, Ksties at inul Fair. ft TianagemMit of the Tint Eaa- Oregor. uutncx -Agricultural i0cety( wishes lo announce that the iiioty hie wQI beU jer at H Grande, beginning October 4th, ma lasting oaa week. Tie new catalogue will be ont now b g short time, the cause of the de jjy go far hai been due to the effort 0 get the Wallowa county people lo Join us and combine the two fairs. The niw catalogue will be prattle jjjy the same as the old one, but with tblt exception, tr any of the premiums tire teen raised and new features added, and also a large special list of premiums will be offered by the business men of La Grande. Get your exhibits rer.dy for the largest fair that Tit ion county has srer lad. p. M. HUFFMAN. Eec. First E. O. Dlst. Agrl. Society, La Orande. For Sale, we have a large amount of old papers which we must get rid of in acme way. They ere good for under laying carpets, far covering Bhelves, and anything for which waste paper ii used. They are tied in large pac kages waiting for you. If you wish ... roll tf nrrif i DRILLING! There are several kinds of drilling but the kind the kind that makes the farm pay is the drilling which makes water avail able. There is no need of a dry farm. The task ! is not so great as you may think, I have had J years of experience and I understand the well busi- ncss thoroughly. ! D. M. HUNT LA 3BANDE, OREGON AllJ . ill ill ill ill it g - . AXAA TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" 4 I Merchants! Save $W,000 :: In J 907 the Merchants !! of Oregon saed ove II $10,000 by carr 'ng a part ' I of their Insurance in their t own company, the Oregon f I Mpirhanfc Mutual Fire Ac. i .j. surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 19QS f they will save $15,000. J I During the same period t t iiiku neignoors were nana f no over $i,500.000 in ; ; profits to outside companies I ,, In the Oregon Merchants') " IW.,..-i i iuiuii you ger: :: insurance at cost :: a limit to your liab1l :; ites t fROMPTSETTLEMENT OF HCcrr T W. OLIVER, Agent : Quick Transfer A W 1 1 I for Rapid Delivery Set vice Call Up t WlLLC0CKBR0S we are in position to do any knd of transferring. Give ns a trial order. Calls answered day or Wght "Phones: - Day, Red 71. Night, Black 1171. .Btpnblicaa CenreBtlAB. NEW YORK. Sept 23.-With the arrival of the day t for .. Uon of a Republican-Fusion candi date for mayor of the greatest city In the land, the politicians of the G. 0. P.. the Independents T.a - mo Democratic Union and the Committee of One Hundred .have girded up their loins and prepared to 8lrt . who will lead their forces on a suc cessful hunt for the tit, i .v. "O 1U IUQ Tammany Jungles. Never before, according tn it.. clarion call to arms of the Intrepid imuers or me beast, has there been such a chance to use the, nit nt tiger as a doormat at the office of a Kepublican chief execuriv f m. grea tmetropolis. Despite these wiM aiarms, nowever, there remainss "a smile on the face of the tlenr " Ann the expression of glee is reflected on the beaming countenance of one Charles F. Murphy, who sits calmly on the lid .and smiles, and smiles, nad smiles, and is a Tammany boss Still. Although today's convention 1a a. tensbily that of the Republican party aione, it is certain that the candidate nominated will be those acceptable to the Committee of One Hundred, Hearst's Independence League, the Dpmrw ratio Ur.lGS Democrats and other antl-Tammnnv organizations which have particlpa-' i.eu m me pernminary conferences j on men and measures. Some of the Republican leaders will probably in- j sist tnat the candidates selected be Republicans in good standing, but others are willing to accept any man who apparentl yhas a chance of win ning, despite past party affiliations. Although there is a possibility of a dark horse capturing the race, it is likely that the winner will be one of the following entrants: Henry L. Stimson, former United States district attorney. Robert W. DeForest, former chari ties commissioner, a Democrat. Charles S. Whitman, former judge of general sessions. William M. Ivins. Republican can didate fo rmayor four years ago. