ZYZXlXfl OBASEETEK, LA GB1XDE. 0RIG05. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1809. LA GHAHDEEVEN1HG OBSERVER Muriel McKlnely. Isabel Miller and Leona Newlln as their assistants. Soft strains of music floated in from- the year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Reg ister and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, Published Dally Except Sunday. GEORGE II. CUBBET. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. library during the entire evening. The at La Grande, Oregon, oa the 21st day United Press Telegraph Service. occasion will be one long to be re- i membered and each departing guest : Joined in wishing .Mr. and Mrs. Miller i a long and prosperous wedded 1'fe. The Kaffee Klatcb was entertained SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j delightfully ye8terday afternoon at Dally, single copy 6c)the cramlng new home ot Mrs. T. j. Dally, per month 5cjgcroggfn on Washington and Fourth Dally, six months in advance ...3.50 j wh nurnin astera cf September, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Nels Holverson. Nels Endmp. Hans En drop. John Young, all of Hllgard. Oregon. F. a BRAMWELL. Register. Daily, one year in advance ,. 16.60 The Road to Success Weekly, six months in advance Weekly, one year in advance .. 75c .11.00 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish article appearing over a nom plume. Signed articles will be re vised subject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment Advertising Bates. Display ad. rates furnished upon i-p plication. Local reading notices 10c per Hue first Insertion; 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. Resolution of condolence, 5c a line. I'ilASGE IX WORK FORf'F. were used. A bright fire in the y.ic ! tures of the picturesque fire place 5 added cheer to the chatting and sew jlng. Mrs. N. Molitor was elected ! president of the club as the successor j of Miss Margaret Anson. It was de any ' cided that the first evening entertaln de ! ment should occur October 15. Mrs. Scroggins tastefully served salad and coffee, the salad plates being decora ted with white and purple sweetpeas. Almost the entire membership ot the Kaffee Klatch was present to enjoy the beauty of the new home and the , pleasure of an afternoon of conver sation and needlework. Several com plimentary guests were present WflDTH Yftl I) A O Commencing Monday, Mr. and Mrs. j Thomason, who several days ago sev ered their connection with the Morn ing Star, will be added to the reper torial staff of the Evening Observer. Mrs. Thomason, in a large measure, will have charge of the social field. All courtesies extended her will be duly appreclted. The Observer duly "A fair that the people of the coun appreciates the liberal and generous . ty can well afford to support" are the support extended by the business in-j terms in which County Superlntend terests of this city au3 county, and j ent E. E. Bragg speaks of the . expo while always, during Its 13 years ex- sltion in a circular letter which he is istence, has stood at the head of j sending out in tne interests of Edu Journallsm in Union county, expects ( catlonal Day, which has been set for to keep there, and 19 preparing to 1 October 8. enter upona campaign this fall In; Superintendent Bragg earnestly keeping with the prosperity and de-' recommends every teacher and pupil velopment of this fertile and re-: in the county to attend the exposition sourceful county. The Observer has ( especially on Educational Day. A also been fortunate in securing as parade of at least 15,000 school chtl rirculatlon manager Mrs. Edna Mor- j dren is the aim of the superintendent, irlson, . who for several years was ; The parade will form at 1 o'clock p. connected with the Observer, prior to ! m., and pupils and teachers in the the installation of the linotype. ' Last !p&rade' will bo admitted to the pa week no less than 80 fonts of new ' vilion free. "' has many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success today demands health, but Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kid neys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. Ton can't afford to slight Electric Bitters if weak, run down or sickly. Only 50c. Guaranteed by the Newlln Drug Co. Guaranteed Public Land Scrip. . The C. 71. Ttowers Co., Miles City, Mont, agents for Northern . Pacific Land Scrip, will select for you any vacant, . non-mineral, government 