.jkJjU-SkSri.l3J1tiM OBSERVER, LA GRAXDE, 0 KEG 05. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. II O 0 O 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 o o o o o 0 . . i v vwuwuooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOGOGOOS 0 What's New in Men's Clothing IV', JaM .sjl SINCERITX CLOTHES Copyright THE SHOWING OF JfEW STYLES AT OUE STORE DESERVES A FEW MIX. UTES OF YOUB TIME THE YERY CHANCE YOU GET TO COME IX. THE NEW GRAYS AND GREENS WHICH ARE THE PRE-EMINENT SHADES FOB THE COMING SEASON ARE SnOWN IN AN EXCEPTIONAL LY ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT, AND WHEN WE SAY WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE SHOWING OF CLOTHING AS CAN BE PRODUCED, IT IS NOT THE USUAL SPECIES OF "HOT AIR" SO FREQUENTLY USED FOR ANNOUN CEMENTS. YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT ETEIiY lEGjuIViijil CLuin ING HOUSE IN AMERICA SENDS THEIR REPRESENTATIVES TO US WITH THEIR LINES. NO HOUSE HAS A MONOPOLY OF GOOD CLOTH ING, BUT W FEEL CERTAIN THAT WE OFFER YOU GARMENTS THAT EXCELL OTHERS IN FIT AND IN STYLE AND THEY ARE CERTAINLY SUPERIOR IN WORKMANSHIP AND PERMANENT VALUE. AT THE SAME TIME WE KNOW THEM TO BE CON SIDERABLY LOWER IN PRICE THAN OTHER LINES EQUALLY WELL KNOW?.. IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE AND TBOUwLE TO INVESTIGATE. Ni:K'WEST THE QUALITY STORE. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 00000&ftQeQQ0Q0 0 O 0 Q Q 0 O Q LETTERS M t HUMERUS 00000000 0 00000 0000 0 0 0 0 O 0 Ready For Practice M P, MENDELSOHN (I)O(Tfllt OF OPTICS) fiiST'lkS! Yes- Grande la Foing to have the HOTPOINT ELECTRIC IRON We have decided that nothing la too good for our customers, bo we are paying quite a little more fo rthla one than others cost But It Is worth 11, and we sell It to you at wholesale. We want you to know all about this Iron how to use It what It saves you how safe and comfortable It is. Continuous Demonstration Drop In any day and let them show you all about the famous Hot Point Iron. W. H. BOHNFNKAMP & CO. LA GRANDE, OREGON. 0000000 0 00 0 00000 v . New Jet Noveltins New Barretts New Hair Goods Linen Collars E. M. WELLMAAI & CO. ADAMS AVENUE : ' 1 'A, ' 1 WW Is permanently located In the Foley building .opposite the postofflce. If you are troubled with your eyes or with your glasses, or suffer head aches, or red eyelids or any eye strain see the doctor. No extra charge for examination. one charge covers examination and glasses and satisfaction guaranteed. Office hours from 8to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. ni. old (omi'am nmmtiM; W. II. Bohnenkamp, on . read ing in the Observer a few days og, the account of the citizen of Pendle ton receiving a letter from a self styled relative languishing in prison in Spain for political purposes sud denly realized that he had received the same letter only In his the writer had changed until his name was Boh nenkamp and that he was W. H.Boh nenkamp's relative. The writer claimed that he was a distant relative of the recipent of the letter and that he was in prison for a political offense. The writer goes on to state that he has a daugh-' ter of fourteen years of age and also is the owner of a trunk in which there is a large sum of money. He urges Mr. Bohnenkamp to send or bring enough money to Spain to pay the fare of himself and the little girl back to America, lie mto cuiibigu tut: trunk to his so-called relative along with his daughter. The letter received by Mr. Bohnen kamp is written from the same place and bears the same date as the Pen dleton letter. Mr. Bohnenkamp dis regarded the letter. When he seen the account of the letter from Pen dleton, he noticed the similarity and said something about it, knowing that It was a case of graft. A prominent citizen of Denver, was in the city today and stated that the Identical letter was received at Den ver a short time ago. The United States government has recognized the means of this 'graft and have repeatedly communicated with the Spanish government to aid them in stopping it, but hae never received any reply. It is thought that the high officials of Spain are in some way connected with the scheme as It is a well known fact that most of them are grafters on a large scale. Mr. Bohnenkamp will pay no atten tion to the letter whatever. We Want Your Wants IN Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or more "want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent pe reword of your want au whe: result are the keynotes? It FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished room for gen tlemen. Electric light, bath, etc Inquire at Gilham residence, 1910 Cedar. Phone Black 1361. lw Two or three choice rooms to let, with or without board. Inquire of 2103 1st street or phone Black 1761. FOR RENT Well built barn. Red 41. Phone FOR RENT. Furnished room wl-.o. ail modern Improvements. 