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. nrp.ni- dent of Columbia University. Stimson. in the oninion f manv politicians, has the best chance of winning the mayoralitv nomination. but Whitman also has many admir ers, Stimson is a protege and former law partner of Elihu Root, who fa vors nia nomination, but It is alleged that he Is not very acceptable to tho fusion forces. CHORUSES REHEARSING. After weeks of earnest striving, a new . phase has appeared on the boards relative to the contest of choruses planned for the county fair. On Thursday night of Fair week, one of the most stupendous programs of musical talent from local and Wal lowa county cities will be held, but it is apparent that there will not be a contest between the two choruses from La Grande. The cohrus now being drilled by Mr. Hood will enter the contest if there is one, but the other local ag gregation of singers under direc tion of Prof. Bridges will merely sing as entertainment. This chorus met last night at the Presbyterian church and meets again Friday night at 8 o'clock. Musical numbers from Wal lowa county' the two choruses from here and individual numbers are only some of the things slated for Thursday night. There are 30 voices in each chorus. .) Years in Nary. WASHINGTON', Sept. 23. Admiral Dewey entered the navy September 23, 1854, and today Is, therefore, tho fifty-fifth anniversary of the day that the hero of Manila became connected with the naval service of his coun try. The usiiul symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged elands of the netfc sores and Uperg on tho body, skin affections, catarrhal troubles, weal; eyes, and general poor health. The inherited poison, transmitted throug' the bloo'i, pollutes and weakens this fluid, and in place of its nutritive qiv.iliTics fill tho circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps the vitality of the entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint, have spent their childhood In constant physical suffering, and grown to manhood or vonianhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth, and perhaps later some disease of tho bones or joints developed. S. S. S.. given in their early life, would have prevented this. - It would havo cleansed an 1 purified the blood of the taint, nourished and stengthened their systems, and assisted euch to grow into strong, healthful manhood or womanhood. S. S. S. is the very best remedy for Scrofula. It goer down to tho bottom of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of al! scrofulous matter. It supplies the weak, diseased blood with strengtl: and health-building qualities, and under tho purifying effects of this great remedy all symptoms of Scrofula pass away. S. S. S. contains no minerals in any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, even Infants, or persons of any age. Literature about Scrofula and any medical advico tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. csssamEa, la clubs, "Laaghter Harvest at The" Pastime." The prospects are good for a hearty crop ofgenuine laughter in La Grande during the next three nights. The harvest of yells, smiles and other off Bhoots from the Held of mirth, will start at the Pastime theatre, tonlirht at 8;15 and continue for three nights. S. M. Curtiss wil have charge of the Held hands, and refreshments con sisting of "Mixed Pickles" will be served to all who attend during the gathering of this Joy crop. "Pickles" of all kinds and descriptions will be served, Just as you like them, and every one blessed with the "laughter habit" will be waited upon first. . There will be sweet pickles, sour pickles, straight pickles, crooked pickles, green pickles, yellow pickles, smooth pickles and tart pickles,' In fact every variety known will be dished out to those fortunate enough to secure seats for the "Laugh Har vest" at the Pastime. The hired hands will go to work at 8:15 each night, and first class music will be heard during the breathing spells. , Don't start anything that you can't stop, so of you can't laugh, don't come. VIOLIN and PIANO Instruction J. ALBERT KENNEDY, j Phon Bed 782. ft Paperhanging, and Painting The up-to-date paper bangers and painters ADKIKS ft OARBICK All work guaranteed. Nothing but the best oil and lead used. Leave orders wltb ADKIJfS, Sumner Hoto!, or phon V 6ARCICK. BUck i DO YOU KNOW: FOR CERTAIN? I that your title is gocd? J An abstract will tell you J all about it and it may be I tc your advantage to have I one made. You cannot I afford to take chances. I J.R. OLIVER: La Grande National Bank Building THE Um FO!. SCROFULA' czzi out httle mouths, don't care, so Iouk u they feel the delicious coolness of ?ur tempting ice cream. Children are ond of It, but what of their elders -especially the ladies? Very fe ever lectins the Invitation to partake of a rare dish of our excellent cream Takt i box of this "Frozen Gladness" home vith you. BLUE MOUJiTAlX CREAMERY. . Guaranteed Public Land Scrip. The C. n. Ttowers Co., Miles City, Mont., agents for Northern Pacific Land Scrip, will select for you any vacant, non-mineral, government land. Write them for particulars. X TT T An Dentist. Room 23. La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 1991. TEACHERS OF MUSIC UNION NURSERY J. B WEAVER, Pron. F ruit, shade and or namental trees. