ZYXmG 0B3SE1TES, LA CLRAXDE, QKEGOS. SAITRPAY, SEPTEMBER fi, 1909. Dnaaaanannnaanaannnaan ISM f BOH 1 i AWi&innw a a c Q C E C fS3 B e E B C ES D D a FSB on n WANTED? To Buy Some Good Second Hand Cook Stoves. I have a number of splended bar gains in second hand heating stoves. Many other lines in which you will findspecial prices. Hi . . i runcturmg a glass rront In tha ! Councilman W. M. Monroe's store 23 ! building In South La Grande, last night, what la believed to be local thieves stole a few minor article mostly foodstuffs such as oranges, lemons and the like. No serious loss was sustained. Mr. Monroe is of the opinion today that the thieves did not enter the building, but simply took all within reach of them from the side walk . Several petty thefts have been re ported to the police of late from that section of the city. One man !s BaH to have fired at robbers in his hen roost recently. a Q MEN & TEAMS WANTED On September 27th, the Sugar factory will commence digging beets. Quite a number of teams will be needed. Apply to Sam uel Story. Home Ind. phone 15S near Island City. FOR SALE One span of horses cheap.' Inquire of M. A. Tompkins, Old Town. (S-25-3t) CI.IWMI i ' . ADAMS AVENUE, PHONE 1521 l SMILWAUKEE1 4 PROFESSIONAL DIBECTOBT. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. I A PICKLER. Civil, Mining, "ligation Engineering . an ;rveying. Estimates, pian and specifications. Office In P 3dkamp Building. La Grande, Oregon. The special Shriners train passed through the city last evening from Baker City en route to Portland. Many of the La Grande visitors returned with It. Look After Toar Health Sow. People who. during the winter months, usually suffer a number of attacks of "Colds" would do well to go now to an osteopath for examina tion and treatment The predisposing cause of these attacks which are simply congestions of the circulation in the mucous membranes is usually contracted muscles or subluxated bones which interfere with the ven ous blood now. me same applies, 000000000000 O 0 0O0OO00OO0OO0 000 0 EiA -LWIE C ,0,- - , - -a . . . 0 VIA VI. iShoes that Fit Shoes that Wear 9 a Footwea ris our exclusive business. All of our en- c 0ercies and vears of experience is centered, in this one C, Olino Wo ui'o nnf onticfipil cinrnW tn tyisiVa' n finlA Wp O want to fit your feet. You want your children's feet properly fitted. Many a boy and girl has lagged be- hind in their studies, if the truth were known, sim- Zi 1 1 il A. 1 .Oil. - J A Al- -M 0 piy Decause meir ieei were not property uiteu at uie i O befrinning of the school year. It costs you no more to 0 10 secure the special attention we bestow than it does O in great measure, to la grippe, bron-; i0 elsewhere, in fact, buvinc as we do direct from the H chitis and pneumonai. Those who j j. mamifacturei,S, We Can Save YOU money, thus take time bv the fcriock will V not only be less likely to suffer from j j Ilia !nmonfa mcntvi'icil hit triPir.l" general health wl Ube greatly proved. READYFOR FALL OUTFITTING? ASH BROTHERS THE HOUSE OF GOOD CLOTHES MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1976. NIYSICIAXS. DE. G. W. ZOOIEILMAX. Osteopathic rbyslclan. CfQce Sommer Bldg. Office 'phone, Main 63; Residence 'phone. Black 591. Successor to Dr. Moore, J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. ; Office in New Bank Building Rooms 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 79. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 55. N. MOLITOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave and Depot st. Office Main 68. Residence Main 69 THE GEORGE PALMER MBIR CO RETAIL DEPARTMENT VVc Solicit Your Orders for SHINGLES RUBBEROID ROOFING DEADENiNG FELT BUILDING PAPER We are prepared to furnlsnand delirer material promptly. Phone Main 8. BACON & HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. Office in La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. S. T. "Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 52. Just ono point more in regard to j "colds." It is very usually the .-ase . 