'and. Writ thpm fn- vrt!c,i!:ir3. PROVISIONS More provisions ana men were ta ken to the front today where H.e pipe line is being dug for the Beaver Creek water project This brings the total men employed at this time to more than 100 as the big consignment of men . expected from northwest points did not come. One group of 30 was started this way, but 13 "es caped" after reaching almost to this point, having had a free ride out from Portland. These were white men. The balance of that batch are now at work. The work is coming along as rop ldly as the limited number ot men available to bring it. It now becomes evident that the shortage of both white men and Orlentlals Is acute. "otIce to Contractors. New Irrigation Book Free. "Well irrigation for small farms" Is a publication just issued by the Gen eral Passenger Department, of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. This booklet sets forth in a prac tical concise way teh possibilities for ( profit of inexpensive irrigation, and t should be In the hands of every far mer in Oregon. Copies may be obtained free on ap plication to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, O. R..& N., and S P. lines in Oregon, Portland, Oregon. (S-16-tf) WM. McMURRAY. TnitOW OUT THE LINE. Notice Is hereby given that sealed i bids will be received at the City Re-1 corder's office, for the construction of a macadamized street from Hemlock street to Willow street on Adams ave- , nue in the City of La Grande, Oregon, j Plans and specifications to be seen- at j the Recorder's office. All bids to be In by 5 o'clock p. m., September 27th, A. D., 1909. A certified check of 10 o'o of bid, must accompany bid. City of La Grande, By D. E. COX, (S-16-10D Recorder. A STUDY IN STOVES IWStoy $mfMWjr"lust Stoves AND Rang PASTIME THEATRE JOHNSON & BRUCE MGR'S. type were added to the job and ad vertising departments, and today there is not a better equipped news paper office in this or adjoining coun ties.'. ;-, ' ,tfrb. I The demand for young fruit trees In the Northwest bus been bo great the pant few years as to moke It almost impossible for the nursiea to keep up with the demand. Thou- i sands upon thousands of trees are planted each year the acreage become ! greater. The fruit industry In .de- j veloplng rapidly and the demand both : foreign and local Is more than keep ing abreast with, the Increased out put. There seems, apparently, to be no limit to the consumption of choice apples, which represents the great volumn of fruit grown. Few locali ties exist where some of the many va rieties do not grow to perfection. 3$ It is to be hoped that the' negotia tions now pending between the ma chinists and the Harrtnmn system may bo adjusted at the couferencf now being held in Salt Lake City. A strike at. this season of the year would prove disastrous to all interests con cerned, no mutter what the final out come would bo. ?- . . An official request is being sent to all tpcrhers asking that they make that day a holiday. In the afternoon there will be an old fashioned spell ing match to which all iuplls are eligible incudlng the elgth grade graduates of last year. The first, sec ond and third prizes for this event will be $10, $r and J2.50. The more remote districts aro urged to send at least a representative to participate In this contest. 1 HEW SYST Of REPORTS A now' system of making monthly j reports Is being sent out to the tach- j vv of the county by Superintendent j II. K. rtragg, assisted by Miss Ruth j i'.usli. The "m hool calendar" make ! prominent the dates on which the re i ports ure duo nnd will thus serve as ! a constant reminder that they should Give The Kidneys Help And Many La Grande Teople Will be Happier. "Throw out the Life Line" . The kidneys need help. They're overworked can't get the poison filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse every minute. Will you help them? Doan's Kidney Pills have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back from the verge of 'despair. Will cure any form of kidney trou ble. Mr3. J. T. Galloway, C St., Elgin, Ore., says: "In view of the benefit I derived from Doan's Kidney Pills, I can only speak of them as being a reliable remedy for the kidneys. I used them principally for a severe pain acrops my back, which had an- j noyed me for some time. The re I suits that followed the use of the first ! box were so satisfactory that I con ' tlnued taking the remedy until my j hack was free from pain. I cheerfully j recommend Doan's Kidney Pills." i For sale by all dealurs. Price .50 i cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, j New York, sole agents for the United j dates. j Remember the name Doan's and take no other. TONIGHT The Dramatic Stock Co. IN the four act play from nature "DOWN ON THE FARM." es W.tHSJBOHNENKAMPCO Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Hou, e tuntishings, Etc. Also builders', blacksmiths'.', wagonmakers, miners', and plumbers' supplies. lumps, windmills, cutlery, guns, am u nition and fishing tuckle. . 