1 VOLUME VIII LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1009. NUMBER 291. fi mm AVtEK HUE FORMAL OPENING ONE WEEK FROM TOMGHT .' Kerr of 0. A. C. Guarantees His Pres ence Friday as Does Alderman of The U. of 0. This Insures Proni Inont Men Here Each Day of The ; - ' ' .1 Fair Exposition Building Being Hurried to Completion Meeting KING OF ENGINEERS HAULS TAFT TRAIN, 1 ! ) AGED THROTTLE MAX HAULS I TAFT SUCCESSFULLY. MINERS' STRIKE S SMI King of Bails Hauls Ills Third PresI dent From Ogden. jTHIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS SENT TO TAFT THIS MORNING. OGDEN, Utah, Sept. 27. Veteran of the rails and one 'of the most re- A UUigUL. Taft On His Way to Butte Meets Glad News From Senator Carter The markable engineers of the country. Miners wilt Beturn To Work This Iieninir Taft Is to be the Guest of One of the Hisr' Mines that Is In Tolred in The Strike Hurries to With one week left in which to prepare for the opening of the Union County Exposition, every effort la be ing put ' forth to make that event memorable. The formal opening will take: place .next Monday evening at 7:30. Hon. Walter Tierce will de liver the opening address and will be answered by Han. Dunham Wright of the Cove, and by T. A. Rinehart of Elgin. Union will also have a rep resentative on that evening. That President Kerr of the O. A. C. and Prof. Alderman of the University are to represent their respective in stitutions at the Union County Expo sition on Educational Day on Friday, was the news received by Fred B. Currey In telegrams this morning. This assured some of the most prom inent men in Oregon for each of the days of next week. On the exposition grounds this morning a force of eighteen carpen ters are at work under the supervi sion of Foreman Stelnbach. To act upon some important mat ters of business connected with next week , the board of directors of the exposition will meet in the Commer cial club rooms this evening. is Charlie Paul, who was at the throttle of Taft's special train from Ogden to Pocatello, Idaho. Paul has j been an engineer for 35 years and never experienced a wreck. He pass- ed unsthl thrnueh hnldnvm. wnah-' outs and landslides, and was at the throttle when Presidents McKlnley j and Roosevelt took their western . trips. The only injury sustained was last summer when on a leave of ab sence, he fell from a chicken coop and broke his arm. SOME LONG DRIYIXG. PEARY HOLDS COOK AT M KErTSES STO LET HIS SKIP , CARRY DR .COOK'S DATA. .'Ul.4.1. VA IMt tlltUiUllllUl M ill Require at Least One Year More Of Time For Dr. Cook to Substan tlate His Claim About The - Xorth Vole Discovery Peary Preparing To Launch Charges Against Conk Roosevelt Under Strict Orders nut vau tl UilUt')i B!TI1E1L0R VISITS thf r.iinni fwrt TEAR OUT WALLS OF A BANK AT! I 1 1 U III I U U LU 1 1 LU , RUNNELS, IOWA. j : ; ' ! INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WIS-' , Citizens lime Formed lirele About j CONSIN f AXD MISSOURI SHAKE!! The Refugees From Justice. j. . ' i By Robert II. Hazard, Staff Cor respondent ofilie United "Press wth President Taft.) ' " i ANACONDA, Mon. Sept. 27. "The ' strike is over," .announced Senator I Carter today as he boarded President j Taft's special train at Silver Bow I Junction, and his vords brought, a ac- RUNNELS, Iowai Sept." 27. Three robbers who attempted to loot the i Farmers' & Savings bank here, is sur-! rounded by a posse near Cordova. A j score of shotB have been exchanged. As soon as, the officers arrive, an at- tempt will be made to capture them. The robbers . dynamited the vault ; nnl bttw out thn ld of th hiilMlner. thereby awakening the town. Later they dynamited a safe at Adelphl, and ! , Little Damage Done Except to Chin neys, Plate Glass And Dishes Quake Lasted About 13 Seconds Generally, With East And West Di rection Missouri Feels The Burden of The Shock HeaTily Heaviest in feeling of relief to all who are company ing the president. Big Trip Taken Yesterday When Tar ty Goes to Lake And Falls. j According to the information that L.'C. Smith, driving D..H. Steward's was given out by Senator Carter the Ford, yesterday established a fast .njnes which have. been closed down running time, when he with "Doc" Phy and Mr. Alton and another gentleman from Hot Lake, drove from La Grande to the fish hatchery cn the Wallowa river, on to the lake at Joseph, by the lake to the falls at the head of the body of water, back to Hot Lake and then to La Grande ngaln. In contrast to the day of the stage, not so long since, this is a fine achievement. The distance covered was 204 miles, with frequent stops at points along the route. Fair at Lewiston. Birth Record. The stork last night visited the homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sheets ; and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Stewart, and ! at each home left a charming baby I lumber and horse racing are the fea girl. itures. It