477.3130 OBSERVER, LA GRAXDE, 0KEG03. TUESDAY, SEFTEMBEB 21, 190. Ketice ef Aannal Fair. The management of the First Eas tern . Oregor. District Agricultural society, wishes to announce that the county fair will be held this year at La Grande, beginning October 4th, and lasting one week. The new catalogue will be out now In a short time, the cause of the de lay so far has been due to the effort to get the Wallowa county people to Join us and combine the two fairs. The new catalogue will be practic ally the same as the old one, but with this exception, rrsny of ihe premiums cave been raised and new features added, and also a large special list of premiums will be offered by the business men of La Grande. Get your exhibits rer.dy for the largest fair that TJrJon county has aver had. F. M. HUFFMAN. ec. First E. O. Dist Agri. Society, La Grande. HA NRFDIA ! i " stsw mm m m mm m m. m IS lflYHED! For Sale. We have a large amount of old papers which we must get rid of in seme way. They ere good for under laying carpets, for covering shelves, and anything for which waste paper is used. They are tied In large pac kages waiting for you. If you wish any call at this office. WHY NOT' TRY rOPIIAM'S ASTHMA EE3IEDY. Gives prmpt and positive relief in .every case. Sold by druggists, price 11.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents. William's Mfg. Co. Prop. Cleveland. Ohio. A. T. Hill, Druggist Senator Chamberlain will be Invited Land Opening at Bull. Idaho. For this occasion the O. R. & N. will sell tickets from La Grande to ' Uuhl, Idaho, and return on September 21 st. 22nd nnrl 2,rA nt rata of 117.73. at once to be present on Tuesday of 'T,ies9 t,cket are gQod on,y for cfm exposiuon week to deliver an address. t!nuoua passag(J( no Btopover3 belng 1 his was the decision of the entertain- ,,, , v,- nnt nnnt committee at a meeting held In ;,imlt 0ctober 5th (s.2l-3t) the Commercial club rooms last night. It is thought the senator will come as wANTEIWSnroess Maeazine wants he has not yet paid La Grande a visit : energetlc and responsible man or 01 icai nature. i Another prominent man who will uo Why Druggets Recommend Cham berlaln's Colic, Cholera And Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan, a prominent druggist of Portsmouth, Va., says: For the past six years I have sold and recommended Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy and one of the best patent medicines on the market. I handle some others for the same pur poses that pay me a larger profit, but this remedy is 6ure to effect a cure, and my customer so certain to ap preciate my recon-mcndlng it to him, that I give it the preference." For sale by all good dealers. i DRILLING j There are several kinds ot drilling but the kind the kind that makes the farm pay is the drilling which makes water avail able. There is no need of a dry farm. The task is not so great as you may think, I have had years of experience and understand the well busi ness thoroughly. D. M. HUNT : LA 3BANDE, OREGON ! Merchanis! Save $10,000 doubt be present at the exposition Is State School Superintendent Acker man will be in Wallowa county about the time of the exposition and will come from there to the exposition. Among other prominent men of the state who will be Invited to be present are D. Soils Cohen of Portland an l George H. Helms, president of t'.ie State Historical association. At the meeting last night Mr. Col lier In charge of Wallowa Day report ed that the people of Enterprise and ! other towns were coming In full force on Thursday. It was also reported that the contest of choruses was go ing to materialize. Several strong choruses from adjoining towns have written they were coming to take part in the contest. One of the leading chorus leaders of the northwest will be brought to La Grande to act as judge of the contest. Mrs. Walter Reid of Portland, Mr. Boyer of Port land, and J. J. McClellan of Salt Luke, have been named as possibilities. Dr. Bacon was at the committee meeting and assured the comnilttee that the La Grande band would be ready to deliver the goods in the musi cal line. The boys will begin practice Thursday evening in earnest. All lips will be stiff and the band trained ready to play every afternoon and evening during the exposition. woman in La Grande to collect for renewals and solicit new subscrip tions during full or spare