ETESIJra OBSEETEB, LA fcKASDZ, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY SS (M SIS La Grande Professional SELECTED BIG AFfAlR i i Directory Ill DAY pi fV. If ir... trart before Tou Invftst I absolutely necessary If you wish to avoid buying a lot of expensive Xltl gaaon and probable loss of ihe invest meiit. . . Bare os draw you up an abstract, and be thoroughly posted on what joa are purchasing. We have the only complete set of abstract books in Un ion county. Guaranteed accuracy and prompt work. IA GRANDE IJTYESTMEJIT CO. The wise men of today are those who on the sllghest trouble with their eye sight hare that trouble Investi gated by a reputable optician. Many am an wearing glasses today could hare had his trouble remedied by the wearing of glasses for a short period If be attended to It In time. J.H.PEARE Summer Rates ih-ast During the Season 1909 ACTIVE PREPARATION FOR Y1SIT TO LA GRANDE. Big Task te Pick Yolces For Mormon Tabernacle Choir. -1- a. VXCb tUO BRIEF BUT GLOWING nOTRE SENT BY WIRE. Full Description of Day's Success Coming by MalL Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on The 0. R. & N. line To OMAHA and Return ....$60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return. . .$60.00 To ST.- LOUIS and Return ....... $67.50 To CHICAGO and Return. ...... $72.50 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12. To Denver and Return. ...... $55.00 On Sale May 17; July 1; August 11. These tickets present some very attractive features In the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pass engers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any O. R. ft N. leal agent, or WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. A GOOD RcCORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. C. Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 SALT LAKE, July 28. (Special) Prof. Evan Stephens has at last con cluded th3 onerous ta of seltvUag the 200 voices which are to go to Se mite nexi montn, ana rroin which a chorus of mixed voices of not less than 75 and not over 125 are to com pete for the $1,000 prize given by the exposition management Rehearsals, three and four nights weekly, have been held for the three past weeks. The contest choruses are of the highest rank, each in its own style, and difficulties abound in each. The big Mendelssohn classic has its strong, massive effects, almost orlen tal In its climaxes and sudden trans positions, while f rotheroe's part song Is so dainty and tender that nothing but a blending of the natural yet most artistic expression and feeling will do it any justice what ever. Both are now memorized by most of the singers, giving the conductor a command of the work ImpoBsiblo when vocalists are book-bound. : The first opportunity to hear the choru3 selected will be at the series of grand concerts which will be given at the tabernacle during G. A. R. week, beginning August 9. There will be four concerts, with changes of program each night The first will be given MEfmlay night, and the other three will be rendered Wednes day, Thursday and Friday evenings. Through courtesy of the choir, O. A. R. veterans will be given compli mentary tickets to these concerts, but the general public will not be admit ted free, for the "sinews of war" are required to make the contemplated concert tour of the northwest pos sible. Provided each of the five con certs which will be given respectively In Boise. La Grande, Portland,, Ta coma and Seattle, go , to "standing $10,000 In order to pay expenses to room, the cnoir wui sua neea auum and from Seattle. Fond expectations and optimistic predictions by the sanguine boosters were 'more than ripened at Seattle yesterday when Union county day was properly celebrated. Due to de lay In transmission of telegrams from Mrs. P. S. Ivanhoe, the Union county hostess at the Oregon building, de tails of the affair are lacking. But this arrived last evening too late for publication: "Union County Day a' perfect sue cess. The Oregon building was thronged with visitors from all parts of the nation and Union county was well represented. "Signed" Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe. 4 U Uh0l rnYSiciANS. J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office in New Bank Building .Rooms 20-2L 'Phones: Residence, Main ' 89; Office, Main 79. DR. A, L. RICHARDSON. : : , Physician and Surgeon. v .,, office over HUl's Drug Store ,. Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 55. N. MOL1TOR. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. .Corner Adams ave and Depot at Office Main 68. . Residence Main 69, BACON & HALL. , , Physicians and Surgeons. Office in La Grande National Bank Building." Phone Main 19. 3, T. Bacon, Residence .Main 18. , -M., K. Hall, Residence, Mala 52. DOTISTG. C B. CAUTHORN Dentist . Office over Hill's Drug Store, : " La Grande - Oreg. . J. C. PRICE, D. 14. D. r V . ,Dntist , ;. Room 23, La Grande National Bask Building. Phone Black 199V TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAY Prlnclnd La Grande School of Music Mrs. Day, assistant School. ' 14S ' Greenwood ave., one door south cf . : " Adams ave. Thone Black 1831. MISS STELLA OLIVER Teacher of Piano and Harmony. - . Studio at residence of Turner Oliver corner Fourth and O avenue. nienta with Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe for a detailed pen picture of the day, and It will arrive In time for publication In tomorrow's issue. - Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that letters of executorship have been issued by the County Court of Union County, Oregon, to Angus Shaw, Jr. upon the last will and testament of Angus Shaw, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against said deceased are notified to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his residence. La Grande, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1.. within six months from date of this notice. Dated this June 21, A. D. 1909. ANGUS SHAW JR., Executor (!