fannie Lynn, Edgar Miller, J. II. Robertson, Injured, early today when their au o mobile skidded Into a tree. Robert son will probably die. r Engine Arrives. The engine and giant smoke stack of the Nibly-Mlinnaugh Lumber Co., of Wallowa, were ehipped through this city today, They will arrlva Jn Wallowa In time to be Bet up early in the week. ' v ' . , -' She fair fursr stock before the prices advanced Muffs i We carry - all the popular I makes ot fur coats all lengths, la all the stape furs. We car ry especially a strong line of the ring muff In the different shapes. :, You want to dress the boys right PONSOYAN I.WIXCIBLE AXD SCORE IS DECISIVE JNE. CuniuUt Batted out of the Box Eurly and Willis Goes n to Finish tti I.oing Game Enormous Thrui',' ' J'resent Considerably Large? Hum lfblerday -Wagner Falls l-i jits . Batting Today IMroit Slam Out Mne Safe lilts. - 1 H IS 8 1 8 9 ' Detroit 0 2387 0 0 0 0-7 Pittsburg 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 ctoi ; a 3 I'itlFburg .'. . .... . , !. Z t F0RBE3 FIELD, PITTSBURG, Oct. 9. Before a monster crowd of 33,000 Pittsburgers and 6,000 Detroiters and other miscellaneous delegations, the Detroit "Tigers" walloped the "Pi rates" to the tune of 7 to 2 this after noon. Wild BUI Donnovan was Invin cible,'''; : f. - First Innlnit. Jones singled to infield. Bush sac rificed. Jones out sealing third. Cobb out on grounder. ' ' ' Byrnes" walked; Leach doubled. scoring Byrne. Clark sacrificed. Was; ner fanned. Miller doubled, Leach j scoring. Abstein fanned. Second Inning. Crawford fanned. Delehanty oui Jn field. Moriaty Blngled. T. Jones' slnK Ieu Schmidt , doubled. Moriarty and Jones : scoring. Detroit rooters wild with Joy. Donnovan fanned. Wilson out in infield; Glben walk ed. CamlU fouled. Gibson-stole Sec ond. Byrne fanned. .:; Third Inning. ' D. Jones safe on Byrne's low throv Bush singled and Cobb walked. Pei eharty singled and Crawford t filed scoring Bcorlng D. Jones and Bush. Willis replaced Camtt In Pittsbur-i's box. Cobb on third sel fans wild by ieallng home. 1 ' ' tloriarty walked. T. Jones forced Delehanty at third. . Schmidt. Hied, Leach doubled, Clark filed, Wagner tor led and Miller fanned ' Fonrth Inning. ' Donnovan out lnflel l; D. Jones the s;mej Busn ianea. Abstein singled, Wilson fouled; Gibson filed and Willis filed. v Fifth Innitg. ; Cobb out Infield. Crawford doubled, l'e1ehart?l walked; Moriaerty fltrt and T. Jones walked. Wfth bases f-ili Schmidt singled, scot lug Crawford and Deleharty. T. Jones out steal'iig third. Dvne filed. Leach out inoutflId, Clari out it. field. J ' -::) ':'::(:. , Sixth Inning, Donnovan out ; Infield. D. Jones fied .T.iush walked but went out steal ,. second. Wasner safe on Donnovan's throw to first. Miller Sacrificed. Abstein fanned.' Wagner out stealing third on Molarity's beautiful stop of Schmidt's high throw. v ; : Seventh Inninir. ; Cobb Singled, Crawford put Infield Cobb out In trying to reach third. Del ehanty tanned. .- - Delehanty fumbled Wilson's stop Fast double play by Petrolts elitnin ated Wilson. Gibson and Willis fan ned.' ' .' .. CLEVELAND, Oct. 9. It is po": slstpntly rumored at the court ho f ? today that the grand Jury will indict Tyrus Cobb, Detroit's "national ball player during their session tomor afternoon. The outfielder It Is chv : ed, stabbed Wschman George Stan. field at the Hotel Eurlld. while the Tigers were playing here recently. On account ot ths world's champion ship series at Pittsburg th t : POST-SEASON EXPOSITION REDUCED RATES WILL COVERS XEW WOBLD'S FAIR. Seattle Exposition to be Bun Several Weeks Later. SEATTLE, Oct 9. Post exposition season wlll .be started on October 17, the exposition running for several weeks longer than was planned in the ,flrst. place and , will be continued during the time that the exhibit are being packed for return shipment The directors, are promising the people -a good show . for a reduced price. The admission price for the extra season will only be 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. here allowed Cobb to leave the city. It Is rumored that the Georgian will be arrested when the rain from Pitts burg, carrying the . Tigers iaiss through the state of Ohio tonight. SEATTLE, Oct. 9.