T-TTUC OKIFTTK. L GR15DE. CEEGO. FEIDAT, SEPTEMBER S, MO. N B. and a of C n a e B I I I ' i J f III IS 4 , , r-sfclike- Dally Except Biadty. GEORGE H. CCHEET. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. laltes I'resa Telegraph inJce. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Dally, single copy 6c Caily. per month K Daily, six months la advance.... $&4 Dally, one rear ta advance $$.50 I W k)l1 j, tlx mouths fa advance... 75c VVIt nr.. Tr It. .,.r, ft f. atred at the posto&ce ai L Grande aa second-class matter. 1 tu paper wjj not puniiaa any article appearing over a com de ylJOi. Signed articles will te re ceived subject tc the discretion cf tie Ml tor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. Aafertilar Uisplay ad. races furnished upon ap f IlcaUou. Local reading notices lie per line rst insertion; Sc per line for each subsequent insertion. ftesolutioa of condolence. 5c a line. Aaionx other things benefited by the rain wKJ be aifalfa fields which as sures excellent pasture dnring the falL At the prevailing price of hogs alfalfa pastureage is doubly profitable. While it is of coarse a jT'eat satls factioa to scientists as we'! ss others to know that the North Pole has been definitely been located after ail of these years and numerous expedi tions, it wiil also be a matter of re gret to others, that is to thoe who i have been so employed in searching f-r this isolated s,'.-t year after year. Dr. Cook of North Poie fame will address the citizens on the wonder - ful hardiihips endured and grafic de- scriptioi! of the topcraphy of the j country in the opera hotiae on for farther particulars See lar?e Lilts. PENDLETON - Some unknown honest man picked up a waUet on the beach at Seaside ! on Sunday containing $522j, and im- i mediately took it to the A. tt C. R. ! over to ber. The finder only aked toj receive a receipt for it. and refused j to give his name. A little later.it: was learned that C. M. Knox, of AI- pina. N, I)., had such a parse, and It was returned to him. Mr. Knox tried to find the unknown honest man tot reward him. but was unable to do so. i Four thousand a-res of government made at the Emmanuel church in land in the Sunny side district in the j !'.o:n. Its conception is based on Lower Yakima valley have been re-! 'he application of well-known phy etored to entry on Dec-ember -r'. This sUial powers, such as thoe of hyp land is extremely fertile and is under no'Ism and animal magnetism to re the Sunnyside canal. Claims n:ay be lieious thought and life. filed on the land after Nov.-mbf-r 2o. I but the area will not be opened until j a month later. ! Olsc.n Rorcft company, ct-c ratine a 1 ranch at Perker Bot'o:.!, sot i Ya- klnia. sold li3 f'i of prime prunes to Richie & WMH company, ' cf ToppenUh, fruit handlers, f'.r $12.-i the Chopin recital of Miss Kula How lStc, avericing over 1 cents a cae. j &fi whit h will be given in the c-ven- Th prunes were a:l picked from a ; Ol.'on Roy-e ranch, and . r "'' rr.n were employed in pUktng and pn-k-Ing. Aid" from tli- pnues, eno'jph STioile ) frrit rTf;a!.rif d to pro,-H' hr-s feed at:4 to 'ie on the roa.s to k'l-f-p down (lit. va., WOMU Iill I. IIMs OK .MEXICO. Th extent of the m!neral ronrre '. of the w?ern Sierras Is a'.wv-t be-j yond bvlief. They are p-actlcatly In-' exhaustible. Everywhere U hidden : treasure. Sinataa alone hns. for in stance, an area of nearly r..iW square i tntles. and three-fourths of the state; Is mln"rs!:z''d. Silver is the chief , metal, tlii'ueh larce amounts of gold. usually found In pockets, have made j more thsn one miner a millionaire. I was told of a case where pocket gold paid all expenses of operating a silver mine, and left the silver as clear profit. In the northern part of the state there are also well-paying cop per mines, and some lead has ben found. One t f tVi!i pro"pecter. 