-m-5-t) J. D. Slater, atty tor Ex. DR. F. E. MOORE ! , ? DR. H. C P. MOORE Ostepathlc Physicians. Kirks ville Graduates Under Founder. - Office Somraer Building. Phones: Office Main 6J; lies, aiam t. Instructor in Piano, Harmony ana ' -Technic. 2105 North Spruce Street La Grande , , v Oregoa C. H. UPTON, PH. O., M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Office In La Grande ' National Bank - Building. -Phones: Office, Main 2 Residence Main 82. ' ' , The J. T. Scott Music Co. Successors to Bramwell Music Go. Remember we have the old reliable Chickering, Weber, Kimball, Lester; and 43 other good makes of PIANOS Good line of small instruments and Sheet Music. Edison's full line. The J. T. Scott Music Co- , La Grande, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. June 21, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that BENJAMIN F. YOUNG. of Hllgard, Oregon, who, on Septem ber 17, 1903, made homestead entry No. 13243, serial No. 04021. for SWV4 SE sec. 12, Nft NEtf. SE NE. section 13, township 4 south, range 36 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above dscribed, before the Reg ister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon, on the 16th day of August. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Nels Holverson. Nels Endrup. Hans Endrup. W. A. Young, all of Hllgard, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Sotlce of resolution. Notice is hereby given that C. C. Penington and W. H. Rush doing business under the firm name of C. C. Penington & Company, have dis solved business by mutual consent, and C. C. Penington will collect and pay all bills against the firm. "J, Just Arrived. Large shipment of electric Irons. Calla at the llght.offlce for prices and Bee samplea- For Sale. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. We have a large amount of old papers which we must get rid of In some way. They ere good for under laying carpets, for covering shelves, and anything for which waste paper is used. They are tied In large pac kages waiting for you. If you wlBh any call at this office. , VETERINARY SURGEOSS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. , Veterinary Surgeon, jfflce at Hill's Drug Store, La Qiaude Residence Phone Red 701. ifflrm Phoce Black 1361 Independent Phone 53 Both phones at residence. ; DR. W. H. RILEY, t Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination. Dentistry and Surgery if al? kinds. Country calls promptly isawered. ', Office 14 Adams avenue. IJiones: Pacific Black 1901. Independent, S73. ARCHITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Ers- '; - neerlng. ; Twenty Years' Experience ROBERT MILLER. Architect Office 1107 Adams avenue, 'ruocaa Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent ' No. 8., V-' ATTORNEYS. Chas. E. Cochran Geo T. ucnra COCHRAN k COCHRAN. ' Attorney. " La Grande NaUonal Bank Bulldlai La Grande -. Orego. H. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the Courts of the Stat and United States. Elgin Oregoa DR. T. W. RIDDELL, M. D. C. Gr duate Veterinarian. . Office Red Cross Drug Store. ' " .'.'toces: Pacific, Main 4. Home. 121. a Grande Oregon. "electrical engineers, l. a. pickler Krai, Mining. Irrigation Engineering and surveying, estimates, plans and specifications. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande ' ' Oregor C. H. CRAWFORD. ; Attorney at Law. Practice! In all the courts of the Statt ,;. and United States. Office In La Grande , National Baafc Building, La Grande, Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY, , Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms 15 and 16 Sommer Block La Grande Orego. VIAVL MRS. GRACE McALlSTER. Teacher, and Manager. ' Telephone Fanners 197fi. A Healing Salve for Barns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. FOlT RENT Five room modern cot tage. Call at 1108, corner Sixth and O avenue, or Inquire of gen eral delivery clerk at postoffice. Mrs. C. M. Humphreys. LOST Light gold cuff link. Suitable reward If returned to this office, (tf) FOR SALE Royal Ann.cherries. Will deliver or call at farm. 1 W. V. CARBINE, , Phone Home 97. As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salve is most excell ent It allays the pain of v lira al most Instantly, and unless the In wlthout leaving a scar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by All Good Dealers, yourself how aulckly it relives the pain and soreness. The medlclneB uevaly given internally for rheuma tism are polosnous or very strong medicines. They are worse than use less In cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For sale by All Good Druggists. Just Arrived..' Ijiree ehlDment of electric Irons. Cailr at tua ujrnt office for prices and pee eami'lfs fiipi ijfoitfcl 1 f Billie Burkes, Coronets, Grecian Knots, Norma Waves Duchess Rosetts, Rats and Switches E. M. VHELLMMI & CO. ADAMS AVtHUE Of course you want your table to look 1 ts prettiest when you have a friend to dine. Here's the secret Snowy Linen, a few appropriate flowers, . and spark ling cut glass anil silver. The two latter we are prepared to show you in large array and at prices which are well within your reach. Our designs and p atterns are the newest and most popular and our name and reputation are back of every piece wo sell you. J. H. PEARE The Little Shop 1 Main St. J Stamping of all klnda, includ Ing shirt waists & Center pieces, done, embroidery lesGucs given. Orders taken and lessons jjiven t In stenciling. Full line of em- 1 broidery materials. ? . ED 8TRINGiL.M, AUCTIONEER. Cale cried on short notice, Satisfaction guaranteed. ; 4 No extra charge tor distance. LA GRANDE -' - : - OREGON Rd-.te No. t 'Phone No. l6x 4 - Jnst Arrived. Have you seen the new shipment of electric flatlrons at the Grande Ronde Electric company's office? Save wood and enjoy the comforts of the parlor by buying one. VIOLIN v and PIANO Instruction J. ALBERT KENNEDY. Phone Red 712. ', i i": Pinetaive '"V,:11 G&rboliZCCl vosiuortuasiuait I Daily Observer, 65c per Month r