'that the chief manifestation of the i trouble is at some point where the j sufferer's pover of resistance is be- i ; low th enormal and in these cases j the Osteopath frequently finds pro-j nounced bony "lesions' that have : rendered the tissues at this point: jmore susceptible to disease. In other ' ! words, there has existed a per-dis-1 i position to the trouble. Such "les-; Ions," or misadjustments, are cor-; ; rectc-d during the course of treatment, j with the result that the patient is not ; nearly so likely to again become a ; I sufferer fro inthe same cause. ! Moreover, there is no doubt at all ; ' that, it treatment is begun early, the ; ; possibility of the ratient contracting pneumoufa, or if the "cold" develop ing into some other serioua disease, may be completely forestalled Os-; j teopalhic Health. j " ERLA CARLO tK. ; Teacher of Tlnno. Pupil of Pierre Douilet of the San ' Jose Conservatory. I ' For children the Burrows course of ; ; music study and musical kindergar-1 ten. Studio in the Mahaffey BUlg. IZiJUWii III & GREEN o FAT FOLKS 0E DOLLAR Invested In a bottl of fnost won Uerfu!, fcarir.l.- at-reduc!ng tabtett and in JO days you j a not Rial, . ei!-formei3 prison again. Don't carrj around your ugly buik, your ungainly K'jperiluotu ioh. It makes you mis. erablc ridiculous and a hat Is mure iin portant. it Si ojects you to fatal cons. Quencfti, sudden death f'om Jatly d generation, heart aiseaje. kidney trou ble, apoplexy and musoular rheumatl m all come from OVER-FATNESSk an I ivom i C. H. UPTON, PH. O. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Office in La Grande National Bank Building. Phones: Office, Main 2; Residence, Main 32. ARCHITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural gineering. Twenty Years Experience. ' '111' 1 ! 'I 2 HI J . .. . . 7 ", A ii 1 M. 1 mmmm mm m&m En- YETERINARY SUEGEOXS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence Phone Red 701. Office Phone Black 13 1. Independent Phone 63. Both phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery of all kinds. Country calls promptly answered. Office, 14 Adams avenue. Phones: Pacific, Black 1901. Independent. 373. DENTISTS. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. iRoom 23. La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 1991. TEACHERS OF MUSIC ROBERT MILLER. Architect. Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phoaet Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. 8. ATTORNEYS. C. H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the courts of the Btata and United States, Office In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. Chas. C Cochran Geo T. Cochras COCHRAN t COCHRAN. Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande T9t0 hTThTliotd. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the Courts of the EtaU and United States. Elgin .jsjuhs "tolliam mT ramsey! Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms 15 and 16 Sommer Block. La Grande, Oregon. Thousands' of Testimonitils from Grate ful People Prove This YOUR MONEY BACKIrllTIf AILS ANTI-CORPO la absolutely the g reatect discovery la medicine jor ducing fat. It is made In the form ;2 a little tablet out of Vegetable mat ter and is easy and pleasant to take. It is endoraeC by every reputable phy sician and College of Medicine. Ask our doctor. ANTI-OORPU Is absolutely harmless. The formula used In making preparation U on file In the Bureau of Chemistry In Washington. whK , ; proof that It Is PURE and HARMLESS. ; ANTI-CORPU reduces FAT I to 5 pound a week. It reduces double chin, fat hips and flabby cheeks. No wrinkles result fiom this reduction, o- It makes the skin close-fitting and smooth. ANTI-CORPU strengthens weak heart, cures palpitations, ahort breatk, and acts like magic In muscular rheumatism and gout PRICE $1.00 jv bottle. MOney back If It don't do all e claim. Xt your druggist does not keep It, show him this edvertlsement and make hits get it for you, or yo t cau send for It DIRECT to us. Wo pay postage snfi end In plain wrapper. SO DATS TREATMENT IN EVERY BOTOTJE. - T7""I w will send you asample cf this wondeifu. fat-reducing C Mj EZ E remedy on receipt of ten cents to pay for postage and I w packing. The eampl Itself may be sufficient to reduos th I P m k k aeslred veigbt. Mention this paper. Desk 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO. WESTI23tli STREET NEW RKY0..N Y