'oi plng at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. hl!e riding across a cornfield rot far from town one dr.y, while I was In Cullman, .noticed the outcropping of a vein of ytiartz. He uncovered U for rrni rod, took spe imens from various t(olts, and had them assayed. They were alt rich In silver. He had made. In this unexpected manner, a lucky "strike." InaccessiM'Hy, with lack of transportation facilities. Is the chief jtwiwhack to successful mining. Only he richest deposits canMworked cost of freighting tie ore to smelters. tA:l hi EBSt dos 03 oles. and daring the dry season the cost ( pr cargo tZA pound to driver the j ore at Mautian Is from S to 12 pesos, iand in the wet season doub as much. ;Add to this the frei?ht ccar?e by steamer to the seeker, the expense of transporting provisions and sup plies to the mines, together with tb cost of working, and tt will be seer that none but exceedingly rich or can be handled. For this reason Lan- dreds cf mines containing medium and low grade ore which in a ciore accessible position would t hichij provable, now lie idle. Opting Mag azine. Great activity at SpringSei coast of railroad building. -ac- Central Point advertises: "lOf.0 pop action; is per tent American." Jfendsy a Heliday. SALEM. Sept. 3. The governor's proclamation declaring Monday, Ser um ber 6. a legal holiday, was Issued today. Balllntrer Reaches CspitoL WASHINGTON. Sept. 3. Secretary of the Interior R. A. Ballinger, ar rived here today, and the ex-Seatt!e man authorized the statement that he expects to present personally to Present Taft, a report of h!3 de partment concemir-g the Cnningharn coal land claims In Alaska. Baiiinger refase! to diruss the Pinchct con troversy. Speal 09 Emanuel Mo'emfDL SCATTLK. Sept. 3. (Special) shop Sarc jel Fallows of Chicago. one of the most faxo-.is ministers of 'he posye! aal lecturers in the I'nited States today, wll speak at the AUska- Yukon-Pacif.c "Emaianutl Movement," a doctrine which is no iv becoming widespread. EUhop Fallows is nniversaily recognised as the leading worker In the En.macael movement and has ai brillant record fr.any j rs cf extending throngh 1 service. He seryed 1 1! a n CT.apiain of the 32nd Wisconsin - and was elect -M in 1 u as Chaplain- Fa-thief of the C. A. many years in coilfge R. He spent work both as profesor and regent, was president of the Illinois Wesleyan University, snd was a!.K ger4ra! chairman of the World's Columbian exposition. 1 1 ne tmmanuei movement is so ca!l- el because Its first arr!ication was tn add-Mc.n to the lectnre of PiiW! Fallows, one of the best musical pro- erarcmes of the season has been pian- even In concert wilt . irn v.v j famous Eilery band, recently with ;rhe Mtropli'an Opera com pan v of New York. Another feature will te tng at the auditorium. OFF On all Fancy Cut SOME ODDS AXD E.D3 IASESI TOBCELAIX DISHES, HALF PRICE GOOD YALUES. TO MAKE BOOM FOB SETT STOCK. DO SOT FORGET ABOUT OUR ESC050MT A5D MAS05 FRUIT JARS. 1 pt Economy, per dozen 1 qt. Economy, per doxen 2 qt. Economy, per dozen 1 pt Mason, per dozen 1 qt Mason, per dozen 2 qt Mason, per dozen ir ' I il Ij LiY. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY f 1 A I r I II " 1 1 eectioa 13. township 4 south, range all oC the news, whea .1 la sews. Read I 11 II I I 111 I II S east. WTflamme Meridiaa. has filed it ta the Observer. I 1 1 LI I I llllll notice of intention to make final five j . I III 1LI 111 VII I ... . I A II All One half an inch-of rain fell be tween noon and 13:45 today, ma-kit.t one of the severest ;in storm cf he year from a point of roWwe in the minimum length of tira . a J J- hJ ;u these inches of rail fell in iea ban an hour, are 2.Z inches wh b fell daring the 24 boors en'in at o'clock this morning accord. n to the government register in cliarga of V. A. WorstelL While .is Lisc naued figure Is not unusually Hrg by any means, it is seldom that saovers ate as severe as they were totiay noru. Considerable grain is hi sh-Kk throughout the valley, oil srainm.m agree that if the rain .-eases soon uo damage whatever will b- icdiccel In bier Grata Deva. IMBLER, Sept. 3. (Special) In and abejut I m tier at nooa today the usual, but not of a damaging nature. Grain that Is dowu is act damaged materially, and speedy return to s.m :Wny weather will be greatly receiv ed. ELGIN, Sept. 3. (Special Elgin and the north end of the county in general escaped with not more than a light shower. The heaviest rain was felt south of here. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Or, j June 21. 15C9. j Notice is hereby given that BENJAMIN F. YOUNG, ! of Hilsard. Oregon, who, on Septem- j ber 17. 1903. made homestead entry No. 13243. serial No. 04021. for SWM - , .,,...., C9 j 5 . 5 - Exclusive f. There must be a reason for the volumn of business we do. There I. All of our energies and years of experience In merchandis- rj Ing Ss now centered on Shoes. No: 0 thing and where the shoe department V general consideration. Shoes, aualitv. workmanshin. srvle and fit Is 3 jj our continual hobby. 