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vines and other small fiuit SEND FOR PRICE 1 1ST UNION, ORt OPENED A Dutcher has opened the City Blacksmith Shops and Carriage Works opposite Geddes Bros., grocery store, where he is prepared to do all klnd.i of Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Well eq-'lnped to handio everything. A shore of your patronage solicited. All work executed with neatness and c isjatch and you will find my charges rfasonable. Our Work Pleases If you have never tad H, L. WINN clean, press, dye or repair your clothes, give him your next order. Ladies' Silk and Net Waists a Specially Phone, Blach fPl and lnd. 411. In th rear of C. C. Pennington's clothing store. ARE YOU COMING TO THE EXf JTION Hdn t thought of ut Well. -.. . cr hurTy' SPECIAL lUTFt i", ; j,RfcS A;OOl. EOUhLf. .liMT8 mi MAM HOME tOMIOKrS , We HOTEL SAVOY ttjro bv mail ton m sr. v at ions o wui at ou fcxr.N Tu rroui wud cnfor uwumti mum Pinesalve ACTS lIK 'ouitice r vTlIC ,1 IE1.ISVE ALL Bull UlLlLUm In School and Street Hats. . E. M. MlELLMAN & CO. ALAAU. kt wuberver warn: aas ray A Fine Stock FOR In Antelope Valley, 1 1-2 miles sout heast of Telocaset. 320 acres, of which 240 acres is in cultivation, the balance pasture land; 100 Inches of water right; a new 6 room house, good barn and other out buildings; two good eprlngs a small orchard. Price $8 000. Will take half in city property and balance on time or $7,600 half canh and iif ,'.-r.z. Co!! cC Z. HT.A Ci, la Grande, Oragon or " C. L. ENGLAND, Telocaset, Ore. QUALITY DETER MIXES SUCCESS. Quality indicates the man; Quality makes the merchant; Quality you will remember long aftor the. price has been forgotten. The quality and prices of the goods piled up and scattered around this store will tell you whether or not this Is the right place to get the right quality at the right prices. Yes, it would be easy to go ahead and enumerate ail kinds of drugs, medicines, stationery, toilet goods, books, combs, brushes, etc. BBut what's 'be use? It isn't Just things you're after. You want quality, articles of merit, and things that are pure nad wholesome. This is not a little, dingy place. It's a drug store -v.ith lots of good goods for good people. It's a drug store o fquallty, and the bwit In .he beginning is the cheapest In the end. Business principles that are broad, honorable and fair to all, form the keystone for a united friendship. HILL5 DRUQ JTORE LA GRANDE, - - . OREGON A Section of Wheat Land for Sale Near Aliccl, all or part, $50 to $60 per acre, will be under ditch. Write Box 5 Elgin, Oregon, for the particulars. 1 Go to the ROYAL BAKERY for your cakes and pastry for Sunday. A trial order wil ' convince you that we are selling the best BREAD in the city. - Our Ice Gream and ourSherbert is the talk of the town HERMAN ROESCH, Prop. KEYNOTE Of our nhtracts is their accuracy ana eouii:aunefc8 when .you have an abstract made by us you secure a complete, accurate history of the par cel of real estate which Is something every real estate investor should al ways have before he Invests. If you are a prospective Investor don't fall to have us post you. thor oughly on the real estate before you buy. The only complete set of abstract books In Union county. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. Also handsome Pattern Hats ADAMS AVENUE i. a i r SALE E3SC2SES A'otlce of Final Settlement Notice is ibrby given that Jona than Green, administrator of the es tate of James Green, deceased, ha filed in the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Union County, his floal account in said estate and that said Court has appointed Monday, the 20th day of September, 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the Court House in La Grande, Union County, Oregon, as th time and place for hearing objec tions to said fnal account and the settlement theroof. JONATHAN GREEN, Administrator R. H. LLOYD, Attorney for Estate (8-21-28-4-11-18). , Building For Sale. A two-story building on Fir street between Adams and Jefferson, tor sale cheap if taken at onca. Build In must be moved away. Apply of S. A. Gardiner. ((S-S-C-t) Ranch