TUESDAY, AUCUJiT 51, 1909. 1300 Fall Fat Have JuM Araved. 7 Tf T7 - A o Tl lYXXISG 0835E3TER, LA GflASDE, OKSMO.V terns If you are not $35.00 to $75.00. and just as good as : LOCAL ITEMS. Doctor Biggers returned today fro:n a trip to Portland and the coast W. Bean Is home from a business visit to North Powder and Baker City. A. P. Knox of Elgin, was a La Crande visitor last evening. Mrs. P. A. Charlton arrived homo today from a visit to the beach and other points. Register FVC. Bramwell is hack at his post atthe land office after c two weeks' vacation. Tomorrow afternoon the Ladies Aid of the Baptist church, meet In the hurch for their business session. Miss Lena Jones is home from Jo seph, where she spent a week with a camping party. Peter Kuhn has returned from an extended visit with his daughter Mrs. Chus. Barnell, who resides in Port- land. Phil Balwig, a prominent shoe man of Baker City, transacted business matters here last evening, returning this morning. C. B. Picklen, bookkeeper for Sampson Music company of Boise, is spending his vacation with his par ents in this city. Attorney T. II. Crawford arrived home today thorouhgly saturated with fish oil. He had a delightful outing at Rondowa, and other points. II. L. Happy of' the Walla. Walla Morning Union, who has been visiting friends here, went on to Baker City today to visit friends. Mrs. Mac Dowall of Telocaset, has the distinction 6f being an operator in the dispatcher's office here during the absence of Operator Calvert. James Carter, wife, son and daugh ter of Tremuton, Utah, are expected to arrive tonight, to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stephens. Geo. H. Currey Jr., and Roy B. Cur rey, who have been taking In the Se attle fair, returned home this morn ing. The boys had a swell time. Mrs. W. H. Ryan of Portland, has arrived in the city and will have charge of the suit department in the Peoples store, iitting and alterations. Dispatcher J. W, Eagan last night assumed his duties as chief night op erator. His promotion is well d3 served. Miss Ida" Coon of Baker City, who has been a guest with Miss Anna Reis land, returned to her home today. She is one of the telephone open tors at Baker. Mr. S. S Landls and son Edward, and Mrs. Card of Baker City, who have been In. the city as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wright left last even ing for their home in Baker City. Misses Maude Fields and Beas'e Brown, both of Ellensburg, Washing ton, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. D. C. Crawford, returned this morning to their homes. Milton has a new Ice and cold stor age company. Dr. IV. D; McMillan Painless Dentistry La Crande National Bank Bldg. Both Phones ready for your fall Ask the man that wears Andrews & Portland garments. . ANDREWS . ' Local O. R. & X. Agent and Mrs. J. H. Keeney returned last evening from an extensive trip through the North west. Mr. Keeney will visit Joseph before assuming his work here again. Engineer and Mrs. Fontaine nave moved to La Grande from Pleasant Valley, where Mr. Fontaine was on the helper service. He now has a regular run out of this city. Wm. K. West and H. E. McLaugh lin, special agents of the general l.md office, are in the city today checking up their records with the official rec ord in the office here. Mrs. John McGee of Toledo, Ohio, who has been visiting the family uf his" son-in-law, F. F. Seribner, cashier of the Joseph National bank, is a suest today of Re-oi.er an I Mrs. CoJom Eberhard. David Eccles, president of the Amal gamated Sugar company, and a warm friend of the local irrigation project, is expected to arrive in La Grande tomorrow to transact much Important business. Mr. and Mrs. Gorrie of Weiser, Ida no, were in tne city tms morning on their way to Enterprise to visit friends for a few. days before going to their home. They, have been at the Seattle fair. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stapp arrived in La Grande this morning, and are at present the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Snook. Mr. Stapp will be employed at the Russell Meat market. Earl Calvert and Miss Florence At chinson left last night for The Dalles, where tomorrow afternoon they will be united In marriage. Mr. Cnlvert is an operator in the dispatcher's of fice of the O. R. & N. at this place. Low Zundell, who has resigned hn position as news agent on the Josep.i train, leaves tomorrow for Salt Lake and after a short visit there will as sume a regular news agency run be tween Huntington and Portland. Miss Mildred Douglas of Ogder, who has been a guest for the past three weeks with Miss Carmen Stodd ard, went to Baker City today and next Thursday will be joined by Miss Stoddard when both will go to Ogden. Thos. 'Hume, foreman of the me chanical end of the Observer, expects the arrival of Mrs. Hume and his three daughters, Bessie, Evangeline and Nellie, tonight from Baker City. They will reside at 1472 Washington ave. Glancy Ralston of OrlolT, California, arrived 1 this morning " to be a guest for a few days with his aunt Mrs. C. Ralston and her family. Mr.. Rals ton "dropped in" as a surprise, his coming not being known to them. . Prof. G. M. Mickelson, who for the past two years has been In charge of the commercial department of the high school and influential in athletic circles, left last evening for Lewiston, Montana, where he will be located the coming year. Call For Bids. Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Union county will receive bids for the services of a phy sician for one year, such services to include medical attendance for coun ty poor, examination of insane per sons, and all medical services which the county is required by law to fur nish. Court reserves the right to re ject, any or all bids, said bids to be filed with the County Clerk not later than twelve o'clock noon, Thursday, September the second, 1909. ED WRIGHT, (A-28-8-t) County Clerk. suit call and have it BASEBALL v wr-m ii rriv KtYITEU! 'E GAME SUNDAY AXI PUOUAIi- LY ONE MONDAY. Team From Cove to Meet Here xt Sunday Afternoon. Baseball will be revived again Sun day when the Cove team will meet ! the local aggregation of ball tossers at Lincoln park in the afternoon. Since the "busting" up of the league there has not been any baseball games here, but the fanij have not lost in terest in the sport, and already they are enthusiastic over the prospect of the game next Sunday. The local team is in as good shape as It was at the close of the league and no doubt, but that there will be a fast game. In all probabilities there will be two games here. One on Sunady and the other on Monday. The Sunday game i3 sure and Manager Lincoln is trying to make arrangements for the Monday game also. SO SELECTION' BY STATE IN IDA 110 COOTIES. " Friction Shows Itself Between Statu And The Department. LEWISTON, Idaho, Aug. 31. Offi cials of the local federal land office today decided to suspend selection by state of 76,000 acres In the national forest reserve in Nez Perce and Sho shone counties, owing to oppoaitlon of the forestry bureau. The stale has made a filing case and probably will be appealed to the department of the Interior as a result of renewal of friction. The land carries valuable white pine. l'eacbes Coming Tomorrow. ' The City Grocery will receive a few boxes of Eagle Valley peaches to morrow morning, suitable for can ning. The shipment Is a small one, and tlephone orders should be placed early. LAID OffKE TAKES ACTION New Jet Noveltins New Barretts New Hair Goods Linen Collars E. M. WELLMAN & CO. ADAMS AVENUE laid away and have Bary's tailor made 'Till AH I Ah MltLUUUB NO REVELATION AS TO HIS ON D1TI0N MADE KNOWN. Cen. Man. Mohler Receives Letter From Chief Harrlman. OMAHA, Aug. 31 "Harrimaa hasn't been oft his job," declared Mohler, the vice president and gen eral manager of the Union Pacific to day In a reply to the question when Harriman would return to work. Mohler has received a letter from Har riman today. He refused to reveal its contents, but said his chief declared his condition was not alarming. "No time has Harriman been so sick as to be compelled to abandon his work," declared Mohler . Vale Is to have a sanatorium. FOR SALE House and lot on Adams avenue, extra well built, plasterel house good basement, and wood shed. Price right. Call Black 1941 or see D. C. Stevens at Henry & Carr's Btore. (8-27-9-27) LOST A watch on 6th street close to the C. C. Pentngton store this morning a 17 jewel Waltham watch. Finder please return to Joe McIIugh at the La Grande Iron works. 8-30-tf Recipe Exchange. The Aid society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. D. McMillan, Wednesday. After a short business meeting, the afternoon will be spent in the exchange of favorite receipts, refreshments will be served by the ladies of the mlseellean eous section and a silver offering of firteen cents will be received. The ladles of the Aid and congregation are urged to attend. 1 I The Little Shop I Main St. Stamping of all kinds, lnclud tag shirt waists & Center pieces, done,, embroidery lessons given. Orders taken and lessons given In stenciling. Full line of em broidery materials. AR Aft it made up later. suitsif they are not BERRY i " .'. ': GEORGE PALMER, President C. a WILLIAMS, 2nd Asst Cashier. F. J. HOLMES. Vice-President W. H. BRENHOLTS, AbbL Cashier P. L. MEYERS, Cashier. . , La Crande National Bank Of La 3randel Oregon CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $170,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY , DIRE . M. Berry J. D.'.Mathe&on ' C. C. Pennineton F. L. W, I, Btenholts 1 THE HE BEST PL Ik I Without a doubt the best place to get all kinds of vegetables, straw berries, cherries, orgnngea, bannanaa and lemons, Is at the Geddea Grocery, they have the best and the fresheBt; and should you want nice crisp sweet or Bour pickles, Just call them up; and don't forget that 25c coffee, It takes the place of your 40c coffee. Just n a shipment of Swifts ham and bacon. GEDDE BROS. EAGLE Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOMATOES 1 Imperial Brand 80CPERBOXI i 0 1 THEY ARE IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CANNING City Grocery 0 0 0 0 E. P0LACK, Prop ' BsllPhone, Main 75 0 0 Any price from $10.00 Cheaper 'TORS F, J. Holme .' IF, M. Brykit Meyer Geo. L. Cleaver Oeorfit Palmer PHONE MAW ib VALLY 0 0 0 d FINE SHAPE FORI 0 0 0 0 and Bakery, g 0 0 0 Indapsnfont 241 0 0 ACE S p 8 1 - O 0 000000000000 000 000000 0 0 0O0000Q