For r I I i k 4 "Where Nothing is Too Much Trouble." DUPLICATE EECEIPT BOOKS, ETC. ALL SORTS OF BLANK BOOKS THE (HOKE BAKEK ORDERS IAVEMET SETERAL STREETS. REST--RdMP"RECUPERATE ' At The Seashore iNvKiii BEACH la a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bath ing boating fishing riding driving, and exploring, make North Beach the most charming and popular play ground on the North Pa cific Coast THE O R. & N HAS A SPECIAL SORTER EXCURSION RATE TO NORTH BEACH POINTS OF $16.15 FROM LA GRANDE, ORE. Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer T. J. Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outing in Ore gon." J. H. KENNEY, AGENT 0. R. AN. CO, LA GRANDE, OREGON. VM. McMURRAT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore 2 2 2 A GOOD RifCORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. C. Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 2 The J. T. Scott Music Co. Successors to Bramvvcll Music Go. Remember we have the old reliable Chickering, Weber, Kimball. Lester; : i 7ZL z - z and 4 o other good makes of PIANOS Good line of small instruments and Sheet Music. Edison's full line. The J. T. Scott Music Co. La Grande, Oregon ,-,-,- Decide to Use Popular Material For Its Pavement At an adjourned session of tbe city council last night contracts were awarded for paving Front street, storm sewer construction awarded to J. O. White and about thirty blocks of cement sidewalk were ordered built, says the Baker City Herald. ' "That Is going some," said an old time resident of Baker City who was In attendance at the meeting. "This has surely been a meeting that ac complished something. Less than an hour was consumed and business was transacted to the amount of almost a hundred thousand dollars, t have been in attendance at meetings Of the- Baker council In years gone by when an Item of four dollars would stick the session until nearly mid night" Bltnlithlc Was The Choice. ; When five members of the city council voted last night for bitulithic pavement at a cost of $2.35 per square yard, they did so with full knowledge of the history of that particular kind of pavement and with a further de sire of not wishing to try any new brands when they were certain of the merits of one with which they were thoroughly familiar. Ilassam pavement was offered for $2.00 per square yard with excava tion, extra, and (.iranltoU was offered for?2.G6. Jos. J. Ilellnei. one of Ba ker's attorneys, appeared for the Has sam people and argued 'to the coun cil the merits and economy of using that kind of paving. Ills remarks were carefully made and his speech was received with the utmost respect. He closed his talk with an admonition to the common council regarding the maintenance of the paving and sug gested that the whole matter be de layed until bids could be tried to cover this point. The Observer telegraph news vice gets the news. ser- IIEXI SUNDAY Consolation at the wonderful show. Ing of McCredle'a bunch down south, is about the extent of solace for lo cal baseball fans these days, it seems there will be no game here next Sun day. Grant Lincoln has not been ap prised of any team's coming to this ball games here of the faster sort city, and it Is safe to say that base will be limited In numbers hereafter. What the other teams of the four-club league will do has not been made known yet Something "may show up here before Sunday, but today In dications point to another holiday In baseball circles. o SHOWS GOOD judgment. Pastime's Production of "Man to Man" Is Well Received. Mr. Curtlss displayed good Judg ment In selecting "Man to Man" as an end -week bill for his Btock company. The popular little .Pastime theatre was Allied to overflowing for the first performance of this delightful play last night, and indications are that the audiences for tonight and tomor row night will be fully as large. T'u company made a hit in- the play from the firBt to the last and all left tha house with nothing but prainc for those who's names make up the cast. Miss Lucile Tucker 'made a host of new friends by her clever perform ance of "Pansy" and the same may be said of Miss Natino, who looked and acted the part of "Hose" to perfec tion. Russel Harrison made a swell looking "Dan", while Mr. Leonarl and Mr. Baker concocted vile plots. only to be outwitted in the end, to the satisfaction of all. Mr. Curtlss came in for a liberal share of applause for his artistic Im personation of "Jason." The s;ecl:il ties were all good and greatly enjoyed. For Sale. r ft the Summer's Cocking No kitchen apliancegivessuch actual satisfaction and real home 'comfort as the new Perfection Wick Elue Ham Oil CYok Stove. Kitchen work, this coming summer, will to better and quick er done, with greater personal comfort for the worker, if, instead of the stifling heat of a coal fire, you cook by the ttnctntrattd Vick Blue Fiame Oil CooIt-SIove Deliver htat where yoo want it-neret