continues for the week. LEWISTON, Sept 27. The city is crowded with people this morning for the opening of the tenth annual fair of Lewiston-Clarkston Fair associa tion. A parade of Nez Perce Indians, exhibits of grains, fruit, stock, mines, since last Friday, will resume opera tions tonight. P.ut for the fact that the city of Butte is holding a holiday in special honor of the visit of the president, the miners would have gone back to work today. Senator Carter did not give any of the details of the settlement of the strike with the engineers. Upon his learning of the end of the walk out, Taft left his train here and visited the great Washoe ' smelter which is one of the many involved in the re cent trouble with the miners. An auto ride about the city followed and the short Journey from heie to Eutte awhile at 1200 foot level, and watched was then resumed. Taft Falls Far. . BUTTE, Mont., Sept. 21. Taft dropped a quarter of a mile into the earth today, but the fall wa3 painless, lie descended a shaft in la? Lsonard Cr.pper mine, 1800 feet H-3 stnyed V 0U WANT A SUIT li HERE YOC CAN TIXG GARMENTS NOT OXLY COR RECT IX EYERY FASHIOX DETAIL BUT FAULTLESS MAX SHIP AND THAT IS BECAUSE BUILT BY THE BEST MAKERS IX AMERICA. COME EAR LY WHILE THE COMPLETE. VALUES $10, $15, 18, $20 AXD $25.00. . OVER COAT MAGNIFICENT OVERCOATS A BIG WORD BIT y)T 1UU HIU IU YOU OF OCR LIXE, SIZE OR STYLE THAT YOU MAY j WANT WILL BE , FOUXD HERE. , , PRICES IS.00, $10.00, $15.00 AXD IT. f TLSTERS ! Ci-'iuD UJ YOU WAXT A GOOD STYLISH COAT FOR THE RAINY - SEAS0X. ., V II AYE THEM AT PRICES THAT ARE , j IN REACH OF EVERYONE. 1'RICffS, 110.00, $li.0, $13.50, $15.00 to $22.50. ROYAL TAILORS i - . WE ARE AGEXTS FOR THE ABOYE WORLD WIDE, MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING. ' ' ' 1 i ne , -- , 'I ' mi; ifer ? BE SURE OF GET- 'I 1 I I v I IX WORKMAN. r II U PERFECT IN FIT. J J- , ' THEY ABE K J' . ;j .,'.- clothes ill L-V' ASSORTMENT IS M "1 i I :f i 1 I "i V1 i- - any shape, rry i - -hi : . ' Ti yt i" y'rrJr, WE ... 'y Sv II i t V? v v i . t - i - f ' ' ' , 1 d il . BRANBtOtt NNCAIO StCft KP" NEW YORK,- Sept. 27. By Com mander Peary's refusal to allow Har ry Whitney, the game hunter, to brinp back Cook's data and instruments on the Roosevelt, Cook will be delayed one year in proving his discovery of the North Pole. This Is the assertion, tha tis being made by prominent scl-; eutists who declare that It will be necessary for Cook to produce his instruments in order to substantiate his claim. Cook declares that two of the Eskimos who accompanied him in his dash for the pole are coming to tha United States and will bring his instruments and other effects. Sci entists are skeptical about his Bhip reaching here before another Arctic winter sets In. Cook announced today that the in struments and things that Whitney was forced to leave were a sextant, a horizon finder and a flag which flew at the pole. He also said the stuff cached at Etah was unneces sary to prove his claim, but he wan ted it back to quiet all critics. The instruments are packed in water proof, and won't be damaged. A message was received from Whit ney, aboard the tender "Jeanie", at Battle Harbor, follows: "I started for his home on the Roosevelt. Peary would allow noth ing belonging to you on board. He said to leave everything in cache at Etah. I met Captain Bartlett of the Jeanie at North Star. I didn't go back after going aboard the schoon er. Going to St. Jonns, ana tnen taice steamer home. I hope you're well See you soon, and explain all. Good shooting, Whitney." Peary Boasting Again. SOUTH HARPS WELL, Maine, Sept 27. Stirred to action by the approach of Harry Whitney to civilization, Commander Peary started to Bar Harbor this morning to consult with General Hubbard, President of the Peary Arctic club concerning the ad visability ot immediately launching charges against Cook. Peary said: "Roosevelt sailed from Eagle Island for New York last night. When the vessel passes Sandy Hook, I shall be on the bridge, and when it docks I'll tell the people that a man who found the North JPole is standing on the bridge of the Roosevelt" T secured 10-00:" V INDIANAPOLIS. . Sept 27.