WEEKLY 0 BSEttTEB. LA CRA3UK, OEEUO.M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 126 TINE H CLOTHING 4 LOCAL ITEMS. Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe returned last night from a visit near Gibbon. '!'" Core la attending to busi ness in Baker City. Mrs. Ella Morris of Elgin, is in I-a Grande today on land office business. Arde Lyman of Elgin, isattending to business In La Grande today. Mrs. F. E. Smith of Elgin, who has been visiting in La' Grande for some time, left this afternoon for her home. X W. Craven, of the Orchalara Stock Farm at Twin Falls, is attend ' ing to business in La Grande today. Joe Robinson, a sawmill man of the Mlnam, is in the city today Bhaking hands with-old time friends. Mrs. X L. Caviness and nephew Raymond Caviness, left this morning for a visit at the Seattle fair. A. G. Kregness and wife returned last night from a tour of the coast cities. Norman Gray, o fthe Pastime Stock company, returned last night from a visit to the Seattle fair. S. D. Crowe of the Home Indepen dent Telephone company, is attend ing to business in Union today. District Attorney F. S. Ivanhoe re turned from Portland this morning. F. H. Greene is in Union today on business. Rev. Gordon R. Huston of Nyssa, Oregon, is in La Grande and will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. X E. Stev enson for a few days. Dennis Madden of Elgin, spent last evening In La Grande. He left this morning for Walla Walla, where he will make his future home. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stevens have re turned from visiting relatives In Pull man, Washington, where they have been for the past two weeks. Geo. Craig and son returned this morning from seeing the big fair and left on the noon train for Enter prise. Miss Hattle Glenn of Ontario, ar rived last night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Glenn of Summer ville. Hal Bohnenkamp la expected to ar rive home tomorrow, since the early part of the summer he has been at tending the Culver Military school in Indiana. Mrs. X N. Neeley of Walla Walla, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Caviness, for the past five or six months, left this morning for her home. ' Dan Summer of Elgin, is here to day looking after business matters. Architect C. R. Thornton is expect ed home from Wallowa county to morrow. X X Evans, who formerly was pro prietor of a livery stable in Union, ac companied by his brother E. E. Evans, are registered at the Hotel Sommer, from Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schneider of Denver,, arrived last night on their way home from a tour of the entire coast cities and are guests of City Recorder and Mrs. D. E. Cox, who were formerly friends in the east Dr. IV D. McMillan Painless Dentistry ta Grande National Bank Bldg.. Both Phones ixvitig. c are uuiors ana m a position c inane uiciii Mrs. Frank E. Wllhelm has been appointed chairman with Mrs. C. A. Vurpillat of the Utility Board for the Harvest Carnival. Anyone on the committee desiring information or money will confer with her at 902 Main street Mrs. C. S. Van Duyn received a telegram from Pendleton last night stating that her step-father, Judge T. J. Ayers, of Heppner, was not ex pected to live. He has been at Pen dleton for some time where he was taken 111. Mrs. Van Duyn left on" the early morning train for Pendleton. Will Church and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr of La Grande, were here Tues day in Church's white Ford. They had beenout to Flora, Paradise and Sled Springs, coming in by the Ann Flat road, which they said was fine for automoblling. From here they went upto the lake. Enterprise News Record. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, doctor of optics, has opened a handsomely fur nished and will equiped offices in the Foley building with the intention of making this city his permanent "home. Dr. Mendelsohn came here from The Dalles, where he practiced two years and brings numerous letters of recom mendation from the leading citizens, both as to his professional qualifica tions and high character as a citizen. The announcement of the opening of his practice appears eisewehre In this Issue. Sensational Tlay at Pastime. If our readers want their money's worth and a lot more, they should attend the performance, of "Crimes of a Big City," at the Pastime theatre tonight The play will be found all that he has been claimed for it by the management, and in the hands of the stock company, it is certainly a great show. One Bensation after another follows so quickly that one has hardly time to catch ones breath, and the comedy is uprparously funny. Miss Bertha Natino has a good part that she por trays with dash and ginger which proves an excellent foil for the part played by Russell Harrison. Miss Chumley was more than good in a strong part and Lucile Tucker, Mrs. Kelley, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Baker, Mr. Cavin and Mr. Curtlss, all appeared to advantage. . Thomas Bruce was great in the "Town Constable," looking for a clue. This is really, a great play and will be given tonight and tomorrow night. CONTRACT AWARDED. Helsner And Robinson Secure Con. tract For Fine Residence. The contract for the construction of the 110,000 residence on Fourth street for Fred J. Holmes, has been awarded to Heisner and Robinson. The contractors state that they will begin work on the residence as soon as the foundation is laid, which will probably be about the First of Sep-temh'-r. o ace to The Public. Harry U. Meyers and Joe Kelley hereby give notice to the public that they have formed a partnership to do general tonsorlal parlor business, and on past records solicit patronage if the!r friends r.nd regular customers cf the Meyers barbershop. HARRY U. MEYERS. JOE KELLY. Kotfce. We will continue our bargain sale till Tuesday, August 31st We have some sensational values in all lines of women's apparell for the balance of the sale. Be sure and visit this sale. (A-23-2t) THE VAN DUYN CO. m you. jsk me man mat wears otmebloch clothing. Andre wi& Berr v STRIKEBREAKERS VALKED OUT THREE nODRED STRIKEBREAK. ERS QUIT WORK TODAY. Strikers Consider This a Great Tic tory For Their Cause. PITTSBURG, Aug. 