where you don't want It J liiu. it dot not overheat the kitchen. Note the CABINET TOP - tvnu shelf for warming plate and keeping food hot after cooked, alao convenient drop shelves that can be folded back when not In ute, ani tVi nickeled (fcars for holding towel. . .. Tb ve size. With or without Cabinet Top. At your dealer', or write our nearest agency. ; . CIV?) L A MP nev'r diaannointt aafa, "y economical and a won derful liht giver. SolUlly made, beautifully nickeled. Your In ing-room will bt pleatanfw with a Kayo Lamp. t 4 . j i - iGZz. "vl r oeaier, write our nearest of ency. (Incorporated) . ?? : . - a . '"" 11 . , V . : I La Grande Professional j Directory e 1'UlSltIANS. Household effects must be sold at once, dining table, hairs, rocKers, couch, refrigerator, cook and heating stoves, rugs, bedroom set, etc,, (A-20-tf) Mrs. Ross, 1806 Fourth st A Section of Wheat Land for Sale Near Alicel, all or part, $50 to $60 per acre, will be under ditch. Write Box 5 El cm. Oregon, for thn O 7 . -O 7 particulars. . . P. HOT POINTS FOR 30 DAYS Even if it is Free? What is a HOT POINT? any way and who has 'em. The Observer will tell you about it next week. J. H. HU1JBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office In New Bank Building .Rooms 20-21. 'Phones: Reldence. Main 89; Office, Main 79. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store ' Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 65 N. M0L1T0R, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave and Depot st Office Main C8. Residence Main 69. BACON & HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. Office In La Grande National Bark Building. Phone Mr in in. S. T. Bacon, Residence .Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence. Main C2 DR. P. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORf3 OBtepathic Physicians. Klrksvllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Building. . Phones: Office Main S3; Res. Main 64. Go to the E-BU-8A THE 0SLT LAWFUL PILE CUBE. BecMM It dnM nnt -nntaln n--nftn- l DOlaonoui Attm. noAiiu F.PTT.ft A mpm tini. rr a rum-JL -v-Bm wav avf ywycuiawfi . reeonunends erery Ingredient of EUU-8A. Drag laws make "false or i -aimuiii kaiiueaw m crime. - xnerarore ine sue or ail old or aar- v CO tie nlla anMllclnM la t!tinl hAMnu , r- v-.. . m w - o w w mv urn WIWS 1 1 1 .1 i Juurow; produce constipation and never care. Only drux-lsts of i.ihm sell aaa eaanree suba i-w . SXLTZSTBOSS'S FAMUI DBCG S10S& ROYAL BAKERY for your cakes and pastry for Sunday. A trial order wil convince you that we are selling the best BREAD in the city. Our Ice Gream and ourSherbert is the talk of the town HERMAN ROESCH, Prop. C. H. UPTON, PH. O., M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Building. Phones: Office, Main 2 Residence Main 32. VETEltmiiY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Giaude. Residence Phone Red 701. Dffloe Psoce Plark 1361 Indeyenaent Phone 63. Both phones at residence. DR. W. 11. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry, and Surgery t al1 kinds. Country calls promptly taswered. Office 14 Adams avenue. ' hones: Pacific Black 1901. Independent, 373. . DR. T. W. RID DELL, M. D. C. ' Or 3uate Veterlrarian. Office Red Cross Drug Store, ores: "aclflc, Main 4. Home, 121. Grande Oregon, UEMISTS. C. B. CAUTHORN "'"' " ' Dentist. Office over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande Oregoa J. C. PRICK, D. M. D. "" ' Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 199L TEACHERS of Mrsir" r PiiOF. E. PORTER DAY, Principal La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant 8chooL 146 Greenwood ave., one door south ot Adams ave. 'Phone Black 183L MISS STELLA OLIVER ' Teacher of Piano and Harmony. . Studio at residence ot Turner Olivtr corner Fourth and O avenue. MISS KOSR HOUUB Instructor In Piauw. Harmony anl Technic. 2105' North Spruce Street La Grande . Orpza- 1KCI1ITECTS. 'i l i i n - - - C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Years' Experience ROBERT MILLER. , Architect Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phoaes Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent . No. 8. ATT0ILMEI8. Chas. fi. Cochran Geo T. Cochna COCHRAN & COCHRAN. . Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande Oreaoa. H. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the Courts ot tbe State And United States. Elgin Oregoa ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. . I A. PICKLER StrmL Mining. Irrigation Engineering and surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Oreads Oregor. C H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the State and United 8tates. Office la La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAM8ET. . : Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms IS and 10 Sommer Block La Grande .Oregoa.' s -' - TL4TL MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone farmers 1971.