3S2LJITEB, LA CRUDE, 0BE60X. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1909. X CHURCHES. Seventh Day Adventlsts. Sabbath school every Saturday at 11 WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? I M 4 1 1 1 1 ADVANTAGEOUS COSSECTIOXS WITH ED. T. TRICE & CO, OF CHI CAGO ENABLE CS TO OFFER OSLY STKICTLY HIGH GRADE TAILOR 1NG AT A SAVING OF $10 TO $20 OX TRICES ORDINARILY CHARGED. YET 1TE Guarantee a Correct Fit PROPER STYLES, HOXEST WORK MANSHIP AND ABSOLUTE SATIS FACTION. COME IN AND SE ETHE TRICE WOOLENS FOR FALL AND WINTER SELECT YOUR FAYORITE TAT- a. m. services imiswiug, ocijh welcone. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. 16th Sunday After Trinity. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. rn. Beginning the first Sunday in Oc tober, the evening service will be at 5 instead of 8. UPTON H. GIBBS, Rector. Cental Church. Bible school at 9:45; Junior at 4, Christian Endeavor at 6:30; church at 11 and 7:30. O. C. Fleshman, super intendent of Bible school, Mrs. Ellis superintendent of Junior. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. All are welcome to these services, church building on the corner of Washing ton and Depot street. F. A. ELLIS, Minister. Axminster Rug Sale Seventeen of the latest patterns received today Sizes 8 1-2 by lo 1-2 - - $23.5o Sizes 9 by 12 - - - $28.oo The Store that Saves You Money F.D.HAISTEN' Phones 641 Home 421 S33EJ3E3E2E Itny A1 HAVE US TAKE YOUR MEASURE, TODAY. PENNINGTON & CO LOOKING FOR AN Investment? First Presbyterian Church. Washington avenue and Sixth St Rev. S. W. Seeman, D. D. minister. Morning subject: "A Spiritual Revi val. Solo, Mrs. A. L. Richardson. Even lng subject: "Why Men Leave the Ministry," Duet, Mrs. O .E. Silver thorn and Mrs. C. E. Cochran. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m., Mrs. W. L. Bren holts, supertendent. Rally Day, special program. C. E. Service, 6:20 p. m. Miss Jeanette Smith. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p .m. A.th KnoHnl round trii) rate is au- W tljorized to Portland and return. Fare from La Grande $12.15. Date of sale September 22nd. Final limit Sei.'em ber 27 t.h . (S-21-3t) Sixty tons of timothy hay were bought by the Athena mills at $17 per ton, the top price yet reached this season. ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE LA GRANDE 8 acres Just outside of tha city with 6 room house, barn, windmill, chicken houses for 600 chickens, 5 acres of alfalfa, a good family orchard, black berries, currents and goose berries. Price $3,000. This is 9 aacrafice sale on account of sick ness. COTE Ten acres of fine orchard land onemile from Cove school has small house, barn, 8 acres in fruit, 4acres in grain, well fenced, 2 wells, water for irri gating 5 acres. Price $1,500. It's a bargain and we can glva you the right kind of terms. Methodist Episcopal Church. Corner M and 4th streets. II. E. McLeod. Ph. D. Pastor, Miss Edna Breckenbrldge, Deaconess. Sunday school, 9:45, Superintendent G. H. Currey; morning service 11, subject: "The Compensation of Sacrifice." Spe cial music and anthem. Class meeting 12:05. Epworth League 6:30, "Faith Paralyized by Fear," Leader, Ellen Stephens. Evening service 7:30, sub- tpr t : "Brinsr Forth the Fruits." Prayer meeting each Thursday evening at 7-?.o The miblic is invited to all these services. VANDUYN REALTY No. 220 Depot Street CO. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoca Remedy Never Known To Fall. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first Introduced to the publlo in 1872 and have never found one in stance where a cure was not speedily effected kr its use. I have been a com mercial traveler for eighteen yjars, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. Nichols of Oakland, Infi., Ter. For sale by all good dealers. FIRST BAPTISST CHURCH. Corner Sixth & Spring St. W. 11. Gibson, Pastor. 9:45, Sunday school, Dr. J. E. StSe venson. Suenrintendent; 11, morning worship, sermon, "The Gospel Inter preted." The annual offering for Bap tist work in Oregon wil lbe gathered R.in vmmer neonle's study hour, Aliens or Americans", Miss Bunnell leader. 7:30, evening worsnip, ser- invitation is extended to all. Wednesday afternoon the Mission ary society meet3 in the pastor's home on East Adams avenue. Thursday, monthly covenant and business session, when the Rev. Frank E. Gray, the newly chosen pastor, will be present. 3 o EAGLE VALLY ATOES Imperial Brand TOM a Kinqsley & Coger Shoes Repaired Two first class workmen. Ml work turned out with dispatch and guaranteed. THE OLD PRESTON STAND. '& Fruit For Sale. Columbia plums for preserves and Jelly. Phone Red 1061. (S-23-2t) About 90 head of sheep branded star on the right shoulder have been ta ken up September 15, on Whiskv Creek, seven miles west of La Grande by the Scholstrom brothers. Owner? must pay all charges. PAn-RD SCHOLSTROM. (3 -22-) EI STIUNGHAM, AUCTIONEER. ale cried on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. No etra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON no te No. 2 "Phone No. 19xS THEY ARE IN FINE SHAPE FOR 5 CANNING City Grocery and E. POIACK Bakery, Special Portland Rate. Account Portland Fair and Live Stork association, September 20th to Wafer Melons New California stock Just arrived. Ice Cream Parlors My parlors are the cosiest and most comfortable In the city, electric fans, the best of service and the variety of, and quality of my flavors are unsurpassed. Fine Candies Made Fresh every day. . D. SELDER JUST ARRIVED Another Car Load of StudebakerVchiclcs The Best on Earth Buggies, Surries, Carriages, and M.T.MAT0TT. Plunk Sidewalks Built and Repaired. Excavating and Filling. Phone Black 1562. 4 t A Bell Phone, NUin 75 Prop' 241 FXGIX, OKEGON, Where ioi-tl business men are 4 co-operating and buying stump lands preparatory to setting commercial orchards, wor par- tlcilarj regarding good orchard land At very low prices call or wrlto The 8LOUOH INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Investments, Loans nd Conectlons. Road Wagons In order to MGVE these goods QUICK our PRICFS will be made FAVO RABLE to the PURCHASER. If interested call and get prices. ISLAND CITY DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month A RARE OPPORTUNITY CHEAPEST FUEL ON THE MARKET A Carload of the best Chain Wood delivered at your homes for only $2.25 per cord, measured in the car.. Order NOW, while the road3 are good and the prices low. V. R. BEAN PilONE RED 1741 i i i Why Drntrclsts Recommend Cham berlain's folic, Cholera And Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank C. llanrahan, a prominent druggist of Portsmouth, Va., says "For the past six years I have Bold and recommended Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is a great remedy and one of the best patent tuedlrlnes on the market. I handle some others for the same pur poses that pay me a larger profit, but this remedy Is sure to effect a cure, and my customer so certain to ap preciate my recommending it to him, that I give It the preference." For aele by a';l good dealers. Rock Springs Place your orders for coal, future or immediate delivery. It you will give the fuel problem a little constd eration, It will show yon that the early purchaser wlH save money. Take advantage ef the storage rates. FEED New alfalfa hay now In. Both phones Main . Grande Ronde Cash Co : : oooooo $$&$