- Lt'HJlJ tZSJEXTTX LA 6HAXDE, OKGOJr. THURSDAY. SErTEXBEB tt, Hi - 1 '.--Jill i WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? i "',". ADYA5TAGEOCS C0X3TECTI059 WITH ED. T. PBICE CO, OF CHI CAGO ENABLE US TO OFFED 05LT STRICTLY HIGH GRADE TAILOR ING AT A SATING OF $10 TO $20 OX PRICES ORDINARILY CHARGED. YET WE Guarantee a Correct Fit PROPER STYLES, UOXEST WORK-' MAXSUIP AM) ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. COME IN AND SE ETIIE PRICE WOOLENS FOR FALL AND WINTER SELECT YOCR FAVORITE FAT- TER ADt 1IAVE rs TAKE T0CK MEASURE, TODAY. C. C. PENNINGTON & CO LOOKING FOR AN Investment? ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE LA GRANDE 8 acres Just outside of the city with 6 room house, barn, windmill, chicken houses for COO chickens, 5 acres of alfalfa, a good family orchard, black berries, currents and goose berries. Price $3,000. This Is a sacraflco sale on account of sick neas, COYE Ten acres of fine orcnsrd land onemlle from Cove school has small house, barn, b acree Id fruit, 4acres in grain, well fencad, 2 wells, water for Irri gating 6 acres. Price $1,500. It's a bargain and we can glvj you the right kind of terms. VANDUYN REALTY CO. No. 220 Depot Street Chamberlain's Colic, Chotera and Di arrhoea Remedy Never Known To FalL "I have osed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since It was flret introduced to the public In 1872 and have never found one In stance where a cure was not speedily effected t- its use. I have been a com mercial traveler for eighteen yjars. and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. C. Nichols of Oakland, Ind., Ter. For sale ly all good dealers. V.? S EAGLE VALLY TOMATOES Imperial Brand o Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 8 THEY ARE IN FINE SHAPE FOR I 1 CANNING I City Grocery and Bakery, g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a mr dei oai U nil U , M M fV fl 1111 11 A 0 WW II kaf II i Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. POLACK, Prop Bell Phone, Miin 75 Independent 241 Local Minister Kill DIseass Beeest Periodical Story oa Churches. One of the most Interesting ser mon in store for the people of the city In the near future will be one of the ministry by the Rev .Dr. See man n of the Presbyterian church. The discourse will be In answer to an article appearing In the "Woman's Home Companian." The article was headed, "Why I Left the Ministry" and told of Insin cerity financially. Intellectually, and socially being forced upon him by the established ideas of the people regarding the church and religion. Considerable Interest has been taken in the story of the young retired clergyman. For this reason Dr. Seemann has decided to answer some of the thoughts expressed In t"he article The subject wil be handled one week from next Sunday evening. W .C. T. U .Elects. At the county convention of the W. C. T. U., which was held at Union. September 13, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Hattle Wolfe, Un ion . Vice President, Mrs .Gram mA! ister, La Grande. Coresponding secretary, Mrs. Hat tie Clark,. Union. Recording secretary to be supplied. Treasury, Mrs. Olive Bolton, La Grande. Supt of S. S. work, Mrs. Para Thornton, La Grande. Supt of Evangelistic work, Mrs. Kate Mathews, La Grande. Supt, proportionate and systematic giving, Mrs. Ida J. Morton, Cove. Supt, Penal and reformatory, Mrs. Gillilan, La Grande. Supt of mother meetings and white ribbon recruits, Mrs. Grace McAlIs ter, La Grande. Supt, Social and Red letter days, Mrs. Oilive Bolton, La Grande. Leglsflation and law enforcement, Mrs. Hattie Clark, Union. Supt, Anti-narcotics, Mrs. Kate Cameron, Union. Supt, Purity in literature and art, Mrs. Lizzie Willis. Elgin. . Supt Medal contest, Mrs. Hattie Wolf, Union. Supt, Christian citizenship, Mrs. M. R. Stephenson, La Grande. Supt, Franchise, Mrs Mollie Thorn son, Union. The state convention to lie held at Hood River, October 5th to 