-Aa . J earthquake which was generally felt thorughout the middle west visited Indiana this morning. It toppled the cbimney'B from the buildings in th city of Covlngrbn and other cities" of the state and did considerable other damage, such as breaking plate glaea, cracking walls, etc. Felt at Madison. MADISON, Wis, Sept. 27. An earth quake of moderate intensity was felt in this city this morning, at 3:50. The ' ' ; j quake lasted for three minutes but 4 ' THE XEW RATES. no material damage was done. Hi LOCAL BATES' From La Grande to new rate old rate City .95 . .45 . .40 ..2.73 ..1.35 . . .40 . .40 ..2.85 ..i.00 .40 ..1.15 1.00 A .50 .50 2.7 1.50 .50 ..50 3.50 l.oo .50 1.25 Baker Elgin Hilgard .... . . Hood River .... Huntington .. . Imbler Kamela Portland Wallowa points Union Pendleton .. . Liberal reductions on express ship ments of regular and special classes go Into effect October first on ship ments in Oregon, according to a new tariff sheet now in the hands of Ex press Agent Hlbberd. The reduction is marked on all classes. It is especi ally true on the Portland tariff which is reduced to $2.85 from its former mark of $3.50. The table above ap plies to hundred pound shipments In the state, and will make material difference in cost of transportation. Naturally enough, the business done out of all Oregon offices will increase as the rates In some Instances our now almost prohibitive. These, rates have been anticipated for some time and La Grande ship pers will greet' them with pleasure. The special rate are also reduced at a rate similar to the general classification given In the table above.. 1 Enterprise nas Town Team. Enterprise is to have a town foot ball team, according to Attorney Con over, who is In the city taking part in the land contest case. A meeting was held a few days ago at which time suits and a ball 'were ordered.: A meeting Is to be called next Saturday to elect a captain and manager 'and to formally launch the season's prac tice. ( , r , . i i Judging from the fight put up by Enterprise In baseball, there are athletes of ability there. Prospects are for a football team of still higher rank. Conover, the giant twirl-"- during the baseball season will . a tower of strength' In a foot'! line. Yiolent In Missouri. ST. LOUIS, Sept 27. Two distinct shocks ot earthquake were felt la this city and throughout the state at an early hour this morning. Buildings rocked violently, dishes were thrown down and broken, chimneys toppeled to the pavements and large plate glass windows In the mercantile houses were thrown to the sidewalks apd demolished. The people of the cit tfere terror stricken for a tlme' as the shocks were exceedingly vio lent, but of short duration. Light in Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, Sept 27. Three distinct earthquake shocks were ex perienced here at an early hour, this morning but outside of toppled chim neys and broken dishes no great damage was done. Felt in Kentucky. . HENDERSON, Ky. Sept 27. An earthquake was experienced here at 4:15 this morning. The vibrations were from east to west No material harm was done. VANDALIA, Ills. Sept' 27. All earthquake shock aroused the city at 3:45 this morning. It lasted for thir teen seconds. The seismic wave was accompanied by subtereanian rumb lings, sounding like distant thunder, and severely frightened the inhabi tants of the city. No particular, dam age has been reported. TAXES DELINQUENT SOON. AT ISLAND CITY Monday October Fourth Is The Last Day For Taxes Delinquent Then. October 4 will be the last day for the payment of the second install ment of taxes, and all taxes unpaid by that date will become delinquent. 1 Thnm nl.rt nnlil nnlv hn'f their taxes 1 . 1 1 ' ' i ' J ... . . " ) I. . v. v...,, ' last spring will do wtll to keep Oc- , , J tober In mind and pay at an." fme on i or before that day. GONE TWO NIGHTS AND PAREXTSi After October 4 certificates of de- j linquency will be issued to anyone MUCH ALARMED. j who pays taxes on property that hs ' ; jbeen neglected or overlooked by the owner. This certificate bears inter est at 15 per cent until redeemed 1 within three years the holder of the certificate becomes entltlad to a i deed . ' , ' 1 Possible That he U With Neighbors, But Not Probable. ! i i t tho electric drills ct.tl:i ore ut copper He addressed a huge crowd at the court house square later. He left for Helena at 12:415. While here the president was given a full slxe fnlf stick made of copper, silver and gold, presented by the mayor. '. . . - II Mil.. .1 Vt,. An eight year old son of Mr. and their hopes on tne possiomiy in n Mrs. Adam Beck of Island City, has ! being at a distant neighbor now, the open ::.";' -vlr. missing, since Sat-, general Impression is that something imi.iy afternoon at 4 o'clock, and , serious has occurred. M t'j?. goes though the parents and frienda have ion today', the pnrents become more searched diligently tor' him, no trace and moro nlarmed. for they begin to t an be found.' This aftoruoon the lo- j disbelieve the theory that he Is with cal police was put on the search.1 friends. - Faint hopes still pulsate through j At the time of his departure tho boy the parentlal veins, for in times past i was hailess and attired in overalls the lad wondered away to neighbors, ' and a blue "Jumper." and remained absent one night, at a j While talk of possibility ot drown time, Invariably returning the next i ing or kldnarplng Is rife, this theory dny. This Is the first time that ha la given tittle credence by the police, has been gone two nights In succos-jor by the parents either, for that bIob, and though they are building matter.