0 You all know how good this is. - ' 4, . ED STR1XGHAM, AUCTIONEER. Sale cried on nhort notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge tor distance. LA GRANDE - - - ORKGON Ro te No. 2 'Phone No. 19ftS Shoes ithat Fit Shoes that 't Wear . 0 "i-i j 1 1 ii rt ooi wca ris our exclusive Dusmess. im 01 our en- ergies and years of experience is centered in this one line. We are not satisfied simply to make a sale. We want to fit your feet. You want your children's feet z. property uiiuu. many a uuy unu giri lias taggeu. ue Xhind in their studies, if the truth were known, sim- z. ply because their feet were not properly fitted at the & beginning of the school year. It costs you no more to secure the special attention we bestow than it does elsewhere, in fact, buying as we do direct from the q manufacturers, we can save you money & ' & && 7 8 5 MllH & GREEN BCSSKY'S HACK XISE. Best of service. Day and Night H:.k furnished for funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. Phone Hod 241. Ntght 'Phone Main !R. E. L. nt'SSKI. IDAHO CAREY ACT LAND Is Now Opep bo forthcoming promptly. $$$$i Iternnse of the difference in the ; datt;s of opening of the various SOCIETY. 5 i w noold the first series of reports will 4f i be for months or parts of months as Ono of the most pleasing events of the season took place last evening at the William Miller home in South La Grande when Sirs. Mary Kirk re ceived for her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. The doorB were opened by Master Robert Miller, Mrs. J. T. Richardson receiving the guests as they entered and presenting them to the hostess and guests ot honor, Mrs. Mary Kirk. Miss Margaret Kirk . and Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Mesdames J. K. Wright and It K, Smith assisted in receiving the guests. From hr.lt past six until half past nlue Bcores of guests assembeld and many were the good wishes and kindly greetings extended to the newly wedded couple. The home was a bower of beauty with Its warm lights and profusion " of flowers. The decorations of the par lors consisted of asters . while pink and white sweet peas carried out the color scheme In the dining room. The Misses Margaret Anson and Mamie Harries presided at the panch lowl with the Misses Gladys Miller, the case may be but all must must be In on time. Superintendent Bragg Includes with these calendars a letter to the teach ers Inviting them to write freely in regard to any problems or needs by which they may find themselves con fronted In their school work. Bargain in Piano. Piano as good as new tor sale, reas onable terms; 'phone or call on Dr. F. E. Moore. (S-17-2t) NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or July 31. 1909. Notice la hereby given that WILLIAM A. YOUNG, of Hllgard, Oregon, who on July 2 1903, mode homesetead entry No. 13092 -serial. , No. 03980 for NW SW sec. 12, EH SE4 ec. 11, NEVi NEV1. section 14, township 4 south, range 36 east, Willamette meridian, has filed notice ot Intention to make final five RDWARE STO VESAND RANGE i Kitchen Utensils Lanterns, Glassware, EconomyJar , Crockery, Etc. Sash Doors Shingles IE I i HARDWARE AND CROCKERY The Idaho Irrigation Co. Ltd. OFFERS 20,000 ACRES AT $35 PER ACRE, AD JOINING THE TWIN FALLS TRACT. EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. LAND NOW OPEN FOR EN- TRY, LOG AN-SHERW00DI REALTY CO. GEORGE PALMER, President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2nd Asst Cashier. F. J. HOLMES. Vice-President W. H. BRENHOLTS, Aast Cashier P. L. METERS. Cashier. La Grande National Bank Of La Grande Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $170,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRE -TORS M. Berry J. DMatheeen i F. J. Holmes " F. M. Brykit C. C. Pennington F. L. Meyers Geo L. Clesver ( V W. t, Brenholts Oaorge Palmer '