8th, Is to be known as "The Apple Convention" and hand painted Imdges of the red apple on white satin, are being pre pared by the Commercial club of Hood RIcver. Hood River. In addition ot the progress of tem perance work, a demonstration of the principal industries of her coun ty. The president of Union county not being able to attend, Mrs. Grace Mc Alister was chosen to take her place, and Mrs. A. F. Magee was elected delegate at large to represent the counyt. Mrs. A .T. Magee, Mrs. Grace Mc Alister, are delegates to the county convention. . Increase Redster Fee . That it will cost two cents more to register a letter after November first, than before la the announce ment being sent out by the post office department. Instead of eight cents the fee will be raised to ten cent3. Beginning with the same daet. the United States will assume a maxi mum liability for registered matter of $50, instead ot $23. Announcement had been made earlier of the rropos ed change, but the first official v'l flcation has Just been received. The change will Involve no addi tional work in the ofllce, except to explain to patrons who have not yet been acquainted with registry rates proposed. Special Portland Rate. Account Portland Fair and Live Stock association, September 20th to Room Size Tapestry 9X12 Special Price $11.00 Net This Week F. D. HAISTEN Phones 641 Home 421 4...4.4.4.. 4 ELGIN. OHKGON, Where iocl business men are 4 co-operating" and buying stump lands preparator" to setting commercial orchards. For par- tlcnlars regardln? good orchard 4 lands it very low price call or wrlto Tha 4 8 LOUGH INVESTMENT CO. 4 Real Eiitate, lavestztenta, Loans 4 and Collectlona. 2F.th Snooty rcui trip iato lo au thorized to Portland and return. Fare from La Grande $12.15. Date of sale September 22nd. Final limit Sei.'em ber 27 t.h (S-21-3t) Sixty tons of timothy hay were bought by the Athena mills at $17 per ton, the top price yet reached this season. I. A. M, J. A A A A A A A A Kingsley & Coger Shoes Repaired 7Vo first class workmen. All work turned out with dispatch and guaranteed. t t THE OLD PRESTON STAND. - a A a a -a. a .a a. .a. a J. a A j. j. - 1 TTT TVlw TttTTTtTTTTTTtt Water Melons New California stock just arrived. Ice Cream Parlors My parlors are the cosiest and moBt comfortable In the city, electric fans, the best of service and the variety ot, and quality of my flavors are unsurpassed. Fine Candies Made Fresh every day. E. D. SELDER 44444444 4 M. T. MATOTT. PIcnk Sidewalks Built and Repaired. Excavating and Filling. Phone Black 1562. 4 A JUST ARRIVED Another Car Load of Studebaker Vehicles The Best on Earth Buggies, Surries, Carriages, and Road Wagons In order to MCVE these goods QUICK our PRICFS will be made FAV: RABLE to the PURCHASER. If interested call and get prices. ISLAND CITY 7 DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month 'A RARE OPPORTUNITY CHEAPEST FUEL ON THE MARKET -vi ivu L ui buo Utah VUUUi V UUU. UC11VC1CU iXV T your homes for only $2.25 per cord, measured in the udx.. uraer JNUw,.wnue the roads are good and the prices low. V. R. BEAN PrtONE RED 1741 A Sprained Ankle. As usually treated a sprained ankle will disable the injured person for a month or more, but by applying Cham berlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle faithfully, a cure may, In most cases, be effected in less than one week's time. This liniment Is a most remarkable prep aration; try It for a sprain or a bruise, or when laid up 'with chronic or mus cular rehumatlsm, and you ar cer tain to be delighted with the prompt relief which It affords.. For sale by all good dealers. Rock Springs Place your orders for coal, future or Immediate delivery. If you will Eire the fuel problem a little consld er&tion, It will show you that the early purchaser wlfl sare mone. Take advantage of the storage rates. FEED New alfalfa hay now In. Buth phones Mala C. Grande Ronde Cash Co : : 3O0O000000O0 0 0 0OG000O000000 000