La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 02, 1909, Image 8

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n vv Mirers m
vr a
Wooltax Suits and Coats
Seigel Suits and Coats
It isn't tho amount of money spent on clothes W makes a woman look right It's the way the money
la spent
Buy a suit you know Is right. Right in style. Right in workmanship. Right in price.
The makers of our' suits are proud of their work. Each garment has the makers' name on it. '
We could make more profit on other lines. Now why do we carry these well known lines? '
Come and Let Us Explain
N. KL. W
Ifce'SUy Satisfactory' R&ng
rollhcd T.p.
Needs no stove blacking.
Duplex Draft.
The only common-sense draft
system In use.
Complete Asbestos Llulng.
A triple wall at every
exposed to heat.
Howard wood and cold grates will burn
either wood or coal
Have wood and coal grates and burn either wood or coal.
No one expects to buy strictly high grade goods at the price
of "cheap stuff," but some think that a high price guaran
tees high quality. Don't make this mistake in buying a range.
Many ranges of ordinary construction are priced high or even
higher than the Incomparable Monarch.
Find out what it Is made of and how built! You have a right
to know these things. Any man selling ranges who says,
"Our range is a fuelsaver a perfect baker," and stops htere,
casts a reflection on your intelligence. If these things are
true of any range, there is a reason for It a reason you can
see and understand a reason you have a right to know be
fore buying.
We can show in a Monarch range exactly why it does what
we claim. Come and see how the Maleab.e Iron and steel
plates are riveted solidly together, insuring a tight range for
unlimited time. Let us explain how tight, permanent seams
are possible only in ranges where Malleable iron is used. We
can show yon how tight, solid construction is necessary to
everything you want most in your new range prompt, sure
service loug life and fuel economy.
At 10 o'clock Monday morning the
i Oc tober term of circ uit court will
open and a grand Jury will be drawn.
On tbe law docket there are 63 cases
and on the equity docket about 50.
The criminal docket will not be made
jup until after the deliberations of
i the grand Jury have been completed.
The equity docket is as follows:
Equity Docket
Turner Oliver vs. J. C. Henry, et al.
Amy Wright vs. W. W. Wright.
Amanda Southwell vs. B. South
well. Hattie Clark vs. Church of Christ,
et al.
Jennie Corp vs. Sabrina Myrick, et
Central It. R. of Oregon vs. Thomas
Brasher, et al.
L. Brazllle vs. D. B. Conner .
Harry Brooks vs. Myrtle Brooks.
Rose Dearborne vs. John Dear
borne. O..P. Pratt and J. B. Wolfe vs. State
of Oregon? and J. P. Maxwell, Ernest
Wat'kms by C. E. Cochran, guardian,
ad litom vs. R. T .Oliver.
David Cherry vs. II. C. Tunnock, et
E. J. Yeck vs. Sarah L. Murphy.
C. E. Cochran vs. il. J. Lucas.
Grande Ronde Electric Co. vs.
Walter Neldner.
Mary Johnson vs. J. W. Johnson.
Hot Lake Sanatorium Co. vs. Wal
ter Neldner.
Flora Stoop vs. Henry Stoop.
T. M. Rankin, e tal vs. R. M. Ran
kin, et al.
American Nat. Bank of Pendleton,
vs. A. H. Sunderman.
Lee Wisdom vs. Anna Wisdom.
In Receivership of Farmers' and
Traders' bank.
Mary Noble vs. F. W. Uhland, et al.
Grande Ronde Electric Co. vs Rob
ert Deal.
Maud Gaddes vs. T. W. Gaddes.
A. O. Lun vs. M. M. Marshall, et
J. W. Hornbeck vs. Rose Hornheck.
J. F. Phy, trustee, vs. Bolton-Bod-mer
J. F. Phy, trustee, vs. Farmers' and
Traders Nat. bank. . ,
A. E. Eaton vs. P. G. Way.
Henry Ludlow vs. W. C. Hansen, et
J. L. Caviness vs. La Grande Irri
gation Co.
Anna Oliver vs. Fred Synhorst.
G. D. Simmons vs. Emma Simmons
Isabella Scherdlng vs. Wm. Schem
ing. In re-assignment of O. M. Ilea -nek.
Bank of Commerce vs. Charles Bur
tram. Maggie Meyers vs. Silas Meyers.
T. B. Monroe vs. R. F. Monroe
Almira E. Bull vs. Jefferson Bull.
ROME, Oct. 2. Twenty persons
were killed and a score injured when
a Milan express collided with a lo
cal train.
More suags in the way of refusals
of property owners along the line of
the proposed South ditch for the Ir
rigation project to, turn their land
over for rights of way at equitable
prices, last evening "bumped" speedy
for advertisements for bids for con
struction of the South ditch and lat
erals. The proposed meeting of land
owners with the directors took place
as scheduled, but only one or two
of the land owners in question came
to agreements with the directors. The
others are holding out for prices
which the directors will not pay,
deeming them inequitable, and as a
result it is more than likely that
condemnation proceedings will be in
stituted during the coming term of
the circuit court.
The directors had hoped to come
to amicable settlements with all the
mpn wbn rwn Inixl ".n!ir thC ditch
line and secure the necessary rights
of way, that bids might be advertised
for at once. Now the matter has been
delayed until next Tuesday at any
rate, when another meeting is to be
held. The directors are tenacious and
patient, however, and are worming
through and around every obstacle
that has yet presented Itself to speedy
commencement of work, and will of
course get around the present h -'
and obstructions. ,
i.encrai i:e..irrangemeut of p.
