ETEXI5G OBBSERYER, LA GRAXDE, ORE GOT. . TIESPAV, AUGUST 21, 1909. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 What's New in Men's Clothing r."Ji' n ; ... r ooooooooooo 000000000000000000000000a O o o O 0 O O O O o O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t. i tew SINCERITY CLOTHES Copyright THE SHOTVI.XG OF 5EW STILES AT Oni STOBE DESEBTES A FEW MIX--ITES OF TOUR TIME THE TERT CHAXt'E TOU GET TO COME IV. THE SEW GRATS AXD GREENS WHICH ABE THE PBE-EMI5EXT SHADES FOR THE COMING SEASOX ARE SHOWX IX AX EXCEPTIOXAL LY ATTRACTITE ASSORTMEXT, AXD WHEX WE SAT WE HATE AX EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE SHOWIX.G OF CLOTHING AS CAX BE PRODUCED, IT IS XOT THE USUAL SPECIES OF "HOT AIR" SO FREQUENTLY USED FOR AXNOUN. CEMENTS. YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT EVERY PROMINENT CLOTH ING HOUSE IX AMERICA SENDS THEIR REPRESENTATIVES TO US WITH THEIR LINES. NO HOUSE HAS A MONOPOLY OF GOOD CLOTH ING, BUT W FEEL CERTAIN THAT WE OFFER YOU GARMENTS THAT EX CELL OTHERS IN FIT AND IN STYLE AND THEYRE CERTAINLY SUPERIOR IN WORKMANSHIP AND PERMANENT YALUE. AT THE SAME TIME WE KNOW THEM TO BE CON SIDERABLY LOWER IN PRICE THAN OTHER LINES EQUALLY WELL KNOWN. IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE AND TROUBLE TO INVESTIGATE. 0 ; 1 o ! N. BL W EST! 0 THE QUALITY STORE. 01 L. ' 00000000 00000000O0aH8 at i& 1 "an""aiM- mtU. . ... . I WORK BEGIN 1ONORR0W John Wilson of this city has been awarded the position of foreman of the road construction gang' that to morrow goes to work on the Beaver Creek project. Mr. Lightner of Port land, who has been hfr shnrt tlm. I visiting friends will be foreman of the clearing gang. Sir. Stilwell, also of this city, has been appointed com missary superintendent, and a cook has been selected by Superintendent Dutch. With this list of details at tended to and the telephone contract about to be closed, construction. In the way of preliminary work, of the Beaver Creek water project will com mence tomorrow morning. .Monday was the day set originally to cast the first shovel of dirt, but inability to get men caused the delay. Today Mr. Dutch has a sufficient num ber on hislist to start things going and as more men apply, he will take them in. A Village of Tt-nK Through the Bolton & Bodmer com pany Mr. Dutch has ordered a quan tity of tents sufficient to house all the white men on the project, and lo be used as commissaries. These tenri will be ready for use as soon as they arrive which is scheduled for early this week. When tents sufficient to shelter 200 or 230 men are erected the headquarters will resemble a gar rison. It Is planned to make sanitary conditions perfect and the camps will be established at such Dolnts as to niake the minimum number of move. The crew to go up tomorrow will be small, but sufficient to start thing. The men from here who will act as supernumeraries and overseers are ready to march to the front at tho command from Mr. Dutch. 000000000000000 ft jx No I POINT Yes. La Crande is Folng to have the HOT POINT ELECTRIC IRON We have decided that nothing is too good for our customers, so we are paying quite a little more fo rthis one than others cost. But It Is worth It, and we sell It to you at wholesale. We waut jou to know all about this Iron how to use it what It saves you how safe and comfortable It Is. Continuous Demonstration Prop in any day and let them show you all about the famous Hot Point Iron. W. H. BOHNENKAIYIP & CO. LA GRANDE, OREGOX. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New Jet Noveltins New Barretts New Hair Goods Linen Collars E. JW. WELLMAN & CO. ADAMS AVENUE CONCERT A WONDER, 1 Stunned If music and its effects can properly be termed thus by the greatness oftt, more than a thousand attentive isteners last evening at L. D. S. tabernacle sat spell bouid dur ing the wonderful renditions cf tin organization that is truly whit has been said of it. As for Its solos they were on a par with the best musical things ever heard In this city, but not, perhaps any better. This descrip tion falls short however, in speaking collectively. The Dedication oda opened the avalanche of music that lasted until near the midnight how, turning suddenly into a shower of impromptu and unprogrammed hand waving and cheers, another reflection of the goodwill and appreciation ou all sides. Picture inyour mind'R eve uti intricate but perfect and well oiled m,uhine,;ng its speed, dim.'i lEl'ing again, ttartlng with terrible velocity, nil at the beck and call of a ivibter hand at the levers, arm yon Lsvfc a rough rmpectus of the nias tor'y power and control which Con ("I'ttor Stephens has over ths 250 voices. Clumna could be written of earned j.ralse of each solo, .-.f each rendition, be It home composi tion ct epics of the master wr a'.j, b t f.iace dojs not permit It v. il 1 be fu rlligiouJ a.