EYESI3G OBSSEBYER, LA GRAXBE, 0REG03. FRIDAY, AIGCST 11 190 r I. us $$QOO0G$ OQQQ 4? Where Nothing is Too Much Trouble o Fine Tablets - - - -Envelopes to Match A Tablet Worth 25c Sold tor 25c REST--ROW--RECUPERATE At The Seashore t v iT I 1 Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An Ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bath ing boating fishing riding driving, and exploring, make North Boach the most charming and popular play ground on the North Pa cific Coast. THE O- R. & N- HAS A SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION KATE 10 SOUTH BEACH POINTS 0 $16.15 FROM LA GRANDE, ORE. Remember this will fslve you the daylight ride on the Steamer T. J. Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outing In Ore gon." . J. H. KENNEY, AGENT 0. R. &'. CO, LA GRANDE, OREGON. 1YM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore t Sunday Services at the Churches ST. PETER'S CHURCH. 12th Sunday After Trinity. Holy Communion . . 8 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. m. UPTON II." GIBBS, Rector. M. E. Church, South. Sunday school 10 a. m., Mr. Wilson, superintendent; church service, 11 a. m.; subject, "Christian Coasters. Class mettlng Immediately following church service. There will no ser vices In this church Sunday evening, owing to the Union meeting in the Baptitst church. REV. J. L. IRELAND, Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner ef Sixth and Spring SL W. H. Gibson, Pastor. 9:45 Sunday school. Dr. J. E. Stev enson, superintendent. 11:00 Mprning worship, sermon by Rev. Gordon R. Houston, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Nyssa, Oregon. Theme 'Our Debt to Christ 7:00 The Young "People's Hour, Sixth lesson from "Alien's or Amer icans.' by Miss Bunnell. 8:00 The Union Massmeetlng in the Interests of reform. See pro gram elsewhere. Thursday, September 2. monthly convent and business meeting. A cor dial welcome to all. Read the Observer. Entertainment Mesdames George Palmer and Turner Oliver. Candy Mrs. G. M. Byrkit For the largest and best yard display, flr3t. second and third prize, J, S2 and SI, respectively; tor tna j best display of well cultivated aaters. three prizes, i3, and $1, respec tively; for the best display of pink, wuite ana purple asters, respectivo'y, two prizes of 2 and Jl each; for pink, white and purple single speci mens,, two prizes, $1 and r,0r. re ARRANGEMENTS FOR ASTER , pectlvely; for the best bouquet of SHOW TAXING SHAPE. j white, purple, pink and mixed asters, , iw" prizes, i ana uuc eacn. Prizes to be Awarded Is Also Arrang (01IIIEES APPOINTED r ed For. The list of the committees appointed for the holding of the Aster show here in September has been announc- by Mesdames E. E and A. R. Hunter. Evangelist In Nebrnska. Whlaton and Longman the evange listic team, who are scheduled for a meeting at the Central church n Bragg, E. Polack February, are at present attending the They have also Nebraska state convention of the A GOOD RlCORD We . have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. G. Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 w 2 The J. T. Scott Music Co. Successors to Bramwell Music Go. Remember we have the old reliable Chickering, Weber, Kimball, Lester; and 43 other good makes of PIANOS Good line of small instruments and Sheet Music. Edison's full line. The J. T. Scott Music Co. La Grande, Oregon E-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CURE. Because It does not contain narcotic, mercury, cocaine, lead or any Poisonous drugs. Because E-RU-SA enres piles. U. 8. Dispensatory recommends every Ingredient of E-RU-SA. Drug laws make "falsa or misleading statements" a crime. Therefore the sals of all old or nar ootlo pile medicines Is Illegal because they effect the brain and spinal -&rrow; produce constipation and never cure. Only druggists of uii manning seu ana endorse x.-iU-OA. arranged the premium list. The place Christian church. -These men will for the holding of the fair has not soon leave for an extended trip been determined upon, hut it is through the east, stopping at Pitta tnought that the skating rink will be burg, where they will attend the secured. The following is the list of Centennial exposition of the Desciples committees and the prize list: ' of Christ. While they are in the oast Decorating Mrs. utamsey, Miss they will hold a meeting In Boston Margaret Anson and Mrs. C. W. Bod- In December they return to the north- well, west, where they hold meetings at Ice cream Mesdames H. R. Hanna , Grangevllle, Lewiston and La Grande. and A. T. Hill. 'These men have been verv Riirrpxafni Put This Stove in Your Kitchen It Is wonderfully convenient to do kitchen work on a stove that's ready at the instant wanted, and out of the way the moment ' you're done. Such a stove is the New Perfection Wick Clue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. By using it you avoid tha continuous overpowering ' heat of & coal fire and cook with comfort, even in dog days The gevte W PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil CooU-Sfove It differs from all other oil stoves in its substantial CABIN 1ST TOP, ifti ..,;.i,,iu,iirn,.,:..j.i...u.lu,n:.,. ci i Ml nor, ana arop sneives ior noiaing smaii coosinj utensus. Mas every convenience, even to oars tor . i- ti : :.i . " u: ... t if not with your dealer, write our nearest a"i crv. f..il , nlp. . rcri- ... venw-nt, economical, nud preat lipht giver. If not wi:h your dialer, .. : write our nearest agency. Standard O'l Company (Incorporated) I f t I I Cake Mesdames J. D. Smith, T. J. Scroggins and D. E. Cox. Flowers Miss Margaret Anson. Punch Mesdames Ed Kiddle and O. E. Silverthorn. as evangelists while here in Oregon. They closed their 1909 campaign Amity, the eigth meeting averaeinir over one hundred converts per meet ing. ACT QUICKLY. Delay lias Been Dangerous In La Grande. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly In the time of danger. Backache Is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressingdangerous kid ney ills. Plenty of evidence toprove this. Mrs. S. J. Atchison, 213 S. BBaker St., Baker City, Oregon, says: "I have known of the value of Doan's Kidney ruis ror years and they have long been a standard remedy In our house hold. I used them for a weak and pain ful back, accompanied by bearine- dwon pains through my hins. My kid neys were much disordered and annoy ed me both day and night At times my head ached bo severely that it really felt as though it would split and I was often so dizzy that I had to take to my bed until the attack passed away. I a!so suffered from rheuma tism and my ankles became badly swollen. At last Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and I procured u supply. They helped me from the first and by the time tLat I had taken the content? of three boxos I was free from kidney trouble. There has been no symptems of a return and I consequently praise Doane's Kidney Pills at everyopportunity." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MIlburn Co.. Rnffftin New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tako.no other. Card of Thanks. We desire to record our exnresslon of thanks to those who rendered us such kind services during the Illness and death of our beloved daughter Alia. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bault availing themselves of the opportun Ity and the records of the various land olllces In the northwest show that thuosands of acres have been scripped In the past year, mostly by scrip issued under Congressional Act of July 1st, 1898, and ushally known as Northern Pacific Scrip. The N. P. Railway company has appointed the C. B. Towers company of Miles city, Montana, who are acknowledged to be the most extensive scrip dealers of the northwest, its agents, In the sale of this scrip. (A-8-23-29) Beading Kotlces. MHi ml, GLTXBTB0S3PS FA13LI DiUG S)0KXt Aa yet very few people realize the great advantages Public Land Serin offers aa meant of obtaining title to OTernment land. Those who do are Words to Freeze the 8o.il. a leading merchant of Sprinflaid, N. words were spoken to Geo. E. Elevens, C. by two expert doctors one a lung specialist. Then was shown tbe won derful oower of Dr. Klnr'a New Dis covery. "After three weeks use," case is hopeless." These appallirg writes Mr. Blevens, "he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." Infalllable for Coughs and Colds .its the safest, surest cure "Your son hag Consumption. His of desperate Lung diseases o nearth. 60c and $1.00. Guarantee satisfaction Trial bnttl fr. Nnwlln Urn On The Observer excels In real "news." La Grande Professional Directory THYSICUNS. J. II. HUBBARD, M. D, ; Physician and Surgeon Office in New Bank Building .Rooms 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 79. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 55. N. MOLITOR, M. D. . Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adama ave and Depot st. Office Main 68. Residence Main 69 BACON & HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. Office In La Grande National Bark Building. Phone Mr ;n 19. 8. T. Bacon, Residence .Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 52. DR. F. E. MOORE DR. H; C. P. MOORE Ostepathic Physicians. Kirksville Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Building. Phones: Gfflco Main 63; Res. Main 64. Sell "Oatlng" Plant DEPOSIT, N. Y., Aug. 24. The ex tensive magazine publishing plant of the Outing Publishing company In this town will be sold at public auction today, by order of the Federal court The Outing magazine, the Bohemian and other periodicals were published by the company. Meet in Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Aug. 24. ''Meet me in Baltimore," the invitation sent out by the Merchants' and Travelers' as sociation to 30,000 southern business men, has met with a hearty resnonse and the city is today filling up with visitors. Typical Baltimore hospital ity will be on tap every day of tha week, including an excursion and sea food dinner on Friday. C. H. UPTON, PH. Q., M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande National Bank Building. Phones: Office, Main 2 Residence Main 32. VETERINARY SUUiLON.H. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Graude. Residence Phone Red 701. OftV PkOM Plack 13C1 Independent Phone 53. Both phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY. Gradual Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery it aU kinds. Country rails promptly isswered. Office ' 14 Adams avenue. .' hones: Pacific Black 1901. Independent, 373. DR. T. W. RIDDELL, M. D. C. Gr duate Veterinarian. Office Red Cross Drug Store. (" ores: Pacific, Main 4. Home. 121. La Grande Oregon. DEJJTISTS. C, B. CAUTHORN Dentist .. ; . Office over Hill's Drug Stora. La Grande Oregoa J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Ban Building. Phone Blaci 199i. TEACHERS OF MUSIC. ." PROF. E. PORTER DAY, Principal La Grande School cf Music, Mrs. Day. assistant School, ins Greenwood ave., one door south of Adams ave. 'Phone Black 1831. MISS STELLA OLIVER Teacher of Piano and Harmony.' Studio at residence of Turner Oliver corner Fourth and O avenue. - MISS lUR HOUSE Instructor In Piauu, Harmony an Technic. 2105 North Spruce Street La Grande Oreeoa .ARCHITECTS.. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Years' Experience ' ROBERT MILLER. Architect Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phones Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. 8. , ATTORNEYS. Chaa. E. Cochran Geo T. Cochra COCHRAN & COCIUUN. t Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Buiidlns. La Grande Orecom. H. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the Courts of the State pjid United States. Elgin' Oregoa ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLER Slval, Mining, Irrigation Engineering and surveying, estimates, plans and specifications. Office la Bohnenkamp Building. U Grande Orator, C. H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the Stats and United States. , Office In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon, . WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms 15 and 16 Sommer Block ': La Grande Oregoa. YIATL ICRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1171. -J