1 a strong line o Then by. buying direct of the manufacturer, eliminating f- men's profits we are in a posit -on ' even lower prices than genera'.iy t0 fill your next want In the shoe This is our special business. .;' SMITH & 5. erLen Chinaware and Glass 1.10 1.35 1.75 .75 .90 L25 yar prooi, 10 esiaousa ciaia 10 ute ; land above escribed, before the Reg-i later aad Receiver. C. S. Land OT.ce, ! at La Grande. Oregon, on the 16th day of August, IKS. Claimant names as witnesses t Nels Holversca. Nels Eadrup. Hans Eadrup. W. A. Young, all of Hllgard. Oregon. T. C ERAMWELL, Register. The Observer excels In real "news." TOO LITE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter in fine condition. Price, 35.00. This is a snap, address "A" Observer. (S-l-U) COOK WANTED A womaa to do general housework, must be good cook, steady position. Inquire at Observer office. (S-l-t) FOR RENT One light room on cor ner of th and O street, 142. Ap ply of G. M. Richey or Mr.E. P. Ktcbey. (A-2i-tt EGG 3 "WANTED Fresh rancfe egg3 wanted at the Spokane restaurant. (A-31-t) FOR RENT A five room house with batn. Inquire 1307 O ave. tA-31-.t FOR SALE House and lot oa Adams avenue, extra well built, plastered house, good basement, and wood j shed. Price ri?Lt. Call Black 1941 1 or see D. C. Stevens at Henry Carr's store. (5-27-9-27) Send us your children for their school looks and school supplies at Silverthorn's Family drug store, S-2-10-t) Shoe Srore 0 w like the store that carries every- ft receives only a portion of the 0 V- of school shoes' middle to give you our special services at quoted Permit us the opportulty line. GREEN O 9 ED STKINGHAM. 4 AUCTIONEER. ale cried on nhort notice. 4 Satisfaction ruranteed. No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON Ro.te No. 2 'Phone No. lSi 0000000000000000000000 ummer O 0 Think what this o $12.50 SulU $10.00 $15.00 SulU $12.00 O O 0 V. o Nice'assortment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Our $3.00 line for $2.2S Oar $1.75 line for $1.20 Our 75c line fo? .. c Our $2.50 line for $1.75 Our $L25 line for $1.00 Other Reductions In Accordance, C. C PENINGTON & CO 0OO000OOOOO000 0OO00O0OOO0OO0 OOO0OOOOQ DAOTIIMP THFKTDP T Ao I ItVlL INLAIuL. A A J0H5SO5 BErCE "GITS. TOMGIIT Tke Draaatle SUck C. 4ym the tire art EarUsh Ceaed; CHAKLErS irXT." "As dainty a sa bit of Dres den China." - JSaaday Mght 4 A story of Washington society, "The Senator's Daughter." WHY NOT rRT Pepban'i ASTHMA BEXEDYI Gives prompt and poeiive relief la every case. Sold by druggists, price $1.00. Trial package by ma'l 10 cents. WOJIaas VJg. Ca, Preps. GeTelaaiL 0. A. T. HILL, Druggist. A. X.T.MAT0TT. A Plank Sidewalks Built and Repaired. Excavating and FUling. Phone Black 1562. A 10 Days Bargain 13, TO MONDAY 23 Bargains In Black and white under skirts. Night gowns and corset covers Laces aad embroiderys. Pillow ops. Silk gloves all colors. White waists and nets. Silk waists, lace curtains. Many other lines to numerous to mention. VAN ill (0. I n 111 L I L lllKif VIII IOILL ViiLL IDAHO CAREY ACT LAND ow The Idaho Irrigation Co. Ltd. OFFERS 20,000 ACRES AT $35 PER ACRE, AD JOINING THE TWIN FALLS TRACT. EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. LAND NOW OPEN FOR EN TRY. Log n-Sherwood Re Ity Company 3WI 4 V means on these strictly first clasr goods $17.50 Suits $14.00 $25.00 Suits $20.00 $21.00 Suits $16.80 Other Reductions la Accordance. STRAW HATS to select from. Latest Reductions Water Melons New California arrived. stock Jsat ce Cream Parlors My parlors are the cosiest and most comfortable la the city, electric fans, the beat of service aad the. variety of, and quality of my Savors arc unsur passed. Fine Candies Made Fresh every day. E.D. SELDER When yon take that vacation yco are going to spend most of the time out of doors. We have specially stock ed up with the necessary small gold Jewelery for these occasions. The fol lowing are a fe wof our specialties: Gold Scarf Pins la clever designs, set with Raroqua Pearls, Amethysts or Garnets. Sleeve Links, of solid gold. large size, plain or fancy designs. Every thing else in Jewelry. All at most reasonable prices. J. H. PEARE 5otlce of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that C. C. iPenington aad W. H. Rush doing 'business under the firm name of C j C. Penlngton & Company, have dis- solved business by mutual consent, land C. C. Penington will collect and j pay all bills against the firm. 0 20 Per cent Off O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 styles. Note Our open 7' - d i t -11.(11, A