ffEKLT O r.SEKTEK, LI GRAKDE, OHEGOX. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? rxr (OURTY HAS .3 t, . h-JS Ik 3 J J I'; - :0 0 !. 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 H 0 0 1 St.! 0 0 0 r . 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 I ' 1 I ADT1XTAGI0CS C0iHECTI05S WITH ED. T. PRICE CO, OP CHI C1GO E5ABLE.C3 TO OFFER OILT 8TSICTLT men GUIDE TAILOR ISO IT A 8ATI3G OF f 10 TO 20 05 PRICES ORDIXIBILf CHARGED. TET WE Guarantee a Correct Fit raOPEB STYLES, E0NES1 WORK. MA5S1IIP AST) ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. COME IX AND SE ETHE I'EICE W00LEX8 FOB FALL AXD WIXTEB SELECT TOCB FATOEITE PAT- fe'S. YJss TEBTf AND IUYE US TAKE IOCB MEASURE, TODAT. C. C. PENNINGTON & CO mwytmrnm urn 1 1 11 1 I For A 460 acre farm near the Covo, 200 acres of this is IN CUL TIVATION, will produce 50 bushel of wheat to the acre, is ABSOLUTELY some . of the best land in the Cove district 260 acres is hill land, fine pasture, a good portion of It U suit able for orchard land. . The price is 25,000, we can give you good terms. We further invite you to investigate prices in that district and compare with this, you will find at that figure, you are getting the 260 of hill land as a premium. We have tracts smaller. In this vicinity, but space will not permit further description. Call on us and see plats and get full description of above.. . , . .. r , VANDUYN REALTY CO. No. 220 Dfipot Street MUCH BALI C5I0X AJfD COTE EACH CLAIM TO HATE CHAMPIONS. Baker City to Play Union Tomerrew Ob Union Grosnds. Football in Union county is rapidly assuming tangible shape where. prog nostications are in order. At this writing however, words alone can be used as a basis. Tomorrow again, La Grande is to see football, when the recuperated Elgin team is to face the youngsters from this city. The game will doubt less be extremely interesting for the local players show some sign of stiff ness from yesterday's contest and are not at their best. Game at Union Saturday. Baker City plays Union" tomorrow at Union.. Coach Sheets of the Union team is Here today and preaicts great success for his Bquad. Twenty-two men were out lat evoning and the Unionists are confident that they can defeat Baker City which comes there tomorrow afternoon. Cove Strong Too. Prof. Roy Conklin o f the Union schools is fn the city and reports that his team opens with Baker City at Baker City, October 16 and that he has bright hopes. A michigan coach of "Hurry Up." Yost style. Is round ing the men into shape rapidly. Ai 8L Seventeen of the latest patterns received today Sizes 8 1-2 by lo 1-2 - - $23.5o Sizes 9 by 12 - - $28.oo The Store that Saves You Money F. a MAIS I Phones 641 Home 421 EE Pacific Monthly Here. The October number of the Pacific Monthly is here and those subscribers who are entitled to this premium will please call or send for it Those who do not know about the easy condition, call us by phone and see how we give this popular magazine absolutely free It is no secret you simply sign a con year at the regular price 65 cents per month, payable monthly and the Pa cific Monthly is yours. 0 0 0; Exposition Week You will naturally be on your feet a great deal of the time. Nothing mars the pleasure of such an occasion aa to have shoes that do not fit properly. We do not send that kind out of our store. , H In need of anything In Foot ware, for yourself or the fata- ' lly, remember we are exclusive dealers la thla line. We not '. only extell In quality, but we are more that particular in see ing that our shoes fit the feet. No making the feet fit the . shoes that go out of ourcstabliahment ' i SMIW & GREEN 0j O 0 0 '-0 0 0! 0 0 5.0 ;0 ;0 0 -0 0 0 0 . 0 0 ; 0 0 , 0: Treasurer Call For City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the treasury to pay all outstanding warrants Issued on the general fund of the City of La Jrande up to and including No. 7180, endors ed October 30, '07. Interest on all warrants from No. 7096 to No. 7180, inclusive, ceases from this date. There are also funds on hand in the treasury to pay all warrants issued on the water, fund of the City of La Grande , RAY W. LOGAN, , . - ; City Treasurer. La Grande, Oregon September 28. : (S-29-10O Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Bemedy Never Knows ' To FalL ; .... "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it waa first introduced to the pnbMc In 1872 and have never found one In stance where a cure was not speedily effected Xr Its use. I have been a com mercial traveler tor eighteen yjars. and sever start out on a trip without thla.' my faithful friend." says H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Infi., Ter. For sale by all good dealers. . , Chicago & Return $72.50 OR&I Tickets on Sale Oct 4 GOIXG LIMIT TO DATS. RETURN LIMIT 'OY. 80th. CHOICE OF ROUTES. THROUGH LIMITED TRAINS BLOCK SIGNAL PROTECTION MODERN PASSENGER EQUIP ' ME NT. - ' ' SUPEBB DINING-CAB SER- YICE. WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pas. Agent Portland, Ore. J. H. Keeney, Agent, La Grande 1-00000000000000 Q 0 0000000000fe& Complete equipment for resetting and repairing: rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete , Machine Shops and Foundry , Notice of Meeting of Board of EquaUzatlon. Notice is hereby given that the County Doard of Equalization for Un ion County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House at La Grande, Ore gon, on Monday, October 18th, 1909, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors in valuation, 1 description of qualities of land, lots, or other property, as assessed by the County Assessor, and it shall be the duty of all persons interested to ap pear at the time and place given. All persons having grievance? ' re garding the 1909 assessment may ap pear before such board and present theJr' affidavits . containing grounds of complaint All such affidavits must be presented during the first week ot lie meeting of the board. T. A. RINEHART. Assessor for Union County, Oregon. (9-25-10-18) t Kingsley & Coger I Shoes Repaired ! Two first class wotkmen. ; ; A .' work turned out with . dispatch and guaranteed.' ' . t THE OLD PRESTON STAND. O M. T. MAT0TT. 4 Planx Sidewalks Built and Repaired. Excavating and Filling. Phone , Black 1562. 4 . :..': . & J. A. OLITEB. & Gasoline wcod saw. , 0 Phone orders to Black 1851. Why Druggists' Recommend Cham berlaln's Colic, Cholera And . Diarrhoea Bemedy. Mr. Frank C Hanrahan, a prominent druggist ' of Portsmouth, Va., saya "For the past six years I have sold and recommended Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It la a great remedy and one ot the best patent medicines on the market ' I handle some others for the same pur poses that pay me a larger profit, but this remedy Is sure to effect a care,' and my customer so certain to ap preciate my recommending it to him, that I give It the preference.". For sf le by all good dealers. '" 1 v .. .... Heating Stoves, Stove Pipe, Dampers, Stove Fixtures, Etc. CARRIAGE and BUGGY HEATERS Coal for Carriage Heaters A Lot of Winter and Cold Weather Goods All of which are Worth Looking at ISLAND CITY " 0 M M "' r nnr ,;ariraa'riTi iiiiTr:";;'1 ; rt iiAiiii: vyrrure-iuraii Jsm CHEAPEST FUEL; ON?;THE MARKET J A Carload of the best Chain iWood delivered at J your homes for only $2.25 per cord, measured in the j car.. Order NOW, while the roads are good and the J prices low. -. ; V. R. BEAN PriONE RED 1741 NEW BOOKS':'1 Of FICTION. Many New Titles are in stock aslwell as all the old favorites : AT FERGUS . ; "Whese Nothing is Too Much Jnuble" 1