PAGE EIGHT. WTXfl IIBSEKTER, IA GKAJDU. ORTWl. MCXTMT. rcrfsT 2, no. OOOOOOO OOO 000000 0 00000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOS 1Li O o o o o o o o o o 0 O O o o o o o o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w i awt i m NOT A SIGLE DAY SPECIAL BUT THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE. A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE THAT IN A CITY THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF LA GRANDE THE PEOPLE WOULD DEEM IT A PLEASURE TO HAVE SUCH A LINE OF GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM. WE WANT YOU TO VISIT THIS STORE, CAREFULL YINVESTIGATE OUR PRICES AND THE QUALITY OF OUR MERCHANDISE AND REMEMBER THAT ANY ARTICLE PURCHASED HERE THAT DOES NOT GIVE SATISFACTION YOUR MONEY WILL BE CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. A Few Interesting Offers New Shipment of Sweaters, Price . V $1.50 to $6.00 An inspection of this offer will convince you that the values are even greater than we advertise. An Exceptional showing of Ladies and Misses Ilosiery, all colors and sizes. Priced very low at .... 15c to $3. I All Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Coats, R educed . .. 25 per cent. HENDERSON, fashion Form Corsets BEAUTY OF FIGURE HAS RESISTLESS POWER The Greatest Aid of Figure Beauty Undoubtedly IS A HENDERSON CORSET Quick to conform to every change of Corset Fash ion, they satisfy your ambition for the perfection of figure. N. K. W EST. O O O o 0 0 THE QUALITY STORE. 0 Fruit Jars. MASON JARS SCHRAM JARS. . ECONOMY JARS JELLY GLASSES The above iars in all sizes. Put atnos an fruit and compete for prizes at the coun tv fair. W.H.B0HNENKAMPC0 HARDWARE, STOVES AND BUILDING MATERIAL. MOTH BEET PULP Jeff Bull has again secured a con tract for consumption of beet pulp this winter, and will feed about 450 head of cattle at the factory. He has teams and men ready to haul Btraw and hay just as soon as threshing commences, and will consume about 400 tons during the feeding season. The straw will be used first and the hay later. This pulp Is good fattening stuff, and cattle raisers are always anx ious to get the contract for the con sumption of It. We are In position to furnish you verythlng in the way of shoe findings. Miller's Bhoe trees, men andladies $1.25 per pr. Fisher's bunnon protectors ; KOe per pr. ArrowBoilth arch supports $2.50 per pr. Tsn and block lacer ribbon per yard . ...23e Polishes for all styles of leather, also ezcluslre agents for the celebrated "Onyx" line of hosiery. We will be pleased at all times to hare you Inspect our stock. Smith & Greene, REPAIRING DOSE. 8H0E MEN. DEPOT STREET will delleht all mho attpnrt The play 1b on for three night ard will be followed the last half f week by the sterling English drtnsa, "Mable Heath." YEUME.N SHOOT AT TRAIN CREW. (Continued From Page 1.) box cars, several shots were fired. One punctured the outer clothing worn by McShean and Hanford who Bad also come up ahead, experienced the sensation of having a bullet whiz by his head. The .train was slowed down, but be fore Huron, the next station, wa3 reached, the men had evidently dropped off the train. At Pendleton yesterday several men were arrested for Belling men and ladies' wearing apparell. The officials at La Grande -were notified and today Chief of Police Rayburn and other officials went to Pendleton where the men are now under arrest and will be brought back tonight It is possible that the suit sold at Pendleton may the one taken from the Blue Mountain house Thursday night It will be a difficult matter, according to officials, to Identify the yeggmen who did the shooting stunt at Huron, as the fellows who did the holdup act here Friday night. A clear case exists relative to Cue shooting, it seems. MCW FAGgs, We Want Your Wants i Our Want Ad Column Your want is p'aced before a thousand or mere want-seeker every day Can you afford to spend one cent periword of your want au where result are the keynotes? e e FOB RENT. FOR RENT Suite of rooms for light housekeeping; Inquire of Mrs. Swartz, phone Black 822. FOR RENT 5 room furnished cot tage, see Mrs. Zuber. OR RENT Modern Cottage. Inquire of A. L.. Richardson. FOR RENT Furnished-room for gen tlemen. Electric light, bath, etc. Inquire at Gilham residence, 1910 Cedar. Phone Black 1351. lw Two or three choice rooms to let, with or without board. Inquire of 2103 1st street or phone Black 1761. AUTO PARTY ARR YES FOR RENT 6 room cottage, with bath and modern conveniences. Inquire B. W. Grandy, corner Fourth and Adams. (7-23-8-7) Two Ford cars, carrvln camp equipment, and the wife and children of the owner, a man named Powell, reached La Grande this afternoon, being 22 days out of a Southern Col orado town. They are bound for Med ford, and are making the trip by slow degrees. A broken spring is the most serious acrldent that they hare met with as yet They camp wherever night over takes them, and seem to enjoy the trip. Several small girls are with th'i party. GOOD