time. Ex perience unnecessary. Any one can start among friends and acquaintances and build up a paying and permanent business without capital. Complete outfit and instructions free. Address "VON," Success Magazine, Room 103 Success Magazine Building, New York City, N. Y. (S-21-3H) VIOLIN and PIANO Instruction J. ALBERT KENNEDY. Phone Bed 782. Jiotlct of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that James II. WIckens, administrator of the es tate of William WIckens, deceased. has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, his final account In Bald estate and that said Court has appointed Mon day, the 20th day of September, 1909. at 3o'clock p. m., at the Court House in La Grande, Union County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. JAMES H. WICKENS, R. H. LLOYD. Attorney for Estate (8-21-28-4-11-1?) Help Wanted. Prune pickers and packers wanted at once. Can at the Kamsey-umen-berg warehouse or phone Main 38. (S-17-tf) Care of The Vocal Cords. i Paper hanging, and Painting The up-to-date paper hangers and painter ADKItfS & GAUOICK All work guaranteed. Nothing but the besi oil and lead used. Leave order with ADKDiS, Sumner Hotel, or phone V GAREICK. Blact l4i In 1907 the Merchants of Oregon sa;ed ov $10,000 by can ng a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon, In 1908 thev will save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand- & rnn nff T mg over ji,juv,uiv m profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES PROMPTSETTLEMENT OF LOSSES W. OLIVER, Agent Our vocal cords are the most sens! tive muscles in the body and are gov erned by the most sensitive nerve mechanism imaginable. Not only does this apparatus record the changes in our health, being influenced as a whole by every rise and fall of the body's condition, but It records instantly the finest shades of emotional feeling and Intensity of thought. Thl3 argues strength generally, for the greater nerve supply the great reserve strength. But also argues weakness, for the broader the nerovus connection, the ereat'er exDosure to evil influences through reflex disturbances. What wonder, then, that the vocal cords should so frequently be subject to minor difficulties of an annoying na- tuer. of which one is half ashamed to complain, while they are really very distressing to the individual but which occasionally may get so very much worse as to be almost unenduarbe?l Affections of the vocal cords thus require an expert diagnostician a doctor trained to be perfectly familiar with the body from repeated and care ful examination such a person as the Osteopathic Physician, both in train ing and practice, is. Nothing bears higher testimony to the value of os teopathy than its wonderful and prompt successes In affections of this organ. Osteopathic Health. DO YOU KNOW: FOR CERTAIN? Quick Transfer : For Rapid Delivery Seivice Call Up 3 MLLC0CKBR0S We are In portion to do any kind of transferring. Give ua a trial order. Calls answered day or tight Phones: Day, Red 71. Night. Black 1171. that your title is gocd? An abstract will tell you all about it and it may be tc your advantage to have one made. You cannot afford to take chances. J.R. OLIVER'. La Grande National Bank I Building THE. CUKE FOk .OFULA The iun.il symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged -glsinds of the neclc. sores ivnd ulcers on the body, skin affections, catarrhal troubles, weak eyes, an.I general poor health. The inherited poison, transmitted througl the Irod, pollutes and weakens this fluid, and in placo of its nutritive qn-jtli; irs fills the c irculation with scrofulous matter, which saps the vitality of tho entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous t&int, have spoiit ';eir childhood In constant physical suffering, and grown to manhood or v.o:nar:hood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth, and perhaps lUur some disease of t'ne bones or joints developed. S. S. S., given in their early life, would have prevented this. It would have cleansed and purified the blood of the taint, nourished and stengthened their systems, and assisted each to grow into strong, healthful Kianhool or womanhood. S. S. S. is the very best remody for Scrofula. It goer down to the bottom of the trouble, and cleanses tho circulation of el', scrofulous matter. It supplies the weak, dissasod blood with atrengt' and health-building qualities, and under the purifying effects of this great remedy all symptoms of Scrofula pass away. S. S. S. contains no mineral in any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, even Infant?, or persons of any age. Literature about Scrofula and any medical advlco fxte. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. In School and Street Hats. Also Hats handsome Pattern E. M. WELLMAN & CO. ADAMS AVENUE Observer Want Ads Pay A Fine Stock Ranch FOR SALE In Antelope Valley, 1 1-2 miles southeast of Telocaset, 320 acres, of which 240 acres Is In cultivation, the balance pasture land; 100 inches of water right; a new 6 room house, good barn and other out buildings; two good springs a small orchard. Price $8 000. Will take half In city property and balance on time or $7,500 half cash and half on time. Call onC J. BLACK, La Grande, Oregon or ... .. , C. L. ENGLAND, Telocaset, Ore. UNION NURSERY J. B WEAVER, Pro!. Fruit, shade and or" namental trees. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vines and other small fiuit Sim FOR PRICE UST UNION, ORE OPENED A Dutcher has opened the City Bla kflinlth Shops and Carriage Works opposite Geddes Bros., grocery store where he Is prepared to do all kind of Elacksmlthing and Wagon Work Well cc.M'nped to handle everything A shore of your patronage solicited All. work executed with neauiems and c-ibratch and you will find my chnrfie rfasonable. Our Work Pleases If you have never tad, H. L. WINN clean, press, dye or repair your clothes, give him your next order, Ladies9 Silk and He Waists a Specially Phone. Blac Til and lnd. 411. In th rear of C. C. Petnlngton's clothln store. QUALITY DETERMINES SUCCESS. Quality Indicates the man; Quality makes the merchant; Quality you will remember long aftor the price has been forgotten. The quality and prices of the goods piled up and ' scattered around this store will tell you whether or not this Is the right place to get the right quality at the right prices. Yes, It would be easy to go ahead and enumerate all kinds ot drugs, medicines, stationery, toilet goods, books, combs, brushes, etc. BBut what's 'he use? It isn't just things you're after. You want quality, articles of merit, and things that are pure r.nd wholesome. This is not a little, dingy place. It's a drug store v 1th lots of good roods for good. people. It's a drug store o f quality, and the bMt In .he beginning Is the cheapest in the end. Business principles that are broad, honorable and fair to all, form the keystone for a united friendship. MILL'S DRUQi JTORE LA GRANDE, - - - OREGON A Sectionofl Wheat Land for Sale Near Alicel, all or part, $50 to $60 per acre, will be utider ditch. Write Box 5 Elgin, Oregon, for the particulars. . Go to the ROYAL BAKERY for your cakes and pastry for Sunday. A trial order wil convince you that we are selling the best BREAD in the city. Our Ice Gream and ourSherbert is the talk of the town HERMAN ROESCH, Prop. A'otlce of Final Settlement ARE YOU COMING TO THE hX. OblTION' hUdnt theujhl of ll Wl . Jettef.huy, srtcui tes ( i m mkI M ll'IB COMIOKTS We HOTEL SAVOY M no mail row kumvation Oft lC AT OU LfcKfcNll. Tm'i trotm ot kmjd oowfotrr weurmi nunoot . Pinesalve ts urn i rouiTicE KEY NOTE Of our nhr.tracts is their accuracy nnl toiii.)n tenees when you have an abstract made by us you secure a complete, accurate history of the par cel of real estate which is something every real estate Investor should al ways have before he Invests. If you are a prospective Investor don't fail to have us post you thor oughly on the real estate before you buy. The only complete set of abstract books In Union county. LA GRANDE 'INVESTMENT CO. Notice 1b hbreby given that Jona than Greon, administrator, of the es tate of James Green, deceased, ha Died In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Union County, his final account in said estate and that said Court has appointed Monday, the 20th p. m., at the Court House In La Grande, Union County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said fnal account and the settlement thereof. JONATHAN GREEN, Admlnlstrrtur, R. H. LLOYD. Attorney for Estate (8-21-28-4-11-18) i Building For Sale. A two-story building on Fir afreet between Adams and Jefferson for sale cheap If taken at once. Bull4 in; must be moved away. Apply of S. A. Gardiner. ((S-8--t ;