- any rate. With out physlclal contortion, meraly boc komr. with a 1 i;j;tr or a barely is II" v Mft of t! e baton, Mr. Stepelxvin bioniht forth a n ixture of stream pianissimo, pianoforte and ritard that wm fully marvelous. Many a men ar.'l woman vws cheered to tho soul with the concert. The program was varied at times much to the delight of all, for the audience received even more than promised. Prof. MiClellan and Mr. Best the tenor, entertained a few ppecial guests at'tho conclusion of the program with some equally classical and entertain ing numbers. Oil will Dallas. also be bored for near 43 SHIP BODY H BUM The community was grieved this morning to learn of the death of Mrs. Mary Kalmback, ather home at Third and Washington, last night. She had been down town at a latehour wait ing for atrain and on her arrivalhome suddenly complained of being ill. She died 10 minutes afterwards. The remains will be taken to Walla Walla tomorrow where interment will follow in thecemetery where her hus band was buried 23 years ago, after meeting a tragic deathnear Baker City. Mrs. Kalmback is survived by one son, Jess, well and favorabl known here, and besides other sisters, and brothers, by her sister Mrs. J. Clancy of this city. The others are Mrs.Long of British Columbia, and Messrs Ocar Sullivan of Portland and Nick Sullivan of Walla Walla, win will all be at the funeral. Mrs. Kalm back was about 48 year.? o'.d harir? lived here a quarter of century, dur ing which time she made many wa-ci friends and acquaintances. WANTED TO RENT 4 room house with small barn. Phone Black 822 today. (A-24-lt) TAFT Call For County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union county. Oregon, has funds on hand with which to pay all countywarrants which were cndorse.1 prior toJune 1, 1908. No Interest allowed on the above warrants after August 24, 1909. JOHN FRAWLEY. Treasurer of I'nion County, Ore-(A-23-30t) We Want Your Wants Our Want Ad Column Your ant it placed before a thouwnd or more'rwant-Meksr tvery day-Caa you afford to spend on cent perword of your want ad wmn results are the keynotes? it FOB REST. POSITION WANTED A lady cook with 10-year-old child would work cheap at cooking or general house work. (A-24-lt) Klamath Falls head of lettuce measured 30 Inches in diameter, 141-4 Inches in circumference and weighed six pounds. Crops around Bend turned out pret ty well. FOR RENT Furnished room for gen tlemen. Electric light, bath, etc Inquire at Gilham residence, 1910 Cedar. Phone Black 1351. lw Two or three choice roomi to let. with or without board. Inquire of 2103 1st street or phone Black 1761. FOR RENT Well built barn Red 4L Phone FOR RENT. Furnished room wl-.ii all modern Improvements. 8C4 Main Avenue. FOR 8 AUG. Good iauiiiy horse, phaeton aiiu harness, cheap If taken Immediately; cash or terms. Phone Red 1921, 7315 Jockson avenue. (3t) GEO. ACKLES. FOR SALE 4 lots In Block 139, in Chaplin add; 2 blocks from round house for further particualrs applj to L. F. Dunn, City, or C. E. New Bom 2415 First ave, Seattle Wash 4-12-tf FOR SALE 3 Inch Mitchell wagon, used only one season, f 50; also good saddle good as new $25. Call at 401 Grandy avenue. W. A. LUDIKER. (8-7-13) FOR SALE Fresh cow giving nea;iy 4 gallons extra rich milk, Inquire phone Red 1022. WANTED Girl wants position gen eral house work. Phone Ind. 313. (A-20-tf) Si MESSENGER SERVICE call Red lfc,' ur vruuipi response. (J23-OJJ FOR RENT Four room house rent. 2018 Adams avenue, phon. Black 45L Fer Sale or Trade; 12 head registered short horn catty for sale or will exchange for u Grande city property. J. a Reynolds, phone Black 602. FOR SALE One second band""auto! mobile. Are passenger; price very reasonable; phona 27 A Summervlll or Inquire Whiteman Garage. Will trade for land or sell for cash. WANTED. WAM hu-A gin to do general house work. Call at the Electric Light office. (A-20-tf) Call at u (4t) WANTED A blacksmith Madison avenue. WANTED Select board and two rooms for adults. Phone (A) care Observer. WANTED Position as engineer, by competent man, stationery or threshing, Bell phone Red 27L LOST AND FpUND. LOST Light gold juff link. Suitable reward If returned to this office, (tf) For Sale. House and eight lots In south L Grande, city water and good well; large barn and plenty of fruit Best Tiew of the Taller. Thos. & Harris, 1302 B street La Grande School Of Music The only School of Music like it in the state teaching young and new students as well as the older ones The very LATEST METHODS USED The Conservatory of Music of Boston is the best in the country We teach as they do. E. PORTER DAY, Principal MRS DAY, Primary Teacher 2,000 Pr UNDS OF COAL for $8 Weighed on City Scales. Rock Springs Lump or Nut delivered to any part of the city Gitv scales ticket delivered with load. G. E, FOWLER A Fine Stock Ranch FOR SALE right; a new 6 room house, good bar n and other out buildings- two good springs a small orchard. Price is am, win ..v. v.,. . DU" 81 ' tW S , . ..... w m cuy DroDerty ana f T Z "I? Ca8h nd half time. Call onC, J. BLACK, C. L. ENGLAND, Telocaset, Ore. '1 J"'