-Flve prominent busmen men of this' oity and of Ta- coma, each In a digerent line of trade testified before the Interstate com merce commission today that the dis crimination of the freight rates rom eastern points had limited their ter ritory to. the Columbia . River on the Great Northern, to Walla Walla on the O .R. & N.. and in some things they could reach as far as Pendleton on the Northern Pacific. -; They also.5 alleged that there had practically been no freight reductions made to Seattle and Taeoma- from, the east for the past twelve years. They said that all the growth that their business had was due entirely to lacnl growth of the country and the Alas kan trade. KOSLYN, Wash. Oct. 9. All hope of finding the entombed miners still alive was lost today when the res cuers found the bodies of Tom Mar solyn and Philip Pazarlch. two track men, , at the bottom of thelshaft ot the Northwestern .Improvement Com pany's inlne, where the explosion and fire occurred last Sunday. The finding of the bodies of the Vest ot the Im prisoned men are looked for at any time now. ' , SID MASON PLEADS GUILTY Sid ; Macon of Summervilie , this morning plead' guilty ; to stealing aooui azt wortn or wheat from a farmer near his homo and Monday was set for tho day .. when sentence will be passed. ' . '. '. . ', , . Guy Hobson, Indicted Jointly with Young Chatten of Imbler on a charge of stealing cattle, entered a plea of not guilty. Chatten made' good his escape and has not been located, al though the alleged crime was commit- mited several months ago. , . . Ralph . Atkinson ' plead not guilty to the charge of. selling Intoxicating liquors In violation of tho .local op tion law. '.. :' ' , Wind Too Strong. 4 , ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9. With the stiff breeze that Is blowing today the avia tors here declare that there Is little liklihood that a flight can be ' made, TEAMS rLiY?3G TODAY. 3?ttch of Serond Team In Mneup - Against the Elgin High SihooL The Ii Grande squad went nep.iuat the Ptiii ih' aibo l team this after tioou, many of the ceond tearaa ink lug turns at upholding the local team's honor. The Elgin lineup is a followsl :, ". . - . . Glen Barnes, c; M. Barney r; LI B.unes lg;. W. McCulley, rt; Hilgarth It; R. Austin, le; R. Frazler, re; C. Rhodes, rh; Monte Whitley, lh; O. Scott fb; J. Henderson,' nb. 1 R. Morros, coach; Ben Shaddler, Elgin's official; average weight 1 10 pounds. . '" MRS. ED. HALL, WISS PRIZE COXDUCTF.D OX SEVEMii. Eleven Entries Entertain Large and Enthusiastic Crowd with Feats of Skill and Ability In Riding L Grande and rnlon Count) fs Best Equestrian Ladies Represented 'h ' the ' ContestTlny Lady" CaptnirV Third Prize win Darin r Ridln? . Feats. V;': With a real live Indian to act as the Judge of the event, the contest of lady riders was pulled off at 1:30 this afernoon. Although "Tall Pine's" In dian nature was with him, he" did admit that he had a hard Job picking the winners. The first prize went to Mrs. Ed, Hall, second, to Miss Myra Glenn and third to the four-year-old Miss Ruth Hill. : Tho contestants were Miss Gaskell, Llllle McDonald, Ruth Gaskell, Little Miss Ruth Hill, aged four, Mable Oesteriing, Myra J. Glenn, Mrs, H.; W. Riley, Miss Mifleld, : Grace Curtly, Miss Edwin Hall, Miss Zoe Bragg and; Miss Barteniess. , Each rider was made to ride be tween the cheering crowds first in a, walk, then in a trot and in a gallop. Prior to the Interim of the decision it was amusing to pass through the crowd and "hear the vaiious winners picked out. BISHOP O'REILLY HERE. Will Officiate at Both Masses Tontor ' row Horning, Rt. Rev, Charles J. O'Reilly, bishop ot Baker City diocese, will officiate tomorrow morning at both masses, at 8 o'clock and 10:30. This Is the first visit the Bishop has made La Grande since his recent trip abroad, and it goes wlthou saying that he will be greeted by 4 large audience on this occasion, -' .. THE BENCH SHOW WINNERS Winners of the blue ribbon in the dog show were as follows Ess. C, ters, J. F. Dordoa, Luellen Setter Peter Biever; Eng. Coach, Qus Levy; ' Eng. Coach, J. A. McArthy; Great Dane, Mrs. J. Taylor; Pointer, L. Mas terson; Pug Pups, Jack. Rogers; Ja- ' anese Poodle, Mrs. . F. Fox; Scotch Coolies, L. A. Russell; Fox Terrior- (male) F. R. Brown; (female) Louis." Smiley; F, W. Jolly. Spitx; Will French, Bull Dog. ' Cocker Spaniel, Arthur ,'uu,,I' leet,' second,".; .V',-V. ' - Spitx, Sister Klrtley; Cocker Span iel, A. T, I11U; Boston terrior, Dr. Hall; Cocker . Spaniel, Dr, Richard son. ;v .'. Red ribboners were: J. A. Peare, , Eng.: Setter ; " J. A. McCarthy, - Eng. Coach; Great Dane, Mrs. Eckley; Fox Turrlor, Mae White. Dr. Pill. Boston Terrior, " ; ;;''.- . ' ' ''vv :':'' Xarow Escape. SEATTLE, Oct 9 Five children were Beverely cut and brul3ed and more than a hundred persons .mostly women and children were slightly shaken up when the Green Lake car smashed the rear end of ft trailer ot - ithe Wallingford Avenue car on West Lake tressel. llany of the occupants j had a very narrow escape from be- ing crushed to death. If the Impact had been a little harder both cars would have gone over the tressel and the harvest of death resultant from, this would have been Blmply awful as the trestle Is an exceedingly hlgli one and the car were crowded.