And Students as Well.
At a meeting of the school boj
of La Grande , held in the offiw J
Clerk Arthur C. Williams last evA
ing, Mrs. Calvin Thomason of tiiC
city, was elected to teach In the W V
street school building this year. l
extra teacher was found to be i t
necessity owing to the great increl
in the number of children in the norf
side schools. It was found after tlf
term opened that the lower grap
were crowded beyond the ability J
the regular teachers to manage. J
portion of three of the lower graft
v. m.. tv uo ciuaiier bulljitf
and placed under the charge of
new teacher. I
The same crowded condition of tlf
lower grades, especially the I
grade, was found to exist earlier
the year at the White school, k
this was adjusted by giving the teacl
ers in some of the higher grades i
portion of the flock of the fourt'
grade teacher. .
We Want Your Wants
Our Want Ad Column
Your want is placed before a thousand or more"wantseekers
every day Can you afford . to spend one cent per.word of your
want au where results are the keynotes?
. p
' If: :
Red 41.
-Well built barn. Phone
FOR RENT. Furnished room wl.u
all modern improvements. 8C4 Main
One 7 room modern house, 1 4 room
cottage, 1 4 room modern furnished,
also modern rooms for rent. Call
Mrs. Zuber.
FOR RENT Business room near wf .
trance to fair ground. Apply to -C
Jack Childs. (S-29-Gt)
t Jli KAJLK.
rOR SALE 4 lotg in Block 139, Id
Chaplin add; 3 blocks from round
house for further particualrs apply
to L. F. Dunn, City, or C. E. New
Bom 2415 First ave. Seattle Wash.
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Phone Red 811. (S-8-tf)
FOR SALE House and lot on Adams
avenue, extra well built, plastered
house, good basement, and wood
shed. Price right. Call Black 1941
or see D. C. Stevens at Henry &
Carr's store. (O-2-tf)
FOR SALE Fine kraut cabbage for
75 cents per hundred. Inquire of
John Steinbach at the fair exposi
tion grounds. (O-l-tf)
Elderly lady would care for mater
nity cases. Inquire 601 Adams, av
enue. (0-1-140
WANTED A position as a
keeper or taking care of an
Address "M" Observer. '
; (S-30-Ct.)
FOR SALE One ex-minister rug,
9 x 12; good condition, used short
time; cheap. Telephone to S. A.
Weagel, Red 1551. (S-29-14t)
WANTED A girl to do general
household work. Inquire of Mrs.
Fred Geibel. (S-29-tf)
Tears For Sale.
For Bartlett pears, phone
1S2. (S-27-3t)
For Sale.
House and eight lota In south La
Grande, city water and good well;
large bam and plenty of fruit Best
view of the valley.
Thos. 8. Harris, 1302 B street
FOR SALE One second hand auto
mobile, five passenger; price very
reasonable; phone 27A SummervHle
or Inquire Whiteman Garage. Will
trade for land or sell for cash.
FOR SALE Good 3 inch wagon with
Bet of springs. Very reasonable;
Call 1308 Jackson street. (S-27-10)
FOR SALE Set of 11-lnch cones for
power belt, Bhaft 1 1-4 Inches with
hangers. Brand new cost is $35;
will be sold at a bargain. Apply
at Observer office. (S-16-tf)
SALE One span
cheap. Inquire of M. A.
Old Town. (S-25-:
Second Hand Autos For Sale.
One Jour-cyclinder four-passeni
Franklin, $400; One two-cyclln(
roadster, three-passenger, $400; 0m
two-cyclinder, five-passenger Eee
$400; One two-cyclinder, flve-pasjin
ger Oldsmoblle, $425.00. Whltema
Garage, opposite foundry. 03-13-8-3
WANTED Success Magazine waul
an energetic and responsible maaK
woman in La Grande to collect for
renewals and solicit new subscrip
tions during full or spare time. Ex
perience unnecessary. Any one cu
start among friends and acquaintance!
and build np a paying and permanent
business without capital. Completi
outfit and instructions free. Addrea
"VON," Success Magazine, Room 101
Success Magazine Building, New Yorl
City, N. Y. - (S-21-3U)
Help Wanted.
Prune pickers and packers wanted
at once. Call at the Ramsey-Olden-berg
warehouse or phone Main H
For Sale or Trade.
12 head registered short horn cattl
for sale or will exchange for U
Grande city property. J. B. Reynold.
phone Black 602.
Jiotlce of Final Settlement.
Notice la h nmhv ortvAn In alt COD
1 ' 0"" v-
"urses cerned that Mary G. Hulse, exert-
FOR SALE-Six room house on
Adams avenue, with both hot and
com water; good lawn. Price
kou; size or two lota 60
Call at Bay and Zweifel,
x 114.
rvn. ml-a gooa Fischer piano
Phone Red 482 or address Mr. p!
C. Warren, 1705 First Btreet S-lOt)
ire insurance Co,, of N. Y. CarlockA& Gillam'
WH WerHWWmmHUtmu MtM1Mm ttfMr BCIU J
trlx of the last will of Marquis I
H'tlse, deceased, has filed in the Coun
ty Court of Union County, Oregon,
her final account In the admlnlstrf
tion of said estate and said court na
set Monday the 4t day of October.
A. D., 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., as tb
time for hearing said account and anj
objections thereto.
'.S-9-M3 :"--27-;0-4j Executrix.