PLAY 1 TONIGHT DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Mon'h At the rastitne tonight the Btock company will be seen in Milton Nobles romantic drama in four acts and thir teen scenes entitled "The Phoenix.' The play will be found one of the most interesting and will be presented by a cast thoroughly competent The piece is produced under the personal direction of S. M. Curtis, who will be seen in the role of "Gerald Gray,1 Carl Pe Vere, the well known actor will amuse all by his clever Imper sonation of "Masirs" and Miss Natino who is cast for the part of "Blanch, the Grange Girl," will have a delight fill role. Mr. Russel as "Jack Furbish' and Mr .Leonard as "Lester Blake ' with Miss Tucker as "Kitty Loritni Mr. Gray as "Mike O'Connor" an "Ike Pigeon" will fill up n cast tbn ARE V TO SEATTLE LOCAL BAM) INVITED TO BAND COX CERT. Overtures Familiar to Band Here To Be Rendered. An invitation has been received by Manager C. T. Bacon of the Band here to participate In the Northwest Band Concert at Seattle on September 6th. The prizes to be awarded are in the A class, first prize $50. Second prize $350. In the B class, First prize, $320 and Second prize $220. The over tures to be rendered are "William Tell" and "The Poet and the Peasant." These are familiar pieces to the band here and they would undoubtedly make a Bhowing. It has not been de cided whether they will attend or not FOR RENT Well built barn. Red 41. Phone FOR RENT Flower place on Elgin branch, outside of city, "Old Lyle Place;" 5 room house with garden, big barn, chicken house, cellar, $10.00 (J-21-J-12) bXtli sAJJfi. FOR SALE One second hand auto mobile, five passenger; price very reasonable; phone 27A Summervllle or inquire Whiteman Garage. Will trade for land or sell for cash. FOR S ALEFox terrier, pups $10.00; C. M. Graham, May Park, phone Black 1331. (J-25-5-9) FOR SALE Seed potatoes, fancy hand selected. Large and smooth Quality A 1; seed strictly pure Burpies extra early $2 per 100; lp.t Rose $1.75; Netted Gems, late, $1.71 Burbank seedling $1.30. Georgi Wagner, Island City. FOR SALE 4 lots In Block 139, lo Chaplin add; 2 blocks from round house for further particualrs apply to L. F. Dunn, City, or C. E. New som 2415 First are, Seattle Wash 4-12-tf For Sale or Trade. 12 head registered short horn cattle for sale or will exchange for La Grande city property. J. B. Reynolds, phone Black 602. . For Sale. Alfalfa hay, C. D. Scott, one-quarter mile Sast of Flouring Mill. Indepen dence phone 1536. WANTED. WANTED Select board antfT rooms for adults. Phone (A) 1 Observer. IRL WANTED To do general hou work. Inquire of Mrs. T. J. Scrot WANTED-Refrlgerator . fop .H drink house; medium size, particulars write to Box 58, Eat. prise, Oregon. WANTED On or two furnish ur paruy mrnisnea rooms for ft ily of mother and two children. tJ quire of Fair store. GIRL WANTED To do general h w work at $30. Inquire between! and 12 a. m., 902 Pennsylvania an, Mrs. William Ash. ' LOST AND FOUND. LOST Bundle of laundry. marM T-60. Finder please leave at the Ob server office. LOST Between the Pierce ranch and La Grande, an embroidered sofa pU low. Leave at light office. LOST 2 small bank keys on brasi ting to private deposit box at Li Grande National bank, No. 56. Lost near merry-go-round; please notify this office. LOST Incorporation certificate of the Blue Bell Gild Mining & Mill, lng Co., In yellow cover. Return to this office, suitable reward.(12-U FOR SALE Single comb Rhodi Island Red, hatching eggs. Noni better in Grande Ronde Valley, come f.nd see. $1.60 per setting of 15. $3 for 45. All Infertil eggs re placed free of charge. Incubator chikens $20 per 100. George War ner, Island City. Cagei Matott .Plank sidewalks built and repair ed, excavating and filling. Phoni Black 1562. J-2O-J-20) For Sale. House and eight lots In south I Grande, city water and good well; large barn and plenty of fruit Bert lew of the valley. Thos S. Harris. 1302 B street II EXPLODES ACCIDENTALLY Acting Poundmaster Tiffany this afternoon escaped Instant death by a narrow margin, when he was taking n cow to pasture on the North sliK He hat', scooped, during his work, to pitl an object off the ground, and while in the b nt over posture, his revolver fell frotr its holster and on striking ihi gift lid, exploded. The bullet whlmd i0 in the air under his aim, pass'n hi Mat close proximity. A few Inchij levia' tn on way or the other, woOa bate meant Ir.ftant death. La Grande School Of Music The only School of Music like it in the state teaching young and new students as well as the older ones The very LATEST METHODS USED The Conservatory of Music of Boston is the best in the countryWe teach as they do. E. PORTER DAY, MISS DAY, Principal Primary Teacher ''"in MONEY SAVING VI fA V iWRMiN4BUftNIMU WHY JJOT ORDER your fall and winter's supply of GOAL while you can get it and at prices below what you will be compelled to pay later, If you are able to get it at all. Come In and let us talk It over. G. E, FOWLER