27. Declaring that they were treated "worse than dogs, given rotten food to eat and were threatened with death If they refused to work," 300 strikebreakers at the plant of the Pressed Steel Car company walked out in a body this afternoon. It Is stated that the re maining three hundred would walk out tomorrow, again tying up the plant The men quit today because they were not paid what was prom ised them by the officials. This af ternoon they were taken before Gov ernment Agent Heagland to testify in the alleged peonage. The strikers are delighted at the turn of affairs and hope they will win the strike. , Tanlham Meets Accident RHEIMS, Aug. 27. While attempt ing to surpass Latham's aeroplane distance record this afternoon the wing of Paulham's aeroplane broke, and the aviator was thrown to the ground. He was slightly Injured, and the machine is Jn kindling. A heavy wind was blowing. RHEIMS, Aug. 27. The Grand Prix de la Champagne was won today by Henri Farmon, who sprung a great surprise when he flew 100 miles in two hours and S3 minutes, which was 4:6 miles farther than Latham's prev ious world's record. The prize brings the winner $20,000. School Opens September . The Elgin public schools will re open for the fall term on September 6th. An extra large attendance is hoped for, and Prof. Bailey and his corps of able assistants are prepared to make the coming term a record breaker. Elgin Recorder. . ' ' . Academy Opens Week From Monday. The Sacred Heart academy will open one week from next Monday. The Catholic school at La Grande is always largely attended, but it is thought that this year will break all records for attendance. , Joseph Hotel Sold. E. N. Middlebrook of Spokane, has purchased the Mitchell Hotel at Jo seph, and Is already in charge. The conisderation was $16,000. . mmvmvmHwmmvHHTv,,m4HvW V P.' Klip's A ntnprvi cm9 ' r -xuuEu.it eiw,o A BUUUII la an express that Is always heard at sight of a well deve d woman. If you are flat-chested, .vith BU undeveloped, a Brawny neck, thin. lead arm' remark will never be applied to you. "SIP wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch in. They DEVELOP THE BUST In a week from I to Inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow niacin mair. rme handsome and well modeled and shoulders shapely and of perfect 8end for a bottle today and you'll be D'eased and mMni. REN" wafers ara abaoiutAiv hormi... vu umo, nu convenient , to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim 1 or AauiNisx HACK, . . I Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire I RECT TO US. FREE. During- the next SO days only we will send you a nam- Pie bottle of these beatifying wafers on. receipt of 10c to pay coet of packing and postage If you mention that you saw the advertisement In this paper. The sanapu alone may be sufficient If the defects are 3 inning. CnEMICAL to give you a better O SOCIETY. The Home Missionary society of the Methodist church met yesterday af ternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. J. W. Bush. During the busl "M nflon thAv dincussed the mat ter of providing for the services of a deaconess. The social tea served in the afternoon was enjoyed by the many who attended. Register Bramewell, Chief Rayburn, Sheriff Chllders, , Geo. O'Neill, Phil Krouse, M. H. Kirtley, Ed Hughes, James McClure and Lyman Pollock, who composed a Jolly fishing party, have returned from a fishing trip on the head waters of Mlnam, vai of Cove. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o fthe Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or., August 16, 1909. Notice is hereby given that HARRY E. SWAUGER, ' ' of Katnela, Oregon, who on Octobsr 16, 1903, made homestead entry No. 13302 serial, No. 04049, for SE4, sec tion 29, township 1 S., range 36 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver of the U S. Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon, on the 29th day of September, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: James L. Walker Ozro Hunt. Kyle Charlton. John Smith, all of Kamela, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Call For County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union csunty, Oregon, has funds on hand with which to pay all countywarrants which were endorsed prior toJune I, 1908. . No interest allowed on the above warrants after August 24, 1909. JOHN FRAWLEY, Treasurer of Union County, Ore gon. (A-23-30t) For Sale. Household effects must be sold U once, dining table, ' jairs, rocker 3, couch, refrigerator, cook and heating stoves, rugs, edroom set, etc. (A-20-tf) Mrs. Rush, 1806 Fourth st FOR SALE House and lot on Adams avenue, extra well built, plastered house, good basement, and wood shed. Price right. Call- Black 1940 or see D. C. Stevens at Henry & Carr'B store. (8-27-9-27) and the neck contour. r,i ..... . . . . at good drug stores or send Dl- ' ; , - " w- ST NEW YORK, j tit and Quality than 000000000000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREMIUM HAMS AND BACON FRESH LOT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Grocery . POLACK. Proo. BelUPhor.e, Main 75 0 000000000000 0 00000000 000 00000 GEORGE PALMER, President C. S. WILLIAMS, 2nd Asst Cashier F. J. HOLMES, Vice-President W. H. BRENHOLTS, Asst Cashier F. L. MEYERS. Casnier. La Grande National Bank Of La 3rande Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS f70,0U0 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY :' DIRE '-TORS :.:VV:r, :J . M. Berry ' J. DMatheson F. J. Holmes ;F. M. Brykit C. C. Pennington F. L. Meyers Geo, L. Cleaver . W. ti Bjenholts George Palmer '( THE BEST PtfltE Without a doubt the best place to get all kinds of vegetables, straw berries, cherries, organges, bannanas and lemons, is at the Geddes Grocery, they have the best and the freshest; and should you want nice crisp sweet or sour pickles, Just call them op; and don't forget that 25e coffee, It takes the place of your 40c coffee. Just n a shipment of Swifts ham and bacon. GEDDES BROS. anyone in town. 00000000000 0 0 JTST I. and Bakery, 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 v Independent 241 0 X o . X X O X o - -,v Iff x o x & X$ so 0 0 X 0 X 0 X ' 0 o 0 0 o 0 PHONE mm ib