t- "i.: mnrarc obbsbteb, la ceakde, Oregon. Thursday, September so, imp, nil ii V WMMUmm i S il S SJJJ 1 WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? I fTJ.7 si A i i ' ' , 1 "sLr ' ' 1 .' YET C. C. PENNINGTON & CO ESQ3E8I A 460 acre farm near the Cove, 200 acres of thi3 is IN CUL TIVATION, will produce 50 bushel of wheat to the acre, is ABSOLUTELY some of the best land in the Cove district 260 acres is hill land, fine pasture, a good portion of it is suit able for orchard land. The price is $25,000, we can give you good terms. We further invite you to investigate prices in j that district and compare with this, you will find at that figure, you are getting tho 2G0 of hill land as a premium. We have tracts smaller, in this vicinity, but space will not permit further Description. Call on us and see plats and get full description of above. VANDUYN REALTY No. 220 Depot Street Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl arrhoea Remedy Neier Known To FalL "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first Introduced to the public In 187 and have never found one in 0 0 EAGLE o 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 TOMATOES Imperial Brand jtfir ppp nnw 0 THEY ARE IN FINE SHAPE FORI 0 CANNING City Grocery and O & 0 E. POLACK. Pfon Bell Phone, Main 75 ADYAXTAGEOCS C055ECTI0XS WITH ED. T. TBICE A CO, OF OH CAGO EN ABLE CS TO OFFEB ONLY STRICTLY HIGH GRADE TAILOR ING AT A SAYING OF $10 TO $20 ON PRICES OKDIXARILY CHARGED. i WE Guarantee a Correct Fit PROPER STYLES, HONEST WORK MANSHIP AND ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. COME IN AND SE ETHE PRICE . WOOLENS FOR FALL AND WINTER ' ; 1 SELECT TOUR FAVORITE PAT TERN AND HAVE US TAKE YOUR , Af X J A J. CO stance where a cure was not speedily effected kr its use. I have been a com mercial traveler for eighteen yoars. and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Infi., Ter. For sale by all good dealers. &80$ 00 VALLY 0 0 0 til 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bakery, Indepsnthrit 241 SOLON Will SURELY CONE CHAMBERLAIN WHITES HIS AC CEPTANCE. Tuesday Ai'lcrnomt .Will . Jliiiure .on C li a in her Iain's Speech. United States Senator George E. Chamberlain gives positive assurance in a letter received by Publicity Man ager Fred B. Currey today, that he will be here Tuesday to deliver an address. While it was formerly un derstood, on good authority that he was to be here on that occasion, the exact promise from the solon was not received until today. The letter to Mr. Currey follows: My Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 20th instant, inviting me to be present at your exposition on the afternoon of the 5th, and to deliver an address on that occasion. I thank you very much tor the honor Implied by the Invita tion and unless something unforseen happens to prevent, it will afford me pleasure to be with you. I have the honor to remain. Yours ery sincerely GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. BREAKS WIRELESS RECORDS. The big Great Northern liner Min nesota has made what is considered one of the most remarkable wireless records in the history of this method of communication. Recently, while 700 miles off Cape Flattery on its way to the Orient, while talking with the Seattle station of the United Wire less Telegraph company, the Minne sota, heard the station at Shanghai calling. The spark from the Oriental plant came in so strong the operator could hear it better than the Seattle spark. The Minnesota was 4,600 miles from Shanghai, while this communi cation was in progress. Messages were exchanged freely and were dis tinctly heard by both operators. MAY PROVE FATAL. When Will La Grande People Learn The Importance of It! Backache is only a simple thing at first; . But when you know 'tis from the kidneys; That serious kidney troubles fol low; That diabetes, Bright's disease may be the fatal end, You will gladly profit by the follow ing experience. 'Tis the honest statement of a suf ferer who was cured. Mrs. W. M. Stoker of Union, Ore., says: "From my experience with Doan'a Kidney Pills I know they are a reliable remedy and one that will give releif to anyone suffering from kidney complaint. It have used htem on several occasions when having acute attacks of kidney trouble and they have always benefited me. I do not hresitate to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to other persons simil arly affected." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's nti take no other. Notice of Meeting of Board of Equalization. Notice Is hereby given that the County Board of Equalization for Un ion County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House at La Grande, Ore gon, on Monday, October ISth, 1909, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors in valuation, description of qualities of land, lots. or other property, as assessed by the County Assessor, and it shall be the duty of all persons Interested to ap pear at the time and place given. All persons having grievances re garding the 1909 assessment may ap pear before such board and present thefr affidavits containing Rrounda of complaint. All such affidavits must be presented during the first week of he meeting of the board. T. A. RINEHART. Assessor for X'nlon County, Oregon. (9-25-10-18) nr 1 111 1 i ii ki Axmiester Rug Sale Seventeen of the latest patterns received today Sizes 8 1-2 by lo 1-2 - - $23.5o Sizes 9 by 12 - - - $28.6o The Store that Saves You Money F. D. HAISTEN Phones 641 Home 421 sees YISITED PENDLETON. i'ci I lie .jui. iuijiuoc in iuhiug loin tors on Display. A. V. Andrews idilud Tendleton this week for the purpose of gaining a few pointers, if possible, regarding the best way to prepare an exhibit for the firm of Andrews & Berry, the tailors. Considerable interest Is be ing taken by many of our merchants in the preparation of their booths at tho coming exposition, all of which will add to the general beauty. IJISHOP O'REILLY RETURNING. The Bishop Will Reach Baker City To night After Ylsit to Rome. A telegram received by Rev. Father Kerr, assistant in charge of St. Francis parish of this city, from His Grace Rt. Rev. Bishop Charles J. O'Reilly announced the arrival of his lordsfiip in Chicago yesterday and notifying him of the latter's home-coming on Thursday evening on No. 9, says the Baker City Demo crat. Bishop O'Reilly is returning from a visit to the Holy See in Rome and a tour of a part of Europe, the last few weeks having been spent in Ire land. His safe return to the episco pal residence will be a matter of great pleasure to the people gen erally of the diocese and of the whole state. Tapers Wanted. The La Grande Evening Observer of the dates of Sept. 5, 13th and 19th. Those who may have them will con fer a favor for which we are willing to pay, by delivery of same to this office. Kingsley & Coger J f Shoes Repaired Two first class workmen. ,All work turned out with dispatch and guaranteed. THE OLD PRESTON STAND. M. T. MATOTT. j Plnk Sidewalks Built and A R?palred. Excavating and Q Filling. Phone Black 1562. A WYij Druggists Recommend Cham bcrlalu's Colic, Cholera And Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan, a prominent druggist of Portsmouth, Va., says: "For the past six years I have sold and recommended Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy; It is a great remedy and one of the best patent medicines on the market. I handle some others for the same pur poses that pay me a larger profit, but this remedy Is sure to effect a enre, and my customer so certain to ap preciate my recommending It to him, that I give It the preference." For sple by an good dealers. n N e w Stock New Heating Stoves, Stove Pipe, Dampers, Stove Fixtures, Etc. CARRIAGE and BUGGY HEATERS Coal for Carriage Heaters A Lot of Winter and Cold Weather Goods All of which are Worth Looking at ISLAND CITY DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month A RARE OPPORTUNITY CHEAPEST FUEL ON THE MARKET A Carload of the best Chain Wood delivered at your homes for onlv $2.25 tier cord. TYifiasnrArl in tTi I car.. Order NOW, while f prices low. I V. R. I PdOIME Rock Springs Place your orders for coal, future or Immediate delivery. If you will give the fuel problem a little constd eraUon, It will show yon that the early purchaser will save money. Take advantage of the storage rates. FEED New alfalfa hay now In. Both phonea Main f. Goods i the road3 are good and the BEAN ! RED 1741 Grande Ronde Cash Co ' : : M CO. 4 J "1