8C1 Mala Avenue. Good family horse, phaeton and harness, cheap if taken immediately; cash or terms. Phone Red 1921, 7315 Jockson avenue. (St) GEO. ACKLES. FOR SALE 4 lots In Block 139, in Chaplin add; 2 blocks from round house for further particualrs apply to L. F. Dunn, City, or C. E. New som 2415 First ave, Seattle Wash. 4-12-tf FOR SALE 3 4nch Mitchell wagon, used only one season, 50; also good saddle good as new $25. Call at 401 Grandy avenue. W. A. LUDIKER. (8-7-13) FOR SALE Fresh cow giving nearly 4 gallons extra rich milk. It-quire phone Red 1022. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas, our heavenly Father has tailed away our dearly loved sister, Mary Kalmback, who was a charter member of O. W. Moon division No. 103 of G. I. A. to B. of I. E and chap lain of our divibion since the time of organization. Resolved; We bow in submission to the will of lliui, "Who doeth all things well," realizing that in the death of our sister, the division ha3 lost a valued officer, who was ever ready to do all in her power for the welfare of the order. Be it therefore; Resolved; That we as a division ex tend our sympathy to her family and especially to her grief stricken son, in this, their hour of trouble and point them to the giver of all good, who can heal the broken heart and help them say "Thy will be done." Resolved; That our charter be draped for 30 days and that copy of these resolutions be sent to the be reaved family and the local papers be furnished a copy for publication. Mrs. G. W. Sheppard. Mrs. O. W. Hillman. Mrs. S. L. Glvan. POSITION WANTED A lady cook with 10-year-old child would work cheap at cooking or general house work. Phone Red 1091. (8-25-27) MESSENGER SERVICE call Red 1843 for prompt response. (J23-a23J FOR RENT Four room house for rent, 2018 Adam avenue, nhons Black 451. For Sale or Traded " ' 12 head registered short horn cattls for sale or will exchange for L Grande city property. J. B. Reynolds, phone Black 602. FOR SALE One second hand auto mobile, five passenger; price very reasonable; phone 27A Sunimerville or inquire Whiteman Garage. Will trade for land or sell for cash. . FOR RENT "Furnished room. Black 1871 (A-26tf) Call , WANTED A blacksmith. Call at 1505 Madison avenue. . (4t) WANTED Select board and rooms for adults. Phone (A) Observer. two care by or WANTED Position as engineer, competent man, stationery threshing, Bell phone Red 271. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Light gold cuff link. Sultabls reward If returned to thlB office, (tf) For Sale. House and eight lots In south La Grande, city water' and good well; large barn and plenty of fruit. Best view of the valley. Thos. S. Harris, 1302 B street CHOIR AT PEXDLETOV. Mormon Tabernacle Choir Will De liver Concert in Pendleton. ' The Mormon Tabernacle choir will deliver a concert at Pendleton on next Monday evening on their way home from the Seattle fair. It was the orig inal intention of the choir to proceed straight homo, but the music lovers of Pendleton prevailed upon the fa mous band of singers to stop over there and deliver a concert. Old Members of Cnrtiss Comedy Com jinny Gatherlns: For Coming Season. Geo. Routh. so popular last year with the Curtlss Comedy company is expected tonight. He will open with the Pastime Stock company Sunday night in the "Parish Priest." Miss Louise Kelley. who has been playing In a stock company at Boise, is lso expected tonight Room For Rent. i V,,i; j-ica -,v-! i.il. ';!'. ;! ltttM nod r- i' v; or 7-1,0 . (Continued From Page One.i ing the mountains in the vicinity of Arden, Harriman's country home, with explicit instructions not to let any one approach within three miles of the Harriman palace unless it is a member of the family, business as sociate or one of the coteries of the physicians attending. These are Har riman's orders. It is postlvely learned that Harriman has not walked twenty steps since his arrival at Arden. He sleeps a great deal and when he is not sleepy is wheeled about The impression is general here that Dr. Lyle has ordered an Immediate operation on Harriman. The arrival of r.vernl tnrks of chemically pure CJ.ygcn a.er.u to bear out the fact La Grande School Of Music The only School of Music like it in the state teaching young and new students as well as the older ones The very LATEST METHODS USED The Conservatory of Music of Boston is the best in the country We teach as they do. E. PORTER DAY, MRS DAY, Principal Primary Teacher 2,000 PO UNDS OF COAL for $8 Weighed on City Scales. Rock Springs Lump or Nut delivered to any part of the city Gity scales ticket delivered with load. G. , FOWLER AFine Stock Ranch FOR SALE In Antelope Valley. 1 1-2 miles sout heast of Telocajset, 320 acres, of which 240 acres Is in cultivation, the balance pasture land; 100 inches of water right; a new S room house, good barn and other out buildings; two good springs a small orchard. Price $8,000.- Will take half in city property an! balance on time or $7,500 Half cash and half on time. Call onC J. BLACK La Grande, Oregon or ... C. L. ENGLAND, Telocaset, Ore. 1 i r