J VOLUI.IE VIII. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, ORE., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1909! NUMBER 241. ' ' I ..2a IU1 it RAPID MUSS T WANT BIDS IN TWO WEEKS 111 RUSH CONSTRUCTION WHILE ADVEBTISING, WILL SEEK EIGHT OF WAY. LITTLE TROUALE IS ANTICIPATED The South Surrey A ears l ae ma Advertising Period. "Ready for-bids in two weeks." This la the statement made by Engineer Darley who is running the lines for the ditches and laterals on the south side of the river for the Meadowbrook Irrigation project Two weeks more and he will have all of the lines ran, and the maps and field notes complet ed so the board of managers can ad vertise for bids on the construction work. . After this portion is completed, the lines on the north side of the river will be located. Bight of Ways. Running hand in hand with prepa ration for advertising and letting the bids for construction of the ditcheB on the south side-, will be the efforts of the directors in securing the right of ways for the main ditches. Jus as soon as the permanent surveys have" been completed, the directors can proceed with securance of the seven Tempting NEWEST SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE - WASH DRESS GOODS REDUCED Our entire line of high grade summer drssses at great saving prices. Regular $40.00 evening gown, beau tiful creations, lace and embroidered affect, now $29.95 Values Now $7.G9 $22.50 Values Now . . $16.93 $9.00 Values Sow $6.95 flUO Values Now $11.15 Others Just as Cheap. $1L50 Values Now $8.93 i - Sweeping Reduction in Millinery. All Trimmed and Pattern Hats Must Go. $10.00 Values Now $9.00 Values Now $80 Values Now MTSLIN CNDEBWEAB REDUCED HEATHEBBLOOM PETTICOATS AT SAVING PRICES THE FAIR or eight Ef S o right of way re quired south & the river. By working two fires at once, quicker results will be obtainable. Scout Auy Trouble. By reason of the fact that almost to a man, the entire county is stand ing sponser to the project, right of ways are not going to be trouble some, it is believed. Of course equit able prices will be paid for all tracts needed, but It is not believed there is a single land owner In the path of the ditches that will . stand out for prohibitive prices and require con demnation suits. . PULLIAM DIES (IF OVN VOUUDS DEATH COMES AT ::30 THIS MORNING. Famous Baseball Magnates Succumbs to Self-inflicted Wounds. NEW YORK. July 29. Harry C. Pulllam. 1 President of the National Baseball league, died at 7: 30 : this morning from self inflicted pistol wounds, done at his room in the New York Athletic club,' '' '.Y lie shot himself last night, the ball entering the left temple and exited through the right side of his head. He was the moat prominent baseball official of years. It is known he has. been worried and extremely nervous. Trouble Dates Back. Suicide waB attributed to overwork following the National league trouble i JLas9 returned eetlyv'af- ter several months vacation, and since has been morose and suffered fits of (Continued to Page 8). ID $6.40 $6.00 $540 $7.50 Values Now $640 Values Now $5.00 Values Now CRAFT PESTHOLE IN SOUTH SIDE CHICAGO REEKS IN ROTTENESS NINETEEN Nil INDICTMENTS v THIRTY WITNESSES FOB THE STATE HATE DISAPPEARED. sisbssbs ' VICE PROTECTED BY POLICEMEN C!!j!r Srrln n lt of Graft , :' And Corruption. CHICAGO, July 29. Nineteen new indictments were returned against re sort keepers today in the South Chi cago Levee district. The grand Jury is probing the allegations of corrup tion 'vice, existing under protection there for yearB. It Is also Investigat ing the disappearance of 30 witnesses wanted by the state in connection with the west Bide Levee investiga tion. Additional indictments are expected against Inspector McCann and Detec tive Griffin. Much speculation is rife as to where the next bombshell will strike. As tounding revelations of the wide spread system of collecting graft for protection vice, is hinted. . DaVld: Bay this morning began the work of tearing out the old cells in the east corridor of the jail. nee $485 $100 $&85 SUMMEB PABAS0LS REDUCED NEW SBIBT WAISTS AT GBEAT BEDCCTIONS. It WHS RENT I0LEKII1I rabble "hisses at alphonso T SLAIN ALREADY KING HISSED BACK TO HIS PAL. V ACE BOOHS. . CIVIL WAB EV1DEMT EVERYWHERE i Soldiers Defeated on Every Hand by Moors Is Export MADRID, Spain, July 29. A mob before the King's palace today shout ed, "Down with the King." Alphonso appeared ou the balcony ana was greeted with Jeers and hoots, drown ing the effort of his speech. He was forced - to retire. The situation Ik relous.v The government is In a desperate situation. Civil war seems Imminent for many troops have deserted the flag at Barcelona, and are Joining the rioting Btrikers, destroying property and shedding blood. Scores are re ported killed In renewed rioting to day and troops are unable to cope with the situation, refuging in bar racks where they are besieged by rioters. Declaration of martial law throughout the country served to in crease -dissensions. Soldiers Suffer Defeat. GIBRALTAR, Jul 29. Official ad vices from Melllla show the Spanish troops were overwhelmingly defeated by the Moors and forced to retreat,' abandoning their position. A Spanish gunboat was today cap tured, a blockade runner containing 150 tribesmen. Enormous Death Lists. Semi-official advices from Melilla say thousands of Spaniards were kill ed, and 2500 wounded In yesterday's fighting when outposts were captured by tribesmen. A dispatch received from General Marina Bays , "On July 27 we Bbelled the Moors with batteries but were forced to abandon our posts. The situation at Melllla Is grave despite bravery of Boldiers who are fighting under the city's walla. In Tuesday's engagement we lost General Plntos, one colonel, five cap tains, two lieutenants, and many petty officers,' and 1000 enlisted men. Wounded number at least 2500, in eluding many officers. Two generals can't recover. The Hippodrome is filled with the wounded." Uprising Is General. MADRID, Spain, July 29. (Via Frontier) Indications show that the government fears cjvil war more than defeat In Morrocco when strong for ces and several warships were order ed to proceed Immediately to Barce lona. Uprisings are becoming gen' eral throughout the province of Ca talonla. Has Startling Evidence. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. MIbs Daisy Sutton, a sister of Lieutenant James M. Sutton, who is visiting here, said the note found In her brother's clothes after his death reading, "Sut ton, consider all gun playoff; I was wrong." Expressed her belief that this prov ed a duel was Impending and said the sensational evidence yet to be intro duced anticipates startling revelations but she is nat at liberty to explain. Four Killed by Heat. CHICAGO, July 29. A thunder storm and torrents of rain this after noon dispelled the heat wave which up to two o'clock had killed four, and prostrated scores. HOUSANDS Schofield, author of the famous Oxj ford Reference Bible; Miss Grace Saxe, an English Bible instructor; the Rev. George Smith, of Toronto, Bish op Anderson, of Tennessee; Dr. Len G. Broughton, of Atlanta,, and F. S. Goodman, of New York, International secretary of Bible study of the Young Men's Christian Association. Landlady a Bold One. . TACOMA, July v 27. Mrs. John Crulkshank Scott, a hotel landlady, caught a burglar In a hallway this morning, pointed a revolver at him, and held him a prisoner under death threat until the police arrived. The thief gave his name as Harry Jones, and had ransacked the guest's rooms. cipl's vision EOT FATHEB'S DEATH. ' -Unknown" Suicide Identified IdentU Bed Through a Picture. PORTLAND. July 29. Nettie Scott. 12 years old, dreamed her father was dead, and told her aunt Mrs. 'Frank Foster, who this morning picked un a newspaper recognizing as the girl's father, a picture of an "unknown" who hanged himself on the Olsen ranch opposite the mouth of the Wil lamette river. He was burled in a potter's field al Vancouver, Washington. Scott had been unemployed recent ly and left his home seeking work. 4XSISTS ON $1.25 BATE ON Ll'M. BEB SHIPMENTS. Written Communication Handed to Tariff Committee. WASHINGTON, July 29. In a writ ten communication to the conference committee, President Taft today insis ted the lumber tariff should not ex ceed $ 1.25 per thousand feet, and that the senate rate on glaves and hosiery, be retained. With this communication, which is regarded as an ultimatum, before them, it became necessary for the re publicans to withdraw the invitation for Democrats to attend the meet ing. . But the democratic conferees did at tend the meeting of the committee this morning. It la taken to indicate the work on the tariff bill Is about completed. FILE ON CLAIMS. Gllham And Brown Locate on Mining Claims at ML Emily. James B. Gilham and Frank Brown, yesterday went out to the Mt Emily country to file on mining claims. The gold scare about the old mountain has been revived, for It Is rumored that a ledge has been found which con tains pay stuff. Nude Pictures Not Obscene. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. Super ior Judge Conlon, reversing the con viction of David Tomey, for selling lewd pictures, ruled as follows; "Nude pictures can never be termed obscene as long as the theme of the artist is pure." The picture In question was pre sented In the court and the judge said only a base mind could find vulgarity In It PROVES COREL iS5ts ORGANIZED GANGS RUM DOWN OKE IS PENITENTIARY BQUKD HULSE PLEADED GUILTY AND IS HEBE TONIGHT. HUNTER. SUSPECT, IN JAIL 107 District Attorney Returns From En- District Attorney Ivanhoe returned this afternoon from Enterprise, where he represented the state before the grand Jury and afterwards In court. The grand Jury7 returned a not true against E. T. Schleur tor violation of the local option laws, and found true indictments against Messers Arthur Hulse and Wm. B. Hunter on the charge of horse stealing. Arthur Hulse pleaded guilty and is now In La Grande on the way to the penitentiary to serve a sentence of. one year. Hunt has been arraigned, and failing to secure bonds to the . amount of $2000, la in jail. His case will come up the next term of court. Horse Thieves Organized. The confession of Hulse disclosed the fact that In Wallowa county there Is a well organized band of horse' thlpflsk Qne on an. JUfctugbet ween Los-th-and, EBteriJils has lost $1000 s worth of horses in-the last month, and' many other thefts have been re ported. , .. , -; n ' v The capture of Hulse and Hunt re- suited from a mere accident , They had brought some stolen stock down off the mountains and tied them up close to the river in an unfrequented locality. Some boys happened to pass and told their parents of the pres ence of the animals. ' ';, Lying in the brush close by , that night, several men identified the two, but let them go with their booty un til they were over in Washington and had tried to dispose of the horses N Then they were arrested and brought back to Enterprise. Corpe Moves to California. Dr. S. L. Corpe who two years ago moved from Cove to Weston has sold out and after spending two months taking a post graduate course In sur gery, will with his family; to South ern California. Dr. Corpe made the Observer office a very pleasant call today. NUPTIALS PEBFOBMED IN KINGS WEIGH HOUSE CHCEOI. Famous Opera Star Surrenders to Cupid's Attack. LONDON, July 29. Madame Nor dlca, the famous opera singer, was married today to George W. Young, the multi-millionaire, of New York. They will spend their honeymoon on the groom's yacht The marriage occurred In the Kings Weigh House church, Rev. Dr. Hen derson officiating. Mrs. Del Castro, the bride's sister, was matron of hon or, and Frederick Townsend, wii the best man. TO fll U I I ii 4